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1. 大肌肉群部位:首先要锻炼大肌群部位,比如胸部、背部或腿部,这些区域的肌肉较大,需要消耗更多的能量,并且可以大量刺激人体激素的分泌,有利于肌肉生长和修复。

2. 辅助肌肉群部位:一旦大肌肉群练完,接下来可以练习辅助肌肉群,比如肱二头肌、腹肌和髂腰肌等。这些肌肉群正好可以在大肌肉群训练时休息,等到辅助肌肉训练时再得到锻炼。

3. 小肌肉群部位:在大肌肉群和辅助肌肉群训练完之后,最后才锻炼小肌肉群部位。比如手臂的下臂肌群,锁骨上肌肉,颈部和小腿肌肉。这些肌肉不仅较小,而且不需要像大肌肉群那样的强度和第一时间进行锻炼。






1. 是必要的。2. 因为新手在健身房锻炼时,容易出现不正确的动作或者过度训练等问题,导致身体受伤或者无法达到预期的效果。而一个科学合理的健身计划可以帮助新手规避这些问题,提高锻炼效率,达到健身的目的。3. 应该包括以下内容:首先是热身,可以进行跑步、跳绳、拉伸等活动,预热身体;其次是力量训练,可以选择哑铃、杠铃等器械进行练习,重点是正确的动作和适量的重量;最后是有氧训练,可以选择跑步、划船、踏步机等器械进行练习,提高心肺功能。此外,新手应该注意饮食和休息,保证身体有足够的营养和休息时间,以便更好地适应锻炼。




































How does muscle of the crus in fitness take exercise?

To exercising crus muscle, the following kinds of means will undertake:

The first, stand lift heel, the purpose of the exercise depends on increasing crus sarcous force and the strength that follow tendon. Stand with tiptoe, establish the brim at step, look out step, of calcaneal hind dangerous case, do with the wall prop up, ankle, knee and coxa maintain in linear over, sole is previously prop up, raise human body through toe, after keeping period of time, slow, pilot is put down.

The method of the exercise: It is a group 10 times, altogether two groups, dichotomy bell can rest between group and group.

The 2nd, seat lifts heel, sitting in bench namely, two chela palm stands on mat act, clog and barbell are lost on two knee, hold in the palm with two tactics, do not make its slip.

Immediately breathes, with the contractive force of crus triceps, make calcaneal raises top position, hind leg muscle group tighten up completely, stop a bit two to 3 seconds, again expiratory slowly put down calcaneal, next reductive, repeat an exercise.

What how fitness exercises muscle to grow is fast?

1, appliance: Barbell is given priority to

Should become strong, should gain strength, be about to raise greater weight. Power is greater, muscle is bigger. Barbell can let you use greater weight compared with dumbbell.

2, movement: Compound movement practices

Having a great weight compound model if the movement lies when pushing, had exercised chest muscle, deltoid and humerus triceps. Exercise many place muscle at the same time with greater weight, can help you win more even bodily form, still can burn more quantity of heat.

3, frequency: Jump over frequent training muscle, those who grow is more also.

Be in every time after fitness, time of sarcous weightening finish is to be in 48 hours or so probably, if take exercise every week same a place 2 or 3, can see incredible effect

Does fitness exercise sarcous early or late ordinal?

Generally speaking, fitness exercises sarcous order is a basis flesh group size, intensity and type will arrange. Average muscle training order is below:

1.Big muscle group place: Should exercise big muscle above all group place, for instance bosom, back or leg ministry, the muscle of these area is bigger, need wastes more energy, and can stimulate the exudation of human body hormone in great quantities, be helpful for muscle growing with repair.

2.Auxiliary muscle group place: Once big muscle group practice is over, can practice assisting muscle next group, the upper arm for instance abdominal muscle and 2 flesh, Qia waist flesh. These muscle group as it happens can be in big muscle group rest when training, when when auxiliary muscle trains, get taking exercise again.

3.Small muscle group place: In big muscle group with auxiliary muscle group after training is over, final ability exercises small muscle group place. For instance the flesh laying an arm of the arm group, the muscle on clavicle, cervical with crus muscle. These muscle not only lesser, and do not need to resemble big muscle group in that way intensity and undertake taking exercise for a short while.

As a whole, the training end that wants him foundation and body state will arrange the order that muscle trains. In addition, to prevent muscle place too concentration, also can train concentration to train different muscle every time group place, the muscle of such can incentive whole bodies group, it is better to achieve exercise the effect.

Does fitness of 45 years old of men exercise a plan?

1, every week 3 subaltern run, 3000 meters, long-distance running is the staying power that exercises a person, can successive, first from 1000 meters, next 2000 meters, again 3000 meters.

2, eat the meat less, eat vegetable, fruit more, note type of build or figure. Want to insist to take exercise at ordinary times, overcome difficulty. Cannot 3 days fish two days to bask in a net.

Does novice gym exercise a plan?

1.It is necessary. 2. When because the novice is in,gym takes exercise, appear easily incorrect movement is excessive perhaps the problem such as training, bring about the body to get hurt to perhaps cannot achieve expectant result. And a scientific and sound fitness plan can help novice avoid these problems, rise exercise efficiency, achieve gymnastical goal. 3. Should include the following content: It is warm up above all, can have the activity such as ran, skip, drawing, warm-up body; It is force training next, can choose the appliance such as dumbbell, barbell to have a practice, the key is right movement and right amount weight; Finally is training having oxygen, can choose ran, row, the appliance such as footfall machine has a practice, improve heart lungs function. In addition, the novice should notice food is mixed rest, make sure the body has enough nutrition and breathing space, so that suit better,take exercise.

