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1. **信仰和偏好**:首先要考虑的是你个人的信仰和偏好。不同的佛像代表着不同的佛教神明或菩萨,选择一尊符合你信仰的佛像是很重要的。

2. **尺寸和空间**:根据家里的空间大小选择合适尺寸的佛像。如果空间有限,可以选择小巧的佛像;如果空间较大,可以选择较大尺寸的佛像。

3. **材质和工艺**:佛像可以是各种不同的材质,如金属、木头、石头等。选择一个材质和工艺精美的佛像,可以增添家里的氛围和美感。

4. **寓意和象征**:一些佛像有特定的寓意和象征,例如观音菩萨代表慈悲,如来佛代表智慧等。根据自己的需要和追求选择符合寓意的佛像。

5. **清洁和维护**:选择佛像时也要考虑到清洁和维护的问题。一些材质和工艺比较易于清洁,而另一些可能需要更多的维护工作。



When choosing figure of Buddha of the consecrate in the home, can consider the following:

1.** belief and preference ** : What want a consideration above all is the belief of your individual and preference. Different figure of Buddha is representing different Buddhist deities or a term applied to a kindhearted person, choose one honour according with your devotional figure of Buddha is very important.

2.** dimension and dimensional ** : Choose the figure of Buddha of appropriate measure according to the dimensional size in the home. If the space is limited, can choose cabinet figure of Buddha; If the space is larger, can choose the figure of Buddha of larger size.

3.** material pledges and craft ** : Figure of Buddha can be all sorts of different capable person pledge, wait like metal, wood, stone. Choose a material to be mixed character the figure of Buddha with fancy technology, can add the atmosphere in the home and aesthetic feeling.

4.** implied meaning and indicative ** : A few figure of Buddha have specific implied meaning and indicative, for example avalokitesvara Bodhisattva represents mercy, the Tathagata waits on behalf of wisdom. Accord with the figure of Buddha of the implied meaning according to his need and pursuit choice.

5.** cleanness and safeguard ** : Cleanness and maintenance issue also should consider when choosing figure of Buddha. A few material are compared with craft character easily clean, and may need more maintenance a few more additionally to work.

As a whole, figure of Buddha of the consecrate in choice home should combine individual belief and preference, and the actual condition in the home will consider integratedly.
