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宠物灭跳蚤用什么药? 怎么灭跳蚤?家中有宠物?英文双语对照


宠物灭跳蚤用什么药? 怎么灭跳蚤?家中有宠物?英文双语对照













1. 首先要治疗宠物身上的跳蚤,可以购买宠物专用的驱虫药物,给宠物进行预防和治疗。

2. 家中清洁,每周用吸尘器仔细清理地板、沙发、床上用品等容易藏污纳垢的地方,特别是宠物经常出入的地方要注意清理,可以用除螨喷雾或者薰衣草等杀虫剂进行喷洒。

3. 家中空气流通通风,可以打开窗户让空气流通,避免室内潮湿,这也有助于减少跳蚤滋生。

4. 使用跳蚤喷雾剂,可以选择市场上专门针对跳蚤的喷雾剂,对家中各处进行喷雾,要注意喷雾剂的使用方法和使用频率,避免对人和宠物造成危












白醋不可以杀死跳蚤。因为白醋是发酵制品,是调味品。 如果被跳蚤咬到,擦点白醋可以止痒消毒,但是不能从根本上杀死跳蚤。比如蚂蚁分泌蚁酸,但是蚁酸不能杀死跳蚤。跳蚤被蚂蚁杀死也是因为跳蚤被蚂蚁咬死,而不是由于蚂蚁分泌蚁酸杀死跳蚤的。所以要杀死跳蚤必须用杀虫剂,比如六六粉等。

消灭跳蚤的方法有: (1)消灭跳蚤的孳生地。

搞好卫生,大力灭鼠,保持地面和墙角的清洁,清除尘土,使跳蚤没有地方藏身和繁殖。 (2)用火烧杀地面的跳蚤。








方法如下:   1、利用杀虫剂消灭跳蚤。


2、利用跳蚤粉来消灭跳蚤。  到宠物市场买一些跳蚤粉,跳蚤粉不贵,很便宜,只不过有时候不太好买。把跳蚤粉均匀地洒在被子、床单上、地毯四周、地板裂隙和墙角处,紧闭门窗,二个小时后就基本上把跳蚤清理掉了。  

3、利用樟脑清除跳蚤。  到超市买来樟脑丸,放在室内被子里、床单下、室内四周,利用樟脑挥发的刺激性气味来清除跳蚤,但这种方法清除效果不是太好,比较慢,跳蚤不是被杀死,而是逃跑掉了








One, does pet destroy what drug flea uses?

General and commonly used pet anthelmintic can kill flea, choose for instance contain be not the common delegate medicaments that spills Luo Ni, contest to play Ke Ding part of Lin of bug of bacterium element, Bi, Mo Xi is Fulaien, defeat bug to kill and so on, it is pretty good to the precaution of flea and cure.

If discover to there is flea on dog dog body, flea egg also may exist in the environment so. Say to go up besides dog dog body so should have drive worm besides, also want to undertake keeping clear of to the flea inside the home.

Flea can itch to Sao of dog dog occurrence skin not only circumstance, the likelihood still can cause irritability dermatitis, transmit a few tapeworm. Outside making system helminthic also should do the drive bug inside good system at the same time. Prevent the transmission of tapeworm.

Grown dog is OK below general and normal circumstance two make system to 3 months inside, every month can suggest make system outside, such abilities can prevent control helminth effectively.

2, how to destroy flea? Is there pet in the home?

orange skin, on the west 3 shaddock skin, garlic, probably the water of 500 milliliter mixes together, with juicer agitate even, heat 15 minutes to wait with small fire next after air is cool, install watering can, gush is on dog dog body, notice the eye of escape dog dog is in.

The powder of drive cootie

Market has the powder that gives dog dog drive technically cootie, buy some come back to be aspersed on dog dog body, the effect also is very good, and simpler also. If dog dog is licked,be only may bring a few harm. Ask careful choice.

Water of malic vinegar add sprays, OK also...

3, is there pet in the home how to destroy the flea in dividing the home?

There is pet in the home, destroy the flea in dividing the home needs to notice the following:

1.Want to treat the flea on pet body above all, can buy pet appropriative anthelmintic content, undertake prevent and be remedialed to pet.

2.The cleanness in the home, clear carefully with cleaner every week the floor, sofa, bedding place that shelters evil people and practices easily, especially the place that pet often comes in and go out should notice to clear, can use the spray that divide mite or the insecticide such as lavender undertakes spraying.

3.The airiness in the home is ventilated, can open a window to let airiness, avoid indoor moisture, this also conduces to reduce flea to cause.

4.Agent of use flea sparge, can select the is aimed at flea technically sparge agent on the market, to sparge undertaking everywhere in the home, the use method that should notice sparge agent and use frequency, avoid to create danger to person and pet

4, how to destroy flea?

Want to eliminate flea to be able to use Chinese traditional medicine of clear water, insecticide, flea to destroy skin of flea, orange, wait for means with agent of baked wheaten cake, use worm.

5, how does flea destroy?

Medicated soap water divides flea

Buy a red medicated soap () of sulfureous toilet soap, melt its with boiling water in the basin 1/3, put the cat into after add cold water, made whole body is wringing make an appointment with 10-15 cent to plant, clean clean with cold water subsequently, after the whole body that wait for a cat works, dead pedicular drop of course. This method is euqally applicable put have pedicular dress trousers.

6, destroy is flea special medicine?

If be,is flea in the home, can remove appropriative the drug of flea, for example the insecticide of Dalmatian chrysanthemum ester such as ester of ester of chrysanthemum of 3 fluorine chloric cyanogen, bromic cyanogen chrysanthemum, gush is on bedplate, each corners in the ground and house, can eliminate flea effectively.

