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你好 宠物X光机目前有两大类,一类是 高频X光机 一类是 工频X光机 。相比之下 高频机的穿透力强,辐射小,成像效果好。已被国内大部分的宠物店所采用。像普通的猫狗用4kW的高频机已经足够了。以4kW高频X光机为例 价格在45000左右。你可以参考这个价格来购买








数字X光机 又名:DR 直接数字化X线摄像系统 数字化X光机 数字X光机是计算机数字图像处理技术与X射线放射技术相结合而形成的一种先进的X线摄影技术,它在原有的诊断X线机直接胶片成像的基础上,通过A/D转换和D/A转换,进行实时图像数字处理,进而使图像实现了数字化。DR直接数字化X射线摄影系统具有图像质量清晰、成像速度快,以及辐射量小于传统X射线机等优点。它的出现彻底实现了医用X光摄影的直接数字化,成为现代放射医学的主流数字化设备。




还有一种就是我们通常所说的医疗X射线机。由于这种机器都是采用低能量的,一般的都是在五十到二百五十毫安之间的,所以他对人体不会产品任何辐射。也就是说即使医生的手伸进了机器也不会受到任何伤害。 所以,搞清楚安检X光机对人体的是否辐射的问题要区别不同的情况来对待。



























One, is the price that digitlizes pet X smooth machine expensive?

Digitlize the price of pet X smooth machine, distribute which brand, of which model, it is commonly 50 thousand control.

2, smooth machine of which kinds of X should large pet use?

Hello pet X smooth machine has two kinds big at present, one kind is high frequency X smooth machine is smooth machine of labour frequency X a kind. The penetration of high frequency machine is strong under photograph comparing, radiation is small, it is good like the effect to become. Already was used by country's major pet shop place. The high frequency machine that uses 4kW like common feline dog is already enough. With 4kW smooth machine of high frequency X is exemple price to be in 45000 the left and right sides. You can consult this price will buy

3, does smooth machine of the X that install check have harm to pet?

The X light in the subway installs the X light that check machine principle and hospital use in radiative division to pat piece same, but radiative dosage wants a lot of smaller. Basically be machine interior has ray, undertake illuminate to wrap up and baggage.

But subway police expresses, if the passenger extends the hand when taking a package,enter machine interior, in that way word is equivalent to going to a hospital accepting X light to check, direct illuminate went to ray human body.

Pass pet directly so X smooth machine, was equivalent to doing the X light that is similar to a hospital to check to pet, although do not have harm to pet now and then, but if the time became much, illuminate dose became large also have harm.

4, mark of X smooth machine?

On January 18, 1896, first time of X smooth machine exhibits, indicating X is smooth the birth of machine.

5, X smooth machine renown?

Digital X smooth machine renown: Line of direct digitlization X photographs DR to digitlize smooth machine of X of number of X smooth machine like the system is a kind of when technology of processing of computer number image and X ray radiate to technical photograph is united in wedlock and be formed advanced X line photography technology, it diagnoses X route aircraft in former some direct film becomes the foundation that resemble to go up, pass A/D changeover and D/A changeover, undertake number of real time image is handled, make image realized digitlization then. System of photography of ray of X of DR direct digitlization has picture quality clarity, into fast like speed, and radiation quantity is less than the advantage such as machine of traditional X ray. Its occurrence came true thoroughly medical the direct digitlization that X light photographs, the main trend that makes contemporary and radiative medicine digitlizes equipment.

6, is X ray machine X light?

Answer: Either, x ray is used at the hospital, x light uses at installing check: About bringing check X light aircraft component is two respects. One kind is baggage of tall radiant station smooth machine of the X that install check. Because this kind of equipment is much can exploration source, and penetrable large board needs when work, the working load of his ray source is very so big, can produce certain X ray radiation.

But because baggage brings check machine,was to do radiation-proof processing, when baggage installs check, be so cannot extend the hand into X light inside machine.

Still one is plant is the opportunity of ray of medical treatment X that we say normally. Because this kind of machine uses feebleminded amount, general is to be in 50 to a stupid person between 10 milliampere, he is so right human body won't product any radiate. Although the doctor's hand is extended,entered a machine to also won't be allowed why to be harmed that is to say. So, make clear Hunan brings check X smooth machine to human body whether radiant problem should distinguish different situation to treat.

7, level of radiation of X smooth machine?

The radiation dosage that does X smooth sternum is in zero fine long hair nots on the west, it is to be in in safe limits. Because of our country or the safe limits of the radiation dosage that international regulation makes X light is to be less than 20mSv, zero fine long hair nots on the west is absolute safety, won't produce an effect so.

Because human body is inside groovy nature,also can contact all sorts of radiate, sit to grow route aircraft for instance, from the radiation dosage that China contacts to the United States, compare the radiation dosage that makes X light likely even big, making X light so is safe for certain, it is to be in absolutely in safe limits.

8, the principle of X smooth machine?

About X ray

X ray is by German physicist roentgen is discovered. Nowadays applies extensively in diagnosis and treatment of medical treatment internal medicine. Medicine is video use X ray is to use generation of X ray machine. Its working principle type uses high-pressured report 100kV or the voltage of 300kV is added to X ray canal, the ray of the generation in the process can penetrate the armor plate of 5-50mm. (note: Medical treatment restricts voltage 150kV above with X ray machine, penetration also can is like accordingly a few)

The necessity that X ray defends

5 feeling cannot be aware of X ray, in because this is in,doing the space that covers processing excessive expose radiation harm is brought to human body in the meeting below X ray. Mix from the patient so for the healthy angle of medical treatment practitioner, x consulting room must be done obstruct protection.

Shield material

Of X ray obstructed material to give lead beyond, concrete, armor plate, the data such as protective glass also can be used.

But coming to those who tell lead integratedly block the effect is in a few kinds of material above is the most outstanding.

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Write here first, chart can complement in succession after

9, time of warm-up of X smooth machine?

M294165 of X smooth developing machine

Warm-up time: 0.5 ℃ / minute

Constant temperature: 28 ℃

Show / fixative operating period: 3 weeks

10, does X smooth machine identify skill?

Buff: It is odd commonly a dress, thin the color that paper of plastic, minority shows.

Orange yellow: It is the shown color such as goods of toilet soap, soap, dynamite, drugs, carpentry, leather commonly.

Deep orange yellow: It is an amount commonly face of rice of liquid of much book, paper, RMB, high concentration, large bag.

Blue: It is the color that the mineral such as copper, iron, zinc shows. Thick cable, electrical shock implement, chamfer of bullet, gun is played, the blue with the indication differ depth such as gun and cutting tool.

Green: It is the color that mixture presents, stainless steel goods, the green with the indication differ depth such as cable.

Gules: It is the facial expression that wears the object that does not show to appear, attach most importance to metal and thick object more.

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