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健身房练腿训练计划? 健身房练臀顺序计划?英文双语对照


健身房练腿训练计划? 健身房练臀顺序计划?英文双语对照





1. **热身** - 开始任何锻炼之前,进行5-10分钟的热身,如慢跑、跳绳或动态拉伸,以预热肌肉并减少受伤风险。

2. **复合动作** - 首先进行复合动作,因为它们可以激活臀部的多个肌群,并且可以使用较重的重量。

   - 深蹲(Squats) - 针对臀大肌和大腿前侧。

   - 硬拉(Deadlifts) - 特别是传统硬拉和罗马尼亚硬拉,可以有效锻炼臀部和后链肌群。

   - 弓步蹲(Lunges) - 前弓步蹲和侧弓步蹲都是很好的选择。

3. **隔离动作** - 接下来进行隔离动作,专注于臀部的塑形和力量增长。

   - 臀桥(Glute Bridges) - 可以使用杠铃或哑铃来增加难度。

   - 髋推(Hip Thrusts) - 是一个非常有效的臀部训练动作。

   - 单腿臀桥(Single-leg Glute Bridge) - 增加了平衡的难度,更加针对臀部肌肉。

   - 站立腿后踢(Standing Kickbacks) - 使用弹力带或高位滑轮进行。

4. **功能性动作** - 最后,可以添加一些功能性训练动作,提高臀部的稳定性和爆发力。

   - 跳跃深蹲(Jump Squats) - 增强心肺功能和臀部爆发力。

   - 箱子跳(Box Jumps) - 同样可以提升爆发力和协调性。

5. **冷静放松** - 完成所有锻炼后,进行5-10分钟的冷静放松,如静态拉伸,帮助肌肉恢复和减少肌肉酸痛。



  做下面运动前先热身10分钟,可以小跑。  下面是一周的,其中包括胸肌和腹肌,当然还有其他部位的,你自己参考练习:  每组数量在8到12个,重量调到每组只能做8到12个就力竭,每组做完休息不超过1分钟  第一天  胸部:杠铃卧推 6组  上、下斜卧推 各3组  哑铃飞鸟 4组  肱二头肌:哑铃单臂弯举 6组  杠铃弯举 6组  腹肌  第二天  腿部:深蹲 6组  俯卧屈小腿 4组  提踵 6组  肱三头肌:哑铃俯身臂屈伸 4组  窄距俯卧撑4组  哑铃颈后臂屈伸 4组  腹肌  第三天  背部:宽距引体向上 6组(尽量做10个以上)  杠铃俯身划船 4组  坐姿颈后下拉(在健身房器材上)4组  肩部:推举 4组  前平举 4组  侧平举 4组  哑铃耸肩 4组  腹肌  第四天休息  其他动作练完后再练腹肌  腹肌:两头起 4组  仰卧举腿 4组  仰卧起坐 4组  腹肌每组做到力竭或者15到25个。每组做完的休息时间为20秒到30秒。  是练三天休息一天的循环重复  饮食:肉、鱼、奶、豆、蛋类富含蛋白质,而增肌肉最需要的就是蛋白质了;还有多吃水果蔬菜,少食多餐。刚运动完吸收好,但是30分钟后再吃东西。最好是一些易消化的,比如蛋类和奶类,如果吃饭不方便可以蛋白粉(适合胖)或者增肌粉(适合瘦)。











































肩宽主要靠增厚三角肌中束,但是想要更加具有立体感的肩部,就需要增强三角肌上部;另外训练三角肌后部能让肩部更加宽大。简言之,你需要而定是全面的肩部训练计划,而不只是增宽。下面是训练方法:坐姿哑铃推举 4*12-15(四组,每组12-15个后力竭)坐姿史密斯颈前推举 3*8-12哑铃侧平举 4*12-15俯身哑铃侧平举 3*12-15一次充分训练后,肌肉需要48-72小时恢复,期间你需要补充大量的蛋白质和必要的碳水化合物。另外,多吃蔬菜能缓解乳酸堆积造成的肌肉酸胀感,帮助你更快进入下一步训练。







