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张骞简介? 张骞成语?英文双语对照


张骞简介? 张骞成语?英文双语对照






       夜郎自大——张骞出使西南,沟通当时的大夏国,即今天的云、贵一带。张骞一行到了昆明、滇国和夜郎。滇王问张骞等人:“汉朝与我们相比,哪个大?”后来汉朝使者在与夜郎国王一起喝酒时,夜郎王也问了同样的问题:“汉朝与夜郎哪个大?” 张骞心里明白,夜郎的地盘只及得上汉朝一个郡。可夜郎国王因为山高林密,没有走出去,还以为夜郎是天下的大国家呢。“夜郎自大”比喻孤陋寡闻而又妄自尊大。






张骞被誉为伟大的外交家、探险家,是“丝绸之路的开拓者”、“第一个睁开眼睛看世界的中国人”、“东方的哥伦布” 。他将中原文明传播至西域,又从西域诸国引进了汗血马、葡萄、苜蓿、石榴、胡麻等物种到中原,促进了东西方文明的交流。





























凿空 就是开凿道路的意思









张骞出塞的读音是zhāng qiān chū sài。


张骞出使西域本为贯彻汉武帝联合大月氏抗击匈奴之战略意图,但出使西域后汉夷文化交往频繁,中原文明通过“丝绸之路”迅速向四周传播。因而,张骞出使西域这一历史事件便具有特殊的历史意义。张骞对开辟从中国通往西域的丝绸之路有卓 越贡献,举世称道。


Zhang Qian brief introduction?

Zhang Qian () , word child civil, han Zhongjun city originallies (today Shaanxi is saved Chinese in county of city city firm) person, the diplomat with Chinese Chinese crackajack generation, traveler, explorer. Native place in Shaanxi the 2 kilometers austral county of firm of city of the city in province Chinese are in Hanjiang bank rich visits a village. Zhang Qian is rich develop and adventurous spirit, build yuan 2 years (before 139 years) , give the lot of Chinese fierce emperor, do guide by Gan Fu, lead the Western Regions of be sent on a diplomatic mission of more than 100 people, get through the road of north and south of region of Han Chaotong westerly, namely illustrious and famous the Silk Road, chinese fierce emperor seals his to be Bo Wanghou with milistary exploit. Zhang Qian is the trailblazer of the Silk Road, be known as " the first Chinese that opens an eye to view the world " . He transmits Central Plains civilization to the Western Regions, from the Western Regions all countries introduced the species such as sweat blood horse, grape, clove, pomegranate, til to arrive Central Plains, promoted the communication of thing square civilization.

Is Zhang Qian phrasal?

Does the idiom that concerns with Zhang Qian call: ? Toad of source of spoon of appraise of ostrich of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of  of bad blown away by wind?

     "Discursive " this idiom originates " history write down. Big Wan Lie is passed " , qian Congyue comes big summer, cannot get gist of lunar family name unexpectedly.

     Extremely arrogant -- Zhang Qian be sent on a diplomatic mission is southwest, communicate the big Xia Guo at that time, namely today's cloud, expensive one belt. Zhang Qian arrived all right country of Kunming, another name for Yunnan Province and nocturnal man. King of another name for Yunnan Province asks Zhang Qian to wait for a person: "Han Chao and we are compared, which big? " Chinese government emissary is in later when drinking together with nocturnal man king, nocturnal man king also asked same question: "Han Chao and nocturnal man which big? " understand in Zhang Qian heart, the domain of nocturnal man is reached only on Chinese face a county. But nocturnal man king because Shangaolin is close, did not walk out of, still think nocturnal man is the big country of the world. "Extremely arrogant " compare ignorant and bumbledom.

Zhang Qian ending?

Zhang Qian

The diplomat that Han Daijie gives

Zhang Qian () , word child civil, han Zhongjun city originallies (today Shaanxi is saved Chinese in county of city city firm) person, the diplomat with Chinese Chinese crackajack generation, traveler, explorer, the trailblazer of the Silk Road, native place in Shaanxi the 2 kilometre austral county of firm of city of the city in province Chinese are in Hanjiang bank rich visits a village.

When Zhang Qian's teenager with the be on friendly terms that defend blueness, via defending emperor of green introduce Han Wu, the Supreme Being awards Zhang Qian to be attendants man. Build yuan 2 years (before 139 years of) , give the lot of Chinese fierce emperor, do guide by Gan Fu, lead the Western Regions of be sent on a diplomatic mission of more than 100 people, result by Hun person captivity more than 10 years, became son of chief of the Xiongnu in ancient China. Dan Zhangqian from beginning to end the heart belongs to big fellow, be escaped by him eventually. Wu Di sees his devotion, send the Western Regions of his be sent on a diplomatic mission 2 times, this not disgrace mission get through the road of north and south of region of Han Chaotong westerly, namely illustrious and famous the Silk Road, chinese fierce emperor seals his to be Bo Wanghou with milistary exploit. Minister change praises the historian the Western Regions of be sent on a diplomatic mission is Zhang Qian " forced " , means " enlightened highway " .

