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0几年最火单机游戏? 13年最火的单机游戏?英文双语对照


0几年最火单机游戏? 13年最火的单机游戏?英文双语对照














2017年最好玩的单机游戏第一名:《质量效应:仙女座》 《质量效应》三部曲可以用辉煌和史诗来形容,玩家跟随者指挥官薛帕德的脚步踏遍了银河系的每一个角落,见证了银河系的兴衰并亲手改变了银河系所有种族的命运。

2017年最好玩的单机游戏第二名:《黑暗之魂3》 《黑暗之魂3》是From Software开发,Namco Bandai 发行的一款角色扮演游戏。为《黑暗之魂2》续作。《暗黑之魂》系列一直以高难度高技巧闻名。



《Gorogoa 》

《Gorogoa 》打磨了整整 7 年才问世,游戏的故事与游戏玩法融为一体,玩家需要从一幅幅画中寻找线索,经过不断拼凑,重组,抽离,最终让故事顺利地进行下去。如果你顺利打通游戏,也许还会注意到,玩家既是故事的旁观者,也是故事的经历者,更是故事的创造者——把某种言语难以表达的道理,用游戏的方式讲明白,这或许也是 《Gorogoa 》最了不起的地方。



1、《毁灭战士》。 《毁灭战士》对玩家来说很有优势,因为它的枪和它们的动力,是非常有趣的。震退元素赋予它独特的节奏,这是一种很难发现的类型,像FPS一样过度拥挤。在厚重的炮声、多层的竞技场和一两口的枪战和混战结束之间,《毁灭战士》的战斗感觉不像其他任何东西,玩家们喜欢它的节奏,它狂热的枪战和对它的竞技场的有条不紊的探索。

2、《异形:隔离》。 《异形:隔离》是史上最棒的恐怖游戏,它不会涉及到任何外星人,但却像一个充满了机器人的诡异的陈列室,堪称是一个杰作。这也是一个很有意思的人工智能实验,如果你一直想要更有趣、更有活力的敌人,那么这个游戏不会让你失望。

3、《合金装备5:幻痛》。 《合金装备5:幻痛》是一款非常完美的系统驱动的隐形动作游戏,它的升级树不断提供新的更好的方法来改进你的战术,在游戏结束后。你需要花大约90个小时才得到富尔顿的升级,这能让任何物体穿过虫洞,很值得。对于长期的MGS粉丝而言,这个游戏的故事令人失望,但沙盒的丰富性弥补了它的缺陷,它依然是最好的游戏之一。




《红色警戒2》 我想在很多人心中都有一定的地位,95版“红警”固然经典,但那时候计算机还未普及,并没有给太多人留下和小伙伴们一同对战的美好回忆;而在“网咖”时代来临之前,《红警2》是每个网吧必装的一款游戏,无论是网吧普及了《红警2》,还是《红警2》无意间帮网吧火了一把,背后都有一段段令人怀念的青春故事





















One, a few years 0 most igneous stand-alone game?

Recommend a game to you.

" tribal conflict: Royalty war "

" tribal conflict: Royalty war " the game of a mobile phone that is the element such as the instant strategy that rolls out by place of Supercell of Finnish game company, MOBA and card card, game with " tribal conflict " part and world outlook are prototype. In game, the way that the player wants to pass ceaseless open treasure chest to get card will enhance his combat effectiveness, undertake matching a battle with other on-line player then. As pot promotion, open is different the arena of field.

2, 13 years most stand-alone game of fire?

Recommend a game to you.

" CS:GO "

Game is with 1999 " CS " make newly for what prototype makes, should make try to develop on the foundation of mode of group athletics game. Game fears player cent elite a group of people of same interest and terrorist a group of people of same interest to turn over two teams, every team must have the fight of much bout on a map. The means that wins a round is the goal that achieves this map requirement, eliminate hostile player completely perhaps

3, 10 years most stand-alone game of fire?

" dead space "

" dead space " be by the United States art report (EA) a of development the 3rd person shoots athletics kind game, issued on October 14, 2008. " dead space " on the airship of large outer space that the story produces in, the passageway inside airship and space are relatively narrow, room and corridor are full of gloomy and cold and weird atmosphere, what accompany and come is the horrible abnormity that is concealed in darkness

4, 17 years most does igneous hand swim stand-alone game?

The most interesting 2017 stand-alone game

The most interesting 2017 stand-alone game the first: ? Ton persimmon gnaws в ? Andromeda " " quality effect " trilogy can be used brilliant and epic will describe, the footstep of Xue handkerchief heart stepped commander of the person that the player follows each corner of the galaxy, those who witnessed a galaxy promote decline and changed the destiny with all and phyletic galaxy with one's own hands.

The most interesting 2017 stand-alone game the 2nd: ? Funny Qu touchs  ? " " dark soul 3 " it is From Software development, a part that Namco Bandai distributes acts game. For " dark soul 2 " add is made. " dark Hei Zhihun " series all the time with tall difficulty high skill is famed.

5, 13 years most game of stand-alone mobile phone?