1. 跑步训练:跑步是一种简单有效的有氧运动,可以提高心肺功能和耐力。建议从慢跑开始,每次20-30分钟,逐渐增加跑步时间和强度。

2. 重量训练:重量训练可以增强肌肉力量和耐力,建议从简单的杠铃和哑铃训练开始,比如深蹲、卧推、引体向上等,逐渐增加重量和难度。

3. 核心训练:核心训练可以增强腰腹部肌肉力量,提高身体稳定性。建议从平板支撑、仰卧起坐、卷腹等简单动作开始,逐渐增加难度和重复次数。

4. 柔韧性训练:柔韧性训练可以增加身体的灵活性和关节活动度,建议从瑜伽、普拉提等轻松的训练开始,逐渐增加难度和挑战。



Does gym drill the leg trains a plan?

Be aimed at experienced leg place of body of this a suit, sound gym training plan is necessary. Experienced leg is balanced to systemic force and figure development is very important. The relevant weapon that carries gym can undertake having the practice of specific aim. The experienced leg that a foundation is below trains a plan, agree with abecedarian. 1. Crouch greatly: Every groups repeat 15 times, undertake 3 groups, proposal weight increases gradually. 2. The leg bends: Every groups repeat 12 times, undertake 3 groups, proposal weight increases gradually. 3. Leg prolapse: Every groups repeat 15 times, undertake 3 groups. 4. Leg side drawing: Every groups repeat 15 times, undertake 3 groups. Those who need an attention is, when undertaking gym trains, must ensure the movement is right, avoid to get hurt. And train time and intensity need grow gradually, cannot excessive training.

Does gym drill buttock order plans?

When making gym drill buttock order plans, can arrange according to the following measure:

1.Before ** - of ** warm up begins any taking exercise, undertake 5-10 minute warm up, if canter, skip or dynamic drawing, decrease with warm-up muscle get a place difficult of access of catch a cold.

2.** - of ** compound movement has compound action above all, the many flesh with because they are OK coxal activation group, and can use heavier weight.

 - crouch greatly (Squats) - the side before be aimed at musculus glutaeus maximus and ham.

 - pull forcedly (Deadlifts) - especially the tradition is pulled forcedly and Romania is pulled forcedly, can exercise muscle of the catenary after hip is mixed effectively group.

 - Gong Bu crouchs (Lunges) - before Gong Bu crouchs and side Gong Bu crouchs is very good choice.

3.** keeps apart behavioral ** - to undertake keeping apart a movement next, dedicated grow at coxal model form and force.

 - buttock bridge (Glute Bridges) - can use barbell or dumbbell to increase difficulty.

 - coxa is pushed (Hip Thrusts) - it is a very significant coxal training action.

 - bridge of thin leg buttock (Single-leg Glute Bridge) - the difficulty that increased a balance, more be aimed at coxal muscle.

 - stand kick after the leg (Standing Kickbacks) - use bounce is taken or exalted pulley undertakes.

4.** - of act of ** function sex is final, can add sex of a few functions to train a movement, the stability that increases hip and erupt force.

 - leap crouchs greatly (Jump Squats) - enhance heart lungs function and hip to erupt force.

 - the case jumps (Box Jumps) - can promote likewise erupt force and harmonious sex.

5.After ** loosens ** - to finish all taking exercise calmly, undertake 5-10 minute loosen calmly, be like static drawing, help muscle restores and reduce muscle ache.

In every movement, should notice correct pose and breathing pattern, in order to ensure safety exercises hip effectively. Additional, according to physical ability level of the individual and target, can adjust number of weight, set and number. Suggest abecedarian begins from light weight, as muscle adaptability rise, step up difficulty. Undertake 2-3 second hip trains every week, assure enough refreshment time, muscle grows and avoid excessive training in order to promote.

Go the plan of gym experienced abdominal muscle?

