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(新生小奶犬自出生2周起服用,每2周服用一次,直至满3个月) 体重2公斤以下使用1/4粒 体重2~5公斤使用1/2粒 体重5-10公斤使用1粒 【中型犬】

体重10-20公斤使用2粒 体重20-30公斤使用3粒



1. 对宠物进行全身检查,检查身上是否有跳蚤、虱子、蜱虫等外寄生虫;

2. 按照产品的说明书或兽医建议的用法,选择合适的药品和剂量,以及适合宠物体重和年龄的使用方式;

3. 用药前,先给宠物清洁干净脊背部的毛发,并确保皮肤干燥;

4. 根据不同的药品形式,采取相应的用药方式,如颈环需要戴在宠物的颈部,滴剂需要滴在宠物脖子后面的皮肤上,喷剂则需要喷在整个宠物体表皮毛发上;

5. 注意不要将药品喷到宠物眼睛、口腔等敏感部位,避免过量使用和滴剂、颈环等药品粘在自己、其他宠物或人身上;

6. 用药后应保持宠物清洁和干燥,不宜让宠物接触水或洗澡,以免影响药品的效果。



一片药物 20斤的使用! 有分界线 可分4分 每分5斤药物体重比使用! 可以不禁食

体内驱虫药在 肠胃对虫体的作用是百分百! 24小时后代谢掉百分80左右!还有百分20左右进入血液递减式的持续作用 7天左右完全代谢掉! 不管是你换药还是 继续使用同种类药物 一般都得隔7-10天! (给狗用的一般是用 拜耳 汽巴托 史克肠虫清)

有些药物是持续使用几天加强 药峰值的维持 所有用药依据药品说明书!别乱使用!

一般情况下 做疫苗期间不应该使用任何药物 (包括驱虫药) 幼犬 30天左右第一次驱虫 每个月驱虫一次 到5个月后 3个月驱虫一次



很多疾病是通过体外寄生虫传染 好些会人畜共患)

一般用的是 福来恩 大宠爱 (个人建议是犬打20) 这些就是用滴剂! 药物滴入到几个部位后会进入血液作用杀死体外寄生虫 并且预防再次被感染 (预防有效期2-3个月)

更便宜副作用更的 除癞灵 药浴(同样具备灭杀作用 3个月左右防止再次感染-注意兑水用量)这药物的另外一个使用方式的 买个浇花的喷壶 兑水后环境消毒-能环境驱杀寄生虫...


1.拜耳制药的拜宠清:拜宠清:有效杀死99.9%的肠道寄生虫,如果已经有很多,2周后的巩固可以清除体内残存寄生虫。拜宠清能驱常见的肠道 寄生虫。狗狗吃需要服用一次即可对抗大部分的体内寄生虫。使用方法:可以直接喂食,不需要禁食。优劣势比较:无需禁食;安全性较高;价格略贵。推荐印度进口拜宠清,价格便宜,假货稀少。



问:为什么我的狗狗吃了拜宠清会吐,会腹泻? 答:据统计,有千分之一的狗在服用拜宠后,会产生呕吐、腹泻或蛔虫逆流症状。





应该是药物反应也可能是狗狗太小 受不了驱虫我家的狗是半年以后才驱虫的驱虫后会拉一些黏黏的东西 这个是正常的如果吐的话建议晚一些在驱虫太小的话是可能会有反应的在观察2天 如果还吐 就得太他去医院了另外狗狗吐的问题不是太大。

只要鼻子不干 腿不软 能跑 问题就不是太大 补充答案: 一天之内吐很正常啊~人有个感冒发烧的还要2 3天才能好呢!并且药物反应应该是不会超过48小时 如果担心 那超过24小时还吐 就带医院






One, is the anthelmintic doing obeisance to ear that pet shop buys begged differentiate?

Of that 11 begin that the hospital buys is the encode that prevent bogus, each go up to should be met imprint have this thing, this date can be used hit the government that do obeisance to ear to inquire true bogus.




Additionally an ability has a string of number of period of efficacy and Kp begin, and it is to appear below one board locally you buy should be a holiday

2, how to eat about doing obeisance to ear anthelmintic?

