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安徽历史文化名人? 安徽历史文化名片怎么做?英文双语对照


安徽历史文化名人? 安徽历史文化名片怎么做?英文双语对照



2、周瑜(175年-210年),字公瑾,东汉末年名将,庐江舒县人 。洛阳令周异之子,堂祖父周景、堂叔周忠,都官至太尉。长壮有姿貌、精音律,江东有曲有误,周郎顾之语。

3、胡雪岩(1823-1885),本名胡光墉,幼名顺官, 字雪岩,出生于安徽徽州绩溪,13岁起便移居杭州。中国近代著名红顶商人,政治家,徽商代表人物。清咸丰十一年(1861年),太平军攻杭州时,胡雪岩从上海运军火、粮米接济清军而为左宗棠赏识,后来又帮助左宗棠组织常捷军、创办福州船政局。


































1. 黄山:素有“五岳独尊”的美誉,是中国传统名山之一,以“奇松、怪石、云海、温泉”著称。

2. 庐山:被誉为江南第一山,有美丽的景色、古老的建筑和悠久的文化底蕴。

3. 九华山:为中国天台佛教总部,拥有众多的佛教文化遗址和古建筑,被誉为“南天台”。

4. 齐云山:拥有众多的历史文化遗存和自然风光,以尤溪河流域为主要游览区域。

5. 颍上庙会:是安徽省最著名的民间庙会,被列为国家级非物质文化遗产。

6. 休宁石柱群和歙县全真教道观:“中国古代建筑艺术的典范”,这是安徽两项世界文化遗产。

7. 明孝陵:明朝皇后在此安葬,是








One, celebrity of Anhui history culture?

1, Hua Tuo (make an appointment with the Christian era 145 years - the Christian era 208 years) , renown , character is changed, qiao of country of Chinese end abundant (today Anhui Bo county) person, home of medicine of end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, call with scene of Dong Feng, Zhang Zhong " build install 3 highly skilled doctor " . Little when ever outer swim learn, practise medicine footmark pervades and other places of Anhui, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, study medical skill and do not seek official career.

2, Zhou Yu (175 years - 210 years of) , word fair Jin, famous general of last years of a dynasty or reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty, person of county of cottage river easy. Luoyang makes of Zhou Yi child, zhou Zhong of father's younger brother of scene of hall grandfather week, hall, guan Zhitai Wei. Grow swing of Zhuang Youzi appearance, essence, jiang Dong has music by accident, the sign that Zhou Lang considers.

3, Hu Xueyan (1823-1885) , this name cities wall solely why, young name arranges an official, word snow cliff, be born in brook of performance of Anhui badge city, hangzhou migrates since 13 years old. China is latter-day and famous red top trader, politician, badge business represents a person. Qing Xianfeng 11 years (1861) , when army of peace and tranquility attacks Hangzhou, hu Xueyan carries from Shanghai Qing Jun of give financial help to of rice of ammunition, grain and for Zun Zongtang appreciate, help Zun Zongtang organize Chang Jiejun again later, establish Fuzhou boat political situation.

2, how is calling card of Anhui history culture done?

Anhui calling card is made is more complex process, calling card of the Anhui that make, need plans card, imprint next on the word went.

3, standard of famous city of Anhui history culture?

Manage method to set according to name of culture of history of the Anhui province, have the city of following condition, county, can declare famous city of Anhui history culture:

(One) save cultural relic to be abounded quite;

(2) historical architecture, revolutionary anniversary building is become centrally piece;

(3) withholding traditional pattern and historical scene;

(4) politics, economy, culture, traffic once regarded as the center on the history or martial important place, perhaps had produced important history event, the major project that perhaps builds on its convention industry, history has produced main effect to the development of this locality, perhaps can reflect characteristic of culture of this locality architectural, nation distinguishing feature centrally;

(5) the historical culture block that there is an above inside the limits of protection of historical culture famous city that declares in place.

4, the city with the soliddest inside information of Anhui history culture?

1, the city with the soliddest inside information of Anhui history culture is Hefei.

2, on the urban pop chart with solid inside information of Anhui history culture, hefei is ranked the first. Hefei serves as the provincial capital of the Anhui province, having solid historical culture inside information. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, hefei is center of the politics of area of river the Huaihe River, economy, culture all the time.

3, the situation of Hefei is advantaged, be located in the core area of delta of the Yangtse River, of Hefei famous spend and consequence comes from not just at details of its history culture and situation, still come from at its distinctive city image.

5, the historical culture general situation of Anhui?

Anhui is one of principal home of Chinese prehistoric civilization, culture inside information is solid, of long standing and well established, ever bred Taoism culture, build bring city of literature, tung culture of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of clique, Northen Song Dynasty, badge, emerge in large numbers gives father, village, pipe, Cao Cao, Hua Tuo, Bao Zheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Hongzhang, Hu Kuo to wait for character of a batch of famous histories.

The school of Taoist school of old place of business that produces Yu Huaihe catchment, comprise our country traditional culture together with Confucianist doctrine two big pillar; Badge culture is the culture genre with the most influential period of bright Qing Dynasty.

Badge drama is one of main headstream of Beijing opera, yellow plum play is one of 4 big opera class of Chinese, the exorcise play of pool city is so-called " of stone of " Thespian activation, the flower-drum lamp of popularity of two sides of river of the Huaihe River is known as " of " Oriental ballet.

In the meantime,

Of Anhui

Cate culture also is Gujin famed, for instance accord with leaves carbonado of collect carbonado, badge popular cause to wait and from this numerous strange carbonado culture.

6, literary quotation of culture of history of north of Anhui the Huaihe River?