Zhang Qian is known as great diplomat, explorer, be " the trailblazer of the Silk Road " , " the first Chinese that opens an eye to view the world " , " the Columbus of east " . He transmits Central Plains civilization to the Western Regions, from the Western Regions all countries introduced the species such as sweat blood horse, grape, clove, pomegranate, til to arrive Central Plains, promoted the communication of thing square civilization.

Yuan Dingsan of Chinese fierce emperor year (before 114 years of) , zhang Qian dies of illness at big fellow emperor Chang'an, put in the native place in bury Chinese 's charge.

Zhang Qian wife?

The to Zhang Qian wife description on historical literature is very little. The wife that tells Zhang Qian only is Hun person, was delivered of a child for its. Respecting of a lot of unofficial history, family name of a solar month of 31 days of Zhang Qian be sent on a diplomatic mission when, be discovered by Hun during transit, take when captive. After Zhang Qian get married, its wife is loyal and devoted to its, alleged marry chicken is married along with chicken the dog follows a dog is this truth. The long Zhang Qian that the ground in Hun lived 10 years runs away in accidental opportunities, except falls in the help of its wife, zhang Qian is afraid escape very hard.

After Zhang Qian escapes, in big Wan Guoguo gentleman's help falls to arrive at family name of a solar month of 31 days smoothly. Set out when him time Chinese Hun is encountered again in road, he is caught by Hun again, returned the tribe that lives so. Zhang Qian prepares the 2nd times to escape again a tribe, happen after Hun chief of the Xiongnu in ancient China is dead then inside when, in its the help of the wife falls to escape again, returned Han Chao successfully. Be in allegedly after returning Hanchao before long, zhang Qian's wife died. Undoubted, zhang Qian's wife is a woman in his success backside, but was forgotten by historical place however.

The wife that perhaps is Zhang Qian really is in Hun positional capacity is higher, zhang Qian just won't to someone else same activity accepts restriction, he runs away successfully twice, explain Hun is loose already to its guard. And the individual glamour that Zhang Qian's wife also can show to Zhang Qian also has him to Zhang Qian be dead set. He and Hun hand in past without ceremony, broad mind, for Xi Yi person place loves, also be love of her wife place. Just have subsequently its wife duteous not change, follow Zhang Qian Hui Hanzhi thing.

History write down Zhang Qian biographies?

Zhang Qian, chinese go-between also, build yuan in for man. Hun of character of the person that Hun falls when defeats king of lunar family name, escape of lunar family name and complain Hun, without with what attack in all. Chinese square desire the thing destroys introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad, hear this talk, be about to connect make, path surely more in Hun, it is collect can emissary. Qian Yilang respond to a call for recruits, make lunar family name, give Gansu with all of father of pleasant of slave of hall city family name on the west. Diameter Hun, hun gets, pass attainments chief of the Xiongnu in ancient China. Chief of the Xiongnu in ancient China says: "Lunar family name is in my north, chinese why must go to make? I is about to make jump over, chinese agree to listen to me? " leave Qian more than 10 years old, grant wife, have child,

House Hun on the west, qian dies because of be being belonged to with its countryside month family name, tens of day come westing big as if. The Rao Cai of big Wan Wenhan, be about to connect must not, see Qian, happy event, ask desire He Zhi. Qian Yue: "For Chinese make lunar family name and shut for Hun place, die today, only king make humane send me. Sincere must come, turn over Chinese, chinese property of king of Lu involuntary discharge of urine cannot get the better of character. " big as if think like that, dispatch Qian, reach health house. Kang Juchuan sends family name of a solar month of 31 days. Wang Yi of family name of a solar month of 31 days is Hu Suo to kill, li Jifu is factitious king. Already of official big Xia Erjun, ground fat forgive, little bandit, annals peace and happiness, from beyond Yuan Han, different does not have the heart that signs up for moustache. Qian Congyue comes big summer, cannot get gist of lunar family name unexpectedly.

Stay more than years old, still, be about to return from inside Qiang, answer for Hun earning. Leave random Qian of dead home of more than years old of chief of the Xiongnu in ancient China and moustache wife reach all of hall city father to die the more than 100 people when father of city of hall of Gui Hanbai Dr Qian Taizhong makes to act according to Jun Chuqian goes go 13.

The emperor already Wen Dawan and big summer, rest belong to all big country, much stranger thing, aboriginal, be the same as common with China quite, and soldier is young, expensive Chinese property; Its north criterion family name of a solar month of 31 days, Kang Juzhi is belonged to, arms is strong, can Lu involuntary discharge of urine sets interest government also. Sincere get and with justice those who belong to, extensive land 10 thousand lis, weigh 9 interpret, send different common, power heart is alled over at the four seas. Because Sichuan Qian is,make therefore make between hair, 4 go out, all go each a thousand li of just a little.

