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4、有时公司内部为工作方便,会把两种相似的印章用两种或多种形状区分。 补充: 1、一般国内公司印章用红色,外企公司印章用蓝色,有时公司内部为工作方便,会把两种相似的印章用两种颜色区别; 2、印章形状一般没有明确规定,但有些特别印章有规定:发票专用章为椭圆,合同章、报关章也大多为椭圆,公章为圆形,外文公章多为椭圆多边,有时公司内部为工作方便,会把两种相似的印章用两种或多种形状区分。











①无需印台、印泥,可反复注油,连续盖印、印迹 清晰不变形;即盖即干,方便携带等特色。








1. 印章编号在公司的意义相当于个人身份证的证号,如果在网上开放了查询业务,那么很容易给不法分子提供造假的必要条件,他们会根据查到的印章编号制作更逼真的印章,这样更容易造成金融诈骗。

2. 公、检、法及有关行政事业单位因工作需要公章查询备案印鉴资料,须持处以上单位出具的介绍信,到所在市公安局综合大厅查询。

3. 企业单位涉及经济纠纷或其他案件的,需要公章查询、取证有关印章资料的,必须委托律师事务所律师持律师证、介绍信办理。

4. 很多公安机关暂时还没开展受理企业自行查询印章资料事宜。所以具体就只能到企业当地公安机关咨询一下了。

5. 但是当地的工商局都会有相应的印章编号登记记录,所以可以在当地的工商局进行咨询查找。








古代印章和现代印章有几点区别:1. 材质:古代印章多使用石材、玉、铜等材质制作,而现代印章多使用橡胶、塑料或金属制作。2. 制作方式:古代印章制作需要雕刻师傅手工雕刻,而现代印章可以通过机器自动刻制。3. 印章类别:古代印章主要有方印、圆印等形式,而现代印章则有个人印、单位印、合同印等不同用途的分类。4. 所属文化:古代印章在中国历史文化中有着重要地位,被广泛应用于文人墨客、官员、书法家等领域,具有较高的文化意义;而现代印章则主要用于机构、企事业单位、政府部门等公文处理和合同签署等实用领域。5. 使用方式:古代印章多采用印泥或朱砂,需要先涂抹墨汁再盖印;而现代印章则直接沾墨后盖印,使用更为便捷。总体而言,古代印章更注重艺术性和文化内涵,而现代印章更注重实用性和便捷性。





1. 首先,拍摄或扫描印章的图像,并确保图像清晰且具有足够的分辨率。

2. 使用图像处理软件(例如Adobe Photoshop)对印章进行修剪和调整。使得背景干净、字体清晰等。

3. 确认并验证转换后的电子文件与原始纸质文件相符合。数字签名可以提供额外的安全层面以确保数据完整性和身份验证。

4. 将电子文件嵌入到PDF文档中或使用专用加密软件生成带有时间戳和数字证书的加密签名文件。

5. 保存这些电子资料至云端或其他安全存储介质上方便管理及查阅需求时使用。







没有本质的区别, 一般企业的财务业务印章都是方的,而行政章一般都是圆园的,体现二者的不同。很多印章都分有公司内部使用及对外使用两种印章,财务专用章也这样区分。





One, the culture history of seal seal and development?

Seal seal is a kind of traditional seal form, traceable China ancient time. The need of the process that make of seal seal mixes ink paste used for seals seal material a fire, go up in the besmear on seal next a seal, make its are had waterproof with anticorrosive character. The making craft of seal seal is trival, need passes many measure, the cost that make is accordingly higher, only a few person ability that be full of and have power and influence are used.

The use with seal first seal is the subscription that is used at official document and attestation, evolve gradually later for artwork of a kind of culture. In historical culture of China, seal seal was gifted very high value and position, be regarded as one of important signs of culture inheritance.

As the elapse of time, the making craft of seal seal and material also received ceaseless improvement and innovation. Contemporary seal seal has traditional culture value not only, still have practical with artistic quality. Now, seal seal had become a kind of culture artwork and collect article, got of a lot of collector and culture lover love.

2, La Yinzhang and red seal?

1, stamp of common home company uses red, stamp of foreign enterprise firm uses blue;

2, sometimes company interior goes to the lavatory for the job, can use two kinds of similar seal distinction of two kinds of color;

3, seal appearance did not make clear a regulation commonly, but a little special seal has a regulation: Bill is special the chapter is ellipse, contract chapter, declare at customs Zhang Ye is ellipse mostly, official seal is a circle, foreign language official seal is ellipse more multilateral;

4, sometimes company interior goes to the lavatory for the job, can use two kinds of similar seal two kinds or a variety of appearance are divisional. Compensatory: 1, stamp of common home company uses red, stamp of foreign enterprise firm uses blue, sometimes company interior goes to the lavatory for the job, can use two kinds of similar seal distinction of two kinds of color; 2, seal appearance did not make clear a regulation commonly, but a little special seal has a regulation: Bill is special the chapter is ellipse, contract chapter, declare at customs Zhang Ye is ellipse mostly, official seal is a circle, foreign language official seal is ellipse more multilateral, sometimes company interior goes to the lavatory for the job, can use two kinds of similar seal two kinds or a variety of appearance are divisional.

