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和健身有关的成语? 健身有关的书籍?英文双语对照


和健身有关的成语? 健身有关的书籍?英文双语对照




发音:shēn qiáng lì zhuàng





















艺术方面的,比方说雅昌艺术网,书法类的比如说:中国书法网,画画类的比如说:爱画网,艺术院校的比如说中国美术学院的官网,央美的官网等等。 美术分支 1.  中国画 2.  油画 3.  版画 4.  雕塑 5.  抽象国画 6.  内画 7.  手绘 8.  指画 9.  工艺美术 10.  素描 11.  水粉画 12.  美术字 13.  壁画 14.  漫画 15.  速写 16.  白描












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Is what concern with fitness phrasal?

Answer: ? Does La cut quicklying field?

Detailed explanation:

Pronunciation: Ng of à of Zhu of ì of Ng L of á of Sh ē N Qi


Put oneself in another's position of form shelter oneself is strong and strong.

Patulous data:


Bright · Wu Chengen " on the west travel notes " the 21st: ?  chew involves field of ψ of exacting of La of  of guanidine of box of  of Yu of admirable of aim feel ashamed! ?

Illustrative sentence:

He is strong, 180 jins thing, carry rise to go.

Close justice:

Tiger of in the prime of one's life carries ursine waist on the back

Turn over justice:

Extremely delicate is a mere skeleton

The book that fitness concerns?

1, " what do I talk about when I talk about ran " - the Chun Shu on the village the book that this is philosophy of a concerned ran, the Chun Shu on the village shared the experience of own ran in the book, the place on the road thinks of place to want, place feeling place is realized, when no matter everything wants,abandoning, break up turn over this book, always can from which derive force.

2, " good school fitness -- the first your fitness book " - the hornbook that Bin blocks this is Xiaobai of a fitness, what is HIIT? Be aimed at the motion of dawdler technically? How sculpture body line? How scientific eat? Be here to be able to be found.

3, " athletic anatomy is graphic " - for the person that Gu Deming wants long-term fitness to be in, it is to be necessary reading, we know drawing only, take exercise, if do not know a principle,know its to know its the reason why like that namely.

4, " the city is gym " - Gao Ke the characteristic with this the biggest book is the principle that the author can tell you a few fitness, why such, what method suits him. is not similar other book, tell you to go by such practice, take no account of individual circumstance.

5, " convict fitness " - Paul power heart this is not teach your practice to go out originally " lovely muscle " book, teach you the book that practice gives the power that can use, ultimate force, existent power originally however. There are a lot of contents to have a characteristic very much in the book, worth while study. Sex of this book theory is not strong, but very practical, the person that suit an introduction, carry momentum is little, not big to the person of experience is helped.

What does gymnastical website have?

Actor system network, 51 fitness net, key guest, chinese fitness net, wonderful fitness net, fitness 114, 91 fitness net, be filled with abstruse fitness net.


A few websites that concern with painterly, art to introduce?

Of artistic respect, say network of elegant prosperous art for example, calligraphy kind for example: Chinese calligraphy net, the picture draws kind for example: Love draws a net, the e.g. Chinese academy of fine arts official net of artistic school, end beautiful government-owned net is waited a moment. Art branch 1. China is drawn 2. Canvas 3. Woodcut 4. Sculpture 5. Abstract traditional Chinese painting 6. Draw inside 7. Hand draw 8. Point at 9. Arts and crafts 10. Sketch 11. Gouache 12. Art word 13. Mural 14. Caricature 15. Literary sketch 16. Line drawing

Professional gymnastical website which good?

Professional now fitness website is very I know some have website of a fitness, it is more professional, but still be being updated ceaselessly now

Is there professional gymnastical website on the net?

Of course some, want to choose a regular sporting goods store nevertheless, quality nature can have assure, my friend also is management sporting goods

About film bee website?

Website of concerned film bee is this, www.hdbee.net

A few websites that learn about medicine to offer?

If be medicine,learn major, need good website to learn for instance: Chinese medicine learns a net, if lilac garden is medicine learns graduation to apply for a job, resume sends on the net: Chinese medicine learns medicine of talent net, China to learn working net

Who has the website that concerns with the fish?

View and admire piscine home, orchid birthday net, it is better website, still have above other the join that views and admire piscine website.

About the book that popularizes at the website?

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