If there is flea on the body, can go up in the body daub sulfur ointment, the also can eliminate body effectively to express helminth after daub is over, sulfureous black also can be used to clean when bathing additionally.

In daily life, want to notice family and individual sanitation, do good precautionary measures, often use cleaner to clean, maintain the environment in the home clean and neat.

What need an attention additionally is, the flea on general animal body is more, if have those who raise pet, also want to do good pet sanitation, wholesome dead space does not take in the home.

7, can white vinegar destroy flea?

White vinegar can not kill flea. Because white vinegar is,ferment goods, it is dressing. If be bitten by flea, brush bit of white vinegar to be able to stop urticant disinfection, but cannot from go up at all kill flea. For instance ant secretes formic acid, but formic acid cannot kill flea. Because flea is bitten dead by ant,flea is killed by ant also is, because ant secretes formic acid to kill flea, is not. Want to kill flea to must use pesticide so, for instance 66 pink.

The method that eliminates flea has: (1) the breed ground that eliminates flea.

Do well wholesome, destroy energetically rat, maintain the cleanness of the ground and corner, cleared dust, make flea hides without the place with breed. (2) the flea that reduces the area with baked wheaten cake.

If the ground has a lot of flea, can burn the ground with blaze directly, or scatter the hot stove ash that takes from the chamber of a stove or furnace on the ground, the imago with killing flea, egg, nymph and aurelian. Fire prevention should note when exterminating flea with this kind of means.

(3) the flea that exterminates the ground with medicaments and mice. Be like 2? 5% dipterex (every square metre 40 grams) , do 5% horses help sulfur phosphor white (every square metre 50 grams) , 1% carnage power pink (every square metre 30 grams) , 0? Ester of 5% chloric chrysanthemum (every square metre 40 grams) , 0? Powder of ester of chrysanthemum of 005% bromic cyanogen (every square metre 25 grams) asperse on the ground, or 1% dipterex aqueous solution or 1% horses pull sulfur phosphor aqueous solution (every square metre 100 milliliter) spray go up.

(4) the flea that exterminates the pet body such as cat, dog to go up. The safety of the medicaments ability guarantor that chooses safe, low poison and pet.

With gauze wrap up 1% Dalmatian chrysanthemum pink, 5% horses pull sulfur phosphor, 1% carnage power dust, the wool that going against cat, dog is brushed go in, kill the flea on body of cat, dog, can you also enter bubble of whole body of cat, dog 0? Phosphor of 5% iodic sulfur, 0? Phosphor of 25% Ma La sulfur, 0? Ester of 1% chloric chrysanthemum, 0? 0025% bromine undertake dipping in aqueous solution of cyanogen chrysanthemum ester. Hold pet in the arms after 30 minutes piece, the bath that use Qing Dynasty is clean, blow the wool of pet next dry.

8, how to destroy flea bug egg?

Use curtilage Ju Wei flea does not have care this product, this is aimed at flea and pedicular and special development, be a kind destroy new-styly flea means, can eliminate flea thoroughly, let him breed no longer renascence.

9, destroy is flea optimal plan?

The method is as follows: 1, use insecticide to eliminate flea.

Common insecticide can, spray before insecticide close indoor door window first severe, spray part of the part side indoor edge completely, put the place of quilt dress especially, more want large area to spray carefully, large area is indoor spray insecticide destroys treat flea to be able to achieve the biggest effect, general can one-time eliminate flea. Operation personnel should notice safety, had better wear cap, guaze mask and glove, spray after insecticide, leave the scene instantly, prevent toxic.   

2, use flea pink to eliminate flea. Buy pink of a few flea to pet market, flea pink is not expensive, very cheap, just occasionally not quite good buy. Asperse flea pink equably on quilt, sheet, carpet all around, floor cranny and corner office, lock door window, basically clear flea after 2 hours.   

3, use camphor cleared flea. Buy camphor ball to the supermarket, put indoors in the quilt, below the sheet, indoor all around, the excitant scent that uses camphor to volatilize will keep clear of flea, but this kind of method is cleared the effect is not too good, slower, flea is not to be killed, escape however

10, does flea pink destroy is flea effect good?


The first pace: Eliminate flea, want to assure the safety in the home above all, area of cleared flea breed, clear dark corner of cultivate birdhouse and La of indoor corner Ga, rubbish does not stay in the home. Often use medicaments to undertake exterminating to feline dog body, area of feline dog activity often also should be disinfected.

The 2nd pace: Scatter flea pink below the sheet, namely on mattess or mattess. It should be enclothed, is not leave a blank. It is a layer serves as a whole. Sofa also is an important place, you can put flea powder on sofa cushion for leaning on, have juncture.

The 3rd pace: Hit insect pest area into a whole with sparge agent, be in a few places centrally even, include green plant, cushion, blanket, carpet, chest, bed, sofa to wait. These places are the place that insect pest creates easily normally, want to be administered mainly.

The 4th pace: Take out a quilt to bask. After basking, agent of the sparge on gush. Gush haze is a bit wet. When weather is dry, you can sleep directly and need not clean. This one step is very important also, basically be to kill the egg that hides in the quilt.

The 5th pace: Scatter powder in the house all round, the medical line that manages with corner is a standard. The main purpose that such doing is to use powder to build a groove guard, let the insect dare not come in. The method is what assure tailor's chalk line as far as possible when laid of edge room corner is successional, much gush is in kitchen a cupboard that also serves as a table, pet often mobile area, brunet be in a poor light wait for key area.
