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1. 品牌定位:芭莎珠宝是一家专注于珠宝行业的高端品牌,致力于设计和制造高质量的珠宝首饰。时尚芭莎是一本流行时尚杂志,关注时尚、美容、生活和娱乐等领域,提供时尚资讯和潮流趋势。

2. 产品类型:芭莎珠宝主要生产和销售珠宝首饰,如戒指、项链、手链等。时尚芭莎则主要提供时尚相关的内容,如服装、化妆品、鞋包等。

3. 市场定位:芭莎珠宝定位于高端市场,追求品质和工艺的精湛,主要面向高消费群体。时尚芭莎则面向更广泛的读者群体,包括时尚爱好者、消费者和业内人士。

4. 媒体形式:芭莎珠宝主要通过实体店铺或线上渠道销售产品。时尚芭莎以印刷媒体的形式出版,也有相应的网站和社交媒体平台。





沙小荔出生于中国北京 ,毕业于日本文化女子大学服装社会学专业,长江商学院EMBA33期学员。





1. 目前时尚芭莎公司的现状是良好的。2. 这是因为时尚芭莎公司在市场上拥有较高的知名度和影响力,其杂志和网站的读者群体广泛,广告合作伙伴众多,品牌价值稳步增长。3. 此外,时尚芭莎公司还积极拓展业务领域,如时尚活动策划、时尚咨询等,不断延伸品牌影响力,进一步提升公司的发展潜力。



《时尚芭莎》是由《时尚芭莎》杂志社有限公司负责经营,中国中纺集团有限公司主管、主办的杂志。该杂志于2001年得到时尚传媒集团协办,并与美国《Harper's BAZAAR》杂志进行版权合作,定位为成熟、高品味的职业女性时装杂志



1. 打开时尚芭莎官网,选择您想要购买的商品。

2. 将商品添加到购物车中。

3. 在购物车页面确认您的订单信息,包括商品数量和总价。

4. 点击“结算”按钮,填写您的收货地址和联系方式。

5. 选择支付方式,包括信用卡或支付宝等。

6. 确认订单信息并支付。

7. 等待订单发货,并在收到商品后进行确认收货。


1. 在购买前请确认商品尺寸、颜色等信息。

2. 如有任何疑问或问题,可以联系客服进行咨询。









2001年成为时尚芭莎创始人之一,与苏芒共同创立了芭莎明星慈善夜, 她还是执行出版人,现任主编,时尚芭莎的品牌总经理,很多人借着这个明星慈善晚会也是大火了一把,最后拍照的C位也成了众多女明星暗暗争抢的位置,很多明星也是很想当时尚芭莎杂志的封面。


How to save the picture of edition of electron of fashionable Ba Sha? I am already long press a picture, but without reaction?

Save without method, to prevent pilfer the graph does not let save a picture, you can use intercept of QQ check scheme, possible picture quality is not very good, possible also quality is OK, the discretion of picture quality depends on the quality of original intent.

Basically see you use the figure what, if be,ask like element when mobile phone wallpaper not tall, that is possible, be no good otherly

Are Ba Sha man and fashionable Ba Sha distinguished?

Two different magazines

1, Ba Sha man is China's famous male fashion magazine, held water 2008, devote oneself to to provide newest fashionable trend, lifestyle and culture information for modern man. Regard Chinese male vogue as the authoritative medium of the bound, ba Sha man has significant position and force in fashionable bound. It ascends style is old through print, the means such as activity of vogue of special interview celebrity and stylist, report, lead the male fashionable tide, promote the development of culture of Chinese male vogue.

2, fashionable Ba Sha is vogue of a female kind magazine, in order to release newest the wettest fashionable element and wear build famed.

2001 start publication, it provides newest fashionable information, incisive popular climate not only report, most the character special report that gets attention and female topic, always still share the fun of female now sexual life and aesthetic with the reader, the mentality that offers constantly strive to become stronger, self-confident independence for female reader is measured.

This magazine is the woman place that pursues style is hep. It brings a person more concepts that are pair of vogue and unscramble, it is odd to vogue more article, tide modelling, a deepness of vanward vogue character is unscrambled. Let a person appreciate high quality life to fall, the female's grace and attractive. It is a kind of directive meaning to fashionable tide

Are Ba Sha gem and fashionable Ba Sha distinguished?

Ba Sha gem and fashionable Ba Sha are two different brands and concept, the distinction between them is as follows:

1.Brand fixed position: Ba Sha gem is dedicated the high-end brand at jewelry industry, devote oneself to design and the gem headgear of production high quality. Fashionable Ba Sha is a popular and fashionable magazine, pay close attention to the domain such as vogue, hairdressing, life and recreation, provide fashionable information and tide climate.

2.Product type: Ba Sha gem basically is produced and sell gem jewelry, wait like catenary of ring, necklace, hand. Fashionable Ba Sha basically provides fashionable and relevant content, if dress, cosmetic, shoe is wrapped,wait.

3.Market fixed position: Ba Sha gem is located in high-end market surely, those who pursue character and technology is masterly, basically face high spending group. Fashionable Ba Sha faces more extensive reader group, include the public figure inside fashionable lover, consumer and course of study.