Qian attacks Hun with school Wei Congda's general, know aquatic place, army be able to there is no lack of, it is Feng Qian to be Bo Wanghou. It is year old of Yuan Shuo 6 years also. Hind 2 years, qian is Wei Wei, with Li An all gives right north to make the same score attack Hun. Hun surrounds Li Jiang army, army break die much, and Qian later period is become behead, atone for is person of be the concubine.

The emperor counts those who ask Qian Daxia to belong to. Qian breaks Hou already, because say: "Connect black grandson already, from its big Xia Zhi belongs to the official outside all can speak and be on the west. " the emperor thinks like that, the man in doing obeisance to Qianwei will, 300 people, horse each 2, flocks and herds with ten thousand, capital city silk is straight thousands of gigantic 10 thousand, run a red-letter day more deputy make, path but of dispatch by country.

Qian is returned, do obeisance to for big travel. More than years old, qian Cu. Hind more than years old, its place dispatch the deputy person that make connect big Xia Zhi to belong to all comes with its person all quite, the northern part of the country on the west then only then connect Yu Han.

Native place of Xi'an Zhang Qian?

The structure composition cent of Zhang Qian memorial hall is a thing two areas. East area by recieve, 3 parts constitute exhibition, tombs surrounded by a park, its building is the 3 copy that receive 4 courtyards, or so semmetry Chinese Gu Jianqun. On the west area in order to reveal the Western Regions the landforms of all countries, building, the content such as amorous feelings, culture, lie fallow for gardens area.

Cemetery whole the axis in be in order to display a hall, distributing symmetrically. Entering front door is wide the about 12 corridor of rice.

Two side have the thing each grow the culture a covered corridor or walk of about 20, decorate the elegant picture that has common of style of writing of local of introductory city firm.

Canister of blue bricks of faulting type gate is made of baked clay, of primitive simplicity is easy, two Que Xiang is right, upturned eaves dougong, emersion two Chinese building distinguishing feature of Gong Que.

Zhang Qian's data?

Zhang Qian (make an appointment with BC before 164 ~ 114 years) , word child civil, the county in Chinese of the Western Han Dynasty becomes firm (today county of solid of Shaanxi provincial capital) person, feudal rich looks (today rich of county of Henan province square city visits a town) , bo Wanghou says when.

B.c. 2 centuries, chinese Chinese is acting (the Western Han Dynasty) traveler, diplomat, explorer, have significant contribution to the development of filar road.

Develop Chinese face to lead to the road of north and south of the Western Regions, and from the Western Regions all countries introduced sweat blood horse, grape, clove, pomegranate, til to wait a moment.

Its native place is in Chinese in of Hanjiang of place of the 2 kilometers austral city firm county bank rich visits a village.

It is piece of Qian memorial hall now, first provincial key cultural relic that belongs to Shaanxi to save people government to was announced 1956 protects an unit.

Pronunciation of Zhang Qian forced?

Qian (Qian high and level tone)

Authentic (Zao rising tone)

Empty: ? Does vertebra bilk cable of  of Bu of  of bursa Jin slash  ?

Forced is cut viatic meaning

Out history is written down, does big Wan Lie pass: ? Does badge admire good Qi blink  creek bed to employ  talk in one's sleep Sui of the simian  that cast aside ┩ ?

Meaning: ? Does cable of horsefly of Yong of ㄎ of admire band  punish Mou of  courtyard Hui to blow admire of general of draw water of Yong horsefly graceful large to blow  ┩  ?

Like that (classical Chinese article expresses a turn)

Zhang Qian's ancestors?

Two Zhang Qian

1. Zhang Qian is Chinese generation person () , crackajack diplomat, traveler, explorer, the trailblazer of the Silk Road, native place in Shaanxi the 2 kilometre austral county of firm of city of the city in province Chinese are in Hanjiang bank rich visits a village.

2. clear Chao Xianfeng 3 years on May 25 (on July 11, 1853) , zhang Jian (1853~1926) the family that is born in Chang Le of Jiangsu sea door to press down a rich farmer to hold huckster concurrently. Everybody cannot think of at that time, the farmhouse children of this a remote, in be being met unexpectedly later Number One Scholar.

Does Zhang Qian give pronunciation of a place of strategic importance?

The pronunciation that Zhang Qian gives a place of strategic importance is I of à of S of ū of N Ch of ā of Zh ā Ng Qi.

The Western Regions of Zhang Qian be sent on a diplomatic mission calls piece of Qiantong the Western Regions again, those who point to is Han Wu Hun of converging attack of family name of month of combination of hope of period of the Supreme Being,

The Western Regions of Zhang Qian be sent on a diplomatic mission is the strategic intent that carries out Chinese fierce emperor to combine Hun of beat back of family name of a solar month of 31 days originally, but association of culture of exterminate of the later Han dynasty of the Western Regions of be sent on a diplomatic mission is frequent, central Plains civilization is passed " the Silk Road " rapid to all around transmission. Consequently, incident of this one history has the Western Regions of Zhang Qian be sent on a diplomatic mission special historical significance. Zhang Qian leads to the Silk Road of the Western Regions to have outstanding contribution from China to open up,
