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工作证明上的 “ 兹有”意思是现有。书写格式 有我单位职工 同志,从事_____________(专业)相关工作 年,其主要工作经历如下: 起 止 年 月 在 岗位从事何 工作,获何 专业技术资格。





1. 卧虎藏龙:传说中有一只老虎在山洞里藏着,而山洞里还藏着一条龙。这就是“卧虎藏龙”的故事来源,用来形容隐藏着高人才能的地方。

2. 四面楚歌:春秋战国时期,楚国被敌国围攻,四面都响起了敌人的攻击声,楚国陷入了孤立无援的境地。这就是“四面楚歌”的故事来源,用来形容处境艰难、孤立无援的境地。

3. 拔苗助长:古代有个种田人为了让自己的庄稼早点长出来,就在晚上偷偷地把庄稼拔高了一些。结果,庄稼长得很快,但是过了不久就死了。这就是“拔苗助长”的故事来源,用来形容急于求成、不顾后果的行为。

4. 马后炮:事后诸葛亮,后知后觉的行为。

5. 亡羊补牢:事后补救过失,弥补损失。

6. 眼高手低:眼光高,实际能力不足。

7. 铁石心肠:心肠冷酷


1.大发明家 黑默丁格——“经过我的推导……结果只有一个,那就是:你会输!”

2.沙漠死神 内瑟斯——“很快,这儿就什么都不会剩下了。”

3.时光守护者 基兰——“人生最痛苦的事,莫过于你明知要失去,却还没发生。”

4.扭曲树精 茂凯——“自然,才是平衡最真实的形态,一边吃,一边避免被吃掉”


哈利波特 汤姆索亚历险记 爱丽丝梦游仙境 秘密花园 彩虹鸽 这些小说都很好看。但我最喜欢的还是沈石溪的动物小说,比如狼王梦,斑羚飞渡,混血犲王,第七条猎犬等深受孩子们的喜爱,作者把各种动物当作人来写,活灵活现,内容真的很精彩,各种动物基本都有介绍到,值得一看!


One, is house of science and technology of Dalian exploration the Milky Way interesting?

Interesting. Because the basis inquires People's Republic of China, article of exhibition of house of science and technology of the Milky Way of exploration of Dalian of area of Zhongshan of city of Liaoning province Dalian is informed Dalian of area of Dalian city Zhongshan to explore house of science and technology of the Milky Way interesting

2, dragon of flood dragon of house of Shanghai science and technology enters the sea interesting

The science and technology that dragon of flood dragon of house of Shanghai science and technology shows our country into the sea develops prosperity is powerful and prosperous.

3, is the dinosaur of antarctic of house of Shanghai science and technology interesting?

House of Shanghai science and technology is good place of contain teaching recreational, the thing that reveals inside is OK be personally on the scene is acquired or see.

4, is the insect written down in technical terms of what significant science and technology is there?

1, bee, cat and red ant are had same kind of competence, that identifies namely direction.

2, the spider knows there is prey on cobweb is to pass prey to go up in the net shake feel.

3, " like using pincers palatine the clod stone that moves chunk... with contain two toothed strong and regressive step on solid clay... " this is a law the scene when Boer depict cricket builds nest.

4, bright case overcomes scorpion more is outstanding ace climbing a wall, escape to prevent them, the law is Boer built a luxuriant vitreous palace for them -- the Lu Fu palace of scorpion.

5, still have a meaning?

The meaning is in as putting or have.

"Still " , see at first at times of business acting inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, original meaning is " a kind of monkey " , from " dog " (the Chinese character was not belonged to for monkey only establish radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries) , "Chief of a tribe " sound. Yu Jinwen sees again after, say article period,

Significant presence: ~ closes. ~ square (do sth in the proper way) . ~ case but check. ~ equipment impunity. ~ eye is seen in all.

Express what to belong to: His ~ a book.

Express to happen, appear: ~ disease. Circumstance ~ changes.

Express to estimate or compare: One a unit of length of water ~ is much deeper.

Express big, much: ~ knowledge.

Use in front of certain verb to express polite: ~ fatigue. ~ is asked.

Without point to surely, with " some " close: ~ a day.

Affix, use in front of of certain dynasty name: ~ summer. ~ Song Yi is acting.

6, is at present interesting?

In 1. proof " does at present have " what meaning be? At present word has 3 kinds of explanations actually:

1. this: Put oneself in another's position of at present issue is large (this is an important matter) .

2. now: At present on September 1 in the morning 9 when hold the commencement.

3. year: This today, will this. In recommendation the at present in these style has is to there is thing of factitious what of XX unit XX now actually how, the hope helps you 2. The job proves to go up " does at present have " what meaning be?

The job proves to go up " at present has " means is existing. Write a format to have comrade of my unit worker, be engaged in _____________(major) relevant job year, its basically work experience is as follows: Days stops to be engaged in why working in post since, obtain qualification of technology of He Zhuan industry.

7, interesting, who recommends some of interesting website?

Nest nest net gets together

It is some of original article

8, interesting phrasal story, interesting idiom?

1.Lie Hu Canglong: There is a tiger to hiding in cave in fokelore, and there still is one continuous line in cave. This is " lie Hu Canglong " tale source, with the place that will describe gift of under cover tall person.

2.Be besieged on all sides: Period of age the Warring States, hunan country is besieged by enemy state, all sides is noisy the attack reputation that had the enemy, hunan country was immersed in isolated the condition that does not have aid. This is " be besieged on all sides " tale source, use appearance be in a devil of hole, isolated the condition that does not have aid.

3.Spoil things by excessive enthusiasm: Ancient time has a farm person to come out to make his crops breakfast long, in the late evening on the sly unplugs crops a few taller. Result, crops grows very quickly, but passed to die before long. This is " spoil things by excessive enthusiasm " tale source, use appearance to be eager to hope for success, reckless behavior.

4.Belated action or advice: Zhuge of after the event is bright, the behavior that after knowing after, becomes aware.

5.Mend the fold after a sheep is lost: After the event remedies error, offset a loss.

6.Have grandiose aims but puny abilities: Eye is tall, practical capacity is insufficient.

7.Ironhearted: Mood is grim

9, Lol interesting actor's lines?

1. big inventor is black Modingge -- " the derivation that passes me... the result has only, that is: You can be defeated! You can be defeated!!

2. desert Azrael Neisesi -- " very fast, won't remain with respect to what here. Won't remain with respect to what here..

The person that 3. days is guarded base orchid -- " the issue with the thorniest life, you know perfectly well nothing is more... than want to lose, had not happened however. Had not happened however..

4. twist cultivates Mao Kai of essence of life -- " natural, just be the shape with the realest balance, eat at the same time, avoid to be eaten off at the same time "

10, interesting reading?

Adventure of Suo Ya of Mu of soup of haing benefit baud writes down secret of Alice somnambulate elfland garden rainbow is columbine these novels are very good-looking. But the animal novel that what I like most still is Shen Shixi, for instance wolf king dream, goral flies cross, mix hematic king, the 7th gundog get of children love, the author regards all sorts of animals as the person will write, lifelike, content is very wonderful really, all sorts of animals have the introduction basically to arrive, be worth to look!