4.Media form: Ba Sha gem basically passes hypostatic shop or the channel on the line sells a product. Fashionable Ba Sha with pressworking the form of media is published, also have corresponding website and gregarious media platform.

As a whole, ba Sha gem and fashionable Ba Sha are the brand of two different domains, dedicated be made at gem headgear and sell, one pays close attention to the media brand of fashionable information and trend trend. They are having type of different market fixed position, product and media form.

Chief editor of fashionable Ba Sha?

Sha Xiaoli

Sha Xiaoli, " fashionable Ba Sha " executive publisher holds chief editor concurrently, general manager of brand of fashionable Ba Sha, "After Ba Sha class a hour " commonweal project author, trade of world of group of U.N. consult trade combines fund to always meet a vice-chairman.

Sha Xiaoli is born in Chinese Beijing, be graduated from major of sociology of dress of university of Japanese culture woman, EMBA33 of business school of the Yangtse River period student.

Became 2001 " fashionable Ba Sha " one of author, build a group to found fashionable dress magazine jointly " fashionable Ba Sha " , established group of magazine editorial office, found jointly with father Su Mang beneficent night of Ba Sha star.

Who is elder sister of Ba of fashionable Ba Sha?

Elder sister of Ba of fashionable Ba Sha is the well-known figure of Chinese fashionable bound, her true name is Li Yan grand. Regard Baidu as one of author of the company, plum Yan Hong gained huge success in science and technology and commercial domain. However, he also is savoured with its distinctive vogue famed with individual style. Plum Yan Hong often appears in fashionable activity and social situation, figure of his elder sister of Ba of fashionable Ba Sha made his delegate mark. His fashionable style is full of individual character and originality, often lead tide. Plum figure of elder sister of Ba of fashionable Ba Sha revealed him to be opposite not only have deep love for fashionably, also revealed him to regard a success as mercantile versatility.

Current situation of company of fashionable Ba Sha?

1.At present the current situation of company of fashionable Ba Sha is good. 2. Because company of fashionable Ba Sha is had in the market,this is taller famous spend and consequence, the reader group of its magazine and website is extensive, advertisement partner is numerous, brand value increases steadily. 3. In addition, company of fashionable Ba Sha extends business domain actively still, if fashionable activity plan, vogue seeks advice,wait, force of ceaseless and outspread brand, promote the development of the company latent capacity further.

New editor in chief of fashionable Ba Sha

Fashionable Ba Sha currently holds the post ofchief editor is Sha Xiaoli

" fashionable Ba Sha " be by " fashionable Ba Sha " limited company is in charge of magazine company manage, director of group limited company, sponsorred magazine is spun in China. This magazine got fashionable medium group 2001 assist do, and with the United States " Harper's BAZAAR " the magazine undertakes copyright cooperates, fixed position is the magazine of professional woman fashionable dress that savours maturely, high

How is fashionable Ba Sha bought?

About this problem, you can buy fashionable Ba Sha through the following measure:

1.Open network of official of fashionable Ba Sha, choose you to want bought goods.

2.Add commodity in shopping car.

3.Your order information confirms in shopping car page, include merchandise measure and total.

4.Click " settle accounts " pushbutton, fill in your address receiving money and connection means.

5.Choose terms of payment, include credit card or pay treasure to wait.

6.Confirm order information and pay.

7.Await order to deliver goods, undertake affirming receiving money after getting goods.


1.Confirm the information such as merchandise measure, color please before buy.

2.If have any doubt or problem, can contact customer service to undertake advisory.

How does fashionable Ba Sha make an appointment?

Of fashionable Ba Sha make an appointment means depends on the specific service that you want to make an appointment or activity. It is below a few kinds make an appointment commonly means:

Magazine of Sha of 1. fashionable Ba books: The magazine subscription page on net of official of Sha of the Shang Ba when you can be passed undertakes booking, can choose paper edition or electronic edition, fill in individual information and mail letterhead information.

Service of hairdressing of Sha of 2. fashionable Ba makes an appointment: Vogue has his hairdressing center below Ba Sha banner, you can pass official website or the means such as the phone makes an appointment hairdressing serves, choose corresponding project and serve time.

Activity of Sha of 3. fashionable Ba signs up: Fashionable Ba Sha can conduct the fashionable activity, activity such as brand news briefing regularly, the announcement is issued on official website or gregarious media and open sign up.

Anyhow, make an appointment differently service means and technological process are different, the proposal is on the channel such as date of public of small gain of net of official of fashionable Ba Sha, government, government get specific make an appointment information and flow, the client service center that perhaps connects fashionable Ba Sha directly seeks a help.

Does fashionable Ba Sha currently |hold the post of chief editor?

Sha Xiaoli

Became one of father of fashionable Ba Sha 2001, founded jointly with Su Mang beneficent night of Ba Sha star, she still carries out a publisher, currently hold the post ofchief editor, the brand general manager of fashionable Ba Sha, a lot of people are lending this star beneficent evening party also is conflagration, the C that takes a picture finally also became numerous female star to argue the position that grab secretly, a lot of star also are the cover of magazine of Sha of the Shang Ba when wanting to become very much.

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