3, electronic seal and photosensitive seal distinction?

The distinction of atomic seal and photosensitive seal:

1, of seal cheer. Atomic seal needs to relapse oiling defect, so printing ink volatilizes easily print diffuses more apparent. seal convert, photosensitive seal 3-4 of special oil drop drips (provide stereo seal size and stamp-pad ink to use up a program to add) convert ten minutes of above, wait for its stamp-pad ink to be permeated slowly go in, use face of paper towel fine mop next redundant stamp-pad ink can.

2, use material. Atomic stamp price is low, quality is general, the method that make is to will permeate stamp pad to be put on laser engraving tool to undertake carving. Photosensitive seal uses entrance photosensitive seal special mat, imprint face darkly color, maintain the horizontal deepness of 0.1-0.3MM with literal. Material of photosensitive of photosensitive seal appropriative is one kind exceeds small bubble material, the small Kong Kongjing of its surface is very small, average aperture is less than 30 micron. Itself has oil of oil storage ooze and character of smooth Shan Rong.

3, service life. Oiling can use photosensitive seal 10 thousand times, can use the left and right sides 100 thousand times continuously. The life accident of atomic seal depends on directly its material that make, good raw material can prolong the service life of seal. And the quality of atomic seal product that uses entrance raw material to make is stable, the operation is simple also, maintenance time is little, can build more than 10000 times, can reduce directly purchase cost.

Patulous data

1, atomic seal writing is clear, stamp-pad ink is even, bright-coloured; Its prevent bogus sex strong, make not easily for common tool; Atomic seal is seal, stamp-pad ink is mixed for an organic whole, use convenient, impression is rapid and quick, reason is labelled our country promotion uses new product, a lot of province municipal government style or manner of writing stipulates each mechanism, organization, factory, enterprise must unite use atom seal.

Atomic seal also weighs seal 10 thousand times, belong to contemporary high-tech product. You Yinbing and imprint two parts composition. Yin Bing is by the core inside handle, bedspring, activity, outside casing composition. Face of atomic seal seal is to use the sponge system that has small hole structure special material is made, constant soak is after dip stamp-pad ink inside Yin Bing core, atomic seal imprints face slightly under outside casing.

2, the character with photosensitive the biggest seal, be besides Chinese and English word, OK a mixed pattern, figure even the photograph makes seal directly, and chapter range is distinct, fine fine long hair finishs now. Accordingly, photosensitive seal, call the vogue that be made seal, cartoon seal, figure seal, photograph seal, photo seal again etc.

Other characteristic:

① need not ink pad, ink paste used for seals, can relapse oiling, clarity of successive impression, print is not out of shape; Build namely work namely, the characteristic such as square portable belt.

The case that ② uses appropriately falls to want additional knowledge to have the service life of above 10 thousand times only, print does not fade.

③ can be mixed in plastic, art paper, glass, dress chapter of metallic upper cover.

④ exterior design is unique, distinction imprints at atom.

⑤ can design unique seal neatly according to the picture of own be fond of.

⑥ was installed note (lay aside) oily device, go to the lavatory for many times to repeat oiling.

4, how does seal hand in for cancellation check former seal?

Undertake inquiring without unified website, but the industrial and commercial bureau that can be in in the company undertakes inquiring.

1.Seal number is equivalent to the card number of individual Id in the meaning of the company, if inquiry business was opened on the net, so provide the requirement that makes a holiday very easily to illegal element, the seal number that they can reach according to checking makes more distinct seal, cause financial bilk more easily so.

2.Fair, check, law and unit of estate of concerned travel government affairs need official seal inquiry to put on record because of the job seal data, need the recommendation that maintains place above unit to issue, to place city public security bureau integrated hall inquires.

3.Company unit involves economic dispute or other case, inquiry of need official seal, obtain evidence of concerned seal data, must entrust attorney office solicitor to hold lawyer card, recommendation to deal with.

4.Mechanism of a lot of public security has not been begun temporarily accept company proper motion to inquire seal data matters concerned. So specific can seek advice to mechanism of company place public security only.

5.But industrial and commercial bureau of place can have corresponding seal number register a record, the industrial and commercial bureau that can be in place so undertakes advisory searching.

Patulous data

The enterprise is engraved make afore-mentioned seal, need to be mixed by business charter " 3 endowment the business enters in the records card " , if the enterprise is China and foreign countries,joint-stock, China and foreign countries cooperates enterprise, must hold in the recommendation that just opens, to this unit seat mechanism of public security of prefectural class above is dealt with quarter make seal requisition or recommendation, next with requisition or recommendation, the factory of carve characters on a seal that appoints to public security mechanism or inn of carve characters on a seal are engraved make.

