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学校P点大的(还是我们高中的学校大) 。





其实学校太小10分钟能走遍) 地方是偏僻的(旁边就一条垃圾街,要出去玩还得乘半小时公交。

还有去西湖得乘1小时多公交) 总之是各种不好。









校歌浙江同济科技职业学院校歌作词:曾洪学 作曲:郭鸣秀撷西子雄倚钱江,此处是吴越故地,禹耕湖上啊















根据浙江同济科技职业学院的官方网站提供的信息,该学院的专业代码如下:1. 机械类:11322. 电子信息类:11363. 建筑类:11344. 材料类:11355. 计算机类:11376. 经济与贸易类:12027. 会计与财务类:12038. 商务英语类:15019. 餐饮管理类:120810. 旅游管理类:121011. 电子商务类:120912. 动漫设计与制作类:130313. 建筑设计类:130414. 视觉传达设计类:130515. 产品设计类:130616. 市场营销类:121317. 人力资源管理类:121418. 物流管理类:121519. 物联网应用技术类:1219请注意,以上仅列举了部分专业代码,具体的专业代码可能会有变动,请以学院官方公布的为准。







3个校区了,浙江同济科技职业学院有几个校区 浙江同济科技职业学院 有校本部、大江东校区和城北校区。

浙江同济科技职业学院 是一所由浙江省水利厅举办的全日制公办高等职业院校,前身是1959年成立的浙江水电技工学校和1984年成立的浙江水利职工中等专业学校,2007年经浙江省人民政府批准正式建立 浙江同济科技职业学院 。


One, is Zhejiang the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology how old?

Dimensions and cover an area of an area

Zhejiang is the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology by school cadre, great river east campus and composition of city north campus, always cover an area of a face to accumulate 998.9 mus, ; of one hundred and seventy-six thousand eight hundred square metre establishs school building floor area in all having 6 teacher and student is (ministry) , offer 22 major such as cost of design of water conservancy project, building, project, in school full-time student 6700 more than person. Teach a worker 414 people, its technical secondary school holds the post of 228 people of pedagogic. Zhejiang shares books of holding paper quality with library of college of profession of aid science and technology more than 350 thousand, all sorts of periodical more than kinds 800, electronic books more than 350 thousand.

2, is Zhejiang the same as code of college of profession of aid science and technology?

The code that Zhejiang is the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology is XXX.

Zhejiang regards an independent high post as the school with institute of profession of aid science and technology, have oneself independent code, use at distinguishing other school.

School code is a string of number that is in charge of school of branch or admeasure of relevant orgnaization cent by education or monogram normally, use at be in all sorts of one's status as a student, sign up, in choosing the relevant flow such as the class, undertake identify and distinguishing.

It is very important to master school code to undertake to the student each general affairs is dealt with, go on wheels in order to ensure the accuracy of information is mixed each formalities.

Zhejiang also can have his specific code with institute of profession of aid science and technology, accurate code information can be searched in the channel such as relevant section or school government website.

3, a few does Zhejiang belong to with institute of profession of aid science and technology?

Not be undergraduate course, it is specialized subject school.

Above all it is a full-time that holds by hall of Zhejiang province irrigation works fair run advanced profession school, predecessor is the vestibule school of Zhejiang water and electricity that established 1959 and the trade school of worker of Zhejiang irrigation works that established 1984, classics Zhejiang saved people government approval to build Zhejiang formally to be the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology 2007, with Zhejiang school of cadre of water and electricity of province irrigation works adds up to arrange education.

4, is Zhejiang the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology what defect?

Of teacher hole dad.

School P drop is big (still be us the school of high school is old) .

Dining room meal feeds a swine.

(outside just coming out to cannot cry this year, sell.

Kill me to be able to gnaw biscuit only everyday) .

The belle is do not have (kill me lazy go out to turn.

The school is too actually small 10 minutes can go) the place is devious (on the side with respect to street of a rubbish, should go out to play to still must be multiplied half hours public transportation.

Still have go the west lake must multiply 1 hour many public transportation) anyhow is all sorts of bad.

The mathematical teacher of hole dad arrives maths still does not pass a test,examination,etc. to me now.

