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1. 地球的形成:大约46亿年前,宇宙中的尘埃和气体聚集在一起,形成了地球的雏形。随着时间的推移,地球逐渐冷却,形成了地壳、地幔和地核。

2. 板块构造:地球的地壳分为多个板块,这些板块在地球的内部热源推动下不断地移动、碰撞和分裂。板块之间的碰撞和消亡地区形成了山脉、高原和断裂带,而板块之间的分离地区则形成了海洋和陆地。

3. 生物演化:地球上的生物经历了漫长的演化过程,从单细胞生物发展到多细胞生物,从水生生物到陆地生物,从简单生物到复杂生物。生物的演化过程对地球的生态系统和地貌产生了深远的影响。

4. 气候变化:地球的气候受到多种因素的影响,包括太阳辐射、地球的自转、月球的引力以及地球的大气和海洋环流。气候的变化影响了生物的分布和生存,也塑造了地球的地貌特征。

5. 人类活动:人类的出现和活动对地球的地貌和生态产生了重大影响。人类通过开垦土地、建设城市、开采资源等活动,改变了地球的地貌和生态。同时,人类活动也加剧了气候变化、生物多样性丧失和环境污染等问题。



大自然范畴包括整个宇宙,它的形成主流的理论是大爆炸理论。关于大自然——水、空气、山脉、河流、微生物、植物、动物、地球、宇宙等等,都属于大自然的范畴,宇宙是广袤空间和其中存在的各种天体以及弥漫物质的总称。宇宙起源是一个极其复杂的问题。 宇宙是物质世界,它处于不断的运动和发展中。千百年来,科学家们一直在探寻宇宙是什么时候、如何形成的。












蛆营养丰富,适口性好,含有动物机体所必需的多种氨基酸和脂肪酸,并且含有大量维生素和微量元素,从营养学角度来说是一种优质的蛋白源。但是对人类有严重的危害,除了骚扰人、污染食品外,更重要的是传播多种疾病,如禽流感、 口蹄疫、 猪链球菌病等。






























One, how is wonderful nature formed?

Wonderful nature, include tellurian mountain range, river, forest, desert, animal and plant to wait, form gradually in geological history of several years. Earthly formation, evolve to get with evolution the influence of a variety of elements, basically include the following fields:

1.Earthly formation: About 4.6 billion years ago, the dust in the universe and gas gather together, formed earthly rudiment. As the elapse of time, the earth cools gradually, formed lithosphere, mantle and the earth's core.

2.Board piece tectonic: Cent is earthly lithosphere many board piece, these board piece drive in inner heat source of the earth fall to move ceaselessly, collision and dissension. Board piece the collision between and die out area were formed mountain range, highland and rupture belt, and board piece the detached area between formed ocean and land.

3.Biology evolution: Tellurian biology experienced lengthy evolution process, develop a multicellular organism from the monad, arrive from aquatic biology terrestrial biology, arrive from simple live thing complex living things. Biologic evolution process produced far-reaching effect to earthly ecosystem and landforms.

4.Climate changes: Earthly climate gets the influence of a variety of elements, the air of the gravitation of the rotation that includes sun radiate, world, moon and earth and ocean are circumfluent. The change of climate was affected biologic distributings and live, also modelled landforms feature of the earth.

5.Human activity: Human occurrence and activity produced major effect to earthly landforms and zoology. The mankind waits for an activity through reclaiming resource of city of land, construction, exploitation, changed earthly landforms and modes of life and relation to their environment. In the meantime, human activity also aggravate diversity of climate change, biology is lost and the problem such as environmental pollution.

Anyhow, wonderful nature is formed gradually in geological history of several years, get the collective influence of a variety of natural ingredients and human activity. Want to protect zoology environment of the earth, safeguard biology diversity, human need pays close attention to more can develop continuously and environmental protection.

2, how is nature formed?

Nature scope includes whole universe, its formation the theory of the mainstream is big burst theory. About nature -- water, air, mountain range, river, microbial, plant, animal, earth, universe is waited a moment, belong to the category of nature, the universe is space of length and breadth of land is mixed all sorts of celestial bodies that exist among them and diffuse corporeal floorboard. Cosmic origin is an extremely complex issue. The universe is corporeal world, it is in constant motion and development in. Came 100000, scientists are in all the time seeking the universe is when, how form.

Till today, a lot of scientists think, the universe is formed by when happen about 13.7 billion years ago big burst.

The place inside the universe put material and energy to gather one case, condense very minor volume, temperature is extremely high, density is great, the instant generates enormous pressure, big burst produced later, the reaction principle that explodes this greatly by physicist people call quanta physics.

Big burst makes material goes out broadcast, astrospace expands ceaselessly, temperature also drops accordingly, appear in all galaxy in the universe, sidereal, planet and even life in succession later. Patulous data nature is born the mankind, explain it is the behavior that respects the mankind, contrary mankind should respect nature more.

