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柴犬,100-500比格1000-2000刚毛列狐梗1500-3000蝴蝶犬100-10000(因为纯的难找所以价格有差异)法斗800-1500比熊1000-3000北京犬100-600最好养条和博美体型差不多的狗,因为博美爱叫又好斗,要打架肯定谁也不让谁,以前常发生金毛咬伤博美的事件呢!还有就是比格犬,短小粗壮,样子可爱,体贴主人,短毛,性格温顺而目前宠物市场比较常见的狗适合你饲养的也很多,假如你有个性的话,也可以选择一只西伯立亚雪橇犬,体形中等,体质好,容易训练,外貌漂亮,不爱掉毛。还有就是比格犬,短小粗壮,样子可爱,体贴主人,短毛,性格温顺而目前宠物市场比较常见的狗适合你饲养的也很多,假如你有个性的话,也可以选择一只西伯立亚雪橇犬,体形中等,体质好,容易训练,外貌漂亮,不爱掉毛。狗可能是人类最合适的伴侣动物,它们的平均年龄在11至15年,甚至可达到20年以上,能和我们生活这么长时间,所以选择时一定要考虑好,是选大犬还是小犬,长毛还是短毛,公犬还是母犬。养宠物应从小开始养,最好选2月龄到6月龄的犬,容易调教和培养感情;如果家里有人照顾,就可以选长毛犬,它们需要经常梳洗和修剪,特别是换毛季节,尤其要护理好,这样才能使它们成为一只招人喜爱、富有吸引力的爱犬;选饲公狗或母狗也是您需要考虑的问题,公狗通常较母狗大而且活泼一些,母狗就比较亲切、念家,特别喜欢小孩。通常我们选宠物的途径是:宠物公司的繁殖场、宠物店或从朋友那儿购买的。正规部门的犬只可以提供一个血统证明书,内容有:犬种名、犬名、出生年月日,性别、毛色、繁殖者、免疫时间。这样您就可以了解到幼犬的由来和是否注射疫苗等一般情况了。我们选购犬时一定要细心观察,勿操之过急,观察时注意:双耳和双眼很重要,应细看是否有毛病。双耳活动灵活,耳道要清洁,没有异味,耳朵内侧以粉红色为健康。耳尖不要有皮屑,以防有寄生虫,经常侧头甩耳,可能耳内有毛病。皮肤要柔软而有弹性,不能硬结、肥厚,要注意皮肤是否有虱、疥螨等寄生虫或其他皮肤病。有皮肤病或寄生虫的犬,在短期内一定忍耐不住,用爪搔抓病变部位,而且不止一次,会连续多次。你要看清楚它搔抓的部位,有无红斑,再细致检查就会发现皮肤有毛病。应特别注意犬的尾部下方,若有“黄印”是最近患过腹泻或下痢的迹象,不宜购买。还要看看肛门是否有红肿或溃烂现象。检查犬的足垫。柔软、不干裂是健康犬。观察犬是否喜欢接近人和人相处,不要选神经质、胆小、情绪不稳的犬。应注意犬的骨骼,比如头骨有无变形、脊椎骨有无弯曲、颌骨有无裂痕、髋关节和膝关节有无脱臼等。最好用手触摸其头骨、上颌骨、下颌骨,再沿颈椎骨往后摸脊椎骨和四肢骨。然后让犬运动,看其运步和跑跳是否优美或者有跛行。最好在犬注意力集中时,在它的面前稍远处抛纸团或玩具,引导它向前跑跑或扑扑,看它的反应是否敏捷、运动是否灵活,即可判断出四肢骨是否有问题。骨骼有问题的犬,很多是近亲繁殖和遗传所造成的,不宜豢养。这些毛病要靠自己观察,不是血统证明书上所能说明的。选好犬后,问清楚饲喂情况,如要更换食物一定要减少饲喂量,待爱犬适应后,再恢复增加饲量。如果未进行防疫注射,等爱犬调理好后再去。这样您就拥有一只健康的爱犬。 注意小狗的遗传病 选购小狗时,一定要观察幼犬的遗传基因是否有传染性疾病,不然,花大价钱买的幼犬,则对家人危害不小。 缺齿以斑点犬为例,许多斑点犬缺齿,这是近亲繁殖的结果。 咬人有些幼犬脾气和情绪极不稳定,若它的上一代犬咬过人,那么下一代犬也容易发生这种现象。 眼睫毛“倒生”眼睫毛倒生会刺伤幼犬的眼睛,一岁以后会更加严重,重者使眼球起白膜而退化。一般沙皮狗和松狮狗较多。


Bavin dog, because,100-500 lists 100-10000(of dog of butterfly of Hu Geng 1500-3000 than case 1000-2000 bristle pure search hard so the price has difference) the law fights 800-1500 to compare 100-600 of dog of ursine 1000-3000 Beijing to had better be raised with the dog with rich beauty similar type of build or figure, because Bo Meiai cries bellicose, should fight be sure who doesn't let, golden wool often happens to bite the incident of rich beauty previously! Still have even if compare case dog, smallish and brawny, appearance is lovely, show consideration for host, undercoat, disposition is docile and what at present pet market compares common dog to suit you to raise is very much also, if you individualize if, also can choose a Xibailiya sledge dog, bodily form is medium, the constitution is good, train easily, appearance is beautiful, do not love wool. Still have even if compare case dog, smallish and brawny, appearance is lovely, show consideration for host, undercoat, disposition is docile and what at present pet market compares common dog to suit you to raise is very much also, if you individualize if, also can choose a Xibailiya sledge dog, bodily form is medium, the constitution is good, train easily, appearance is beautiful, do not love wool. The dog may be the mankind's most appropriate spouse animal, their average age is in 11 to 15 years, can achieve 20 years of above even, can live with us so long, when choosing so, must have considered, it is to choose Greater Dog or Lesser Dog, grow wool or undercoat, fair dog still is mother dog. Raise pet to should begin to raise as a child, had better choose in Feburary age to June age dog, easy mix teachs and develop attachment; If the somebody in the home is taken care of, can pick long hair dog, they need often wash and dress and clip, especially molt is seasonal, want to had nursed especially, such ability make they become an action person to love, the love dog of rich appeal; Choosing raise fair dog or bitch also is the issue that you need to consider, fair dog normally relatively big and bitch is a few more lively, bitch is kinder, attend the home, like a child particularly. The way that normally we pick pet is: Shop of the