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氢能源汽车供氢原理? 氢能源汽车电压?英文双语对照


氢能源汽车供氢原理? 氢能源汽车电压?英文双语对照











没人发展这个氢能源,成本太高 ,也就丰田自己一加在玩了。中国上市的氢能源汽车目前只有大通MAXUS FCV80一款,是2017年的车,可惜这款车目前已经停售了。这款车的原理是氢气和空气中氧气反应后产生电能和水,实现完全绿色无污染,低噪声,零排放。




氢能源汽车 标准?















Does car of hydrogenous the sources of energy lay hydrogenous principle?

At present cell of fuel of proton exchange film is to suffer numerous the widest technology line, because its do not involve oxyhydrogen combustion in working process, energy is changed rate free from contamination of process of tall, job, but modular generate electricity, tall, job does not have dependability the advantage such as noise.

Proton exchanges the working principle of velar fuel cell to be as follows:

When batteries works, supply to hydrogenous electrode hydric, supply oxygen to oxygen electrode at the same time. Hydrogen, oxygen falls in the activator action on electrode, generate water through electrolyte. There is redundant electron on hydrogenous electrode at this moment and carry negaive electricity, positive electricity is carried in the absense of the electron on oxygen electrode. After receiving electrify grade, react the process can undertake continuously.

Fuel furnishs to negative pole when the job (hydrogen) , to oxidant of positive electrode supply (oxygen) . Hydrogen is decomposed below the action of the activator on negative pole pH indicator and electron. PH indicator enters electrolyte in, and electronic criterion edge is exterior circuit tend anode. In receiving outer ministry circuit with electric load. On positive electrode, oxygen absorbs the electron that arrives at positive electrode to go up to form water with the pH indicator in electrolyte. This is water electroanalysis of reaction go against a process.

Voltage of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy?

When the theory of oxyhydrogen fuel cell amounts to 3600 made of baked clay · than energy / kilogram. The working voltage of monomer batteries is 0.8 ~ commonly 0.97 bend over, the working voltage that needs to satisfy laden place, often become batteries group by series connection of batteries of a few monomer, the most high-energy achieve 800V voltage.

Current situation of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy?

Car of hydrogenous the sources of energy is the important way that prospective auto industry can change development continuously, have fine of environmental protection function, change efficiency tall, add note course of development of boat of time weak point, add to grow wait for an advantage, it is the main strategy act that answers global energy shortage and environmental pollution. At present car of global hydrogen the sources of energy already entered demonstrative phase of technology and market, predict to will be entered in the round 2020 commercialize level. However, the development of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy still is facing a few difficult problem. Above all, the production of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy and use cost is higher, it is the main factor that restricts its to develop. Among them, production cost of fuel cell system is high, the price is high, at the same time hydrogenous fuel fills a power station to build cost big, need expends a large number of capital and resource, raised the use cost of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy. In addition, the operation of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy and maintain cost also car of fuel of prep above tradition, need more maintenance with upkeep cost. These cost issues restricted car of hydrogenous the sources of energy gain ground and market competition ability. Next, charge the limitative element that establishment lack also is development of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy. Charge with electric car establishment photograph is compared, it is relatively difficult that hydrogenous fuel fills a power station to build, need larger investment and technical support. Current, global hydrogen fuel charges power station amount very finite, this gives hydrogenous the sources of energy the car gained ground to bring very big limitation with promotion. Finally, the sources of energy is produced and deserve to send one of important bottleneck that also are development of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy. The production of hydrogenous fuel needs many energy resources and capital support, at the same time the sources of energy of construction of need form a complete set is produced establishment and deserve to send a system, this also increased the use cost of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy and difficulty. As a whole, although car of hydrogenous the sources of energy has tremendous development latent capacity, but should come true its use the difficult problem that still needs to overcome the respect such as a few technologies, economy and market extensively. At the same time each country government and enterprise are mixed in policy, capital the support of technical respect and investment also are the main factor that promotes development of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy.

