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1. **选址**:选择一个安静、清洁、通风良好的地方供奉观音,最好是居室中的一个角落或者神龛。

2. **准备供奉台**:可以使用一个小型的供奉台或者供桌,放置在选定的地方。

3. **准备供品**:准备一些供品,如鲜花、水果、香烛、甘露水(水果浸泡在清水中的饮料,代表清凉),用于供奉观音。

4. **摆放观音像**:在供奉台上摆放观音像,可以是石雕、木雕或者其他材质的观音像。

5. **开光**:在供奉观音前,可以请当地的喇嘛或者道士进行开光仪式,以增加供奉的神圣气息。

6. **供奉祈福**:每天早晚都要向观音祈福,诚心祈愿,表达感恩之情。

7. **定期清理**:定期清理供奉台和供品,保持清洁整齐。

8. **诚心恭敬**:供奉观音时,心诚则灵,诚心恭敬,保持虔诚的心态。



Rural consecrate avalokitesvara can undertake according to the following means:

1.** of ** optional location: Choose a quiet, cleanness, drafty local consecrate avalokitesvara, had better be a corner in the bedroom or shrine.

2.** prepares consecrate stage ** : Can use station of consecrate of a diminutive or altar, place the place in make choice of.

3.** prepares offerings ** : Plan a few offerings, if flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, pleasant is roric (the fruit immerses the beverage in clear water, the delegate is cool and refreshing) , use at consecrate avalokitesvara.

4.** puts avalokitesvara to resemble ** : Avalokitesvara resembling is put on consecrate stage, can be the avalokitesvara with other perhaps qualitative material resembles stone carving, woodcarving.

5.** opens smooth ** : Before consecrate avalokitesvara, the Lama that can ask place or Taoism priest undertakes smooth ceremony, in order to add the divine flavor of consecrate.

6.** of blessing of ** consecrate pray: Everyday morning and evening wants to avalokitesvara pray blessing, sincere desire is invocatory, express the feeling that be thankful.

7.** clears regularly ** : Clear regularly consecrate stage and offerings, keep clean and orderly.

8.** of ** sincere respect: When consecrate avalokitesvara, heart sincere clever, sincere desire is deferential, maintain devotional state of mind.

Adopt above measure, rural house is OK deferential consecrate avalokitesvara.
