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生活健康必备常识? 生活必备小常识?英文双语对照


生活健康必备常识? 生活必备小常识?英文双语对照



1. 要保持充足的睡眠,成年人每天需要7-9小时的睡眠时间。

2. 饮食要均衡,多吃蔬菜、水果、全谷类食品、瘦肉、鱼类和豆类。

3. 控制摄入的热量,避免过多的高热量食品和饮料。

4. 饮食要多样化,避免过度依赖某种食物。

5. 定期进行体检,及时发现和治疗疾病。

6. 坚持适量的运动,每周至少150分钟的有氧运动。

7. 避免吸烟和饮酒过度。

8. 坚持良好的个人卫生习惯,如勤洗手、保持环境清洁等。

9. 学会应对压力和情绪,保持心理健康。

10. 遵守交通规则,保证交通安全。



1. 安全用电:了解安全用电的基本原则,如不私拉乱接电线,使用正规电器,定期检查电器的安全性,避免触电事故。

2. 食品安全:了解食品保质期、储存条件和食品安全知识,购买新鲜、质量可靠的食品,避免过期食品,注意个人卫生。

3. 急救知识:了解一些基本的急救知识和技能,如心肺复苏、止血、烧伤处理等,以便在紧急情况下能够自救或帮助他人。

4. 防火安全:了解火源管理、火灾预防和逃生技巧,定期检查家中的消防设备,如灭火器、烟雾报警器等。

5. 节能环保:养成节能环保的生活习惯,如节约用水、用电,减少塑料袋使用,分类回收垃圾等。

6. 健康饮食:保持健康的饮食习惯,如多吃蔬菜水果、全谷物、低脂肪食品,少吃高盐、高糖、高脂肪食品。

7. 运动锻炼:保持规律的锻炼习惯,如每周进行至少150分钟的中等强度有氧运动,或者每周进行至少75分钟的高强度有氧运动。

8. 定期体检:按照医生建议进行定期体检,以便及时发现并治疗潜在的健康问题。

9. 睡眠习惯:养成良好的睡眠习惯,保持规律的作息时间,确保每晚获得足够的睡眠时间,以保持身心健康。

10. 人际关系:学会处理人际关系,尊重他人,与他人友好相处,保持良好的沟通和倾听能力。













































Is life health necessary common sense?

It is health of a few lives below necessary general knowledge:

1.Want to maintain enough sleep, adult needs the Morpheus time of 7-9 hour everyday.

2.Food wants balanced, eat vegetable, fruit, complete cereal, lean lean, fish and legume more.

3.Control absorbed quantity of heat, avoid food of overmuch high quantity of heat and drink.

4.Food wants diversification, avoid excessive depend on some kind of food.

5.Undertake check-up regularly, discover in time and treat a disease.

6.Hold to right amount motion, every week motion of at least 150 minutes having oxygen.

7.Avoid to smoke and drink excessive.

8.Hold to good individual sanitation to be used to, be like diligent wash one's hands, maintain environmental cleanness to wait.

9.The society answers pressure and mood, maintain mental health.

10.Abide by traffic regulation, make sure transportation is safe.

Is the life necessary little common sense?

There are a lot of necessary little common senses in the life, they can help you solve all sorts of problems in daily life. It is a few proposals below:

1.Safety uses phone: Understanding safety uses basic principle of report, be like not illicit pull chaos to receive electrical wiring, use standard electric equipment, check the security of electric equipment regularly, prevent accident getting an electric shock.

2.Food safety: Understanding food expiration period, store condition and food safety knowledge, buy the food with fresh, reliable quality, avoid to expire food, notice the individual is wholesome.

3.Emergency treatment knowledge: Understand a few basic emergency treatment knowledge and technical ability, if heart lungs anabiosises, processing of hemostatic, burn, so that be below emergency,can save oneself or help another person.

4.Fire prevention safety: Understanding fire source control, fire prevents and flee for his life skill, inspect a medium fire control facility regularly, wait like warning apparatus of fire extinguisher, aerosol.

5.Energy-saving environmental protection: Nurturance is energy-saving the habits and customs of environmental protection, be like managing with water, with report, reduce polybag to use, classification reclaims rubbish.

6.Healthy diet: Hold healthy dietary convention, if eat vegetable fruit, complete cereal, low adipose food more, eat tall salt, high in syrup, fast adipose food less.

7.Motion takes exercise: Carry the law exercise a habit, like the moderate strength that has at least 150 minutes every week oxygen moves, the high strength that perhaps has at least 75 minutes every week has oxygen campaign.

8.Fixed check-up: According to the doctor the proposal undertakes fixed check-up, so that seasonable discovery treats potential healthy problem.

9.Morpheus habit: The Morpheus with good nurturance is used to, hold time of work and rest, ensure win enough Morpheus time every night, in order to maintain health of body and mind.

