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比基尼效应,指男人在看到比基尼女郎和其它穿着性感的美女照片或者录像带,或者触碰过女性胸围之后,由于对性的渴求充塞脑袋,会降低他们的耐性,令他们产生一种需要实时被满足的消费欲望—这欲望不一定有关于性,而可能只是有冲动去喝一大杯汽水,吃一些糖果,或者买一些东西之类,藉此令自己得到补偿性的满足和安慰。123参与这项研究的市场学博士生Bram Van den Bergh认为,这种有需要被实时满足的心态,甚至会改变一个男人当时的胃口,对食物的选择以及花钱的态度。









比基尼一般指女性游泳时穿着的泳衣,即比基尼泳衣,也称“三点式游泳衣”。 泳装可以说是服装史上最具有视觉冲击力的服装,背后系带的胸衣和三角裤的装束不亚于原子弹爆炸。

直到20 世纪50年代,这种能体现人体雕塑感的服装款式才被接受。今天,它已是柔美而自然的身体曲线的代名词。




1 比基尼海滩被誉为世界上最美的海滩之一,具有很高的知名度和吸引力。

2 原因是比基尼海滩位于美国佛罗里达州的迈阿密海滩,海滩的沙滩细腻、水清沙白,是度假、游泳、浮潜等水上活动的绝佳选择,同时也是观赏日落、观鸟等休闲活动的好去处。

3 此外,比基尼海滩还有许多餐厅、咖啡馆、酒吧等休闲场所,可以让游客在海滩畅快地度过一整天。



比基尼部位需要脱毛,可以进行 激光脱毛。


比基尼部位如果毛发过重,当然是需要脱毛的,最为常用脱毛方法的就是比基尼 激光脱毛 ,仅需短短几次,便可轻松解决毛发过于浓密的现象。 激光脱毛是永久的,实际操作中绝对意义的一根不长是不可能的,即使有少量的残余毛发,也是较细软、颜色很浅的状态,最终效果都是很满意的,能达到永久效果。








比基尼的名称本来指太平洋的马绍尔群岛的无人岛屿比基尼岛。 2006年是比基尼泳装(Bikini)“诞辰”60周年。在过去的半个多世纪里,比基尼泳装一直成为女性时尚服饰的标志。比基尼泳装被誉为20世纪世界服装界这一最伟大的“发明”。 1946年6月30日,太平洋的比基尼岛(Bikini Atoll)上爆炸了 原子弹,18天后,一位名叫路易斯·里尔德(Louis Reard)的法国人推出了胸罩样式上衣和三角裤泳装。



Can smooth bosom wear bikini, smooth bosom wears bikini, make the same score pectoral bikini picture?

OK of course ah, the schoolgirl no matter how is the figure OK such, take oneself route, do not provide the view of someone else.

Bikini island effect?

Bikini effect

Bikini effect, show the man is in the pinup that sees bikini young woman and other dress sex appeal or video tape, or after lay a finger on crosses female bust, because be opposite of the gender long for congest head, what can reduce them is patiently, the consumptive wish that makes them produce a kind of need to be satisfied in real time, this desire is not concerned certainly at the gender, and the likelihood just has impulse to drink one dock-glass soda water, take a few candy, perhaps buy something and so on, the satisfaction that thereby makes him get compensating a gender and comfort. The 123 markets that share this research learn doctoral student Bram Van Den Bergh to think, this kind has the state of mind that need is satisfied by real time, can transform a man even the appetite at that time, to alimental choice and the manner that spend money.

What is bikini?

The explanation of bikini

Bikini bikini (Bikini, hong Kong is called " Bijianni " ) the swimsuit of the dress when showing the female swims commonly, i.e. bikini swimsuit. The unmanned islands bikini island that the name of bikini points to archipelago of Pacific Ma Shaoer originally. 2006 is a bikini (Bikini) " birthday " 60 years. In half of in the past many century, the bikini makes the mark of female style dress all the time. The bikini is known as bound of dress of 20 centuries world this one the greatest " invention " .   

Bikini brief introduction

Bikini (Bikini, hong Kong is called " Bijianni " ) the swimsuit of the dress when showing the female swims commonly, namely bikini swimsuit.

The unmanned islands bikini island that the name of bikini points to archipelago of Pacific Ma Shaoer originally. 2006 is a bikini (Bikini) " birthday " 60 years. In half of in the past many century, the bikini makes the mark of female style dress all the time. The bikini is known as bound of dress of 20 centuries world this one the greatest " invention " .

Does bikini beach have many deep?

Bikini beach depth of water has 10 meters many.

Bikini points to the swimsuit of the dress when the female swims commonly, namely bikini swimsuit, also say " bikini " . The swimsuit can say is the dress that visual wallop has most on dress history, the attire of the corsage of backside chalaza and briefs no less than atom bomb explode.

Till 20 centuries 50 time, this kind of dress style that can reflect human body sculpture to feel just is accepted. Today, it already was soft the pronoun of beautiful and natural body curve.

The action of bikini?

Be sex appeal for certain above all. The belle with good figure puts on bikini affirmation is more sexy, highlight oneself good figure, draw more people. Bi other clothing is more convenient when swim again, cooler also.

Table of bikini beach article?

1 bikini beach is known as one of the most beautiful beach on the world, have very tall famous spend and appeal.

2 reasons are the Miami beach that bikini beach is located in American Florida city, the beach of beach exquisite, Shui Qingsha is white, it is to go vacationing, swim, float goes the superexcellent choice that waits for the activity on water, also be the good place that views and admire the recreational activity such as bird of sunset, view at the same time.

3 in addition, bikini beach still has the recreational place such as a lot of dining-room, cafe, bar, can let a tourist be spent carefreely in beach daylong.

Nevertheless, those who need an attention is, bikini beach is celebrated because of culture of dress of its sex appeal, the tourist should notice oneself words and deeds behaves, abide by local law laws and regulations, maintain good image.

Should be bikini depilated?

Bikini place needs to depilate, can undertake laser is depilated.


Bikini place if hair is overweight, of course need is depilated, most commonly used those who depilate a method is bikini laser depilate, need only a few short, can solve the phenomenon with too thick hair easily. It is permanent that laser is depilated, in be being operated actually it is impossible that one of absolute sense does not grow, although have a few leftover hair, also be fine the condition with soft, very light color, final result is very satisfactory, can achieve permanent result.

Does man bikini shed gain?

Bikini depilates more clean: The hair of bikini place is in the environment of damp warmth for a long time, bring about more easily cause a bacterium, more beautiful: After bikini is depilated, make the skin more beautiful, can let love beautiful personage to have more clad choices

Is bikini depilated how clip?

Before 1. bathes, soak bikini with Wen Shui first, flap next the hair on bikini, make hair more concentrated the ground stands rise.

2. uses appropriate drawknife, the hair that gets on bikini scrapes well, make the body more smooth and even.

3. is final, wipe bikini with clean sponge, make its maintain the effect of smooth softness.

Bikini traceable?

The unmanned islands bikini island that the name of bikini points to archipelago of Pacific Ma Shaoer originally. 2006 is a bikini (Bikini) " birthday " 60 years. In half of in the past many century, the bikini makes the mark of female style dress all the time. The bikini is known as bound of dress of 20 centuries world this one the greatest " invention " . On June 30, 1946, pacific bikini island (exploded on Bikini Atoll) atom bomb, after 18 days, one is called Louis · Li Erde (the French of Louis Reard) rolled out jacket of bust bodice style and briefs swimsuit.

He employed a woman to make model that day, in communal swim the work that the pool showed him. One week later, bikini with respect to fashionable Europe.

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