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一提到江西,你会想到哪个城市,繁华的省会城市南昌;辽阔的历史名城赣州;瓷都美名满天下的景德镇;有庐山云雾美景的九江,可是今天的主角儿,不是他们中的任何一个,而是湘赣通衢,吴楚咽喉——萍乡。萍乡地区历史悠久,远在5000多年前的新石器时代,就有三苗族在这里生产劳动和繁衍生息。萍乡地处江西省西部,东与本省宜春市、西与湖南省株洲市接壤,交通发达,是赣湘交通中心。萍乡地区风景优美,著名的风景区武功山更是集雄、奇、峻、秀自然风光于一身,是中国十大“非著名”山峰之一,其主峰白鹤峰海拔1918.24米(江西最高峰为闵赣交界处的黄岗山2160米),还有南方罕见的高山草甸、众多的瀑布群,以及大量原始次森林。江西美食众多,,而对于萍乡美食而言,也同样有一批拥趸者。萍江嗜辣重咸味,无辣不欢,据说是我国十大最能吃辣的城市之一,在别的地方,辣椒顶多是调味品,而在萍乡,辣椒就能算是一道菜了,铁打的辣椒,流水的菜。武功山石斑鱼武功山石斑鱼特点是鲜甜香辣味。原料是武功山石斑鱼、葱、姜、蒜、蒸鱼油等。烹饪方法:将羊肉用小火慢炖,留汤;将石斑鱼用平底锅香煎;羊肉打底;放粉丝,放葱、姜、蒜、辣椒、羊肉汤水煮熟,酒精炉上菜。辣子炒薰肉萍乡,也许因为是毗邻湖南的关系,在吃辣上煞是生猛, 据说连水蒸蛋都要放辣椒末。辣子炒薰肉则是典型的辣菜,但辣味补给到了薰肉身上,使薰肉香的抒发更加酣畅浓烈。杨胡子米面米面是萍乡人早餐的喜爱之食而其中尤以杨胡子米面最为出名, 一碗杨胡子米面,是很多萍乡人忘不掉的记忆,走过南,闯过北,还是这碗米面最对味。杨胡子米面跟其他家不一样的就是白嫩,爽滑韧劲,汤头好,下料足,臊子鲜。米面是由米浆制成,烫成片切丝后入水煮熟,跟我们常见的河粉很像,但是米面更薄,而且因为河粉是蒸熟的原因,米面韧劲更足,口感更佳,再淋上高汤,加上香菇、肉丝、精盐……别看说的简单,尝起来好滋味都在面里,鸡蛋肉丝是经典,梅菜米面滋味也不错,虽然说萍乡米面,默认就是汤面,但是炒米面、拌米面也同样不差。莲花血鸭“莲花血鸭”是赣湘边界小县莲花的著名“土菜”,它选用当地土生土长的鸭子,加上当地的上等茶油、米酒、红辣椒,经过本地厨师精心烹调,色美味香,鲜嫩可口。现已成为该县的一种饮食文化,不管城镇还是乡村,人们时不时杀只鸭打牙祭。城乡所有的餐馆,主打菜必定是“莲花血鸭”。外地客人来莲花,首选的也是这道特色菜。另外,“莲花血鸭”诞生还与一个美丽的传说有关。相传,公元1276年,元攻占南宋都城临安,文天祥集师勤王。这天,他来到莲花,准备和当地义士一起喝“鸡血酒”,歃血为盟。当时找不到鸡,而莲花又盛产鸭子,便以鸭血冲酒。大师傅刘德林在炒鸭子时,把没喝完的鸭血酒错当成辣酱倒入了锅中。不想不久,一股香辣味四起,只见菜呈糊状、色呈紫红。鸭子端上桌,文天祥一尝,赞不绝口,问道:“此为何菜?”刘德林将错就错答道:是本地的特色菜,叫“莲花血鸭”。这道菜因此得名,且世代流传。萍乡炒粉炒粉是萍乡当地的特色美食,无论走到哪都可以看见炒粉的身影。炒粉,香味浓郁,食之易饱,是上栗人的最爱。今天就讲讲这上栗舌尖上的美食“炒粉”制作方法:1. 把粉丝先泡好,然后把锅烧热,放油,再把肉放进去炸至金黄色(注:肉,选五花肉最好,因为炸出的猪油炒炒粉更香)。2. 待肉炸好,就开始煎鸡蛋。3. 鸡蛋煎好后,放入豆芽翻炒。豆芽炒至三分熟即可。4. 再加入粉丝和调料继续翻炒。5. 待炒的差不多了,就放入葱花翻炒几下,就可以出锅了!以上说了这么多好吃的,也只是萍乡美食中很小的一部分,有兴趣的朋友不妨到当地亲身体验一下,必定会大饱口福。最后,再来说说萍乡的由来,据说其名与“萍实”有关:楚昭王渡江得一物,又红又圆,大小如斗,后孔子言明,此乃萍实,是大吉之物,后将得“萍实”之地命名为萍乡,延续至今,萍实小学、萍实广场、萍实大道……萍乡很多地方都以“萍实”命名。*本文图片部分来自网络,如有侵权,请联系删除。


Mention Jiangxi, you can think of which city, nanchang of flourishing provincial capital city; City of extensive another name for Jiangxi Province of historical famous city; Porcelain the Jingdezhen that good name issues all over the sky; Have the 9 rivers of beautiful scenery of cottage hill cloud and mist, the leading role that can be today, not be the any in them, however Hunan another name for Jiangxi Province is connected thoroughfare, wu Chu is guttural -- duckweed countryside. History of duckweed country region is long, far in the 5000 many The Neo-lithic Age year ago, 3 Miao Zu produce labor and multiply here haunt. Duckweed countryside is located in Jiangxi to save western, east with this province appropriate spring city, on the west with Hunan Province individual plant continent city border on, traffic develops, it is center of traffic of Hunan of another name for Jiangxi Province. Scenery of duckweed country region is beautiful, hill of famous beauty spot gest is scene of collect hero, strange, high, beautiful nature more at a suit, it is China 10 big " blame is famous " one of mountain peak, altitude of peak of white crane of its the highest peak in a mountain range 1918.24 meters (the Huang Gang hill that Jiangxi highest peak is Min Gan boundary 2160 meters) , still have southern and infrequent high mountain meadow, numerous fall group, and many and primitive second forest. Jiangxi