Quarter chapter needs hold " licence of special type industry " quarter make an unit engrave make official seal, all illicit engrave official seal to all belong to illegal behavior, what engrave seal not to have any legal effectiveness.

Official seal had better use the material of copper, stainless steel, ox horn or wood to pledge, because if need to open pair of public account in the bank,Shi Gong glue, photosensitive imprints,wait belong to slant soft material is qualitative, the bank does not give put on record, cannot complete the course that takes seal.

5, does Ps seal forge seal?

Yes, ps seal breaks the law, if you are adding up to official seal of the Ps on coequal file to reach your certain goal, need to assume legal responsibility so, seal is in public security mechanism has those who put on record.

6, archaic seal and contemporary seal distinction?

Archaic seal and contemporary seal have a few distinction: 1. Material is qualitative: Archaic seal uses the stone material, material such as jade, copper to be made character more, and contemporary seal is much use balata, plastic or the metal is made. 2. The means that make: Archaic seal makes need carve master handiwork, and contemporary seal can be engraved automatically through the machine make. 3. Seal category: Archaic seal is main in the right way imprints, the circle imprints wait for a form, and contemporary seal has an individual to imprint, the unit imprints, the contract imprints the classification that waits for different utility. 4. What belong to culture: Archaic seal is having important place in Chinese history culture, be applied extensively at the domain such as guest of bookman Chinese ink, official, calligrapher, have taller culture sense; And contemporary seal basically is used at orgnaization, enterprise or business the archives processing such as unit, government sector and contract are signed wait for practical domain. 5. Use means: Archaic seal uses ink paste used for seals or Zhu Sha more, need first daub prepared Chinese ink again impression; And the impression after contemporary seal wets Chinese ink directly, use more convenient. Overall and character, archaic seal pays attention to artistic quality and culture connotation more, and contemporary seal is paid attention to more practical and convenient quality.

7, is firm stamp atomic seal?

General official seal uses atomic rule, atomic chapter belongs to contemporary high-tech product. It is store stamp-pad ink in the core inside seal, again inside core make imprint face shape, every time impression stamp-pad ink from inside core is oozy, need not every time impression needs to hit stamp-pad ink on ink pad, improved the efficiency that office manufactures. Last centuries invent photosensitive rule by Japan at the beginning of 90 time, it is by a kind special chemical industry synthesizes material, give out strong ray radiation through special device instant, make material surface produces the seal that smooth oxidation and hot cross-linking action make thereby.

8, how to extract seal to be electronic seal?

Want to be seal changeover electronic seal, need has the following move:

1.Above all, film or the image of scanning seal, ensure picture is clear and have enough resolution.

2.Use image handles software (for example Adobe Photoshop) undertake to seal clip is mixed adjust. Make setting clean, font clarity.

3.Affirm and the electronic file after test and verify is changed and conform to of file of primitive paper quality close. Digital sign one's name can provide extra safe level in order to ensure data integrality and identity test and verify.

4.electronic file built-in arrive in PDF documentation or use special add close software to generate those who contain time jab and digital letter to add close autograph file.

5.Save these electronic data to get on convenient managing to reach to high in the clouds or medium of other and safe memory consult use when demand.

9, how to make seal seal effect?

Want to make seal seal result, need to choose right seal stuff above all, be like rubber stamp or metallic chapter.

Next, the basis designs a requirement, use graver or laser engraving tool carve design on seal material.

Next, use ink or daub of ink paste used for seals are in seal surface, ensure design is enclothed completely.

Finally, get on seal by the paper that is pressed in need affix one's seal or other data, have seal with proper pressure and time, can present the seal effect that gives clarity.

10, round seal and square seal distinction?

Without substaintial distinction, the financial business seal of average company is square, and administrative order is round garden commonly, those who reflect both is different. A lot of seal are divided company interior is used reach use two kinds of seal external, financial and special Zhang Ye is so divisional.

Square finance affairs is special the chapter is company unit the seal rule that uses when the bank conducts business, if bill of pair of public account, spending is offerred in the bank, take a paragraph to turn rule of square finance affairs should be used when Zhang.

Quadrate and financial regulation is become seal (seal) use, for instance bill endorses make over, open cash check, it is quadrate chapter commonly! Financial following sends what file to perhaps inform Gai Yuan of form chapter, it is sectional rule actually, you feel understanding is difficult, can understand so probably: Quadrate chapter is business section commonly, circular chapter is sectional rule! Other department has a round order, but without quadrate chapter. The financial and special rule that additionally the bank enters in the records, have a circle, also have ellipse, so, as long as it is financial and special rule, without giving thought to round, square should distinction of it doesn't matter.

Circular finance affairs is special special rule just is in chapter and quadrate finance affairs there is distinction on appearance, some areas are used to those who use square, some areas are used to a circle, quadrate nevertheless chapter endorses on bill some more convenient, what south uses is more.
