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怎么带宠物出门旅游? 出门旅游应该带什么?英文双语对照


怎么带宠物出门旅游? 出门旅游应该带什么?英文双语对照

















没有准备的旅行,是不完美的旅行~~~~三天时间不长不短 去国外是不太可能的,主要在国内玩。有些东西还是必须要带的:

1、各种证件: [身份证] 这个就不多说了。

2、钱包: 虽然现在手机支付很方便,但是有的远的地方还是只有现金的。


4、电子设备: 手机、充电器、充电宝、耳机、相机 等等

5、生活用品: 洗漱用品、毛巾、化妆品、夏天要带防晒、眼镜 等等

6、最最最最重要的: 一双舒服的运动鞋 ,尤其是爬山逛景区,一双舒服的鞋子是最最重要的。








嗯~一般要旅游的时候 如果是正好穿得久了的内衣裤 我就到那穿完就就丢了 (内衣裤本来就要勤换的!所以我平时穿旧穿久的都会洗干净攒下来到旅游用) 如果没有 就买一次性的 酒店的那些大浴巾 可以用它裹住湿衣物(把衣服放平整在浴巾上面,然后把浴巾从下往上卷起来 卷成长条后,衣服被包在里面了 就用脚踩 可以吸水 干得快一点)





其次方便面,桶装泡面:对于坐火车出游的人来说,桶装泡面绝对是必备的零食之一,不但可以填饱肚子,还能喝上汤。一、方便:方便面具有携带方便和食用方便两大优点,出差办事,旅游度假,繁忙工作,抗灾求生更是必备食物,非它莫属。 二、快捷:一包(袋、碗、杯、盒)方便面用沸水冲泡4分钟后即成为一碗热气腾腾,味佳汤美,香气扑鼻、韧滑爽口的热汤面,可谓快捷便当,无论何时何地都可以快捷地享用。










How to take pet to go out travel?

 Carry article surely

Aviation is special box, the case although nominal aviation box, actually when actual go on a journey, the mainest use circumstance is to be driven oneself swim. To medium or small dog kind with feline Mi for, if need pet is encountered in journey " temporarily evasive " communal circumstance, the case can be sent on not little use.

Drawing rope, also be one of the most important journey equipment, although travel when, can scatter joyous free space to pet more, but a lot of moment meet dog dog " get dizzy with success " , necessary when still should pull those who go, had better choose can elastic drawing strap oh!

Go out what should travel take?

1, cup of the water that drink water. No matter where go to, it is travel a few days, need to be taken water cup, walk along where to drink, the person should drink 4 cups of water at least everyday, catch a cold easily otherwise, especially when autumn changes in temperature is alternant now, should drink water more, if go,travel still caught a cold to the loss outweights the gain.

2, Id. Go out travel Id is the most important, if go time grows to still need room, accommodation needs id card, now the management of the hotel is real name attestation, need sees next id card next person face identifies, do not have method to book a room otherwise, so Id is to go out the requisite with the most important travel.

3, clothes tree. Go out travel also has short-term long-term, if be the long-term dress case that considers oneself with respect to need, say fortunately in the winter a bit, wear warm go, if summer travels, going out one day is streaming with sweat, need to wash the dress every day so, it is OK to need the sort of air clothes tree at that time air a lot of dress, go out necessary oh.

4, boot. If be two people, a medium-sized boot is OK, if the person is much, need big boot, prepare inside a few receive bag, take underclothes matter, if be summer travels to wear a cap to prevent even,bask in take, autumnal travel is about to take coat, lest is cold.

Go out which had planted the teakettle that travel takes oneself?

Move guest

Qualitative teakettle of material of this one titanium, safety is at ease, one very light, this one warms up very fast, can reduce the time that burns water, very cabinet, facilitate receive, very light, if say outdoors those who have tent, can choose this kind is standing, burn water to use.

Go out can travel take double section stick?

Go out travel is to be able to take double section stick, because set according to legal laws and regulations, double section rod is not control tool, do not belong to category of cutting tool control.

Go out travel 3 days, what to take?

Respecting travels, what adage says is good:

Without preparative journey, it is 3 days of time do not grow faulty viatic ~~~~ not short going to abroad is unlikely, basically play in home. Have some of thing or must want to take:

1, all sorts of certificate: [Id] did not say this more.

2, purse: Although the mobile phone pays now very convenient, but some far places still have ready money only.

3, of the individual change wash clothings

4, electronic equipment: Mobile phone, charger, charge treasure, earphone, camera is waited a moment

5, articles for daily use: The things that wash gargle, towel, cosmetic, summer should be taken prevent bask in, glasses is waited a moment

6, most most most the most important: A pair of comfortable sneaker, climb especially ramble scene area, a pair of comfortable shoe are most the most important.

