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湖北特产美食有哪些? 湖北的美食有哪些?英文双语对照


湖北特产美食有哪些? 湖北的美食有哪些?英文双语对照










钟祥葛粉洁白细腻, 无气味;开水冲调后, 色泽透亮,粘稠性好,食之清香滑爽;有“长寿粉”之誉。富含淀粉及黄酮素、铁、锌、钾、硒等10多种人体必需的微量元素, 有很高的营养价值和很强的保健作用,具有清凉解热、生津止渴、抗菌解毒、降低血压。对咽喉痛疾、口舌生疮、小孩清火、泻痢有特效,能醒酒、美容。


孝感麻糖是湖北著名的地方风味名点。它以精制糯米、优质芝麻、绵白糖为主要原料,配以桂花、金钱桔饼等,用传统的配方精心配制,经过12道工艺流程,32个环节制成。孝感麻糖外形犹如梳子,色白如霜,香味扑鼻,风味独特,营养丰富,含蛋白质、葡萄糖和多种维生素,有暖肺、养胃、滋肝、补肾等功效。 孝感麻糖历史悠久,相传宋太祖赵匡胤曾经吃过并赞不绝口,从而一举成为皇家贡品。

















腌菜,泡菜,我觉得好吃的有 炸酱面 热干面 汤面 要问好吃的菜 上几次馆子就知道了 听人家说马平的猪脚饭好吃



1.利川莼菜:莼菜或作菁菜,学名Brasenia schreberi。又名蒪菜、马蹄菜、湖菜等,多年生宿根水生草本植物。鲜美滑嫩,为珍贵蔬菜之一。莼菜含有丰富的胶质蛋白、碳水化合物,脂肪、多种维生素和矿物质,常食莼菜具有药食两用的保健作用,正合黄帝内经中药食同源的理念。





















































炸洋芋,油茶烫,凤头姜,松花皮蛋,炸油粑粑,蕨粑粑,米豆腐,绿豆皮,糍粑,土家腊肉,香肠,炸干洋芋片片,干竹笋,合渣,葛仙米, 合渣又名懒豆腐,是恩施传统美食,其味道香浓且营养丰富。



One, what does cate of Hubei special local product have?

In river of Hubei ground section chief downstream paragraph, cate is numerous, cate of each district special local product has respectively:

1. assist in relief kohlrabi

4 names of our country bloat one of dish assist in relief kohlrabi, according to " Chinese scenery annals " account, live in seclusion for Zhu Geliang assist the place when Yang Longzhong is achieved, civilian element has the good name of dish of Zhu Gecai, Kong Ming. Its entrance is fragile tender delicious, promote the secretion of saliva or body fluid appetizing, sauce is sweet full-bodied, have disappear leaving energy of life to feed, the effect of diuresis dehumidify, alexipharmic detumescence.

Blunt-snout bream of city of 2. another name for Hubei province

Blunt-snout bream of city of another name for Hubei province is Hubei one of agriculture products of 10 names brand, the flesh is qualitative tender slip, flavour is delicious, belong to food of fish of rare fresh water. Because of Chairman Mao Zedong " water of ability drink the Yangtse River, feed blunt-snout bream again " expressions and famed far and near. Blunt-snout bream has filling theory, beneficial is lienal, raise blood, dispel the wind, the effect of be good at stomach, can prevent the disease such as exsanguine, hypoglycemia, hypertension and arterial and hemal sclerosis.

3. Wuhan heats up dry face

Hot dry side is not only a kind fastfood, it is feelings of a kind of Wuhan more, it is one of food with the famousest Wuhan, flavor is delicious, mix wait for burden with pickles of balm, sesame paste, dried, the five spices, have distinguishing feature more. According to the be fond of of each one, like to be able to add chili red oil hotly, still have pickles additionally, the turnip works, acerbity beans horn for choosing, it is OK also to add caraway. Heat should be multiplied to mix the face before edible divide evenly, paste of sesame paste all is on the face, be like the tree on ant. Had better be to develop wine of a bowl of egg to perhaps come at the same time a bag of milk or a cup of soya-bean milk, eat to be drunk at the same time at the same time, hot dry side tastes delicate all the more.

