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电锯惊魂游戏操作? 电锯惊魂游戏剧情?英文双语对照


电锯惊魂游戏操作? 电锯惊魂游戏剧情?英文双语对照


W,A,D,E 这4个健是走, 1是用物品,3是用急救针,4是用打火机,5是把手上的武器扔了 ,然后打人要把“shift”按住,然后鼠标的左键打人,右键是防御








WSAD 移动 SHIFT 是准备攻击SHIFT + 鼠标 攻击SHITF+ 数字1 或 数字2 (勾拳)4是打火机。 第一关的头是 那个是随着 提示 转动鼠标还要按 头盔上出现的数字提示 按数字键祝伱游戏开心 -。-



















而“jigsaw”则是另一个单词,意为“拼图”或“拼图游戏”,并不是人们常说的什么“竖锯大叔”,所以,电影中“jigsaw murder”是“拼图杀人狂”或“拼图杀手”的意思,这也正是电影中每次拼图杀人狂玩完游戏后都要在输家身上裁一块拼图形状的皮肉的原因了,意思是他们失去了作为人应有的某些东西,这就是拼图杀人狂要与他们玩游戏的原因。




遇到打不开的门,用铁钉可以触发开门的小游戏,方法是将所有圆形内相同的图案拼接 起来,很有意思的开锁方式。或者是有四个按键的螺丝,每个螺丝外面都有相同颜色的圆点,当圆点与螺丝衔接时按下对应的键位即可。

用道具打开变电器,里面还是一个机关,这个和Bio Shock系列差不多,让玩家用电极链接两个红色的灯泡,全部链接上的话两个灯泡会变绿,变电器就能用了。之后按旁边的按钮开门,沿路前进。


亲。慢慢往下看。。3部约翰死后第4部开始就是一边玩游戏一边讲述老头子之前设下的一步步局和他招揽的一些棋子! 到7部完整个剧情就能串联起来,绝对让你意想不到!我只能说电锯系列游戏内容和老头子设局一样的精彩! 忘了回答你的问题了,阿曼达其实就是之前刨开那个人肚子找到钥匙逃生后就没有吸毒了。她很感激老头子就拜在他门下了!


One, operation of game of fetch of electric saw Jing?

W, a, d, e these 4 be good at it is to go, 1 it is to use article, 3 it is to use emergency treatment needle, 4 it is to use lighter, 5 it is handle the weapon that go up was thrown, hit a person to want next " Shift " press, next the Zun Jian of the mouse lays a person, right key is defence

2, gut of game of fetch of electric saw Jing?

 When young Adam gradually from insensible in when come to one's senses, him discovery is by the lock inside a shabby basement, and be in not far from him place, the person that still is locking up another to be at a loss -- Doctor Lawrence. On the among floor of two their people, it is a man of already gone a long time, cadaver all over the body is blood-red, there still is a pistol that chooses 38 line of actions in the hand.

 Everybody does not know Adam and Lawrence how do oneself come to this place after all, it is when two people are interrogative, bequeath rang in the broadcasts automatically magnetic tape inside house, tape commands Lawrence must kill Adam inside 8 hours, otherwise two people metropolis get killed, and Ai Li dark mixes Lawrence's wife the daughter also can be killed.

 At this moment, two people understood suddenly. The murder case that they return the peaceful general police officer that recalls local police station to be being investigated recently, two people realize, they had become a monicker to cry " firm curium " the plaything on the palm of abnormal homicide mad demon, and also will become the victim that the next is killed very quickly.

3, how does game of fetch of electric saw Jing open a lock with nail?

I am told by the game of PC edition, after approaching the door, general meeting clew bolts by the number " 1 " undertake prize is locked up, the picture is pulled close hind, with the mouse the left and right sides moves even if roundlet of make choice of is encircled, hind of make choice of encircles meeting brighten, nod mouse Zun Jian to be able to turn next among them design, final it is to need to adjust it is same pattern to boundary of every two circle, can open a lock naturally

4, how does the mouse play Laodai of explanation of game of fetch of electric saw Jing?