Still have even if make good strategy ahead of schedule:

1, course of good journey of program of the destination that the selection should go very much, tourist attraction

2, buy ahead of schedule back and forth ticket, book a hotel ahead of schedule

3, the clothing and other articles of daily use that him choice of the weather that place examines before going, temperature should take

4, go to a few a bit further places, must know local custom public feeling first, place has the place that what abstain from

5, the APP that examines a strategy has: [Where to go to] [hornet's nest] [carry Cheng] , tourist attraction entrance ticket can choose: [Beautiful round people] [flying pig] these are OK. Above is my a few simple proposals about the journey

Go out a few briefs should travel take?

When hum ~ should travel commonly if be the underwear that as it happens wears for a long time,I am worn to that lost (underwear is about to be changed frequently originally! So I am worn at ordinary times old wear long metropolis to wash clean assemble to come down to be used to travel) if do not have those big bath towel that buy one-time public house to be able to wrap wet clothings with it (put the clothes level off is above bath towel, coil bath towel from next upgrade next after roll into strip, the dress is by the bag inside walk with the foot OK and bibulous work a bit more quickly)

Does Tibetan travel take teakettle?

Do not need. Go the room that Tibet books metropolis stock teakettle, very convenient, do not need to be carried additionally. Basic travel course also can have the site that sells water, do not have what distinction with other travel ground.

Go out what should travel take to eat?

Go out to travel must take eat, it is water above all, water human body does not lack, water is life resource, it is the indispensable resource in person life.

Go to the lavatory next face, the bucket holds bubble range: To taking a train for the person of go on a journey, surface of bucket outfit bubble is one of necessary snacks absolutely, not only can cram oneself with food, still can drink on soup. One, convenient: Convenient mask has carry go to the lavatory with edible two big advantages, be away on official business handle affairs, travel goes vacationing, busy job, fighting calamity to seek to live on is necessary food more, be not it to not be belonged to. 2, quick: A packet (bag, bowl, cup, box) one bowl is become namely after convenient cover develops bubble 4 minutes with boiling water reeky, flavour beautiful soup is beautiful, aroma the hot noodles in soup of mouth of Hua Shuang of tangy, pliable but strong, it may be said is quick and handy, whenever He De is enjoyed OK and quickly.

Secondly melon seeds, melon seeds: ? Does ⑹ of Pi of Mu of tip dizzy Nie go straight towards Chen Mei of bad of extensive of clear  establish to kiss fade of acyl  of Mu Xin of サ of hard   Zhen of loose small box of shallow far be angry?

Take child to go out the article table with tired travel?

Go out travel is tired, the travel that bring child is tiredder. No matter be travel agent or free travel, the thing that you take is more than others, drill heart is more than others also. What the journey also cannot arrange is too full, number also must choose somewhat, because be afraid of the child too late perhaps too early,meet with blame. Ultimate sense is: The travel that bring child does not call travel to make fight.

Does travel go out it what solid food bring is good to what solid food bring?

1, staple food kind the food that food staple food is compensatory carbohydrate, it is indispensable, should have dry bread already kind (bag of biscuit of whole wheat sop, round hole, ox horn, coco spits department, pineapple to wrap) , the congee a thick soup that should have rare convenient outfit again kind () of a thick soup of eight treasures congee, porridge, tremella.

2, non-staple food kind food protein is the food that increases physical power, you can choose can () of tuna can, luncheon meat, also can choose vacuum-packed bowel kind (the bowel that bake, small mud bowel, garlic bowel, ham) , vacuum-packed fleshy egg kind goods (egg of beef of ancon of carbonado, spring chicken, pig, sauce, salted duck, bittern) etc.

3, alkalescent food eats too much acidity food (if the flesh, egg, fish, animal is adipose,wait for) with sweetmeat of vegetable oil, rice, cooked wheaten food, saccharide, the body will be very tired, so, alkalescent food is indispensable. Fresh vegetable fruit (banana, apple, yangtao, emperor female fruit, Yang Tao, cucumber, tomato) , milk kind (beverage of milk, yoghurt, lactic acid) , conserve kind (conserve of strawberry conserve, La Mei conserve, applebutter, orange, can compensatory all sorts of vitamins alleviate quickly fatigue.

4, small snacks can complement at any time and place between amuse oneself, activity a few small energy, a thick soup of such as jelly, chestnut, chocolate, slices of fish meat that bake, jerk, potato piece, word plum.

下一篇:数码相机和手机区别? 普通数码相机和运动相机哪个好?英文双语对照