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1. **选择合适的位置**:在家中选择一个安静、整洁、尊贵的位置,最好是一个角落或靠近大门的地方。

2. **准备神龛或祭台**:可以选择一个小的木制神龛或祭台,放置在选择好的位置上。

3. **摆放钟馗像**:在神龛或祭台上摆放钟馗的塑像或画像。可以选择传统的钟馗形象,或者是现代风格的钟馗像,根据个人喜好选择。

4. **摆放供品**:摆放一些供品以表示对钟馗的敬意和供养。常见的供品包括水果、茶水、鲜花、糖果、香烛等。可以根据自己的喜好和财力选择合适的供品。

5. **定期祭拜**:每隔一段时间,例如每月或每周,都要定期给钟馗祭拜。可以点香、烧纸、祈祷,表达自己的敬意和祈求。

6. **保持清洁**:定期清洁神龛或祭台,保持供奉的环境整洁干净,以示尊重和敬意。



Zhong Kui is the divine Dai in Chinese folk belief, he has consecrate normally regular traditional method. You can set niche of a demigod or stage of hold a memorial ceremony for in the home, come according to the following measure next consecrate bell thoroughfares:

1.** chooses appropriate positional ** : A quiet, neat, exalted position chooses in the home, had better be a corner or the place that approach an entrance door.

2.** prepares shrine or ** of stage of hold a memorial ceremony for: Can choose a small ligneous shrine or station of hold a memorial ceremony for, it is good in the choice to place locally.

3.** puts Zhong Kui to resemble ** : Zhong Kui's statue or picture are put on shrine or stage of hold a memorial ceremony for. Can choose traditional Zhong Kui figure, stylish perhaps Zhong Kui resembles, according to choice of individual be fond of.

4.** puts offerings ** : Put a few offerings to make offerings to in order to state the devoir to Zhong Kui is mixed. Common offerings includes fruit, boiled water, flower, candied, joss sticks and candles to wait. Can choose appropriate offerings according to his be fond of and financial capacity.

5.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : Every other period of time, for example every month or every week, want to be done obeisance to to Zhong Kui hold a memorial ceremony for regularly. Can nod sweet, burn paper, pray, the respect that expresses oneself and invocatory.

6.** maintains clean ** : Fixed and clean shrine or stage of hold a memorial ceremony for, the environment that maintains consecrate is shipshape, in order to show esteem and respect.

Above is the practice that a few common consecrate bells thoroughfare, you can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to your circumstance and be fond of.
