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心理健康填写? 心理健康晴雨表如何填写?英文双语对照


心理健康填写? 心理健康晴雨表如何填写?英文双语对照









1. **阅读指导说明**:仔细阅读晴雨表开始部分的所有指导说明,了解如何填写每个部分以及评分标准。

2. **诚实回答问题**:对于晴雨表中的每一个问题,根据你最近的情况和感受,诚实地选择最符合你当前状态的选项。

3. **考虑时间段**:有些问题可能要求你回顾过去一周或一个月的情况,确保你的答案反映了这段时间内的实际经历。

4. **不要过分思考**:尽量避免过度分析问题或试图猜测“正确”的答案。晴雨表的设计是为了捕捉你的直觉反应。

5. **记录得分**:如果晴雨表提供了计分系统,确保记录下你对每个问题的回答对应的分数,并在最后计算总分。

6. **自我反思**:填写完晴雨表后,花些时间反思你的得分可能表明的问题。如果你的得分表明心理健康状况不佳,考虑寻求专业的心理咨询或支持。

7. **保密性**:除非特别说明,心理健康晴雨表的结果应保持私密,不应与他人分享,除非你认为分享对你有帮助。




















1、基本情况 姓名班级性别出生年月 民族籍贯学习情况健康状况 家庭住址 寄住住址 兴趣与特长。

2、家庭情况 称谓姓名年龄学历职业爱好与特长个性 特点你对他(她)的喜爱程度 喜爱较 喜爱无 所谓不 喜爱 父 母 继父母(或)养父母情况。

3、学习经历 起止时间在何校学习担任职务对当时所处集体的喜爱程度 喜欢较 喜欢一般不太 喜欢不喜欢。










1. 填写个人基本信息


2. 填写心理评估报告


3. 填写关键事件记录


4. 填写心理咨询记录


5. 填写学校评估报告




One, does mental health fill in?

Mental health writes an opinion:

1. understanding ego, admit ego (self-awareness)

Understand oneself, evaluate oneself objective and appropriately, have particular proper pride. Learn the value of ego existence, accept oneself.

2. ego study, independent life (the life and study ability)

Have learn from inside experience, obtain the capability of knowledge and skill, can solve common problem; Can treat the activity of major basic necessities of life in daily life independently.

2, how does mental health barometer fill in?

Mental health barometer is a kind of tool that is used at evaluating condition of individual mental health, it includes a series of issues normally, aim to catch quality of level of individual mood condition, pressure, Morpheus, human relation and other possibility to affect the factor of mental health. Fill in when mental health barometer, follow the following move please:

1.** reads guidance to show ** : Read barometer carefully to begin all directive specifications of the part, how does understanding fill in every part and standards of grading.

2.** honesty answers problem ** : To each problem in barometer, mix according to your recent circumstance experience, choose honestly most accord with you the option of current condition.

3.** considers time paragraph ** : Some problems may ask you review past a week or a lunar case, ensure your answer reflected the practical experience inside this paragraph of time.

4.** ponders over ** not overly: Avoid excessive analysis problem as far as possible or try to guess " correct " the answer. The design of barometer is to catch your instinctive response.

5.** record notchs ** : If barometer provided points system, ensure the record leaves the mark with your corresponding answer to every problem, always divide in final computation.

6.** ego reviews ** : Fill in after Wan Qingyu is expressed, spend some of time to review you notch the problem that indicates possibly. If your notch indicate mental health state not beautiful, the psychology that considers to seek major seeks advice or support.

7.** of ** confidential sex: Unless do not explain especially, the result of mental health barometer should maintain illicit is close, do not answer to be shared with other, unless you think,share helpful to you.

Remember please, mental health barometer is tool of a kind of abecedarian only, it cannot replace professional mental health to evaluate. If you have any doubt to your mental health, the proposal seeks advice from professional mental health to serve the person that offer.

3, is mental health put together judged fill in?

Mental health writes an opinion:

1. understanding ego, admit ego (self-awareness)

Understand oneself, evaluate oneself objective and appropriately, have particular proper pride. Learn the value of ego existence, accept oneself.

2. ego study, independent life (the life and study ability)

Have learn from inside experience, obtain the capability of knowledge and skill, can solve common problem; Can treat the activity of major basic necessities of life in daily life independently.

4, how does mental health evaluation fill in?

