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出门旅游防身的东西? 出门旅行带的东西?英文双语对照


出门旅游防身的东西? 出门旅行带的东西?英文双语对照



1. 防狼喷雾:可用于自卫,有效防御攻击者。

2. 小巧的防卫器具:如防身钥匙扣、防身笔等,这些物品可以在紧急情况下用于自卫。

3. 可扩展自卫工具:例如伸缩棍、折叠警棍等,便于携带和使用。

4. 响亮的警报器:带有响亮警报声的个人警报器可以引起他人的注意,吸引帮助。

5. 手电筒:夜间或在昏暗场所可用于提供光源,并辅助自卫。选择合适的手电筒可以发出强烈的光束以致盲攻击者。

6. 移动警报装置:例如安装在手机上的安全应用程序,可发送紧急求救信号给亲友或当地应急机构。

7. 个人定位器:可通过GPS追踪你的位置,并在需要时提供紧急求救功能。

8. 打火机或防身喷雾枪:在遇到紧急情况时,可以作为一种临时的自卫工具。

































其次方便面,桶装泡面:对于坐火车出游的人来说,桶装泡面绝对是必备的零食之一,不但可以填饱肚子,还能喝上汤。一、方便:方便面具有携带方便和食用方便两大优点,出差办事,旅游度假,繁忙工作,抗灾求生更是必备食物,非它莫属。 二、快捷:一包(袋、碗、杯、盒)方便面用沸水冲泡4分钟后即成为一碗热气腾腾,味佳汤美,香气扑鼻、韧滑爽口的热汤面,可谓快捷便当,无论何时何地都可以快捷地享用。





1. 主食

很多朋友可能首选是方便面,面包之类的,方便面就不要选了,因为说实话它补充体力能量太差劲了;面包啊消化饼干可以,面包选择谷类面包:谷类面包独富含纤维素的麸皮,能提供维生素B以及矿物质锌、镁、铬,具有抗氧化作用的维生素E和硒,具有生物活性的植物化合物。各种谷类面包如全麦面包、亚麻仁面包等,在旅途中能很好地补充身体缺失的营养。而且也轻,便于携带。饼干以全麦,燕麦,纤维饼,燕麦饼为主,第一吃多了不怕长肉,因为还有酵素啊,所以 能填饱肚子,还能帮助消化。但是车程较长的建议少吃容易上火的苏打饼干。

2. 副食零食


3. 水果


4. 饮料






Go out the thing of travel self-defence?

Go out when you when travel, can consider to carry tool of the following self-defence and article, defend in order to increase individual security:

1.Prevent wolf sparge: Can use at defend oneself, effective defense aggressor.

2.Cabinet defense is implemental: If self-defence key is buckled, self-defence pen, these article can be used at defend oneself below emergency.

3.Can expand self-defensive tool: For example billy of adjustable rod, fold, facilitate carry and use.

4.Canorous siren: Contain resonant the attention that the individual siren of alarm sound can arouse another person, attract a help.

5.Flashlight: Nocturnal occasional can be used at providing light source in dim place, assist defend oneself. Choose appropriate flashlight to be able to give out aggressor of intense blind of as a result of beam of light.

6.Mobile alarm box: Install the safety application process on the mobile phone for example, can send signal of urgent ask for help to give relatives and friends or local lash-up orgnaization.

7.Individual positioner: Can track your position through GPS, provide function of urgent ask for help when need.

8.Lighter or self-defence spray gun: When encountering emergency, can serve as a kind temporarily self-defensive tool.

Ask an attention, every country and area differ possibly to carry and using the provision of self-defence tool. Before the journey, you should understand the legal laws and regulations of destination, use these tools carefully, use below true emergency only. The most important is, hold vigilance and attention oneself is safe, avoid to walk into dangerous place.

Go out the thing that the journey takes?

1. certificate, purse, id, the bank gets stuck, passport, driver's license, carry bag of a small card and kilocalorie bag, can put respectively airline ticket and a few entrance ticket, urgent connection gets stuck 2. Money, take a few pocket money to be put in purse, cash reserve in a bank is small money 3. The dress, change wash the dress (a day) , had matched ahead of schedule, put receive in bag, according to destination, take the clothes of a few specific aim, take a coat certainly, perhaps guard the clothes, sweat shirt, assault garment (the root of fangfeng prevents rain to breathe freely) , outdoors trousers, athletic pants, prevent dry the clothes, curl cap, peaked cap, sunglasses, shoe (2-3 double) one person a bedgown (the man is OK white vest big underpants is very comfortable) one-time but fold slipper 4. Charge charger of treasure data line first, blue tooth earphone and the earphone that take a line. Charge treasure had better be to be taken oneself fill electrical wiring, of 10 thousand milliampere,

How to take pet to go out travel?