Xia Yu divides the world to be a poetic name of China, land with certain boundaries of city of north showing the Huaihe River belongs to Xuzhou.

BC 21 centuries, help have rendered great service of prevent floods by water control of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty and become the grandchildren that business tribe leader engraves, earth of 11 worlds ancestor look is business soup farther eastwards outspread, migrate by Shang Qiu so far, as fasten, after this hill is photograph city namely for photograph hill, city namely. The name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty of business soup cut down, destroy Xia Jian business, business edge summer is made, photograph city still belongs to Xuzhou place administer. Name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant of cut down of week fierce king more business cent is sealed vassal, establish dynasty title the Song Dynasty,

Before BC comes 588 years 576 years during, song Gong common flaw is avoid flood, ever this world of national capital You Sui (today Shang Qiu) change comes photograph city. Period of the Warring States, neat, Hunan, the Kingdom of Wei destroys the Song Dynasty, put in Hunan country 's charge.

Qin Shi emperor 22 years (before 225 years) mix in photograph city face melt town cent sets photograph county, Zuo county, congeneric Si Shui Jun, photograph city controls seat for county.

7, what history culture does Anhui Bo city have?

Bo state history is too long, can use 4321 will generalize:

"4 " it is Bo city has been born father, village, Cao Cao, Hua Tuo 4 world-class celebrity, inside limits of city of level of a ground, appear so many " heavyweight " celebrity, in the whole nation peerless also;

"3 " it is Bo city has 3 pieces of a vainglorious title, already first famous city of culture of national level history, China is outstanding travel city, and the rural area that Qiao the city zone name the Chinese long life with only the Anhui province this year.

"2 " Bo city has Chinese traditional medicine two names produce wine of tribute of material, Gu Jing, be called " China medicine, city of wine of an ancient name for China " ;

"1 " government of provincial Party committee, province plans Bo city to travel for Anhui 3 big board piece one of, make the core of area of travel of new Anhui north, this brought great opportunity for the rapid development of Bo city tourism.

8, name of what history culture does Anhui have to get the better of?

Anhui has a lot of famous famous places and historical sites, it is below a few relatively famous:

1.Huang Shan: Element has " the Five Mountains alone honour " beautiful praise, it is one of hill of Chinese traditional name, with " strange pine, strange stone, sea of clouds, hot spring " celebrated.

2.Cottage hill: Be known as Changjiang Delta the first hill, have beautiful scenery, old building and long culture inside information.

3.9 Mount Hua: For headquarters of buddhism of Chinese weather station, own numerous Buddhist culture relics and ancient building, be known as " Na Tiantai " .

4.Qi Yunshan: Have numerous historical culture involuntary discharge of urine to put with natural scene, with You Xi fluvial region is given priority to should visit area.

5.The temple fair on Ying: It is the civilian temple fair with the famousest the Anhui province, level of the state that be labelled is immaterial culture bequest.

6.Cease Ning Shizhu group teach concept really completely with inhaling county: "The example with artistic building of Chinese ancient time " , this is Anhui bequest of two worlds culture.

7.Ming Xiaoling: Ming Dynasty empress buries here, yes

9, how is the historical culture calling card of Anhui written?

The city of science and education, innovation upland Hefei, the birthplace mussel port of flower-drum lamp, south the matrix the Huaihe River of bean curd culture, the whole world material of the biggest Chinese traditional medicine is distributing center central Bo city, fruit sea barn, the country old state of strange stone, city of Chinese characteristic glamour 6 how, wine fills the ground, the countryside of ox mounds in relief, the state of culture, thespian countryside Anqing, anhui is one of province with Chinese travel the most substantial natural resources, the welcome comes Anhui!

10, Jiangxi and Anhui which history culture has insided information?

Anhui and Jiangxi are having of long standing and well established history inside information, but Anhui photograph relatively details is a bit better.

Anhui is one of principal home of Chinese prehistoric civilization, culture inside information is solid, of long standing and well established, ever bred Taoism culture, build bring city of literature, tung culture of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of clique, Northen Song Dynasty, badge, emerge in large numbers gives father, village, pipe, Cao Cao, Hua Tuo, Bao Zheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Hongzhang, Hu Kuo to wait for character of a batch of famous histories. The school of Taoist school of old place of business of catchment of unripe Yu Huaihe, comprise our country traditional culture together with Confucianist doctrine culture of badge of; of two big pillar is the culture genre with the most influential period of bright Qing Dynasty. Badge drama is one of main headstream of Beijing opera, yellow plum play is one of 4 big opera class of Chinese, the exorcise play of pool city is so-called " of stone of " Thespian activation, the flower-drum lamp of popularity of two sides of river of the Huaihe River is known as " of " Oriental ballet.

Jiangxi is the richness fertile soil that deep culture develops. Song Ming two generation, jiangxi population occupies countrywide front row, hero bully traffic of north and south turns bear connective key area, the educational system that is a delegate with academy of classical learning developeds, mastered the crucial technology of the core industry such as pottery and porcelain, tea, papermaking. Person of Jiangxi of Zhu Xi character: "Mark is big " " shame is the same as at the person " " firm hold " " beautiful and can civil " . Such spirit is temperamental, let Jiangxi person keep in mind put Gao Yuan, cut into a mountain to establish a group. Like Tao Yuan poem of Ming Kaitian garden is sent, yan Shu starts wind of word of graceful and restrained, ou Yangxiu by accepted for cacique of the literary world, huang Tingjian is initiated " Jiangxi poem is sent " , zhu Xi founds Zhu Zi a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties.