WSAD mobile SHIFT is number of SHITF+ of attack of mouse of preparative attack SHIFT + 1 or digital 2 (tick off a fist) 4 it is lighter. The first the head that involve is that is as clew rotational mouse presses the number that appears on helmet to hint by the number key wishs game is happy even - . -

5, game of fetch of electric saw Jing the first close be impassable?

Two doors two ending

The first is to live after the door enters a room, seeing photo discovers everything is an illusion inextricability self-condemned heart and shooting suicide

The 2nd is the late unripe gut that truth door enters captured jigsaw but either its person is another player only leading role is mad after dummy be regardinged as by jigsaw drop

6, a few does altogether of game of fetch of electric saw Jing have? What to call the name?


The first cries " fetch of electric saw Jing "

" fetch of electric saw Jing 2: Dead predicament "

" fetch of electric saw Jing 3: Azrael is in tine "

" fetch of electric saw Jing 4: Repent and be saved "

" fetch of electric saw Jing 5: Life-and-death "

" fetch of electric saw Jing 6: 10 thousand in penalizing government "

" fetch of electric saw Jing 7: Final piece "

7, fetch of electric saw Jing which game is the cruelest?

Latest edition, the lawyer of the person that that game lives is like is, 3 steel tube insert eye and mouth,

8, how doesn't fetch of electric saw Jing have electric saw?

Not, this is the interpreter's problem actually, SAW has two meanings in English, one is the past type of verbal See, meaning for " look " , another is a verb " curium " or the meaning that resembles curiuming be pulled back and forth like the thing, introduce the 2nd kind of version here, with " look " have nothing to do.

It is to translated personnel regard it as presumably a horror piece will translate, later have electric saw to appear, it is gut need nevertheless, have nothing to do with title.

And " Jigsaw " it is another word, meaning for " spell a plan " or " game spelling a plan " , the what that people often says be " jigsaw uncle " , so, in the film " Jigsaw Murder " be " homicide spelling a plan is mad " or " killer spelling a plan " meaning, after this also spells a graph to commit murder to play game madly every time in the film just about, want to dismiss the reason of the flesh that spells graphical condition together on loser body, they lost means to regard a person as due certain thing, this is the account that homicide spelling a plan wants madly to play game with them.

9, stand-alone game, fetch of electric saw Jing, how does the door open?

The door correspondence that there is very much door to differ inside opens way differently:

Washing gargle tiredly in, need password ability to open the door, close the door of all toilets in the house, the symbolic link that there can be similar number on such doors rises, but very ambiguous, need player goes observing the mirror on, the number on the bloodstain that gets on the mirror and bathroom door goes all out close can get a password 437, open the door go out.

Encounter the door that cannot open, can spark with Tie Ding the little game that open the door, the method is the identical design joining together inside will all circle rises, very interesting kind opening a lock. Perhaps have the screw of 4 key-press, there is the dot of same color outside every screw, press when dot and screw join corresponding key can.

Open with prop change electric equipment, a mechanism still is inside, this is mixed Bio Shock series is about the same, let play family expenses electrode to link two gules bulb, two bulb meet the word on all link become green, change electric equipment can be used. Open the door by the pushbutton on the side later, along the road is ongoing.

10, does Oman of fetch of electric saw Jing amount to participation game?

Close. Look downward slowly. . The 4th begins is after 3 John are dead before playing game to tell about old fogey at the same time at the same time, set below one step by step a few piece that bureau and he solicits! Be over to 7 whole the story of a play or opera can establish ties rise, let your expect be less than absolutely! I can say content of game of electric saw series and old fogey are set only like the bureau wonderful! Forgot to answer your question, oman is amounted to is actually before there is drug taking after dig opens that individual abdomen to find the key to flee for one's life. She very appreciate old fogey to be done obeisance to in him the door fell!
