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1. 确定神祇:首先要确定你要供奉的全神。这可能是一个特定的神明、祖先、宇宙力量或其他形式的神性。

2. 准备祭品:选择适合供奉的祭品,这可能包括食物、饮料、香料、花朵、烛台等。祭品的选择应当符合神祇的偏好和传统。

3. 准备祭坛:为全神准备一个专门的祭坛或供桌,可以摆放祭品和其他供奉物品。祭坛可以简单或豪华,取决于个人的喜好和能力。

4. 祈祷和敬拜:在供奉时,可以诵读祷文、默念祈祷或进行静心冥想,表达对全神的尊敬和感恩之情。可以点燃香烛,献上祭品,并向全神表达自己的愿望和祈求。

5. 维持联系:供奉全神不仅是一次性的仪式,还需要在日常生活中保持与神明的联系。可以通过祷告、献祭、行善等方式表达对神明的敬意,并寻求祂的庇佑和指引。



Need of consecrate complete god undertakes according to the individual's belief and tradition. Normally, consecrate complete god includes the following measure:

1.Decide divine Dai : Want to decide you want the complete look of consecrate above all. This may be force of a specific deities, ancestor, universe or other form is deiform.

2.Plan sacrificial offerings: The choice suits the oblation of consecrate, this may include food, beverage, flavor, flower, candlestick to wait. The choice of oblation ought to accord with the preference of divine Dai and tradition.

3.Prepare altar: Prepare a special altar or altar for complete god, can put oblation and other consecrate goods. OK and simple or altar is luxurious, depend on the individual's be fond of and ability.

4.Pray and Jing Bai: When consecrate, can chant prayer, silent reads aloud to pray or have static heart contemplative, express pair of completely magical respect and the feeling that be thankful. Can ignite joss sticks and candles, display on oblation, the desire that expresses oneself to complete god and invocatory.

5.Maintain connection: Consecrate complete god is one-time ceremony not only, still need to maintain the connection with deities in daily life. Can express the respect to deities through the means such as devotional, sacrificial, do good works, seek Dai bless and how-to.

Above is the common step with completely magical consecrate only, particular way is possible because of devotional, tradition and individual be fond of differ somewhat.