cate is numerous, , and to duckweed countryside cate character, have a batch of person that embrace wholesale as much. Duckweed river be addicted to is hot heavy saline taste, without hot not joyous, it is our country allegedly 10 can have one of hot cities most greatly, be in other place, chili is dressing at most, and in duckweed countryside, chili can be a dish, the chili that iron hits, the dish of running water. Characteristic of grouper of hill of gest of grouper of military accomplishment hill is Xian Tianxiang piquancy. Raw material is fish oil of grouper of military accomplishment hill, green, ginger, garlic, evaporate wait. Cooking method: Stew hotpot slow with small fire, take boiling water; Use grouper pan sweet fry in shallow oil; Hotpot render; Put vermicelli made from bean starch, put water of soup of green, ginger, garlic, chili, hotpot to thoroughly cook, spirit stove serving. Hot pepper fries countryside of duckweed of flesh aing kind of sweet grass, because be,perhaps border the relation of Hunan, eating hot on evil spirit it is unripe fierce, want even water steam egg to put chili end allegedly. Hot pepper fries flesh aing kind of sweet grass is typical hot food, but piquancy supply arrived to a kind of sweet grass on fleshy body, the express that makes flesh aing kind of sweet grass sweet more merry and lively is powerful. Poplar face of rice of mustache rice face is breakfast of duckweed countryside person those who love feed and among them face of rice of You Yiyang mustache is most famous, one bowl poplar mustache rice face, it is the memory that person of countryside of a lot of duckweed forgets to be not dropped, had gone south, had entered north, or this bowl of rice side is the rightest flavour. Poplar mustache rice face follows other home different is white tender, bright slippery pliable but strong is strong, a prescription for a medical decoction is good, next stuff are enough, foul smell child bright. Rice face is by rice the oar is made, iron piece after cutting into shreds, thoroughly cook into water, with our common river pink very picture, but rice area is smaller, and because river pink is the reason with ripe evaporate, interest of rice face pliable but strong is more sufficient, mouthfeel is much better, drench again on soup-stock, add Xianggu mushroom, shredded meat, refined salt... do not look those who say is simple, taste rise good taste is in the face, egg shredded meat is classical, taste of face of plum dish rice is good also, although say area of duckweed countryside rice, acquiesce is noodles in soup, but parched rice face, mix rice face is not differred as much. Lotus blood duck " lotus blood duck " be lotus of small county of border of Hunan of another name for Jiangxi Province is famous " earthy dish " , it chooses place's local born and bred duck, add classy tea-seed oil of place, rice wine, chili, chef of course this locality is elaborate cook, quality is dulcet sweet, fresh and tender and goluptious. Already became the culture of a kind of food of this county now, no matter town still is