The muscle of which place can gymnastical club exercise?

Grip club is particular the muscle that exercises that portion, the key should depend on the movement when we take exercise, the target muscle that grip club basically exercises is the palm, finger, artifice, humerus triceps.

1, the target muscle that grip club basically exercises is the palm, finger, artifice, humerus triceps.

These place belong to small flesh group muscle, press gymnastical theory for, small flesh group take exercise, of need is high number, in fast, the union that small group counts.

2, we are OK exercise arrangement to become 3 groups, every groups with in wait for speed quickly to do as far as possible much time.

3, different speed and set number, decided the way that our muscle develops.

If we with slow fast will complete an action, this meeting makes we exercise sarcous absolute power growth slants fast; If we with completing an action quickly, rise good point to endurance.

4, the frequency that take exercise, small flesh group muscle restores very quickly, need only commonly 12 to 24 hours, so, we can arrange a day of practice semidiurnal even take exercise. Motion is the process of a successive, do not act too hastily. Patulous data grip is strong, grip implement a kind, weigh muscle again implement, thunder club has 30 commonly, 40, 50, 60 kilograms of span that wait for different level basically exercise muscle of chest muscle, antebrachium group, 1 2 flesh, flesh back broadness. Two arms bend, curve bedspring forcibly after the neck.

2. Two arms are forward, upsweep bedspring, loosen next.

3. Two arms to draw close before the bosom, curve bedspring, next unbend, loosen slowly.

4. Stand, bipod is apart, right elbow bends, curve bedspring with left hand, next left elbow bends, curve bedspring with the right hand.

5. Two arms to back, press spring, bend gradually to next unbend next. 1. Check muscle before use please implement each join position is firm, without shake a phenomenon.

The muscle that 2. chooses to suit level of him physical ability please implement, lest pull injury muscle.

When 3. is used, muscle implement the safety belt that go up covers handle to go up in the artifice.

When 4. is used, should choose to take exercise relative to capacious field, lest get off one's hands injures a person.

5. proposal is 12 years old of the following children do not use muscle implement.

Does children exercise sarcous fitness equipment?

The gymnastical equipment that suits children is to point to the gymnastical equipment that designs technically for children, these equipment can help children keep healthy not only, of the body growth that still can promote them and force of carry kinetic energy rise. Current, there are a lot of kinds of fitness equipments that suit children on market, if next face place are narrated.

Equipment of fitness having oxygen is the equipment of a kind of fitness that suits children, its are main the characteristic is to be able to increase heart lungs function and staying power. Equipment of common fitness having oxygen has ran opportunity, move feeling bicycle, elliptical machine to wait. And to children, the equipment of fitness having oxygen that suits them is children ran machine, children moves feeling bicycle to wait. These equipment are in make the characteristic that paid attention to children bodily form, can get used to the figure of children and athletic habit, more safe, stable.

Force training equipment also is the equipment of a kind of fitness that suits children. This kind of equipment can help children enhance muscle strength and skeletal density, the body growth that promotes them and health grow. Common force training equipment has dumbbell, barbell, pull-up implement etc, what suit to children is small-sized dumbbell, small-sized barbell, still should deserve to have professional coach guidance at the same time, make children uses these material correctly, avoid to cause harm.

Besides equipment of fitness having oxygen and force training equipment, still a few compare the special gymnastical equipment that suits children. For example, children paddle pool, children is climbed climb frame, children loop implement etc, these equipment can help the pliability that children exercises and harmonious ability not only, still can let children get more fun and stimulation in motion.

What need reminds is, no matter be which kinds of fitness equipment that suits children, need to undertake below the guidance of professional personage. The choice of gymnastical equipment should element of equality of water of state of the age according to children, body, motion has logical choice, also want to notice the quality of equipment and security at the same time. In addition, children should follow correct pose and action when use fitness equipment, avoid to cause athletic loss.

The gymnastical equipment that suits children is a kind of good method that can help children keep healthy, of the body growth that these equipment can promote children and athletic ability rise, also can let them get more joy and pleasure in motion at the same time.

Does gym exercise need how long does practice give muscle?

 This also is the constitution that follows an individual, and carry momentum has particular concern, usually, maintain certain carry momentum for a long time, successive, two months left and right sides can drill a muscle.

     The proposal does not want too anxious, common use momentum does not cross a serious offence fierce, increase take exercise while the life work and rest that also should have adjusted oneself, strengthen nutrition, enhance a constitution, do not stay up late, can choose a few enhance sarcous food, e.g. hotpot, beef, eat a few vegetable fruits that contain a lot ofcellulose more.

Gymnastical person stops to take exercise, how long can be muscle still maintained?

Because do not have a specification to suspend the way that take exercise, simple classification explains below:

If lie on the bed, 15 days atrophic at least the muscle quantity of the half, a month is basically atrophic very fierce.

If do not undertake any training, it is daily life operation only, the muscle that can maintain 2 months above to have 80% at least is measured.

If those who have certain amount maintain training, that can maintain above of half an year at least, premise is control nutrition.

Still a lot of kinds of circumstances do not list one by one came, but if maintaining adequate training to measure commonly, muscle is the longest also can last 2 months only.

Does novice fitness muscle ache to you still can continue to take exercise?

After the 1st fitness all over ache, because abrupt carry momentum brings about those who accept excessive overworked to cause greatly too,be, basically be motion when, the oxygen in blood secures inadequacy, bring about muscle activity to produce the very much ferment that do not have oxygen to solve, produce overmuch flesh acid, can bring about muscle ache so, this kind of circumstance should rest a few days to be able to alleviate only, can continue to move later, want to do good successive to do not have a problem only

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