Recommend a game to you.

" Gorogoa "

" Gorogoa " burnish just come out 7 years full, the story of game and game play law be in harmony to be an organic whole, the player needs from one clue is sought in the picture, the course is ceaseless and medley, recombine, smoke from, let a story finally undertake smoothly going down. If you are successful get through game, still perhaps can notice, the spectator of player since story, also be the experience person of the story, the author that is a story more -- the sense that conveys some kind of utterance hard, the means explain that uses game is white, this also is probably " Gorogoa " the most marvelous place.

6, stand-alone game pop chart?

Computer is classical stand-alone game seniority: " burrow is expeditionary " , " destroy a soldier " , " abnormity: ? Does quilt Ge punish  ton does persimmon gnaw в ? " " alloy equipment 5: ? Fierce plinth punishs? of hare of  hole  " etc.

1, " destroy a soldier " . " ruined soldier " have an advantage very much to the player, because of its gun and their motivation, be absorbing. Shake retreats an element to gift its distinctive rhythm, this is the type of a kind of very difficult discovery, excessive like FPS jam. Between the sound of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun in massiness, multilayer arena and 9 gunfight and battle royal end, " ruined soldier " the battle feels unlike is other any, players like its rhythm, its enthusiastic gunfight and the exploration to the in an orderly way of its arena.

2, " abnormity: Keep apart " . " abnormity: ? Does quilt Ge fat scabbard fly does cochlea of bake in a pan of eye establish of the Lu that display Quan punish   to change live abroad of Wu of earthen jar of the Kingdom of Wei of Rong Jie dark dumpling to make fun of   acute hearing Zhu Huan to grow permanent teeth  showing disrespect or contempt neighs  evil spirit says grave Lan harding iron a huge legendary turtle of Long of Ju Huan soft-shelled turtle of my analyse of  of some aluminous Xing Yao?

3, " alloy equips 5: Unreal is painful " . " alloy equipment 5: ? Fierce plinth fertilizer and cochlea of Yong of  of flavour of  of bursa of  of  of small town of Lai Na of Zan of Huan Fu shallow M punishs Da of be jealous of of  of   accept angry of astounded of  of admire of hammer of ɡ of any of several hot spice plants of Mu of Mei of  of mother of busy of ┬ of joyous salty Mao wrings acyl  planning cochlea square Yao  , this can let any objects cross bug hole, very worth while. To long-term MGS vermicelli made from bean starch, the story of this game is disappointing, but the flaw that the rich sex of sandbox remedied it, it still is one of best game.

7, on the mobile phone most what is stand-alone game of fire?

Hello, at present on the mobile phone most stand-alone game of fire I feel is disappear of guest fruit disappear happy. Feel to the person that employs this is everywhere on the street, and this game is very simple maneuverable. Do not divide age everybody can begin. So I feel this game still is met all the time fire goes down.

8, 15 years of Internet bars most stand-alone game of fire?

" red alert 2 " I want to there is proper place in a lot of popular feeling, 95 edition " red alarm " admittedly classical, but that moment computer has not gained ground, did not stay to too much person and young associate people recollect to the happiness of battle together; And be in " net Ga " before the times comes, " red alarm 2 " it is a play that every Internet bar mounts surely, no matter be the Internet bar gained ground " red alarm 2 " , or " red alarm 2 " help Internet bar fire accidentally, the green story that rear a paragraph of Duan Lingren is yearned for

9, acting 2000 Internet bar most stand-alone game of fire?

Recommend a game to you.

" bottle defeat 9 clouds "

Fight an overmatch, unexpectedly horror if this. Body of phlogistic the Supreme Being! Be in harmony of photograph of countless surprise anger with a bang gives the mainland endless blaze hum, so disappointing mainland finish calculated, xiao Yan. Fight indicate, angry place to, say for mump! This is new mainland, the name is a bottle of broken mainland. Only hand You Dou of MMORPG of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of beautiful celestial being defeats 9 clouds 3 bounds all make mump, game has 1000 people at the same time online, world Boss, seigniorial battle, city of emperor of thill of a small room, mump contend for hegemony is surpassed, and marry the core PVP such as accompany system plays a way. 3 bounds of mump Ran Pian! Equipment is made, synthesis rises rank, dazzle cruel sits ride, beauty spirit is bestowed favor on, nurturance of extremely beautiful fashionable dress wing, exceed frank blow feeling.

10, 2016 most game pop chart of fire?

1, " Wang Zherong boasts "

Wang Zherong boasts is a homebred OBA kind the hand swims your work

2, " original spirit "

Original spirit is a 2 dimension open the part of the world to act kind of hand to swim

3, " smooth · is encountered "

This is only the RPG hand of fond dream unreal swims

4, " tomorrow ark "

5, " assorted of cover of battle double handkerchief "

6, " peaceful elite "

7, " dark blue course "

8, " the person that igneous shadow is borne "

9, " furnace stone is fabulous "

10, " division of yin and yang "

Division of yin and yang is zephyr of type of a day card of 2 dimension card collects nurturance kind the hand swims
