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1. **选址**:选择一个适合种植桂花树的地方,确保阳光充足、通风良好,并且土壤排水性好。

2. **准备土壤**:桂花树喜欢肥沃、排水良好的土壤。可以在植树前施加有机肥或者沙土,以改善土壤条件。

3. **植树**:挖掘一个比树苗略大的洞,将桂花树树苗放入其中,并确保树干与土壤表面齐平。填埋土壤,并轻轻拍实。

4. **浇水**:植树后要及时浇水,保持土壤湿润,但不要过度浇水以免导致根部腐烂。

5. **修剪**:在生长季节,适当修剪桂花树,保持树形美观,促进健康生长。

6. **施肥**:每年春季和秋季施一次有机肥,有助于提供养分,促进桂花树的生长。

7. **祭祀**:在特定的时间,如传统节日或者重要纪念日,可以在桂花树下举行祭祀仪式,祈求祝福和保佑。



Tree of consecrate sweet-scented osmanthus includes the following measure normally:

1.** of ** optional location: The choice suits to cultivate the place that sweet-scented osmanthus cultivates, ensure sunny, drafty, and soil discharges ability in swimming good.

2.** prepares edaphic ** : Sweet-scented osmanthus tree likes the soil with fecund, good drainage. Can bring to bear on before forest organic fertilizer or sandy soil, in order to improve edaphic condition.

3.** forest ** : Mining compares sapling slightly large hole, sweet-scented osmanthus tree sapling is put among them, ensure truncal make the same score together with edaphic surface. Fill bury soil, dab gently solid.

4.** waters ** : Forest hind should water in time, maintain soil wet, but not excessive lest bring about a ministry to decay,water.

5.** clip ** : Growing seasonal, proper clip sweet-scented osmanthus is cultivated, carry a tree form is beautiful, stimulative health grows.

6.** fertilization ** : Annual spring and autumn apply organic fertilizer, conduce to offer nutrient, the growth that stimulative sweet-scented osmanthus cultivates.

7.** sacred ** : In specific time, if traditional festival is main perhaps memorial, sacred ceremony can be held below sweet-scented osmanthus tree, petition to bless and be blessed.

Above is the basic measure that general consecrate sweet-scented osmanthus establishs, particular operation still can is used to according to the individual and traditional and consuetudinary undertake adjustment.