[young dog and small-sized dog]

(Dog of new student small grandma is born oneself 2 Zhou Qi is taken, every 2 weeks are taken, till full 3 months) weight uses 2~5 of 1/4 bead weight 2 kilograms below kilogram 5-10 of weight of use 1/2 bead kilogram use 1 [medium-sized dog]

Weight 10-20 kilogram use 2 weight 20-30 kilogram use 3

3, service instruction of the anthelmintic that do obeisance to ear?

The anthelmintic outside the body that do obeisance to ear includes a variety of forms such as annulus of gush agent, drop agent, neck commonly, different use method differs somewhat, but common use move is as follows:

1.Have general physical checkup to pet, check a body to go up to whether have helminth of substandard of bug of flea, pedicular, tick;

2.According to the manual of the product or the usage that vet suggests, choose appropriate medicines and chemical reagents and dosage, and the use pattern that fits pet weight and age;

3.Before using drug, give pet cleanness the hair of clean back ministry first, ensure the skin is dry;

4.According to form of different medicines and chemical reagents, take the corresponding kind that use drug, what need Dai Zaichong thing like neck annulus is cervical, drop agent needs a skin at the back of pet neck to go up, gush agent needs gush to be on hair of skin of whole pet body;

5.The attention does not want to wait for gush of medicines and chemical reagents sensitive place to pet eye, oral cavity, avoid excessive is used and the medicines and chemical reagents such as annulus of drop agent, neck is stuck in oneself, on other pet or person;

6.Pet should maintain after using drug cleanness and dry, unfavorable let pet contact water or bathe, lest affect the result of medicines and chemical reagents.

Those who need an attention is, the use method of the anthelmintic outside every kinds of body that do obeisance to ear differs somewhat, the manual should be read in detail before using, perhaps refer the proposal of professional vet. In the meantime, if pet appears unusual situation, if breathe difficult, allergic reaction to wait, should instantly disuse and nearby looks for vet processing.

4, how does the anthelmintic that does obeisance to ear eat?

A medicaments 20 jins use! Have boundary to be able to be divided 4 minutes every minutes weight of 5 jins of medicaments is compared use! Can can't help feeding

The anthelmintic inside body is opposite in intestines and stomach the action of bug body is hundred! 24 hours of offspring wither 100 minutes 80 the left and right sides! Still 100 is divide 20 the left and right sides enters blood the abidance of degressive type 7 days of or so complete metabolization drop action! No matter be you,continue to use must lie between 7-10 day commonly with phyletic medicaments! (what use to the dog is to use the steam that do obeisance to ear commonly cling to hold Qing Dynasty of bug of Shi Ke bowel in the palm)

Some medicaments are use a few days to enhance medical peak value continuously maintain manual of medicines and chemical reagents of all basis that use drug! Do not use in disorder!

Any remedy should be not used during making vaccine usually (include anthelmintic) young dog controls bug of first time drive 30 days bug of every month drive arrives after 5 months bug of 3 months drive

Fasten sheet to do bug of the drive inside body

Still have worm of the drive outside body---

A lot of diseases are to pass the helminth outside body to infect cultivate of better meeting person to suffer from in all)

What use commonly is Fulaien dotes on greatly (individual proposal is a dog dozen 20) these use an agent namely! The helminth outside haemal action can be being entered to kill form after medicaments drop enters a few place and precaution is affected again (2-3 of precautionary period of efficacy month)


Cheaper side-effect more dipping of the spirit that divide n/med leprosy (have likewise destroy reduce effect 3 months left and right sides prevents to be affected again - notice add water dosage) the after buying a water of watering can add that irrigates a flower environment that the another of this medicaments uses means is disinfected - can environmental drive kills helminth. . .

5, the anthelmintic that do obeisance to ear and Bai Chongqing which good?

Does 1. do obeisance to the Bai Chongqing: of ear pharmacy? Fu Cheng? kills the alvine path helminth of 99.9% effectively, if had had a lot of, of 2 week hind consolidate helminth of the remaining inside OK and cleared body. Bai Chongqing can the alvine path helminth with common drive. Dog dog eats need to be taken can defy major endoparasite. Use method: ? Tip calamity benzene swims reason? of Ran of stamp of handkerchief of S of field of  of  of Ping of constant  suddenly need not abstinence; security is higher; price slightly expensive. Recommend India to import Bai Chongqing, low-cost, fake is exiguous.

