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给你一个健身餐单。因个体差异很大,不能统一照搬,以下食谱可以作为参考:减脂期:早餐:1~2个鸡蛋+牛奶+全麦面包午餐:粗粮+一小碗米饭+蔬菜+鱼肉。晚餐:一小碗米饭+鸡蛋+宫保鸡丁增肌期:1kg体重需要摄入1.5-2g的蛋白质07:30 早餐 1杯麦片、2片全麦面包、2个鸡蛋白、果汁1杯。10:00 加餐 苹果1个12:00 午餐 200-250克蔬菜、白色肉类100-150克、粗粮150克15:00 加餐 水果1份或酸奶1杯、主食100-150克17:00 晚餐 200-750克蔬菜、肉类100克19:00 训练后 补充60克碳水化合物、3个鸡蛋清或30克蛋白粉22:30 晚加餐 水果1份或1杯低脂牛奶。



















健身的人能吃三文鱼。 三文鱼(Oncorhynchus),被国际美食界誉为“冰海之皇”。研究表明,金枪鱼和三文鱼均肉质鲜美,营养丰富,并且富含EPA和DHA等生物活性物质。含有对人体各种生理功能起重要作用的矿物质和微量元素,如钙、磷、铁、锰、锌、镁、铜等。












What does gymnastical breakfast eat, what does person breakfast of fitness eat, does gymnastical person eat in the morning?

Give you sheet of eat of a fitness. Because individual difference is very big, cannot unite copy, the following cookbook can serve as reference: Decrease fat period: Breakfast: 1~2 egg + milk + lunch of whole wheat bread: Coarse food grain + a bowl of small rice + vegetable + cruelly oppress. Dinner: A bowl of small rice + egg + palace protects gallinaceous man to add flesh period: 1kg weight needs to absorb the protein 07:3 of 1.5-2g0 breakfast albumen of 2 bread of 2 1 cup of cornmeal, whole wheat, chicken, fruit juice 1 cup. 10:0The 0 apples that add meat a 12:0Flesh of vegetable of gram of 0 lunch 200-250, white kind 100-150 gram, coarse food grain 150 grams 15:0The 0 fruits that add meat 100-150 of 1 cup, staple food overcomes portion or 1 yoghurt 17:0Vegetable of gram of 0 dinner 200-750, flesh kind 100 grams 19:0Qing Dynasty of 3 60 grams carbohydrate, eggs or 22:3 of pink of 30 grams albumen complement after 0 training0 evening add meat fruit portion or milk of 1 1 cup of low fat.

What does schoolgirl fitness eat?

Model of a lot of fitness the female knows to want to be photographed more put protein, photograph less put adipose, but do not know what food just contains protein blame namely rich... .

Protein is a kind of constant nutriment that contains a lot ofamino acid. These are human body the element with almost all essential function!

Enough protein is absorbed want to maintaining cellular structure and stimulative muscle rehabilitate and growth second birth to be weighed particularly.

To the female that take exercise, important is to should maintain as far as possible much thin muscle, when you exercise muscle, you can become stronger.

To maintain or add muscle, enough protein is absorbed crucial, not only the protein origin of the animal conduces to sarcous building, and still can add muscle through vegetable protein!

What does African fitness eat?

Yam adds earthnut, also can drill without albumen pink muscle ah. Because they approach this of great capacity, piscine nature will be cheap, so they eat seafood 23 days, rich protein source is adequate their fitness of a day.

What does gymnastical hind eat?

After fitness with pigeon breast flesh, beef is given priority to, high protein is low adipose, these food come full abdomen, come again a few green are vegetable, on the west orchid, suffer from chrysanthemum, cucumber, violet Gan La, still too coarse food grain, nutrition healthy.

What does gymnastical weightening finish eat?

The weightening finish that add muscle needs to absorb enough protein and quantity of heat, it is a few food that can consider below:

1. lean lean: The lean lean such as flesh of lean beef, thin pork, chicken, duck contains the protein of high quality, also contain a lot ofthe nurture such as B of iron, zinc, vitamin to pledge at the same time.

2. fish: Fish also is protein good origin, and contain a lot ofthe beneficial nutrition material such as Omega-3 fatty acid. Suit quite fish of benefit of salmon, tuna, cod, dragon waits.

What does gymnastical late food eat?

Food taken late at night eats during fitness, water cooks an egg, bai Zhuo radical surrounds shrimp, lean lean, cruelly oppress, green vegetables of white bright of pigeon breast flesh and pure milk are best!

Because fitness is for thin body, hungry during the late food had better not not eat, the body is being taken hungry feeling falls asleep to just can achieve thin body, but must eat a late food to choose high protein as far as possible low adipose food will alleviate hungry symptom!

What fish does fitness have?

Gymnastical person can have 3 article fish. 3 article fish (Oncorhynchus) , by international cate bound praise for " the emperor that puts the sea on the ice " . Consider to make clear, tuna pledges with 3 Wen Yujun flesh delicious, nutrition is rich, and contain a lot ofthe biology active material such as EPA and DHA. Contain pair of human body what all sorts of physiology functions have main effect is mineral with microelement, wait like calcic, phosphor, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesian, copper.

What chocolate does fitness eat?

Chocolate can eat before fitness.

Before fitness half hours eat black chocolate to be able to make fitness has the effect more, gymnastical need is additional protein, with other nutrition material, is not chocolate. And the most important is, should eat black chocolate ability is OK. Only black artful Le Licai has the function of auxiliary fitness, all of the mixture property such as other milk is no good. And can eat black chocolate only.

Before remembering fitness, eat best. Gymnastical hind does not eat immediately.

Feed capable person best, be nut eats before fitness, is not chocolate. Chocolate is by day perhaps issueing midday time to eat is to maintain body functionary to assist feed capable person.

What white does fitness have?

The effect that fitness sees you want to achieve is why, slant for example thin model, the proposal is drinkable the pink that add muscle, though grow muscle to need protein, but carbohydrate is indispensable also, resemble comparing poor type of build or figure commonly, basal metabolis also is more exuberant, albumen pink, it is albumen of the soja protein that uses extract, casein, serum commonly (devoid different bright ammonia is acerbity) , the albumen such as pea albumen, or the contains a lot ofprotein powder that the compound treatment of a few kinds of afore-mentioned albumen makes, its utility is the person complement protein to lack protein, also can use in food industry production as functional additive.

What does fitness eat in the morning?

Can eat food of a few corn, fruit vegetable, water boils flesh of egg, chicken breast to wait.

Corn edibles not only contain rich carbohydrate nutrition, return the fundamental energy that can provide human body place to need quickly. Breakfast is to take the turn with best staple food, must eat staple food more in breakfast so, provide energy for the body. Gymnastical person must every eat should have protein, flesh of the chicken breast of boiled eggs water that boil is the good alternative that protein offers in breakfast, white coddle of defatted milk 200ml adds an albumen also is right choice. Rich vitamin and mineral also be gymnastical breakfast in a important, breakfast draft fruit and vegetable produce full abdomen easily to feel not only, still can help reduce the desire that has sweetmeats. Banana, small apple, yangtao is right choice.
