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奇瑞控股股东? 京东控股股东?英文双语对照


奇瑞控股股东? 京东控股股东?英文双语对照





截至2020年2月29日,刘强东直接持股为15.1%,还拥有的Fortune Rising Holdings Limited的投票权,刘强东共有78.5%的投票权。







1、控股股东就是第一大股东吗:是的。2、有什么区别:理论上来说,控股股东就是在公司占有股份权重最大的股东。控股股东分为绝对控股股东和相对控股股东两种。绝对控股股东的持股比例大于公司整个股份的51%;相对控股股东是指整个公司股权最大的股东例如601009南京银行,它的控股股东的持股比例只有13.76%,但是由于其他股东的持股比例小于13.76%,只能“委屈”地成为第二、第三大股东。根据《公司法》第216条(二)的规定: 控股股东,是指其出资额占有限责任公司资本总额百分之五十以上或者其持有的股份占股份有限公司股本总额百分之五十以上的股东;出资额或者持有股份的比例虽然不足百分之五十,但依其出资额或者持有的股份所享有的表决权已足以对股东会、股东大会的决议产生重大影响的股东。





根据《公司法》第217条(二)的规定: 控股股东,是指其出资额占有限责任公司资本总额百分之五十以上或者其持有的股份占股份有限公司股本总额百分之五十以上的股东;出资额或者持有股份的比例虽然不足百分之五十,但依其出资额或者持有的股份所享有的表决权已足以对股东会、股东大会的决议产生重大影响的股东。






























Does strange luck control a partner?

Of strange luck accuse a partner to city of lake of limited company establishing dispatch, overgrown with weeds builds luck of lake of investment limited company, overgrown with weeds to achieve investment Inc. , the Anhui province to invest a group to accuse a limited company to wait to be held jointly, .

Strange luck company invests luck of lake of limited company, overgrown with weeds to achieve investment Inc. , the Anhui province to invest a group to accuse a limited company to wait to be held jointly by construction of city of lake of limited company establishing dispatch, overgrown with weeds, among them, limited company establishing dispatch is held about 76.72% , for the biggest partner. Inc. of strange luck car held water in January 1997, register capital to make an appointment with 5.47 billion yuan.

Beijing east control a partner?

Up to on Feburary 29, 2020, liu Jiang east hold directly for 15.1% , still have the voting right of some Fortune Rising Holdings Limited, liu Jiang east the voting right that has 78.5% in all.

Tecent hold 17.8% equity, reach the voting advantageous position of 4.6% , for Beijing east the biggest partner. Wo Erma is Beijing east the 3rd large stockholder, hold for 9.8% , have the voting right of 2.5% .

Can see, beijing east after appearing on the market 2 times, the equity that Tecent place holds has partial dilute, held a scale to drop 0.7 percent, nevertheless, tecent still is Beijing east the largest stockholder.

Is child with a ha breathed out control a partner?

Line of business of wine of the cogongrass that show child and child have certain connection after Zong Qing of haing haing author. "Child cogongrass wine " the company of backside is line of business of child cogongrass wine, share two partner, fill the limited company of intelligent science and technology, Hangzhou an administrative unit in Xizang that holds a 30 % to fill commerce to expand limited company to hold the Dali an administrative unit in Xizang of a 70 % respectively.

After Dali an administrative unit in Xizang fills the legal representative of limited company of intelligent science and technology to be Zong Ze, public data shows, zong Ze hind with a ha breaths out the little brother after father Zong Qing for child. Dali an administrative unit in Xizang fills the form that child also appeared to with a ha be breathed out in the partner of limited company of intelligent science and technology, with a ha breath out poineering investment limited company to hold by Zhejiang child 15.6221% , penetrate through equity, after the effective control person of this company is Zong Qing.

What is to control a partner?

1, is controlling a partner the biggest partner: Yes. 2, have what distinction: Theoretic for, accuse a partner to have the stockholder with share the largest weight in the company namely. Accuse a partner cent to be accuse absolutely a partner and control a partner relatively two kinds. 51% what control a partner absolutely; Controlling a partner relatively is the partner that shows whole company equity is the greatest for example 601009 Nanjing bank, its control a partner hold a scale to have 13.76% only, but as a result of other shareholder hold a scale to be less than 13.76% , can " grievance " the ground is become the 2nd, the 3rd large stockholder. Basis " company method " the 216th (2) regulation: Control a partner, it is to show its are contributive the forehead occupies capitalization of finite liability company 50% above or its hold some share to hold total of Inc. capital stock the partner of 50% above; Contributive forehead or although the scale of hold share is insufficient 50% , but the right to vote that according to its contributive forehead perhaps holds some share place to enjoy already enough the partner that to partner the resolution of plenary meeting of meeting, shareholder produces major effect.

Does the fruit juice that collect a source control a partner?

