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简介:上海财经大学(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所以经管为主,法、文、理协调发展的多科性全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”重点建设高校,入选“国家海外高层次人才创新创业基地”、“教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地”、“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”、“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”,是全国首批博士学位授予单位之一,由教育部、财政部和上海市人民政府三方共建。










2、设新生奖学金:以初试成绩排名为依据,奖励初试成绩排名前30名且录取为我校2019级会计硕士专业 “会计与财务精英方向”硕士研究生的考生。;


第 一 名:人民币5万元;







会计专业排名:上海财经大学>中南财经政法大学>暨南大学; 考研难度排名:上海财经大学>中南财经政法大学>暨南大学; 就业水平排名:上海财经大学>暨南大学>中南财经政法大学。


上海财经大学2014年的MPAcc会计硕士学费是6万,2年制。 2014年分数线:总分226,英语60分,综合120分


江西财经大学会计专业综合实力在名列中国财经类大学前10,虽比不了上财和央财,与其他相比毫不逊色,会计专业初试分数比苏州大学、首都经贸大学、北京工商大学、东北大学分数都要高。2014年会计学专业复试线,江西财经大学是 341分,而211院校暨南大学是335。



01 会计实务 02 公司理财 03 成本管理 04 审计实务


① 199管理类联考综合能力② 204英语二或202俄语或203日语


专业课复试科目及参考书目 专业课:《中级财务会计》,蒋尧明、荣莉,中国财政经济出版社2013年版;《公司财务学》,张蕊、袁业虎,高等教育出版社2012年版;《成本管理会计》,李金泉、余新培,中国财政经济出版社2013年版;《审计学》,张蕊、谢盛纹,科学出版社2011年版。 同等学力加试科目及参考书目会计学:《会计学原理》,张蕊,中国财政经济出版社2013年版。成本会计:《成本会计》,余新培,中国人民大学出版社2011年版













One, is Master of major of accounting of university of Shanghai finance and economics tuitional?

Above all: The tuition of MPAcc accountant Master of university of Shanghai finance and economics is 60 thousand, make 2 years.

Brief introduction: ? Shrimp 2 by Hanghai University Of Finance And Economics of ⊿ of  Gou В ) be directly under of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China one so be in charge of is given priority to, the university of key of whole nation of much division sex that law, article, manage coordinates development, it is a country " 211 projects " , " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " the key builds a college, selected " the country is abroad poineering base of innovation of talent of high administrative levels " , " humanitarian society science studies Ministry of Education mainly base " , " education of outstanding law talented person develops a plan " , " the country builds Gao Shuiping project of graduate student of college public school " , it is first countrywide doctor's degree awards one of units, build in all by Ministry of Education, Ministry of finance and tripartite of Shanghai people government.

2, what is content of second-round exam of Master of accountant of university of Shanghai finance and economics?

Content of second-round exam of MPAcc of university of Shanghai finance and economics:

1, politics (20 minutes) ;

2, economics (80 minutes) ;

3, accounting (100 minutes) ;

4, interview (100 minutes) : Spoken English 30 minutes, professional quality, logistic analysis and integrated ability 70 minutes.

3, is Master of accountant of university of Shanghai finance and economics annual and tuitional probably how many?

The money on 2019 is not full-time MPAcc tuition and fellowship: ;

1, tuitional: Tuition is 188 thousand yuan, by school year cent second capture pays (the first semester, the 3rd semester parts with the 5th semester pay 40% , 40% and 20% ) .


2, set new student fellowship: With first try achievement the rank is a basis, before achievement of promotive first try is ranked 30 and admit for my school Master of 2019 class accountant is professional " accountant and financial elite direction " the examinee of Master graduate student. ;

Fellowship standard: ;

The first: RMB 50 thousand yuan;

The 2nd: RMB 40 thousand yuan;

The 3rd: RMB 30 thousand yuan;

The 4th: RMB 20 thousand yuan;

The 5th goes to the 15th: RMB 10 thousand yuan / person;

The 16th arrives thirtieth name: RMB 6000 yuan / person. ; The money on 2019 is not full-time MPAcc tuition and fellowship

4, and south university accountant Master and Master of accountant of university of Shanghai finance and economics which better?