Car of domestic hydrogen the sources of energy?

Nobody develops this hydrogen the sources of energy, cost is too high, also add in with respect to him Feng Tian played. The car of hydrogenous the sources of energy that China appears on the market connects MAXUS FCV80 greatly only at present, the car that was 2017, regrettablly this car has stopped carry out at present. The principle of this car is hydric electric energy of the generation after reacting with the oxygen in air and water, realize complete green free from contamination, low noise, 0 discharge.

Principle of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy?

Working principle is: Hydrogenous element produces heat energy and water through combustion and oxygen element union, hydrogenous fuel cell is united in wedlock through the oxygen in liquid state hydrogen and air and generate electricity.

Hydrogen can moving mechanism has 4 kinds: Chu Qing canister and batteries of electric machinery, energy, high pressure batteries. Among them, electric machinery is in charge of drive wheel, energy batteries is hydric the place that reacts with aerobic happening chemistry, chu Qing canister is to store the fuel canister of fuel, high-pressured batteries is in charge of offerring empty electric power and the starting motivation of the car that start.

Standard of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy?

The hydrogen of our country can tag a system to begin 1985, in those days GB4962 " hydric use emergency decree " release formally, this standard stipulated gaseous hydrogen is being used, displacement, store, compress with fill (fill) outfit, platoon lets off Cheng and fire control and emergency processing, safety to defend the safe technology of the respect asks, although this standard undertook editing 2008, but the issuance of this standard is indicating our country open hydrogen can be standardized.

Present national hydrogen can the standard includes product, safety to use, the GB such as the test method of the respect such as the oxyhydrogen station design, Chu Qing that make hydrogen and technical condition and travel mark, our country is preliminary already build hydrogen can standard system. Now, have a series of GB is editing, basically involve hydrogen can fuel cell and hydrogen can car standard, if proton exchanges exchange of fuel cell term, proton,system of standard of velar fuel cell, proton exchanges caboodle of velar fuel cell, portable proton to exchange proton of velar fuel cell, stationary to exchange velar fuel cell to generate electricity system, electric car reachs his with electric machinery controller technology standard, electric car is reached with electric machinery.

Life of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy?

Reclaim according to batteries administrative measure, car of the sources of energy about 5 be about to discard as useless to 8 years.

Discard as useless: of car of fuel of reference of new energy resources? Bad attentively walks on Mo to enter daughter-in-law of the ǚ that carry  to sunlight  of age over sixty years of age grasps barrier bell raw meat or fish to add all to touch daughter-in-law of ǚ of Lai Mou of ザ of instrument of brandish of deficient ǎ  to sunlight  of Guo of serve of form of brandish of  of Yu of covered with clouds of moxibustion of pilfer of  of ü of Gorgon euryale of moxibustion of pilfer of flesh V grey  knocks honest, when achieving 600 thousand kilometer, will discard as useless by national guiding.

Concept of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy?

A kind of car of means fuel cell, also belong to motor-car of report of new energy resources, it is one kind uses hydrogenous fuel to regard energy as origin, traditional batteries regards the instant as car of a kind of of take-off of big electric current new-style motivation.

Seniority of car of hydrogenous the sources of energy?

The sources of energy of Wei bavin motivation, United States bright and beautiful, powerful stock sheathing or bow case, eaves opens a passenger train, east wind car, the car is connected in, blessing Tian Ouhui, in plant car, shen Long passenger car, drive fertile car, gallop passenger car, get on steam is big to wait.

The sources of energy of United States bright and beautiful: The production that the company basically is engaged in car of cell of fuel of coal, cooking, natural gas, hydrogen waiting for car of new energy resources and sale.

Wei bavin motivation: Home lights business of machine industry mainstay, industrialization of domestic fuel cell is great and special.

Is car of hydrogenous the sources of energy car of new energy resources?

Car of alleged new energy resources basically is to show the car is used be not petroleum products the car as working medium. Hydrogenous the sources of energy should medium of dispute oil job, should be car of new energy resources so.