Mental health writes an opinion:

1. understanding ego, admit ego (self-awareness)

Understand oneself, evaluate oneself objective and appropriately, have particular proper pride. Learn the value of ego existence, accept oneself.

2. ego study, independent life (the life and study ability)

Have learn from inside experience, obtain the capability of knowledge and skill, can solve common problem; Can treat the activity of major basic necessities of life in daily life independently.

5, how does watch of archives of student mental health fill in?

 Most the basic message that upper part is a student, for example: Name, nation, this part content of sexual distinction fills in by actual condition can, domestic member condition is main the information of dictate parents grandparents, working unit or the unit name that learn unit correspondence can, stepfather mother or foster parent circumstance, fill in by actual condition

6, how does watch of archives of student mental health fill in?

Short of medical establishment issued psychological problem medical certificate, had not had the pathology record of psychological sickness treatment, you ought to fill in on watch of mental health archives healthy two words go, conversely, solid fill in.

7, how does form of archives of cheeper mental health fill in?

Form of archives of cheeper mental health fills in the method is as follows:

1, home address of condition of health of circumstance of study of native place of nation of birth date of sexual distinction of class of fundamental condition full name sends address interest and strong point.

2, you are opposite hobby of profession of record of formal schooling of age of full name of domestic situation title and characteristic of specialty individual character he (she) love degree relatively love to be indifferent to do not love parental stepfather parent (or) foster parent circumstance.

3, time stops to hold the position of a post to be opposite in Hejiao study since study experience located at that time love degree collectively to like prefer commonly not quite.

8, does platoon of student mental health check a watch to fill in example?

Platoon of student mental health checks the example that the watch fills in to be as follows, each healthy to the student index undertakes accurate evaluation.

9, how does mental health state fill in is ability correct?

1. has measurable safe feeling, have proper pride, valuable to the achievement of ego feeling.

2. moderate land self-criticism, not beyond the mark and pretentious oneself criticize severely oneself not overly also.

3. is in daily life, have modest initiative, do not be environmental place left and right sides.

4. reason, actual, objective, have good contact with reality, the blow of the setback in can patient life, without exceeding illusion.

10, how does archives of mental health of high school student fill in?

Archives of mental health of high school student is the tool that has record and dogging to state of student mental health. To fill in a record of complete mental health of high school student, we need to consider the following aspects:

1.Fill in the individual is basic information

Be in first of mental health archives, we need to fill in basic message of the student, include full name, sexual distinction, age, give unripe date, grade, family to contact a phone to wait a moment. These basic message are the foundation of archives management and inquiry, must assure to fill in accurate without by accident.

2.Fill in psychology evaluates a report

Psychology evaluates a report is archives of mental health of high school student most the core, most important part. Filling in when psychology evaluates a report, the psychology that needs to be based on major checks or psychology seeks advice from a result, undertake describe and be assessmented in detail to the student's mentation. Expression of type of problem of the mental health level that this includes a student, psychology, symptom, cure suggests to wait a moment.

3.Fill in crucial event record

The high school student is in study life, may encounter a lot of crucial event, if pressure of domestic misfortune, study, human conflict is waited a moment. The mental health that these incident meet pair of students produces an effect, need undertakes record and analysis in archives. Each record needs to fill in the information such as degree of type of time, incident, influence, and need undertakes to incident be evaluated and of the solution make.

4.Fill in psychology consults a record

School psychology advisory division is very important to the student's mental health. Fill in it is right that psychology consults a record student mental health dogs important step of management. Filling in when psychology consults a record, need records the content that the student seeks advice from, advisory time and the proposal of advisory division to wait for information. In the meantime, need undertakes assessment to the effect that seeks advice every time, adjust advisory plan in time.

5.Fill in the school evaluates a report

The school teachs a branch to need the mental health state to the student to undertake be assessmented integratedly. These evaluate a report to need to fill in integrated quality evaluation, course and achievement evaluate the student, teacher-student relationship evaluates the content that waits for many respects. Only those who adopt comprehensive system is evaluate, ability makes the educational plan that gives science in the light of the student's circumstance.

Summary rises, of archives of mental health of high school student it is very important to fill in, it can help the school and various education department make be analysed all-aroundly and dogging manage to student mental health. Filling in when archives, need pays close attention to the student's demand highly, respect the student's privacy, also need to assure the accuracy of information and integrality at the same time. Through science normative mental health archives manages, issue of help student's better solution determination grain, raise a student grow with development.

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