Pink of 4. Zhongxiang arrowroot

Whiteness of Zhong Xiangge pink is exquisite, without odour; After boiled water develops tone, colour and lustre is bright, toughness is good, the faint scent slippery bright that feed; Have " macrobian pink " praise. Contain a lot ofthe microelement with a variety of 10 indispensible human body such as starch and yellow ketone element, iron, zinc, Potassium, Selenium, have very high nutrition value and very powerful health care effect, have cool and refreshing solution hot, promote the secretion of saliva or body fluid stop the thirsty, detoxify that fight bacterium, reduce blood pressure. Dysentery of clear fire of unripe sore of painful to pharynx and larynx disease, talking around, child, have diarrhoea has specially good effect, can sober up, hairdressing.

Candy of hemp of feeling of 5. filial piety

Candy of hemp of filial piety feeling is the place of local gust name with distinguished Hubei. It wants raw material with refining polished glutinous rice, high grade sesame seed, soft white sugar is given priority to, deserve to wait with cake of orange of sweet-scented osmanthus, money, make up meticulously with traditional recipe, through 12 technological process, 32 link are made. Appearance of candy of hemp of filial piety feeling is just as a comb, lubricious Bai Rushuang, fragrance is tangy, local color is distinctive, nutrition is rich, contain protein, dextrose and a variety of vitamins, have warm lung, raise the effect such as liver of stomach, grow, filling kidney. History of candy of hemp of filial piety feeling is long, kuang Yin of Song Taizu Zhao once had had according to legend and be profuse in praise, thereby with one action becomes royal articles of tribute.

2, what does the cate of Hubei have?

Soup of lotus root of lotus of prawn of skin of hot dry side, blunt-snout bream, beans, oily stew, chop

Hubei is famous cate:

Hot dry side is Wuhan person premature in special the food of in a popular style that like, it is cheap and substantial, spend money of on a few horn, with respect to OK and comfortable cram oneself with food. The knife of the hot dry side of Wuhan and Shanxi cuts face, two wide Yi the 5 names face that side of the Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce of government office face, Sichuan, north fried bean sauce weighs our country.

The cooking method of blunt-snout bream has a lot of planting, oily stew, braise in soy sauce, beautiful wine is waited a moment, steam optimal. Choose fresh fencing mouth lumpfish, when steaming complementary with ham, dried mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots and chicken broth, on basket steam, control duration strictly, those who make is proper. Form of finished product fish is complete, lubricious Bai Mingliang, glittering and translucent be like jade, piscine body compose with red, white, black burden, color is very good-looking. The flesh is qualitative delicate, taste still have thick sweet smell tangy.

Fabaceous skin Wuhan is famous fastfood, often serve as breakfast, in streets and lanes each stall are supplied, also a few dining-room can be offerred. The beans of fabaceous skin is exuviate gram, the skin of fabaceous skin is purificatory rice oar, the stuffing of fabaceous skin is polished glutinous rice, firepower wants just good, outside the fabaceous skin that decoct gives fragile inside soft, oily and not be bored with, square and body is light, lubricious gold and yellow, taste sweet crisp tender fragile. The often connects a city to make beans skin that is located in highway of Wuhan city Zhongshan has very good public praise, alley of the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China is fastfood the fabaceous skin of the street is very pretty good also, but the top level that cannot represent fabaceous skin.

3, are 2021 Hubei farming rich met what does cate have?

On November 27, exposition of 2021 Hubei agriculture (abbreviation farming rich is met) read extensively in Wuhan international the center kicks off, exhibition period will come continuously on November 29, many citizens will to the spot ramble exhibit, taste cate, dozen special purchases for the Spring Festival, naughty farming treasure.

One-stop buy neat table " pointed measure in traditional Chinese music "

The name is " heroic city " food food tastes originality to give priority to body to feed capable person more than kinds inside with beef, lotus root, cucumber, shrimp by the piscine cake that is full of Jing Chu characteristic, flesh cake clever joining together is tie-in and collective draw Cheng Zhuangli is beautiful

The Xianggu mushroom with mellow sweet thick flesh

Besides dry make or delicacy is fed

Return actually can fluid of make it sauce, biscuit, profess to convinced

On current Nongbohui

4, what does the cate of Hubei wide water have?