countryside, people kills a duck to have sth special to eat from time to time. Urban and rural all cafeteria, advocate make food sure be " lotus blood duck " . Nonlocal guest comes lotus, of first selection also is this characteristic dish. Additional, "Lotus blood duck " absurd survival and a beautiful fokelore are concerned. According to legend, the Christian era 1276, yuan razzia capital of the Southern Song Dynasty is faced how, king of Shi Qin of Wen Tianxiang collect. This day, he comes to lotus, preparation and local a righteous person are drunk together " gallinaceous blood wine " , smear the blood as a sign of the oath. Cannot find chicken at that time, and lotus teems with a duck again, pour wine with duck blood. When cook Liu De Lin is frying a duck, regard the fault of duck blood wine that did not drink as thick chili sauce falls into boiler. Do not think before long, rise from all directions of a sweet piquancy, see dish shows mushy, color only amaranthine. The desk on duck end, wen Tianxiang is tasted, be profuse in praise, ask: "This why dish? " Liu Delin over shoes over boots answers: It is the characteristic dish of this locality, cry " lotus blood duck " . This dish gets a name accordingly, and for generations circulates. Duckweed countryside fries pink to fry the characteristic cate that pink is duckweed countryside place, no matter go which OK,see the figure that fries pink. Fry pink, fragrance is full-bodied, those who feed is easy full, it is to go up of Li Ren love most. Tell the cate that tells the tip of the tongue of the chestnut on this to go up today " fry pink " the method that make: 1. vermicelli made from bean starch first bubble is good, burn boiler next hot, put oil, put in the meat again scamper comes golden color (note: The flesh, choose steaky pork best, what go out because of scamper is lardy fry fry pink sweeter) . 2. The blast that wait for the flesh is good, begin decoct egg. 3. After egg decoct is good, put bean sprouts to break up fry. Bean sprouts is fried to 3 minutes ripe can. 4. Rejoin vermicelli made from bean starch and condiment continue to break up fry. 5. Wait for those who fry is about the same, put chopped green onion to break up fry a few times, can give boiler! Above said so much is delicious, also be the very small one part in duckweed countryside cate only, the friend that have fun at mights as well place experiences personally, sure can big full the luck to eat sth delicious. Finally, again for the origin of countryside saying duckweed, allegedly its name and " duckweed is solid " about: River of Hunan clear Wang Du gets one thing, red round, if size is fought, hind Confucius dictum, this is duckweed fact, it is the content of big auspicious, will get after " duckweed is solid " the ground names the rural area that it is duckweed, continue up to now, solid highway of solid square of duckweed solid elementary school, duckweed, duckweed... duckweed countryside a lot of places with " duckweed is solid " name. Part of * article picture comes from a network, if have tort, ask connection to delete.