It is good that if you come,this word that the school thinks to obtain scholarship wants to had been behaved before the teacher only.

Ni Ma's teacher sees a person give cent completely.

5, is Zhejiang the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology fair do?

It is fair do.

Be located in Zhejiang to visit Hangzhou town, be what by Zhejiang hall of province irrigation works holds one is fair do full-time common institution of higher learing, zhejiang province is exclusive an irrigation works kind professional school,

It is countrywide irrigation works radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries of demonstrative school of advanced profession education, irrigation works approves talent of tall technical ability of irrigation works industry to develop base.

6, does Zhejiang learn school song with profession of aid science and technology?

School song Zhejiang learns school song write words with profession of aid science and technology: Ceng Hong learns write music: Guo Ming show picks Xi Zixiong leans on Qian Jiang, it is Wu Yue old haunt here, on agrarian lake of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty ah

Form get the better of southeast ground to depend on Xiao Hang, once was 3 Wu Dou is met, general view sea is prevented

Beautiful pick Xi Zixiong leans on Qian Jiang, here scenery alone good

Beautiful pick Xi Zixiong leans on Qian Jiang, clever an outstanding personality of this border district

Delightful countryside of lustre content moistening with water, far article arteries and veins grows Yu Dingyuan

Person of thick moral education, bowstring song not compose, fragrance of one's pupils or disciples

Salutary influence of education, benefit other people is silent, many

Be apt to is like water on, fragrance of one's pupils or disciples

Be apt to is like water on, many

Numerous students, the diligent in study is repaired can magical fly upwards, be the same as the fetch of division person water, annals of inheritance summer the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty, annals treats briny unobstructed in scanty river,

7, is Zhejiang the same as tuition of college of profession of aid science and technology how many?

Carry out Zhejiang strictly to save educational office, finance hall, hair to change appoint etc about collect fees regulation, the school 2021 new student rate, artistic kind of professional tuition 9000 yuan / unripe · year, major of collaboration of China and foreign countries is tuitional 15000 yuan / unripe · year, other and professional tuitional 6000-7500 yuan / unripe · year.

Accommodation cost:

800 yuan / unripe · year, 1200 yuan / unripe · year. (Effective rate with saving prices bureau final check and ratify is accurate)

8, is Zhejiang the same as code of major of institute of profession of aid science and technology?

Be the same as the information that the official website of institute of profession of aid science and technology provides according to Zhejiang, the professional code of this institute is as follows: 1. Enginery: 11322. Electronic information kind: 11363. Building kind: 11344. Material kind: 11355. The computer kind: 11376. Economy and commerce kind: 12027. Accountant and finance affairs kind: 12038. Business affairs English kind: 15019. Meal management kind: 120810. Travel management kind: 121011. Electronic business affairs kind: 120912. Move free design and make kind: 130313. The building designs kind: 130414. The vision communicates a design kind: 130515. Products plan kind: 130616. Market sale kind: 121317. Manpower resource manages kind: 121418. Content sheds management kind: 121519. Content couplet net uses a technology kind: 1219 ask an attention, above listed partial major code only, specific professional code may have fluctuant, it is with what academic government announces please accurate.

9, is Zhejiang the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology at be the same as the relation of institute of aid university Zhejiang?

Irrespective. .

Nevertheless Zhejiang is the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology also is a school that relies on natural resources of education of the college that be the same as aid, it is high post. Be the same as short for Zhejiang Province is 3. . On education quality different. .

Zhejiang looks like irrigation works respect to hold out good specified number with institute of profession of aid science and technology. .

With short for Zhejiang Province advocate make building specified number. . .

10, a few campuses does Zhejiang have with; of institute of profession of aid science and technology?

3 campuses, zhejiang has Zhejiang of a few campuses to have school cadre, great river with institute of profession of aid science and technology with institute of profession of aid science and technology east campus and city north campus.

Zhejiang is the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology is a full-time that holds by hall of Zhejiang province irrigation works fair run advanced profession school, predecessor is the vestibule school of Zhejiang water and electricity that established 1959 and the trade school of worker of Zhejiang irrigation works that established 1984, classics Zhejiang saved people government approval to build Zhejiang formally to be the same as institute of profession of aid science and technology 2007.

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