Accounting major ranks: University of Shanghai finance and economics > in south university of politics and law of finance and economics > and south university; One's deceased father grind difficulty ranks: University of Shanghai finance and economics > in south university of politics and law of finance and economics > and south university; Obtain employment level ranks: University of Shanghai finance and economics > and south university > in south university of politics and law of finance and economics.

5, excuse me of the full-time accountant Master of university of Shanghai finance and economics?

University of Shanghai finance and economics the tuition of MPAcc accountant Master 2014 is 60 thousand, make 2 years. 2014 fractional line: Always divide 226, english 60 minutes, integrated 120 minutes

6, is university of Jiangxi finance and economics taken an examination of grind does accounting accountant Master distinguish connection?

Comprehensive strength of major of accounting of university of Jiangxi finance and economics is in rank Chinese finance and economics kind before the university 10, although cannot be compared,go up money and center money, not as more inferior than fine long hair as other photograph, mark of accounting major first try compares mark of industrial and commercial university of university of Suzhou university, capital classics trade, Beijing, northeast college to want tall. Accounting is professional 2014 second-round exam line, university of Jiangxi finance and economics is 341 minutes, and 211 schools and south the university is 335.

Master of accountant of university of Jiangxi finance and economics (professional degree) major was taken an examination of 2015 grind catalog of recruit students of recruit students general rules

1. research direction:

02 companies of 01 accountants solid Wu 03 cost manage economy 04 audit solid Wu

Exam course:

199 management of ① kind couplet takes an examination of integrated ability ② 204 English 2 or 202 Russian or 203 Japanese

Reference book of second-round exam course, second-round exam:

Course of professional class second-round exam reachs bibliography professional class: " intermediate and financial accounting " , jiang Yao Ming, Rong Li, press of Chinese finance economy 2013 edition; " company finance affairs learns " , zhang Rui, Yuan Yehu, higher education press 2012 edition; " cost government accountant " , li Jinquan, Yu Xinpei, press of Chinese finance economy 2013 edition; " audit learns " , zhang Rui, Xie Chengwen, scientific press 2011 edition. Coequal educational level adds try course and bibliography accounting: " accounting principle " , zhang Rui, press of Chinese finance economy 2013 edition. Cost accountant: " cost accountant " , yu Xinpei, press of Chinese people university 2011 edition

7, does Master of university of Shanghai finance and economics retreat tuition?

Master of university of Shanghai finance and economics does not retreat tuition, but those who have fellowship, please witting

8, is Master of accountant of university of Shanxi finance and economics good take an examination of?

1, look easily hard and which school undertakes comparative, if mix university of university of central finance and economics, Shanghai finance and economics, medium south the accounting graduate student that the 211 universities such as university of university of finance and economics, southwest finance and economics compare an university of Shanxi finance and economics is taken an examination of so not hard really, not be 211 keys university after all. If mix,the average school of 2 areas is taken an examination of harder than affirming.

2, take an examination of whether hard visit the school located the administrative levels of city and school, because sign up for examinee source,differ. The key still sees each one for reference circumstance, for reference to be taken an examination of not hard adequately.

3, the plan enters oneself for an examination must try hard and self-confident, admit see a mark, believe a where there is a will there is a way. Cheer!

9, is Master of major of accounting of university of Tianjin finance and economics tuitional?

Standard of tuition of full-time accountant Master 19 thousand / year, eductional systme is 2 years commonly.

On-the-job word altogether 41 thousand, can hand in neat, also can divide second hand in.

10, how much is tuition of Master of accountant of university of Tianjin finance and economics?

School of study of Confusion classics considers to decide, begin from 2020, admit for accountant Master (MPAcc) graduate student (new student) tuition is adjusted it is 22 thousand yuan / year, admit for financial Master (MF) graduate student (new student) tuition is adjusted it is 20 thousand yuan / year.

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