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1. 准备一张干净整洁的供桌或供台。
2. 放置高僧法衣菩萨像或画像在供桌上,最好是尊容端庄的图像。
3. 准备香、花、水、果、灯等供品,以表示虔诚。
4. 点燃香火,虔诚地向高僧法衣菩萨祈福,表达敬意和感恩之情。
5. 可以诵读经文或念诵佛号,以增加供养的功德和意义。
6. 在心中默念自己的祈愿和愿望,请求高僧法衣菩萨加持保佑。
7. 在适当的时间,清理供桌和供品,保持清洁整齐。



Bodhisattva of consecrate dignitary cassock can carry the following kind:

1.Prepare a piece of clean and neat altar or for the stage.
2.Place dignitary cassock Bodhisattva resembles or the picture is on altar, had better be the image with honour elegant look.
3.Plan the offerings such as sweet, flower, water, fruit, lamp, in order to express devotional.
4.Ignite burning incense, piously to blessing of pray of dignitary cassock Bodhisattva, express devoir and the feeling that be thankful.
5.Can chant lection or recite Buddha number, with increasing the merits and virtues that make offerings to and import.
6.What read aloud oneself in the silent in the heart is invocatory with the desire, bodhisattva of request dignitary cassock is added hold bless.
7.In appropriate time, clear altar and offerings, keep clean and orderly.

Adopt these measure, you can express respect to dignitary cassock Bodhisattva and petition add hold bless.