Do below before motion first warm up 10 minutes, can trot. A week is below, include chest muscle and abdominal muscle among them, still have other place of course, yourself reference practices: Every groups of amounts are in 8 go to 12, weight moves every groups to be able to be done only 8 go to 12 with respect to force exhaust, every groups finish rest not to exceed 1 minute the first day bosom: Barbell lies push 6 groups to go up, below inclined lie push flyer of each 3 groups of dumbbell 4 groups of humerus 2 flesh: Turn of dumbbell thin arm lifts turn of 6 groups of barbell to lift 6 groups of abdominal muscle the following day leg ministry: Crouch 6 groups of Fu greatly to lie Qu Xiao leg lifts heel 4 groups triceps of 6 groups of humerus: Qu Shen of arm of dumbbell Fu body 4 groups narrow be apart from push-up Qu Shen of the arm after neck of 4 groups of dumbbell 4 groups of abdominal muscle the 3rd day of back: Wide be apart from pull-up 6 groups (do 10 above as far as possible) body of   barbell Fu rows fall after neck of 4 groups of sitting position pull (go up in gym equipment) ministry of 4 groups of shoulders: Choose 4 make the same score before the group lift 4 groups of side to make the same score lift 4 groups of dumbbell to hunch 4 groups of abdominal muscle rest the 4th day after other action drills, drill again abdominal muscle abdominal muscle: Both ends removes 4 groups to lie on one's back lift a leg 4 groups of abdominal muscle accomplish 4 groups of situp every groups force exhaust or 15 go to 25. Every groups of breathing space that finish arrive for 20 seconds 30 seconds. It is to drill 3 days of loops that rest one day repeat food: The flesh, fish, grandma, beans, egg kind contain a lot ofprotein, and those who add muscle to need most is protein; Still have vegetable of much draft fruit, eat much food less. Just moved to had been absorbed, but the thing has again after 30 minutes. Had better be a few digestible, for instance egg kind with the grandma kind, if have a meal inconvenience is OK albumen pink (suit fat) perhaps add flesh pink (suit thin) .

Do 4 experienced optimal fitness plan a week?

Plan of 4 experienced fitness can include a week of a first-rate training of motion having oxygen, force and extend motion.

The first day can undertake oxygen moves having, like canter or swim, in order to improve heart lungs function.

Can undertake systemic force trains the following day, include to crouch greatly, lie push and the movement such as pull-up, in order to enhance muscle power.

The 3rd day can undertake extend moves, be like gem gal or Puladi, with increasing flexibility is mixed loosen muscle.

The 4th day can undertake intermittent training, if high strenth intermittence trains (HIIT) , metabolize in order to rise and combustion is adipose. After training everyday, should undertake proper drawing is mixed loosen, in order to reduce muscle ache and wounded risk. Write down Degelian to discharge breathing space, so that muscle restores,mix grow.

Do 3 experienced optimal fitness plan a week?

Systemic loop can be arranged under the basis achieve optimal result.

When taking exercise 3 times every week, can will exercise cent to be quadruplet every time, every groups practice a place.

Specific arrangement is as follows: Gymnastical a week 3 practice, it is feasible circularly all over.

Exercise cent to be quadruplet every time, every groups of keys exercise a place, take exercise 3 times to be able to practice the whole body circularly every week each place, avoid to want to practice same position continuously inside short time.

Specific fitness plan can undertake adjust and be improvemented according to individual circumstance and target.

In addition, choose correct gymnastical equipment and athletic form to also can help systemic loop exercise better.

The attention quantity, balance that has a variety of training kind such as oxygen, withy, balance.

Does fitness train a plan?

Hello, gymnastical training plans to want to bear according to the body of your oneself and you in light of ability, if your body bears right word, so you can adopt training of fitness of 5 become divided

Does schoolboy fitness plan?

1. set good cause, time

Just went gym, having many new hands is to stem from one fashionable act vigorously, him feeling can become strong the following day. See what appliance is experienced, whats want to try.

Machine of dumbbell, barbell, fixed appliance, ran, use feeling bicycle, want what can see to pass only, sandbag is hit after practice is over even again, a few situp are done even after coming to an end, feel dissatisfactory still to move back and forth a few times again battle rope.

The result arrived the following day, or does not come since ache all over, a bit feeling does not have or, your disclosure fitness is suddenly far in imagining so easy. The muscle that watchs those to drill well again male, him discovery is too weak.

Why does new personality abandon easily? Because,be aimless, without the plan, did not arrange good time.

① decides good cause first

Will imagine according to current figure: Oneself need practice to give what kind of figure.

Your body fat is for instance exorbitant, adipose layer heavy panel, you want to achieve the result that reduce fat through fitness.

