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健身坚持的文案? 坚持健身的好处?英文双语对照


健身坚持的文案? 坚持健身的好处?英文双语对照











1. 设定明确的目标:在开始健身前,先设定明确的目标,比如减肥、增肌、增强体质等等。这些目标将有助于您保持动力和专注。

2. 制定计划:制定一份详细的健身计划,包括锻炼的频率、时间和内容。并且要留出足够的时间来休息和恢复,以避免过度训练。

3. 寻找健身伙伴:寻找一位志同道合的健身伙伴可以增加坚持的动力。你们可以互相鼓励、支持、督促彼此。

4. 坚持记录进展:记录你的健身进展,比如体重、体脂率、肌肉增长等。这将有助于你看到自己的进步,从而更有动力坚持下去。

5. 保持健康的生活方式:除了锻炼,保持健康的生活方式也很重要。饮食、睡眠、压力管理等都是身体健康和健身成果的重要因素。

6. 克服困难:在健身和自律的道路上,你可能会遇到各种困难和挑战。不要放弃,尝试寻找解决方法并寻求支持。










  (5)学会若干小窍门:围绕提高运动的趣味性,可以将两件事情搭配起来进行。比如边骑健身车边听新闻广播;边步行边和旁人聊天;上街购物时可采取去时步行,回来时乘公交车;居住在楼上的可以每天步行上下 楼梯。


















Gymnastical importunate article table?

Fitness must perserve. 3 days fish, the result that the body building of two days of type that bask in a net gets is finite. Only unremitting forms a habit, ability of fitness of many a little makes a mickle is accumulated for achievement.

Hold to gymnastical advantage?

Fitness is a kind of exercising movement way, it has a lot of profit. Above all, it can help people enhance the muscle of the body, skeleton and heart lungs function, make the person has endurance and healthy physique more. Next, fitness can reduce the body fat rate of people and weight, benefit the healthy state of the body. In addition, fitness still can improve the mentation of people, ease pressure and worry, enhance self-confident heart and happy sense. Finally, fitness also is helpful for socialization, can communicate each other with other fitness enthusiast and share experience, increase social circle and friendship.

Hold to person disposition of fitness?

The person of long-term fitness is met very sunshine, the body is very good, get angry not easily, very magnanimous, encounter a thing to also be met very sedate, not anxious not confused. Because motion can let a person produce happy factor, passing endotoxin of sudoriferous eduction body is very good to the body.

Canter for instance, the edge runs hearing music, loosen see a landscape, can alleviate the fatigue condition of cerebrum, the blood that can invite the whole body circulates, loosen all over, the person is met very comfortable. Although have vexed thing, also meet forgot very quickly.

So close body have a lot of kinds, canter for instance swim, the female can do gem gal Puladi, shuttlecock, when skip chooses motion, it is as far as possible in limits of susceptive of body physical ability, and before motion, after wanting warm-up, want drawing movement, exceed a hour not easily.

How to hold to fitness and self-discipline?

Hold to fitness and maintaining self-discipline is a long-term challenge, need your perseverance and commitment. It is a few proposals below, can help you maintain in fitness and autonomic respect hold to:

1.The target with specific set: Before beginning fitness, first the target with specific set, reduce weight for instance, add muscle, enhance a constitution to wait a moment. These targets will conduce to you maintaining motivation and dedicated.

2.Make a plan: Make a detailed gymnastical plan, include the frequency that take exercise, time and content. And want the time with enough put apart will rest and restore, in order to avoid excessive training.

3.Search gymnastical associate: The gymnastical associate that seeks a cherish the same ideals and follow the same path can increase importunate power. You can be encouraged each other, support, supervise and urge each other.

4.Insist to record progress: The fitness that records you makes progress, for instance rate of fat of weight, body, muscle grows etc. This will conduce to you seeing this progress, thereby more motivation holds on.

5.Maintain healthy way of life: Besides take exercise, the way of life that keeps healthy is very important also. Food, Morpheus, pressure government is healthy the main factor with gymnastical achievement.

6.Overcome difficulty: On the road of fitness and self-discipline, you may encounter all sorts of difficulty and challenge. Do not want to abandon, the attempt seeks a means of settlement and seek support.

Finally, remember, hold to fitness and autonomic need time and patience. Do not expect to see a result quickly, believe protracted effort can bring the change that you want.

