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1. **正气凛然**:关公是中国传统文化中的英雄人物,摆放时要让他展现出威武、刚毅、英勇的形象,所以可以选择一个端庄威武的位置来供奉他。

2. **高处尊贵**:在客厅或书房等居家重要位置摆放关公像是比较合适的,尤其是可以放在有一定高度的地方,以显示尊崇之意。

3. **朝向讲究**:关公像最好面向屋内的大门或是主要的出入口,以示守护家庭的意思。

4. **供奉合适**:在摆放关公像的地方,可以配合其他的供品如鲜花、水果等,以示敬意和祝福。

5. **光线明亮**:关公像应当摆放在明亮的地方,光线充足,这样有利于展现他的威严和光荣。

6. **避免污秽**:要保持关公像的清洁,避免附着灰尘或污垢,以示尊重。



Put close fair when resembling, want to notice the following normally:

1.** of stern of ** healthy atmosphere: Close fair it is the heroic character in Chinese traditional culture, he should let show the figure that gives martial, resolute, heroism when putting, can choose a dignified and powerful position to come so consecrate him.

2.** altitude is exalted ** : In the house home such as sitting room or study significant position is put close fair resembling is more appropriate, can put in the place that has certain height especially, in order to indicate the desire of homage.

3.** front pays attention to ** : Close fair resemble had better facing house the gate inside or it is main passageway, guard domestic meaning in order to show.

4.** consecrate is appropriate ** : Putting close fair the place that resemble, can cooperate other offerings to wait like flower, fruit, in order to show devoir and blessing.

5.** light is bright ** : Close fair resemble ought to be being put in bright place, the light is enough, such is helpful for that show his august He Guangrong.

6.** avoids foul ** : Should maintain close fair the cleanness that resemble, avoid adherent dirt or bilge, in order to show respect.

According to these notes, put close fair the majesty that resembles can revealing a family and auspicious, also expressed the respect to traditional culture and history at the same time.
