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技能的多少 一个物的首先给人最直观的第一印象就是技能,拥有技能的多少可以说是判断物是否是极品的最主要的因素之一,所以物的技能是玩家朋友们第一个要看的。

资质 看了技能的多少,那么第二我们就要看物的资质了,资质分为体资、速资、防资、法资、攻资这五项,比如我们如果选择攻的话,那么第一就要看工资了,工资的多少直接影响到物的物攻能力












气血=等级*体力资质*0.002895 体力属性点*成长*

7 魔法=等级*法力资质*0.002085 法力属性点*成长*

5 物理伤害=等级*攻击资质*0.0025 力量属性点*成长*1.

6 法术伤害=等级*法力资质*0.000845 魔力属性点*成长*1.3 物理防御=等级*防御资质*0.003345 耐力属性点*成长*2.4 法术防御=等级*法力资质*0.000611 体力属性点*成长*0.3 魔力属性点*成长*0.8 力量属性点 成长*0.48 耐力属性点*成长*0.16 速度=等级*速度资质*0.002087 敏捷属性点*成长*1.6 宝宝每升一级,都会有属增加(气血,魔法,物理攻击,法术攻击,物理防御,法术防御,速度)这个只与资质有关。 属性点加成,这个跟成长有关,成长1.1和成长1.2的。增长差距大概百分之九左右。 总结:论重要性(技能大于成长大于资质)









1 吸血鬼


2 鬼将









One, does dream swim on the west how does You Chong content value the hand bad?

When just obtaining a primitive pet, we need to decide whether is this pet worth to foster. And general we undertake deciding from 3 respects. Aptitude, grow and skill.

We can be in aptitude face of pet the outside and the inside judges pet to whether be worth to foster through contrast. If be,attack the sentence that bestow favor on so his attack aptitude is general cannot under top upper limit 150 bits. And if the law is bestowed favor on law endowment had better not under top upper limit 200 bits.

On current property, defence aptitude is not Tartarean and highest upper limit 100 bits, constitutional aptitude not under top upper limit 300 bits. Growing respect cannot under the 2nd paragraph highest grow. The word of skill not under 3 skill, advocate skill must have. If pet is in,the pet that is worth education only is so if this tripartite face amounts to mark, had jumped over higher of course.

If have on one hand if be deficient in, if you just serve as,transfer use so the question is not big, but if you want to be used for a long time, must want careful consideration so.

2, dream swims on the west it the hand swims how to treat pet is good that the hand swims how to treat pet, see pet stand or fall taste?

Of a how many content of skill giving a person the most intuitionistic the first impression above all is skill, have technical ability more or less can saying is one of the mainest factors that whether judgement content is highest grade, so player friends should see the technical ability of content the first times.

How many what aptitude saw technical ability, so the 2nd aptitude that we are about to see thing, aptitude cent is body endowment, fast endowment, prevent endowment, law endowment, attack endowment these 5, for instance if we choose the word that attack, so the first be about to see pay, the more or less affects content directly content of salary attacks ability

3, dream swims on the west the hand swims, how is darling valued bad?

When just obtaining a primitive pet, we need to decide whether is this pet worth to foster. And general we undertake deciding from 3 respects. Aptitude, grow and skill.

We can be in aptitude face of pet the outside and the inside judges pet to whether be worth to foster through contrast. If be,attack the sentence that bestow favor on so his attack aptitude is general cannot under top upper limit 150 bits. And if the law is bestowed favor on law endowment had better not under top upper limit 200 bits.

On current property, defence aptitude is not Tartarean and highest upper limit 100 bits, constitutional aptitude not under top upper limit 300 bits. Growing respect cannot under the 2nd paragraph highest grow. The word of skill not under 3 skill, advocate skill must have. If pet is in,the pet that is worth education only is so if this tripartite face amounts to mark, had jumped over higher of course.

If have on one hand if be deficient in, if you just serve as,transfer use so the question is not big, but if you want to be used for a long time, must want careful consideration so.

4, does dream swim on the west the stand or fall that how the hand swims to watch baby?

When just obtaining a primitive pet, we need to decide whether is this pet worth to foster. And general we undertake deciding from 3 respects. Aptitude, grow and skill.

We can be in aptitude face of pet the outside and the inside judges pet to whether be worth to foster through contrast. If be,attack the sentence that bestow favor on so his attack aptitude is general cannot under top upper limit 150 bits. And if the law is bestowed favor on law endowment had better not under top upper limit 200 bits.