10.Human relation: The society handles human relation, esteem other, as friendly as other get along, the communication that keeps good and listen attentively to ability.

Above is a few lives only the example of necessary little common sense, specific content may need surroundings of sue for peace because of the individual and differ somewhat. Learn ceaselessly and accumulate experience of life, all sorts of problems in conducing to you answering daily life better.

Is safe general knowledge necessary little knowledge?

01 transportation are safe

1, when walking on the driveway, need keep to the side, note the vehicle case all round;

2, when walking, do not do " lower one's head a group of things with common features " , the attention is safe;

3, do not fight noisely on the driveway, play.

02 safety use phone

1, do not show with the hand electric perhaps goods goes contacting socket in-house;

2, do not clean power source, electric equipment with wet cloth;

3, electric equipment use cut away power source answers after ending;

4, do not disassemble at will, circuitry of installation power source, electrical outlet, outlet.

03 prevent scald

1, the jug that burns from the shift on ingle or when the oily boiler of boiling hot, need the glove on the belt, prevent scald; End is put in the position that the person feels not easily after;

2, when food of blast of fried dish, decoct, notice the child is not in all round play fight noisely, lest scald;

3, oil is tinderbox, be sure to keep in mind to prevent oil lukewarm exorbitant and on fire; Be like on fire, build upper cover immediately child, removed quickly ingle;

4, the electric central heating in the home, using power source must be shut after ending, after waiting for refrigeration, close.

Knowledge of child life common sense?

1, notice oral cavity is wholesome.

2, protect 6 age teeth.

3, choose appropriate tooth brush to the child.

4, abusive antibiotic can damage children health.

5, the food of high in syrup that eats high calorie less.

6, winter can make the child much enter outdoors activity.

Is domestic security general knowledge necessary little knowledge?

1. does not want excess load to use phone, if use electric bear to set a size more than, answer to apply for the; that add a look to power supply branch

The high capacity such as 2. air conditioning, oven should use; of industrial siding road with electric equipment

3. should choose eligible electric equipment, do not want anxious to get things on the cheap to buy use fake chamfer of electric equipment, electrical wiring, line (canal) , the; such as switch, outlet, electrical outlet

4. does not want without permission or ask those who do not have aptitude to decorate team and personnel laid electrical wiring and receive install the equipment that use phone, installation, repair electric equipment appliance to want to look for the unit that has aptitude and personnel;

ABC of life common sense?

When dumpling knead dough, infiltrate a few eggs are clear, face skin will be strong path, boil not easily sodden, enough water should be added when the dumpling that boil, the salt of 2% is joined after waiting for water to leave, dumpling falls again after dissolving, can increase the tenacity of gluten, dumpling won't stick a skin, stick a bottom, the colour and lustre of dumpling will be whiten, soup clear dumpling is sweet.

Knowledge of popular science of life common sense?

1, why can the person yawn? When we feel tired, a lot of carbon dioxide already produced inside body. Must increase oxygen to balance the place inside body to need again, at this moment the body hits a yawn.

2, why can the snake walk without the foot? There is scale on anguine body, scale can capture cobbly road surface when help snake is ongoing.

3, why did the person become old can the hair bleach? There is a kind of material that makes melanin in the hair, melanin heals the color of much hair can bleach.

Is railroad life necessary intellectual encyclopedia?

If you are the word that wants to climb on the net, so what you need to prepare is more, it is life work must master above all skill knowledge, still have all sorts of examinations all sorts of regulations systems.

Next the heads ranking even leader little interest that you know yourself in the life even, the little skill that a few humanness conduct oneself in society masters more in the life.

Is healthy life necessary knowledge?

It is the knowledge of the respect such as food, motion, Morpheus, mental health. Because healthy lifestyle can prevent a disease, prolong life, improve life quality. In dietary respect, need reasonable and tie-in food, control quantity of heat to absorb; In athletic respect, what need undertakes 150 minutes at least every week is medium spend intensity campaign; In Morpheus respect, need assures enough Morpheus time and Morpheus quality; In mental health respect, need maintains active and hopeful state of mind, learn untangle pressure. If can hold to healthy lifestyle, right healthy have positive effect with mental health.

Fair take an examination of knowledge of necessary general knowledge to order pool?

Condition of national condition, company: This part title includes quality of geographical, history, nation to wait. Among them, big politics guiding principle, main policy, we want review a key to be put in this above.

When paying attention to politics: We can pass leisure time, watch news through the channel such as newspaper, TV, network, pay close attention to current affairs, the commonsensible problem that raises oneself gets channel. Additional, a few current affairs kind books, also can have very great help to us.

Master each course sequence of thought: Because commonsensible problem involves politics, economy, law, history, when accordingly we are reciting common sense to inscribe, want concentrate on the main points, undertake assurance from whole, master course marrow.
