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1. **朝向:** 神像的朝向应该是店铺的进门方向或者是顾客最先看到的位置,这样能够吸引好运和财气进入店铺。

2. **高处:** 神像应该放在较高的位置,比如货架上或者橱窗里,以展现尊崇之意,并保护免受污损。

3. **整洁:** 应保持神像及其周围的区域整洁干净,以示对神灵的尊敬和敬畏之心。

4. **照明:** 若可能,可用柔和的灯光照亮神像,使其更加引人注目和庄严。

5. **符合风水:** 根据风水学的原理,神像的摆放应符合一定的规则,以增加店铺的好运气。



Of shop consecrate God put should decide normally according to belief and tradition. Generally speaking, god should put the conspicuous position inside shop, be respected in order to show and adore. Want to notice the following when put:

1.** front: The direction taking the door that the front of ** God should be shop or client most the position that sees first, can attract so lucky with money gas enters store.

2.** altitude: ** God should be put in higher position, for instance goods shelves go up or in shopwindow, in order to develop the idea of homage, protect avoid accept blemish.

3.** is neat: ** should hold God and the section all round its shipshape, in order to show the respect to deities and awe-stricken heart.

4.** illume: If ** is likely, usable and downy lamplight takes bright statue of a god, make its more conspicuous and majestic.

5.** accords with geomantic: ** basis is geomantic learned principle, of God put the regulation with should be accorded with certain, in order to increase the good luck of shop.

When putting God, also want to respect the culture of shop seat and tradition, in order to avoid affront other or arouse needless controversy.