Bloat dish, pickle, the pig foot meal that I feel to deliciously face of fried bean sauce heats up face of dry water in which noodles have been boiled to want to ask delicious dish eating house knew to listen to a family to say Ma Ping on a few times is delicious

5, does plain city have Hubei interest what cate?

Benefit plain city belongs to Ba Wen to turn an area, fierce hill country is taken, hubei is belonged to on administration, plain change is close to on culture, also bear Hunan a surname at the same time the influence of two provinces, live together of the Han nationality and the Tujia nationality, Miao Zu, the hemp hot distinguishing feature that drink second contact has plain change area has the bright hot color of Hunan area again, show enumerate cate to be as follows:

1. benefit plain water shield: Water shield or the dish that make Jing, formal name Brasenia Schreberi. Renown San dish, horse's hoof dish, lake dish, vivacious perennial root is aquatic herb. Delicious slip tender, for one of precious vegetable. Water shield contains rich colloid albumen, carbohydrate, a variety of adipose, vitamins and mineral, often feed water shield to have medicine to feed amphibious sanitarian action, adding up to Chinese traditional medicine of the classics inside Huang Di to feed the concept that is the same as a source.

Treasure mountain of benefit plain Buddha is one of country of origin of water shield, compare water shield of Hangzhou west lake, zoology of Buddha treasure mountain is primitive, did not get pollution, what produce water shield quality much better.

Beans of 2. Bai Yang works: Originate in Bai Yang dam of benefit plain city to press down, bai Yang beans works to basically pledge spring of bay of hole of landed soja, dragon mixes a certain number of planting in order to actor or actress natural flavor is raw material, course bath, immerse, mill, filter, roll an oar, burn boil, wrap up, compress, roast, bittern is made, sealed wait to ten distinctive working procedure are machined and be become.

Bai Yang beans works in the whole process that make, its characteristic is need not gesso etc any chemical, secret depends on local spring and conventional technology in. Have " give this mountain, without this water, say without what beans of authentic Bai Yang works " , it is a special skill in making bean curd trade.

3. ghost bean curd: With the bean curd that culver leaf makes, renown " divine bean curd " , " avalokitesvara bean curd " .

4. root cake fries bacon: The burnish establishing a root that cultivates with some kind becomes the food that pink makes, call " root cake "

Still have even if division of duck of face of sea any of several hot spice plants, division, hemp yuan, duck of taro of demon of chicken of bean jelly of gram pink, benefit plain, kidney bean, benefit plain.

Enthusiasm of benefit plain person is hospitable, lai Lichuan of friend of each district of greeting whole nation admires beautiful scenery, drink beautiful wine, eat cate.


6, what does the characteristic cate of Hubei assist this world have?

Hubei assists what in relief characteristic cate has:

NO.1: ? H pay?

Cate of assist in relief characteristic, flavour goluptious, aftertaste is long.

NO.2: ? Drink Da?

Cate of assist open convention, sweet fragile goluptious, savory.

NO.3: ? Jiao  ?

Cate of assist open convention, acid is hot goluptious, flavour is delicious.

NO.4: ? Arrange Qian sheng?

Assist in relief characteristic is fastfood, big flesh is much, fresh and tender tastily.

NO.5: ? Zun former times?

Assist in relief characteristic is fastfood, smell is sweet thick, crisp is goluptious.

NO.6: ? Orangutan orange?

Cate of assist open convention, bright sweet glutinous, fat and not be bored with.

NO.7: ?  Chun You?

Cate of assist in relief characteristic, salty sweet fragile bright, very delicious.

NO.8: ?  ?

Cate of assist open convention, smell is sweet thick, local color is distinctive.

NO.9: ?  Yu?

Cate of assist in relief characteristic, taste sweet, nutrition abounds delicacy.

NO.10: ? Look into the distance from a high place?

Cate of assist in relief characteristic, delicacy of fleshy tender flavour, sweet beauty is goluptious.

7, cate of Hubei flower hill?