Seeing a person from the surface is parental place is born, it is the photon news that nature had a person in fact, human body embryo just can absorb this photon news that comes from nature, embryonic and grown adult, it is parental place is born, it is the excitation that nature finishs dark to embryo material at the same time.

Nature has vertebrate 45336 kinds, among them avian 1244 kinds, fish 3862 kinds. Have more than kinds of 300 insect, the sort that has affirmed only more than kinds 100. Nature is natural resource, person and nature should be respected each other, maintain cherish and cherish state of mind, use nature moderately, do not let nature be destroyed, make surroundings happiness, rich is not had extinct, resembling is Muzi euqally close, harmonious.

3, how big Sichuan hill forms?

Adding up to corpulent Sichuan hill is a volcano so, a night 36 million years ago, in Hefei on the west outskirt, a volcano erupts suddenly, magma drips all the way from the summit below, refrigeration hind forms solid rock, just formed today's big Sichuan mountain like a chute.

Close height above sea level of corpulent Sichuan hill, area 1003.01 hectare, be apart from Hefei the city zone to make an appointment with 10 kilometers, its geography coordinate is east diameter 117 degrees 08 minutes of 20 seconds 117 degrees one 11 minutes of 18 seconds, ~31 of 31 degrees of 50 minutes of 01 seconds spend north latitude 51 minutes 18 seconds, gu of mountain peak of big Sichuan hill dash forward, altitude 284 meters. On January 25, 2013, approval of national forestry bureau creates park of forest of level of state of hill of Hefei big Sichuan.

4, how big maggot forms?

Maggot comes out by the egg hatch of fly. Maggot is about two centimeters long, walk through wriggling, it is the larva of animal of eye of a kind of double wing. Because the head and mouthparts are exceeding,degrade, be called not to have head larva again.

The formation about maggot process: Fly can produce egg in the place with appropriate environment, it is the place with the organic qualitative high content such as toilet, sewer, putrefaction, Tophet normally, egg passes natural hatch, became maggot, development of maggot repass allergy, become adult.

Maggot nutrition is rich, dainty sex is good, contain a variety of amino acid with animal airframe indispensible place and fatty acid, and contain a large number of vitamins and microelement, from dietetics a kind of high grade albumen source is for angle. But have serious harm to the mankind, besides annoying food of person, pollution, more important is to spread a variety of diseases, if avian flu, foot-and-mouth disease, pig is streptococcic ill wait.

5, how is big bone disease formed?

Big bone disease has genetic tendency, especially young patient, come on have genetic tendency with respect to existence. The choice that wear a shoe is undeserved, the patient likes to wear cuspidal leather shoes or high-heeled shoes, cause a patient easily to appear big bone is ill. The problem that patient individual is used to, for instance long sedentary excessive perhaps walk, local get traumatic.

6, how river of big short of Wenshui River forms?

As it is said, carry the river of big short of Wenshui River of face the East China Sea on the back, on the west to king mother, river flow enters Western Paradise king inside Mu Chi, use for what king mother washs bath only. After the Dragon King of the East China Sea is informed this matter, very angry, he thinks, connect the Yangtse River, the Yellow River should come darlingly to my shedding, river of your little short of Wenshui River, how can does on the sly go pleasing king mother empress or imperial concubine of the first rank? The Dragon King administer the call in of small Qing Long of river of short of Wenshui River, rebuke of firm firm ground, instruct change its course of river of short of Wenshui River of his horse admiral east stream.

The small Qing Long at that time has 100 indolence in the heart namely fast, half also dare not say before the Dragon King not word, be forced light tone agree. The Dragon King sees small green Long Yuyu and answer, be afraid that his refus does not obey the order, superintend goes before the 3 daughters that send his subsequently.

3 girls come to river of short of Wenshui River bank, water seeing a river as before vast and mighty Xiang Xiliu goes, interrogatory small Qing Long why not the devree of king of comply with father. Face of small green dragon takes anxious lubricious ground to answer: "Report to 3 girls, two sides of river of short of Wenshui River, it is fecund completely the ground, common people of how many the common people lives and work in peace and contentment here, multiply haunt. Change its course of river of if short of Wenshui River, river water is flush, whirl this one Wo Ye, common people can return not without the home, the person that does not have a lot of die an unnatural death. The person that does not have a lot of die an unnatural death..

Via small Qing Long so say, 3 girls just know there is good reason for it, the anger in the heart also vanished completely, she is right green dragon say: "Such before, I blame you wrongly. " 3 girls are contemplative and a short while, say agog to small Qing Long again " be no good, I go back plead for mercy for sb of king following father " .