: of 3 large stockholder? Tend or guard a gate hang down  ? is amounted to can, hua Ping fund

Because Zhu Xinli is mixed,collecting a source to be bought is other two large stockholder -- amount to can still Hua Ping fund signed to betting an agreement, if hold collects a source together hold, if sell,sell together, and if among them two large stockholder plan to sell, additionally that partner must agree to sell together, and Hua Ping fund because second borrow crisis influence to be badly in need of covering now, amount to also can plan to exit Chinese market. At that time according to the agreement, zhu Xinli or sells collect a source, or is about to compensate amount to can and Huapingjijin about 12 billion RMB, additional if Zhu Xinli is used 12 billion redemptive collect a source, so collect a source by originally hold of 3 large stockholder turned the company that collect a source into one person particular, so do not accord with Hong Kong to appear on the market condition, city can be retreated in Hong Kong, so Zhu Xinli has no alternative.

How should controlling a partner go up? Accuse a partner what to privilege there is?

Basis " company method " the 217th (2) regulation: Control a partner, it is to show its are contributive the forehead occupies capitalization of finite liability company 50% above or its hold some share to hold total of Inc. capital stock the partner of 50% above; Contributive forehead or although the scale of hold share is insufficient 50% , but the right to vote that according to its contributive forehead perhaps holds some share place to enjoy already enough the partner that to partner the resolution of plenary meeting of meeting, shareholder produces major effect.

The requirement that he must have: Basis " appear on the market company rules is how-to " (card inspect [1997]16 date) regulation, "Control a partner " it is to point to the shareholder that has one of following requirements:

1, when this person perhaps acts consistently with other alone, can elect the director of above of half the number;

2, when this person perhaps acts consistently with other alone, can the exercise that the right to vote of 30% above of exercise company perhaps can control 30% above right to vote of company;

3, when this person perhaps acts consistently with other alone, the share of 30% above of hold company;

4, when this person perhaps acts consistently with other alone, can controlling a company in fact with other means.

Afore-mentioned place say " consistent action " it is to point to two or the person of two above the means with the agreement (no matter oral written perhaps) reach consistent, pass among them the voting right that any one person acquires pair of companies, dominate the action of the purpose of the company with achieve or consolidating.

If it were not for controls a partner belong to blame control a partner.

Control a partner and company control a concern?

Controlling a partner is number of share of the hold in all partner is maximum actually that, namely the biggest partner. " company method " the 217th (2) regulation: Control a partner, it is to show its are contributive the forehead occupies capitalization of finite liability company 50% above or its hold some share to hold total of Inc. capital stock contributive forehead perhaps earns the partner; of 50% above although the proportion that has share is insufficient 50% , but the right to vote that according to its contributive forehead perhaps holds some share place to enjoy already enough to partner the resolution of plenary meeting of meeting, shareholder produces major effect the partner of one. The contributive person that partner is joint-stock company or make investor. Partner is the person of share of the hold in joint-stock company, have authority attends shareholder plenary meeting and with a right to vote, also point to the investor of the industrial and commercial enterprise of other joint venture. " company method " the 103rd regulation: "Shareholder plenary meeting makes resolution, must pass via attending the partner place of the conference to hold vote majority. But, shareholder plenary meeting makes modification company way, increase or reduce the resolution that registers capital, and company the amalgamative, schism, resolution that disband or changes company form, of the 2/3 above that must hold right to vote via attending the partner place of the conference through. " . The biggest distinction that charges a partner and other shareholder is, accuse a partner to have absolutely right to vote.

Qingdao beer partner and accuse a partner introduction?

1, limited company of Qingdao beer group

2, in the center of Hong Kong settle accounts (procuratorial) limited company


4, LawDebentureTrust(Asia)L

5, China builds silver to invest finite liability company

6, fund of countrywide social security 108 combination

7, fund of countrywide social security 102 combination

8, negotiable securities of share of industry of the theme when rich invests fund

9, big Cheng La prepares dovish negotiable securities to invest fund

10, fund of countrywide social security 106 combination

This is his 10 large stockholder

Does day hill aluminous course of study control a partner?

   Of day hill aluminous course of study controlling a partner is Xinjiang stone river child limited company of group of industry of energy of grand of city bright and beautiful.

   Full name of day hill aluminous trade is Inc. of group of day hill aluminous trade. Business address: ? Land   young emerge a surname of exhausted ひ of  ⑶  gathers up  is settleclear welcoming? date; Register address: ? Aluminous Long of Jing  ∥ writes ひ of gun of Hui of Gou of sheng  Ge to ascend Da of  of grey appearance of  of と of Shi of  reed a bell-shaped percussion instrument directly?02532 of octogenarian of  of shellfish of be apt to of rare officer  . Category, basic metal, aluminous, nonferrous metal smelt and pressure delay treatment industry.

What is to control a partner directly?

Control a partner namely actually

Control a partner, it is to show its are contributive the forehead occupies capitalization of finite liability company 50% above or its hold some share to hold total of Inc. capital stock the partner of 50% above; Contributive forehead or although the scale of hold share is insufficient 50% , but the right to vote that according to its contributive forehead perhaps holds some share place to enjoy already enough the partner that to partner the resolution of plenary meeting of meeting, shareholder produces major effect.

Accuse to control a person a partner, actually to ought to build built-in control system, clear with appear on the market the company is in the decision-making process of major item respect, assure to appear on the market the concrete step of company independence and relevant personnel are engaged in with security market, appear on the market the duty in working related the company, attributive and responsibility find out a mechanism.

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