1, flower hill the rhizome of Chinese atractylods

Flower hill the rhizome of Chinese atractylods is feverfew, belong to cogongrass the rhizome of Chinese atractylods, show irregular even bulbiform or nodal shape cylindrical, bend slightly, have occasionally ramose, grow 3-10cm, diametical 1-2cm. Exterior dust-colour, have furrow or horizontal Qu Wen, upside has cauline mark or remain cauline radical, root of remain of two side underside is needed, qualitative hard, section Huang Bai is lubricious, visible orange yellow or palm red oily dot and white are crystal, have full-bodied and distinctive sweet smell, taste is small sweet and bitter laborious.

2, Ying Shanjie straightens

Shan Jie of flower hill violet liver mosses straightens, contractive and even, record of the traverse figure that show chrysanthemum, ceng Huo 1938 Panama exposition gold prize, call " Ying Jie " .

3, tea of Ying Shanyun mist

Because tea of flower hill cloud and mist is what high mountain and tea plantation of half high mountain produce,

4, flower hill tuckahoe

Quality of a material of Ying Shanfu Ling is strong and close, the appearance shows kind of globose, elliptic, flat circle or irregular conglomeration. Cortical palm is Brown to black Brown, have apparent shrinkage grain.

5, flower hill the tuber of elevated gastrodia

Flower hill the tuber of elevated gastrodia is herb of parasitism of the orchid family, to fasten the tuber of elevated gastrodia of a mountainous area Gong Jian greatly, top has Gong Zong color to come the bud of shape of nigger-brown parrot mouth or rudimental bine base, tail end has umbilical mark. Flower hill the tuber of elevated gastrodia submits form of irregular flat strip outside dry tuber, shrinkage and bend a bit.

6, flower camellia countryside chicken

Flower camellia countryside chicken belongs to fleshy egg to hold concurrently with model the place is thoroughbred, breed the history long, it is the big Na Lu that fasten hill local speciality of actor of name of churchyard of hill of Huang Gang flower.

7, finish vermicelli made from bean starch of government office the root of kudzu vine

Finish vermicelli made from bean starch of government office the root of kudzu vine is the special local product that hot spring of county of flower hill of city of Hubei province yellow ridge presses down. "Finish government office " the card is wild vermicelli made from bean starch of the root of kudzu vine, contain rich microelement and amino acid.

8, bacon of flower hill aardvark

Bacon of flower hill aardvark is the special local product that Hubei saves county of flower hill of yellow ridge city. Fragrance of bacon of flower hill aardvark is powerful, flavour is full-bodied, the flesh is qualitative new tender close together, those who feed is crisp sweet, aftertaste is boundless, it is one of traditional special local product with necessary home of local dweller home.

8, cate of city of Hubei another name for Jiangxi Province?

Hubei does not have city of another name for Jiangxi Province, jiangxi just has state of another name for Jiangxi Province. Should be such-and-such district of city of state of Jiangxi province another name for Jiangxi Province! Wanting the cate that says administrative division of Jiangxi another name for Jiangxi Province should be hemp hot iron or east of Shanhaiguan is boiled and hemp is hot fry the flesh and tomato of towel gourd soup to fry an egg with chili, aubergine fries the flesh, satchel of moxa rice fruit drinks pumpkin boiling water with the aspic that become a skin, hotpot chaffy dish, tomato chaffy dish, hemp hot chaffy dish, large meatball chaffy dish, golden band is strung together, eight treasures congee, congee of leather egg lean lean, hotpot a thick soup, carrot follows root of vegetable song potato,

9, Hubei nutrition cate?

What the nutrient cate of Hubei highlights quite is lotus lotus root more, because Hubei is the province of 1000 lakes, especially lotus lotus root of Hong Hu, special pink is tender, good with what will do chop Shang Te to fasten, do chop soup to be stewed with powdery lotus root commonly come out, lotus root soup is more full-bodied and, lotus lotus root contains rich protein, adipose content is particularly little, special to human body helpful, have nutrition

10, does Hubei favour apply cate?

Scamper yam, tea-oil tree is very hot, phoenix head ginger, egg of preserved egg skin, scamper oily cake, brake cake, rice bean curd, gram skin, cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste, earthy home bacon, banger, scamper does yam piece, do bamboo shoot, add up to broken bits, nostoc, add up to broken bits name lazy bean curd, be favour apply traditional cate, its smell is sweet thick and nutrition is rich.

Nostoc is favour the traditional cate that apply, its taste delicious, mouthfeel is abounded, get of people love.

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