How long does fitness insist to give the effect?

Usually, exercise left and right sides of a month can have the effect.

Because take exercise,be one needs long-term importunate thing, average patient moves everyday a hour, hold to left and right sides of a month to be able to see apparent effect. Just began before half hours when take exercise, what basically use up is the moisture inside body and candy cent, second half hour just is to basically deplete put oneself in another's position inside adipose. But as a result of everybody the constitution differs

How can fitness hold to?

(1) set is short-term exercise a target: For oneself set becomes the short-term target that effort can reach a bit, for instance, hold to inside a week everyday moderate rate walks 15 minutes; Perhaps canter 10 minutes everyday. So holding to a week to achieve this goal when oneself, can raise this one target appropriately again, formulate a new target.

(Way of 2) commutation movement: Athletic means can match each other, in order to increase the interest that oneself share motion. For instance Zhou Yi canters and shadowboxing, the speed such as Zhou Erzhong is held with joint on foot etc.

(3) learns to write down athletic diary: Athletic diary records the content that moves everyday and rate not only, the water equality record that blood sugar monitors after the feeling in also can moving his and motion comes down, remind oneself ceaselessly, raise self-confident heart.

(4) seeks public health worker regularly or gymnastical coach seeks advice: To improve the result that motion treats, should seek advice to doctor office regularly.

(5) learns a certain number of small doohickey: Around the interest sex that raises sport, can rise two things collocation undertake. For instance Bian Qijian listens to newscast by the side of body car; Edge and other people walk to chat by the side of; Go into the street when shopping, can adopt when going, walk, the bus is taken when coming back; Live upstair can fluctuate on foot everyday stair.

How to hold on to fitness, does my feeling hold to fitness to compare me is smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline difficult still before?

Fitness actually the most difficult is not to hold to, how to begin your the first step however, wanting a fitness to treat as is a kind of fun, is not learn in one's childhood with you same, want to forcing you learn, insist to learn, if fitness means the word that goes down for a long time really, treat fitness as namely above all a kind of fun and habit, of course fitness does not insist to go down or do not go gymnastical person, without what very derisive also, because be born to live or should continue, living just is the most important thing, fitness is not hold to no less than going to, however fitness is not easy really.

Doesn't fitness insist to you can rebound?

Of the meeting, if control what dietary word rebounds carelessly,still be fiercer, if do not think fitness then you run everyday a 5 kilometers, or it is to be no good 5 kilometers, to what you do not rebound to be helped somewhat after fitness, you also can jump when the home does not have a thing skip moves this to ask to field also is not very tall, anyhow you not the odds that gymnastical word rebounds is very good, exercise OK and effective control appropriately to rebound.

How does gym insist to take exercise?

To the athlete, as active as manual activity adult (lover should feed the fitness that major rule moves to be able to return to be defined in this in) , protein intake proposal is in 1.2g-2g of every Kg weight (total caloric 10-35% ) .

Problem advocate 94kg, proposal intake controls protein in 150g.

Additionally the problem basically adds muscle, the proposal is main from eat sleep experienced tripartite face begins.

It is to adopt act the training way that give priority to with force, drill everyday 3 movements, lie push, crouch greatly, pull forcedly, resemble a problem advocate such great weight trainer, force goes up to rise or be compared fast.

2 it is food, since inscribe advocate want to add muscle, profit of quantity of heat is to must be gotten for certain, but in view of the problem advocate the disciplinarian that belongs to greater weight, rate of itself body fat compares the likelihood tall, the proposal is eating undertake adding muscle below clean condition as far as possible.

3 it is Morpheus, everyday 8 hours.

Finally, pure hand is hit, answer all sorts of fitness questions for a long time, nod an attention ~

Does gym hold to athletic article table?

Gym holds to motion, want to build correct state of mind above all, treat body building from the point of active, optimistic point of view, maintain a kind of curiosity, expectant state of mind, believe oneself can develop ahead.

Want to make sound plan next, for instance everyday momentum of intensity of athletic time, motion, carry, adjust appropriately according to oneself actual condition, achieve groove in order to facilitate.

Want unremitting finally, although encounter difficulty to also want to perserve, go boldly trying new athletic way, be brave in to challenge ego, reach oneself good type of build or figure finally.

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