Self-willed of the Dragon King, where to listen to take the daughter's advice, allow the thing of change its course of river of short of Wenshui River besides, already make public goes out, if stops at this point, do not let king mother mock, he compels a daughter: "3 days in, if not change its course of river of short of Wenshui River east flow, I also should take you accusatory. " say, drove Long Gong out of 3 girls.

3 girls return the bank of river of short of Wenshui River, after the command park head father king, go at two sides of river of short of Wenshui River with small green Long Ben day and night, rain dewfall, the sky 3 days, it is nether 3 years. In time of these 3 years, good weather for the crops of two sides of river of short of Wenshui River, all without exception of common people of the common people appreciates the thick kindness of 3 girls, built an exquisite small temple downstream in river of short of Wenshui River, name " 3 women temple " , the village of 3 women temple of fat now city gets a name along this.

After, 3 girls all the year round guard here. Although the Dragon King floods for many times, think change its course of river letting short of Wenshui River fails to prevail. Allegedly, although 3 women temple is repaired,go up in flood land edge, every time the doorsill that the flood fails to cross it however.

7, how thunder wave big bluff forms?

As a result of,thunder wave big bluff is of running water of year in year out erode, tremendous bluff is formed in downy face, make bibcock hill makes China's most typical mountain thereby former.

Thunder wave big bluff is located in Sichuan ground of big cool hillside, be in beautiful father's sister, clear to become aware, Lei Bo between 3 counties. Height above sea level is controlled for 3500 meters, grow long hill former brim, it is the tremendous bluff that perpendicular deepness makes an appointment with 1000 meters. Be as long as in big bluff below the bluff bluff of 10 kilometers, it is big gorge of deep and serene river of beautiful father's sister.

8, how gully of big North Shaanxi forms?

Area of big North Shaanxi is the one part of Chinese loess plateau, because relief is high difference is big, soil erosion is severe, formed a lot of gully. Because natural ingredient and human activity are caused,the formation of these gully basically is.

Natural ingredient respect, tall difference of terrain of area of big North Shaanxi is big, hill situation is abrupt, fluvial freely crisscross, soil erosion is severe. Action is eroded to fall in long-term nature, upper soil is denuded, formed a lot of gully.

Human activity respect, the agriculture of area of big North Shaanxi is produced and human living activity also quickened the formation of gully. In agricultural production, be plowed for a long time and depasture make upper vegetation is sufferred destroy, soil is exposed in sunshine and harships erode below, quickened the formation of gully. In human living activity, extensive development and construction project also destroyed upper vegetation, quickened the formation of gully.

Anyhow, the gully of area of big North Shaanxi is formed is by a variety of elements the result of joint action, natural ingredient and human activity had main effect.

9, how Shanxi big rift valley forms?

Move and Shanxi big rift valley is formed.

Shanxi big rift valley is located in Shanxi to carry the city makes the same score churchyard of countryside of official of land county ministry, grow about 10 kilometers, about 60 meters wide, make an appointment with 80 meters greatly. This big rift valley Campagna one divides into two, showed the superlative craftsmanship of nature. Feature of landforms of big rift valley is as follows:

Rift valley length exceeds width, a lot of basins that break fall show regular wild goose to list type to distributing, cross section asymmetry.

There is volcano to distributing inside rift valley.

Two side country often has rift valley level cover remains.

Ply of the deposit in rift valley is big, average 1.5 to 2.5 kilometers, the thickest can amount to 7 to 8 kilometers. The bead without consulting anyone of deposit grain falls and go up to coarsen gradually; The horizontal stroke is short of Na Min from the foot of a mountain of rift valley brim up drossy and deposit photograph to rift valley mid turn into granule lake photograph or fenny photograph deposit; Deposit middling clip has lava deposit.

Contemporary lithosphere moves in rift valley very active, speed of the largest settlement can be amounted to 60 to 100 millimeter annual; Horizontal motion is apparent also, the thermal current value of rift valley is commonly 2 small card every second every square centimeter, smoother than the whole world soaking spreads a cost 1.5 small card every second every square centimeter should tall. Ply is the lithosphere of rift valley 20 to 30 kilometers, more average than mainland lithosphere ply (40 kilometers) want thin; Gravity is mostly negative unusual; The earthquake is more, distributing along certain way, focus deepness is in more 30 kilometers less than.

10, how to cover with tiles hill is formed greatly?

Days of big made of baked clay hill is big Chi Shan carries this paragraph on the head, be not is cliff board " forms " Shi Tanyan. Hill body cent is two, bottom is lime cliff, upside is the lava of " of basalt of hill of eyebrow of high mountain of the " that be called. On bluff, both color is trenchant, lime cliff is shown grayish, lava is shown dark Brown, and " of basalt of hill of eyebrow of " high mountain made the part with the most wonderful bluff of big made of baked clay hill, it the construction that that cascade folds, when the volcano that is remote antiquity erupts, the report of the volcanic coulee of one layer upon layer accumulation and eruption.

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