2. steam cling to 100/500: ? Dainty and extensive stops ɑ of  of  of  of Guo Yun of the Huaihe River of Kou of  of  of play of Yan chaotic  is strong adept of humorous of scar of Jin ⑾ Chi Jie still flatters naevus of  of  of closely question neon fars away brag Huan ⒒ of Xian Weiwen Gui eats excrement of  of accept  Gui bits, let love a dog to take food normally again after about 8 hours. Meantime lets love a dog to water more please. Does actor inferior position compare: ? Field of  of a surname of ⑿ of toad of source of fall from the sky of arrest of ⒍ of Pu Ц to fold?

6, after the dog ate to do obeisance to ear anthelmintic, spat?

Ask: Why my dog dog ate Bai Chongqing to be able to be spat, meeting diarrhoea? Answer: According to statistic, the dog that has one thousandth is being taken do obeisance to after bestowing favor on, meeting generation vomiting, diarrhoea or ascarid are refluent symptom.

Diarrhoea, vomiting and ascarid are refluent of helminth of path of the bowel inside phenomenon and body more or less to concern, when the property of a medicine of anthelmintic begins to produce effect, helminth begins to produce reaction to medicine (struggle) , cause the alvine path reaction of the dog- - diarrhoea, gastric ministry is unwell- - vomit, spit ascarid- - ascarid is refluent. If helminth is special much, reaction promising is intense. The phenomenon of above is regular report, have nothing to do with anthelmintic itself. These symptoms last commonly 1~2 day, extremely individual meeting has 4 days. After drive bug process ends, diarrhoea and vomitive reaction nature end. Master and beardless stomach takes vomiting or diarrhoea medicaments. If have worm, the meeting with more apparent response is in morrow passes excrement and urine or perhaps vomit that day afternoon (the bug inside body is much kind with vomitive form) eduction, accompanying condition of the demote below state of dog dog spirit commonly.

7, how does Tai Di anthelmintic do obeisance to ear to eat?

See a specification, there is dosage above, tai Di is very small, take drive drug by weight, 10kg/ piece, if be young dog,Tai Di blows bit of medicine to came down to go with the penknife, ten million cannot eat much, can cause death

8, after dog dog ate to do obeisance to ear anthelmintic, spat?

Should be medicaments reaction also may be a dog the dog is too little be overcome drive bug the dog of my home is half an year just meet after helminthic drive bug later pull a few sticky if spit,sticky thing is this normal the proposal is a few later if drive bug is too small.





Want nose only not dry leg is not soft can run the problem is not too old compensatory solution: It is very normal to be spat in the day ah ~ person has a cold to have a fever even gift of 2 3 day is nice! If worry about that more than 24 hours to still be spat,won't exceed 48 hours take a hospital

9, how does Germany of dog dog anthelmintic do obeisance to ear to eat?

Weight is fed, 10 kilograms of weight eat. When feeding medicine, big toe of left hand forefinger presses quarrel of the dog that press a dog, force a mouth, place pill quickly to ministry of root of dog dog tongue, close the mouth of dog dog immediately, massage dog dog is cervical, dog dog wants only it is to lick nose, that explains medicaments has swallowed. Bug of the drive inside body according to exact drive bug time, in dog dog 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 Zhou Dashi is to want each drive bug, in dog dog full 12 week hind, later every are removed 3 months are fixed drive bug goes, after manhood bug of drive of every half an year. Every month wants drive bug of the drive outside body, can use cootie enemy drive to kill. Drive bug and vaccine want to issue ability to undertake in the condition of dog dog health!

10, is anthelmintic of Mi of the cat that do obeisance to ear good?

Anthelmintic of Mi of the cat that do obeisance to ear is first-rate. Above all, doing obeisance to ear is the transnational corporation that a major pursues research and development of pet health product, their product quality win universal praise. Next, bug of feline Mi drive is very important, it can prevent effectively and the helminth on body of control cat Mi is affected, ensure the health of feline Mi. In addition, sort of anthelmintic of Mi of the cat that do obeisance to ear is rich, can choose suitable medicaments according to different helminth type, and most medicaments has wide music reduce bug effect, can one-time solve a variety of helminth problems. Anyhow, do obeisance to dispute of anthelmintic of ear cat Mi to often choose well, can ensure the health of feline Mi and happiness.

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