progenitive field of pet company, pet or from the friend there buy. The dog of normal branch can offer certificate of a blood relationship only, content has: The dog is planted day of name, dog name, birth date, time of the color of sexual distinction, hair, person that breed, immunity. Such origin that you can understand young dog and whether the general situation such as inject vaccine. When dog of our choose and buy must attentive observation, do not act too hastily, the attention when observation: Ear and double key point are very main, should scrutiny is amiss. Binaural activity is agile, ear path wants cleanness, without peculiar smell, auditive inside with pink for health. Ear needle does not have scurfy, have helminth in case, often side head swings ear, likelihood inside ear amiss. The skin wants softness and bouncy, cannot callous, fleshy, want to notice whether the skin has the helminth such as mite of cootie, scabies or other skin disease. Have the dog of dermatosis or helminth, be in short-term inside certain insufferable, scratch with claw stress pathological changes position, and more than, the meeting is successive for many times. You should see well it scratchs the position that stress, have without erythema, again careful examination can discover the skin is amiss. Should the caudal lower part of special attention dog, if have " Huang Yin " it is the sign that had sufferred from diarrhoea recently or leaves dysentery, unfavorable buy. See anus whether have even red or fester phenomenon. Check sufficient mat of the dog. Not soft, weather-shack it is healthy dog. Observe whether the dog likes to be close to person and person to get along, do not pick the dog with jumpy, recreant, flabby mood. What should notice a dog is skeletal, for instance skull has without be out of shape, vertebra has without bend, jaw bone has have without crack, hip joint and knee joint wait without dilocation. Had better feel bone of its skull, the upper jaw, mandible spirit with the hand, feel vertebra and limb spirit along in the future of cervical vertebra bone again. Allow canine movement next, see its carry the pace is mixed run jump beautiful perhaps have gammy. Had better be when canine attention concentration, in it before a bit far place throws spitball or toy, guide it to run to run or attack ahead, the response that sees it whether nimble, campaign is slick, can judge a limb bone to whether have a problem. Skeleton has the dog of the problem, very much more inbreeding and genetic place are caused, unfavorable feed. These defect should rely on him to observe, can not explain on blood relationship certificate. After picking good dog, ask clear raise feeds a circumstance, if want to change,food must reduce raise to feed a volume, after the dog that wait for love suits, restore to increase raise amount again. If did not undertake epidemic prevention injects, after dog waiting for love has been recuperated, go again. Such love dogs that you have a health. When the doggie of hereditary disease choose and buy that notices a doggie, the genetic gene that must observe young dog is infectious disease, otherwise, the young dog that beautiful big price buys, not small to family harm. Be short of tine to be with stain dog exemple, a lot of stain dogs lack a tooth-like part of anything, this is the result of inbreeding. Bite a person some young dog disposition and mood are extremely flabby calm, be like it on generation dog is bitten outstanding, so next generation dogs are incidental also this kind of phenomenon. Ciliary " unripe " the eye that ciliary unripe meeting stabs young dog, the meeting is more serious after a year old, the person that weigh makes eyeball has white film and degrade. Dog of general sand skin and loose lion dog are more.
