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1. **尊重**:家里供奉的神灵或祖先应该受到尊重和敬畏。家庭成员应该遵循礼仪,避免任何不尊重或冒犯的行为。

2. **供奉仪式**:规定供奉神灵或祖先的时间和方式。这可能包括每日、每周或每月的供奉仪式,以及特殊节日或纪念日的特殊仪式。

3. **清洁与整齐**:供奉的地方应该保持清洁和整齐,以示尊重。这可能包括定期清洁供奉的台桌、更换供品等。

4. **献供品**:规定应该供奉什么样的物品,例如水、食物、烛光等。这些供品通常根据信仰或传统而有所不同。

5. **虔诚心态**:在供奉时,应该保持虔诚的心态,专注于与神灵或祖先的沟通和连接。

6. **谨言慎行**:在供奉的时间,家庭成员应该避免争吵、争执或其他不良行为,以免冒犯神灵或祖先。

7. **保密性**:家庭成员应该尊重供奉活动的隐私性,不要随意向外界透露供奉的内容或细节。

8. **传承与教育**:家庭长辈应该传承供奉的传统和知识,教育下一代如何正确地进行供奉活动。



The custom of the consecrate in the home can be mixed according to domestic belief be used to and differ somewhat, but include the following content normally:

1.** respects ** : The deities of the consecrate in the home or ancestor should be mixed by esteem awe-stricken. Domestic member should be abided by formal, avoid any be not respected or the behavior of affront.

2.** of ** consecrate ceremony: Provide the time of consecrate deities or ancestor and way. This may include daily, weekly or consecrate ceremony of every months, and the special ceremony of special red-letter day or fete.

3.** cleanness and orderly ** : The place of consecrate should maintain cleanness and orderly, in order to show respect. The desk desk that this may include fixed and clean enshrine and worship, change offerings.

4.** displays offerings ** : Set should the article with what kind of consecrate, for example water, food, candle power. These offerings devotional or the ground is normally traditional and differ somewhat.

5.** of ** devotional state of mind: When consecrate, should maintain devotional state of mind, dedicated join at be being mixed with the communication of deities or ancestor.

6.** of ** speak and act cautiously: In the time of consecrate, domestic member should avoid brawl, conflict or other and undesirable action, lest affront deities or ancestor.

7.** of ** confidential sex: Domestic member should respect the privacy sex of consecrate activity, do not disclose the content of consecrate or detail along with intent outside.

8.** inheritance and educational ** : Domestic elder member of family should the tradition of inheritance consecrate and knowledge, how does the generation below education have consecrate activity correctly.

Above is a few basic rule of average household consecrate, specific content can undertake adjust and be perfectinged according to actual condition of the family and belief.