 Carry article surely

Aviation is special box, the case although nominal aviation box, actually when actual go on a journey, the mainest use circumstance is to be driven oneself swim. To medium or small dog kind with feline Mi for, if need pet is encountered in journey " temporarily evasive " communal circumstance, the case can be sent on not little use.

Drawing rope, also be one of the most important journey equipment, although travel when, can scatter joyous free space to pet more, but a lot of moment meet dog dog " get dizzy with success " , necessary when still should pull those who go, had better choose can elastic drawing strap oh!

Go out what should travel take?

1, cup of the water that drink water. No matter where go to, it is travel a few days, need to be taken water cup, walk along where to drink, the person should drink 4 cups of water at least everyday, catch a cold easily otherwise, especially when autumn changes in temperature is alternant now, should drink water more, if go,travel still caught a cold to the loss outweights the gain.

2, Id. Go out travel Id is the most important, if go time grows to still need room, accommodation needs id card, now the management of the hotel is real name attestation, need sees next id card next person face identifies, do not have method to book a room otherwise, so Id is to go out the requisite with the most important travel.

3, clothes tree. Go out travel also has short-term long-term, if be the long-term dress case that considers oneself with respect to need, say fortunately in the winter a bit, wear warm go, if summer travels, going out one day is streaming with sweat, need to wash the dress every day so, it is OK to need the sort of air clothes tree at that time air a lot of dress, go out necessary oh.

4, boot. If be two people, a medium-sized boot is OK, if the person is much, need big boot, prepare inside a few receive bag, take underclothes matter, if be summer travels to wear a cap to prevent even,bask in take, autumnal travel is about to take coat, lest is cold.

Go out what what travel takes to eat is good?

Recommend food:

Contain a lot ofthe food of carbohydrate. Include congee of biscuit, sesame seed cake, convenient cover, eight treasures to wait. Respect of sanitation of congee of convenient cover, eight treasures has relatively assure, bubble surface and eight treasures congee are hydrous cent, meeting feeling has in journey more comfortable.

Vacuum-packed food. Wait like egg of ham bowel, bean curd doing, bittern, can offer protein for human body. Outfit of the packet on the capacity is advisable, convenient edible, won't create waste, if pack big, the possibility that leave is degenerative.

Vegetable fruit. The tomato, cucumber vitamin that can offer human body place to need, mineral with prandial fiber, but beforehand abluent, good with clean mouth in bags.

Take darling to go out travel, need what to thing take?

Registered permanent residence this, birth certificate

The baby takes the train, car not to need to buy a ticket, the darling of 2 years old of less than takes a plane to need to buy infantile ticket. Buy plane ticket to had better order a ticket a bit earlier to darling, I am the door that darling takes to go out when spending the New Year, look how to buy infantile ticket on the net at that time, say to be able to be in the spot is bought on bar, when when I went to the airport preparing to buy a ticket to the child that day, there is the bar of the airline that I take inside the airport, advisory stage informs me to be able to be in only government-owned net or the phone buys a ticket, because be worth the Spring Festival at that time during, the telephone call that made half hour is received without the person listen, because this suggests each baby ticket is first-class,follow the ticket of adult to be bought together.

The dress, trousers, sock, shoe, cap, bib

Of darling change wash clothings to want to take a few more than adult, because darling is easier than adult a clothes is dirty wet, and the clothings of darling is lesser, do not occupy a space. If can be taken the thing is finite, had better take baby more, reduce the thing of adult.

Paste of feeder, milk powder, rice, bowl, ladle, vacuum cup

Darling goes to a new environment hard to avoid is incommensurate, the article on best food follows to keep consistent so. Vacuum cup is the water that paste of outfit darling strong grandma, rice uses, adult should drink water to water in the airport, station place go receiving. If be by air, the mom before boarding the plane can prepare a bottle of grandma for darling, if darling is caused because of baric change on the plane uncomfortable, can let darling suck the breast, deglutition can reduce baric effect.

Make water is not wet, small rug, bumf, wet paper towel

Small rug is to be the darling on the road to sleep the lid uses, towel of bumf, wet paper is the thing has in darling, pull smelly smelly, flyblown when good with. Winter goes out to prepare embellish skin frostlike powder for darling even, the summer should prepare drive midge fluid to wait for darling.