Your figure slants emaciated, all over flesh of it doesn't matter, you want to become a few stronger through fitness.

Your figure is not fat not thin, be in mediacy, think practice becomes a few abdominal muscle, chest muscle thickening a few.

If you are pure sex only,will take exercise, that need not consider a plan, open practice directly, think how practice is how experienced.

② arranges 1 week training time

After firm objective, you are about to be able to be used at gymnastical time certainly.

Go normally gym takes exercise is in the late evening, office worker slants many somes.

For instance you came off work at 18 o'clock in the evening, when can you go gym, exercise time set how long, bathe later, come home the time that have a meal needs how long. If you often work overtime, when to go gym takes exercise, how many does the time that can train have again.

You want to be in the 1 training inside week a few, after deciding, write down roughly time program. Such early days had roughly time value.

Overall and character, spare fitness needs with " do not affect routine, life " will arrange time for the foundation.

2. makes training plan

New personality introduction, the problem that appears the most easily besides free aimless, still have impatient appearance.

The movement does not have a society, begin to go up great weight. Or does not know experienced what this movement is, imitate blindly. Or goes everyday gym, the result compares a day one day tired. These are the training methods that cannot take.

How should make the fitness that suits oneself plan after all so?

① undertakes cantering first activity

If before do not have any taking exercise, promote vital capacity first with respect to need. You think even if to take exercise through appliance, still need to come through cantering warm up, such body ability by sufficient warm-up.

Pass ran opportunity, adjust good time, set good rate, notice the pace frequency of double foot, of the arm swing, adjust good breath rhythm. Pass period of time take exercise, vital capacity can get apparent promotion.

How to drill in gym shoulder breadth! Give a plan?

Shoulder breadth basically relies on to add thick deltoid in bundle, but the humeral department that wants to have stereo feeling more, enhance deltoid upside with respect to need; Training deltoid is additionally hind can make humeral ministry more wide. In a word, you need and be plan of comprehensive humeral ministry training surely, is to add not merely wide. Training method is below: 4*12-15 of choose of sitting position dumbbell (quadruplet, every groups of 12-15 hind force exhaust) sitting position side of dumbbell of 3*8-12 of the choose before the neck makes the same score Smith lift side of dumbbell of 4*12-15 Fu body to make the same score after lifting 3*12-15 to train adequately, muscle needs 48-72 hour to restore, you need compensatory and many protein and necessary carbohydrate during. Additional, eat vegetable to be able to alleviate more the muscle sick at heart that lactic acid accumulation causes bilges feeling, help you enter next training more quickly.

Drill in gym what appliance, what order, what plan?

The first drill appliance does not have oxygen ten minutes probably first, activation better muscle, can retrospective has the combustion in oxygen adipose

The 2nd again ran 30 arrive 40 minutes enough, too short did not light fat effect, use up muscle too for long instead

The 3rd can drill again appliance, model form and raise metabolization

Does novice gym fitness plan?

If you are the new personality of gym, can consider to be able to train a plan in order to the lower part of the body:

1.Ran trains: Ran is a kind of simple and active campaign having oxygen, can enhance heart lungs function and staying power. Proposal from canter begin, every time 20-30 minute, increase ran time and strength gradually.

2.Weight trains: Weight training can enhance muscle strength and staying power, suggest from simple barbell and dumbbell training begins, crouch greatly for instance, lie push, pull-up, increase weight and difficulty gradually.

3.Core trains: Core training can enhance power of lumbar abdomen muscle, increase body stability. The proposal is propped up from flat, sit-ups, roll the simple movement such as the abdomen begins, increase gradually difficulty and repeat a time.

4.Flexibility trains: Flexibility training can increase the flexibility of the body and articulatory activity to spend, suggest the relaxed training such as Cong Yuga, Puladi begins, raise difficulty and challenge gradually.

Those who need an attention is, when new personality is undertaking fitness trains, should notice to increase athletic intensity and difficulty gradually, avoid excessive training and get hurt. In addition, reasonable food and the main component that resting also is gymnastical training, the proposal assures enough nutrition and Morpheus, the body restores and increase in order to help. Had better undertake training below the guidance of professional coach, mix in order to ensure training method is accurate safe