On current property, defence aptitude is not Tartarean and highest upper limit 100 bits, constitutional aptitude not under top upper limit 300 bits. Growing respect cannot under the 2nd paragraph highest grow. The word of skill not under 3 skill, advocate skill must have. If pet is in,the pet that is worth education only is so if this tripartite face amounts to mark, had jumped over higher of course.

If have on one hand if be deficient in, if you just serve as,transfer use so the question is not big, but if you want to be used for a long time, must want careful consideration so.

5, does dream swim on the west does the hand swim how does devil see aptitude stand or fall?

Attribute of physical strength of *0.002895 of aptitude of physical strength of * of grade of gas blood = nods * growing *

Attribute of supernatural power of *0.002085 of aptitude of supernatural power of * of grade of 7 blackart = nods * growing *

Attribute of force of *0.0025 of aptitude of attack of * of grade of = of 5 physics harm nods * growing *1.

Attribute of force of growing *0.8 of * of site of property of charm of growing *0.3 of * of site of property of physical strength of *0.000611 of aptitude of supernatural power of * of grade of = of defence of magic arts of growing *2.4 of * of site of property of endurance of *0.003345 of aptitude of defence of * of grade of = of defence of physics of growing *1.3 of * of site of property of charm of *0.000845 of aptitude of supernatural power of * of grade of = of harm of 6 magic arts is nodded grow, can have belong to increase (gas blood, blackart, physical attack, magic arts attack, physical defence, magic arts defence, speed) concern this with aptitude only. Attribute nods addition, this follows grow about, grow 1.1 and grow of 1.2. Increase disparity probably 9% the left and right sides. Summary: By importance (skill is more than grow be more than aptitude)

6, does dream swim on the west how does the hand swim to judge stand or fall of a pet?

When just obtaining a primitive pet, we need to decide whether is this pet worth to foster. And general we undertake deciding from 3 respects. Aptitude, grow and skill.

We can be in aptitude face of pet the outside and the inside judges pet to whether be worth to foster through contrast. If be,attack the sentence that bestow favor on so his attack aptitude is general cannot under top upper limit 150 bits. And if the law is bestowed favor on law endowment had better not under top upper limit 200 bits.

On current property, defence aptitude is not Tartarean and highest upper limit 100 bits, constitutional aptitude not under top upper limit 300 bits. Growing respect cannot under the 2nd paragraph highest grow. The word of skill not under 3 skill, advocate skill must have. If pet is in,the pet that is worth education only is so if this tripartite face amounts to mark, had jumped over higher of course.

If have on one hand if be deficient in, if you just serve as,transfer use so the question is not big, but if you want to be used for a long time, must want careful consideration so.

7, does dream swim on the west how does initiative attribute see thing of hand You Chong?

If pet has upgraded,can add pet replacement property the dot a little bit how much is can seeing initiative attribute nods pet.

8, does dream swim on the west does You Chong content recommend the hand?

1 bloodsucker

Of bloodsucker puissant not be it has many to grow high or aptitude, and be born in Yu Jitian can take 5 skill oneself, through hitting a book to be able to obtain the pet of 13 skill at most, very puissant. Also be the most popular pet in current version.

2 ghost will

The puissant nature of ghost general cannot small gaze, superhigh content attacks collocation a few output profession can hit volatile harm, let local depletion of numbers quickly.

But its obtain difficulty still is quite tall. A lot of players hard proceed with.

9, does dream swim on the west strategy of content of hand You Chong?

Pet to dream swim on the west the hand swims for very important, they can provide additional attribute and special technical ability, accordingly pet chooses and education is very exquisite. Come from whole say, there is relatively clear photograph to overcome a concern between the attack type of pet, different attribute suits different BOSS. If want to acquire the fighting capacity of high specified number, the proposal accumulates pet soul more, as far as possible foster pet full grade evolution. In addition, exceedingly important also on the collocation between pet, can wait for carbon to accumulate yuan of god through trying the refine tower, tower that press down bewitching, forging the means such as charm promotes pet article rank with astral class, increase the actual strength of pet with this.

10, dream swims on the west the hand swims how can the stand or fall that sees pet, discern bestow favor on?

Of a how many content of skill giving a person the most intuitionistic the first impression above all is skill, have technical ability more or less can saying is one of the mainest factors that whether judgement content is highest grade, so player friends should see the technical ability of content the first times.

How many what aptitude saw technical ability, so the 2nd aptitude that we are about to see thing, aptitude cent is body endowment, fast endowment, prevent endowment, law endowment, attack endowment these 5, for instance if we choose the word that attack, so the first be about to see pay, the more or less affects content directly content of salary attacks ability

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