Young toy

Distance is longer, darling is on the road hard to avoid is not happy, can prepare for darling some before the young toy that had not played, divert the attention of darling.

Fruit, snacks

We still prepare to have cover or daub with plaster of apple, pumpkin for darling in distance, because form probably one day, midway resembles giving darling to prepare congee, noodle euqally in the home without method, go out in the morning so before, evaporate of my general pumpkin is ripe the container tape that uses with the baby is in knapsack, add rice paste is used to darling midday. Snacks time, cut the apple into two half, blow mud to eat to darling with ladle.

Go out what should travel take to eat?

Go out to travel must take eat, it is water above all, water human body does not lack, water is life resource, it is the indispensable resource in person life.

Go to the lavatory next face, the bucket holds bubble range: To taking a train for the person of go on a journey, surface of bucket outfit bubble is one of necessary snacks absolutely, not only can cram oneself with food, still can drink on soup. One, convenient: Convenient mask has carry go to the lavatory with edible two big advantages, be away on official business handle affairs, travel goes vacationing, busy job, fighting calamity to seek to live on is necessary food more, be not it to not be belonged to. 2, quick: A packet (bag, bowl, cup, box) one bowl is become namely after convenient cover develops bubble 4 minutes with boiling water reeky, flavour beautiful soup is beautiful, aroma the hot noodles in soup of mouth of Hua Shuang of tangy, pliable but strong, it may be said is quick and handy, whenever He De is enjoyed OK and quickly.

Secondly melon seeds, melon seeds: ? Does ⑹ of Pi of Mu of tip dizzy Nie go straight towards Chen Mei of bad of extensive of clear  establish to kiss fade of acyl  of Mu Xin of サ of hard   Zhen of loose small box of shallow far be angry?

Take child to go out the article table with tired travel?

Go out travel is tired, the travel that bring child is tiredder. No matter be travel agent or free travel, the thing that you take is more than others, drill heart is more than others also. What the journey also cannot arrange is too full, number also must choose somewhat, because be afraid of the child too late perhaps too early,meet with blame. Ultimate sense is: The travel that bring child does not call travel to make fight.

Go out what does travel suit to be taken to eat?

1.Staple food

A lot of friends are likely first selection is convenient cover, of biscuit and so on, convenient cover was not chosen, because tell the truth energy of its complement physical strength is too disappointing; Biscuit ah digestive biscuit is OK, biscuit chooses corn biscuit: Corn biscuit contains a lot ofthe bran of cellulose alone, can offer vitamin B and mineral zinc, magnesian, chromium, have the vitamin E that fights oxidation and Selenium, have the plant compound of biology active. All sorts of corn biscuit are like whole wheat bread, flax benevolence biscuit to wait, can complement well in journey the body is short of the nutrition that break. And light also, facilitate carry. Biscuit with whole wheat, oaten, fiber cake, oaten cake is given priority to, the first eat much do not be afraid of long flesh, because return,have ferment, so can cram oneself with food, still can help aid digestion. But the suggests to take easy suffer from excessive internal heat less soda biscuit with car longer Cheng.

2.Non-staple food snacks

A lot of youths may take a few green plum, potato piece ah, rice crust waits a few Peng a moment to change provision, this was not taken. Recommend the flesh, egg, chocolate. Ripe flesh kind if pack can of excellent fleshy dried meat, dried meat floss, flesh, banger or duck of bittern chicken, bittern, and egg of a few bittern, tea egg, these food do not take a place, and energy is high, contain a lot ofprotein, light and wholesome. If be the flesh kind, head choose beef. Chocolate is the fastest the most convenient energy source, its flavour is inviting, and a chocolate can complement more than a beef even quantity of heat.


Recommend orange, pear, apple. The fruit taking a skin such as orange, pear, apple, acid is sweet god of bright of goluptious, wet one's whistle, can complement again moisture and all sorts of vitamins. In journey fresh bright beautiful fruit, let a person see lick one's chaps. Those who need an attention is best belt hard fact the fruit of a bit, lest carry bad metamorphism of process middling pressure, the influence is wholesome.


A lot of friends like to take the drink of sex of a few carbonic acid, actually otherwise, should take some of milk kind, a few tea that still have compensatory electrolyte kind drink, with energy water.

The friends that the hope travels can journey is happy.

Go out fill makeup the thing that takes surely?

Powdery bottom, air cushion, powdery cake and colour makeup egg, decide makeup water, lipstick, paper towel, bright skin water, su Yanshuang, keep apart frost these are actualer, convenient and quick practical thing, can solve basic problem.
