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1. **清洁与净化**:定期清洁祭坛并净化其能量,可以通过燃烧白色蜡烛或植物的香味,以及喷洒圣水或植物精油来实现。

2. **个人意向**:每次使用祭坛时,明确自己的意向和目的。这可能包括祈祷、冥想、献祭、感恩或其他精神实践。

3. **元素平衡**:尽量在祭坛上代表四大元素:地、水、火、风。地可以通过石头或土壤代表,水可以通过小水碗或壶,火可以通过蜡烛,风可以通过羽毛或小风铃。

4. **图像或标志**:在祭坛上放置代表个人信仰、灵感或愿望的图像、符号或标志。这些可以是神像、圣像、护身符或其他具有特殊意义的物品。

5. **感恩与献祭**:在祭坛上表达感恩之情,并献上供品,这可以是食物、鲜花、水果或其他有意义的物品,以示对神灵或宇宙的尊敬和感激。

6. **维护和更新**:定期检查和更新祭坛,确保其保持清洁、整齐和令人愉悦的状态。根据需要更换蜡烛、香味、供品等。

7. **意识和专注**:使用祭坛时保持专注和意识,与宇宙或神灵建立联系,寻求指导、启示或灵感。



Consecrate altar is a kind of important religion or mental practice tool, it is proper and OK to use the experience of intelligence of animals that enhances an individual and join. It is the optimal practice of altar of a few use consecrate below:

1.** cleanness and purify ** : Fixed and clean altar purifies its energy, can carry combustion white candle or floral scent, and spray holy water or oil of plant essence of life will come true.

2.** of ** individual intent: When using altar every time, make clear oneself intent and purpose. This may include to pray, contemplative, sacrificial, be thankful or other drive practice.

3.** element balances ** : Represent 4 large elements on altar as far as possible: The ground, water, fire, wind. The ground can pass stone or edaphic delegate, water can pass urine bowl or bottle, fire can pass the candle, wind can pass feather or small wind-bell.

4.** image or mark ** : The image that represents individual belief, inspiration or desire, symbol or sign are placed on altar. These can be God, icon, amulet or other the article that has special sense.

5.** is thankful with sacrificial ** : The feeling that be thankful is expressed on altar, display on offerings, this can be food, flower, fruit or other significant article, respect and appreciate of pair of deities or universe in order to show.

6.** safeguards and update ** : Be checked regularly and update altar, ensure its keep cleanness, orderly with the state that makes a person cheerful. Change according to need the candle, fragrance, offerings.

7.** consciousness and dedicated ** : Keep dedicated when use altar with consciousness, establish connection with the universe or deities, seek directive, enlightenment or inspiration.

The most important is, inner sound should be listened attentively to when use altar, follow the individual's intuition and inspiration, in order to create most the experience that accords with him demand.
