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男士西装时尚穿法? 西装怎么搭配好看又时尚?英文双语对照


男士西装时尚穿法? 西装怎么搭配好看又时尚?英文双语对照























1. 剪裁:将西装的袖子和下摆剪掉,留下仅有的马甲部分。

2. 剪裁细节:根据自己的喜好和风格,可以在马甲上添加口袋、褶皱或其他细节。

3. 缝合:使用缝纫机或手工缝纫将马甲的边缘和细节缝合在一起。

4. 添加装饰:可以在马甲上添加装饰,如纽扣、绣花或其他饰品,以使其更加时尚。

5. 搭配:将马甲搭配上适合的衬衫、裤子和鞋子,打造出自己的时尚风格。










  浅紫色长款西装外套,清新淡雅的色彩,迷人养眼。搭配白色衬衫,浅粉色长裤,粉嫩感十足,迷人的色彩充满了甜美的味道,不管是上班还是约会都可以适穿。  裸色小西装,很显气质特别有小女人味。搭配白色镂空雕花元素连衣裙,气质迷人,甜美又时尚。配上腰带勾勒腰身哦。  蓝色西装外套搭配白色T恤和雪纺百褶半身裙,特别有个性,略带一点干练冷艳的气息。搭配今年特别流行粉色信封包包,气质优雅。  裸色西装外套,宽松的版型,配上裸色,几分随性中更显女人味。搭配白色雪纺连衣裙,纯洁无暇,也非常的娇俏讨喜。  今季各大时装周都推出了印花元素的服装,这件黑色印花连衣裙搭配粉红色西装外套,休闲大方,春季印花真的是大热哦。  宝蓝色小西装搭配条纹T恤,很有层次感,干练优雅。搭配裸色短裤,更是提升了女人味的,魅力,露出美腿显高显瘦。  这一套的搭配非常森女风,在颜色上特别清新淡雅,淡淡的粉色西装搭配粉色长裙,整体看起来特别飘逸唯美,红色的信封包包更是点亮了整体的色彩,让人眼前一亮。  印花小西装同样非常大气,今季印花元素特别流行,这样一款设计别致的小西装搭配T恤和破洞短裤,感觉非常时尚有个性。  棉质的连衣裙搭配深蓝色的小西装,感觉动感十足,活泼有型。清新淡雅的风格,配上坡跟鞋更是凸显完美身姿。














Does man suit fashion wear a law?


Jeans of + of recreational business suit, the suit jacket of recreational wind is tie-in handsome decrease age the jeans, the style of whole person more foreign flavour. Lie fallow actually business suit and jeans, also be very perfect collocation, not only more relaxed and handsome, also do not have so formalist, and wear rise decrease age the effect also is pretty good. Such collocation, fine long hair can not wear a relaxed feeling forcibly.


+ of recreational business suit is small black pants, classical small black pants is modern show thin, also be all-purpose joker sheet is tasted, distribute recreational Western-style clothes advanced and easy. Resemble such wearing building set an example, suit more a few agile model male. Recreational suit, chose low-key brown department, have a kind of composed and easy temperament. And matched classical small black pants, more a few minutes of advanced gas field, the style of whole person is more modern.


+ of recreational business suit on the west pants, business suit and on the west pants, also be one kind inherent match absolutely. Want to wear a recreational feeling of course, build inside do not choose a shirt. After all shirt of collocation of a suit business suit, wear a business affairs wind very easily. Resemble this kind of recreational suit suit, direct collocation a pure lubricious T-shirt, with respect to dispute Chang Qingxin is decreased again age. Have the flavor of a kind of efficient, blow on the face and the happiness that those who come is youth.


Pants of broad leg of + of recreational business suit, handsome wind of this kind of ruffian, suit the schoolboy of a few literary wind more. The recreational business suit of rice white, more elegant air. And matched shallow brown broad leg pants, have a kind of literary languid lazy model. Such wearing build the meeting is more a few more recreational, also be to be decreased quite age style.

How tie-in is business suit good-looking vogue?

Business suit + pants of bull-puncher straight canister

This one wears the feeling that takes a person is breath of full Han Fan, suit jacket, wear rise already can defect of the figure since cloak, still show thin. Build inside use case fold wear, white T compensate + waists-coat of case grain sweater, the instant makes an academic wind breath.

Pants of choice bull-puncher straight canister is suitable, will decrease more age girl wind is shown incisively and vividly, there are a pair of sneakers below the foot, comfortable and recreational feeling more very.

Is business suit gotten how to change vogue to get?

Will traditional business suit gets instead vogue to get need to have the following move:

1. chooses get suitably model: Vogue gets the business suit that compares a tradition commonly more slender, can choose a needle to get or narrow get implementation this effect. Additional, if want more fashionable feeling, can choose bevel angle to get or double buckle get wait for blame tradition to get model.

2. changes the form of collar: Traditional business suit is gotten is square shape commonly, can realize fashionable feeling through changing the form of collar. For instance, can revise collar circular arc appearance or bevel angle figure, let whole collar look more fluent and natural.

3. chooses appropriate fabrics and color: Besides the appearance of collar and type, the data that vogue gets and color also are very important. Can choose fashionable fabrics, for instance the material of bright side pledges or grain fabrics. Additional, also can choose fashionable color, red of blue-black, wine is for instance brown perhaps the fashionable feeling that waits for color to increase whole.

4. and other dress are tie-in: Finally, the business suit after wanting to let reform is gotten more fashionable, return need and other dress to undertake collocation. The shirt that can choose style, trousers and shoe, make whole modelling more fashionable mix delicate.

Anyhow, the key that improved business suit gets is to choose to be gotten suitably model, the form that changes collar, choose appropriate fabrics and color, and undertake collocation with other dress. Adopt these measure, the business suit that can allow a tradition is gotten become more fashionable and handsome.

How does old Western-style clothes change fashionable waists-coat?

Will old Western-style clothes changes fashionable waists-coat to need the following measure:

1.Clipping: Cut off the arm of business suit and lap, leave only waists-coat share.

2.Clipping detail: According to oneself be fond of and style, pocket, drape or other detail can be added on waists-coat.

3.Suture: Use sewing machine or manual sew are together the brim of waists-coat and detail suture.

4.Add adornment: Adornment can be added on waists-coat, be like button, embroider or other act the role of article, in order to make its more fashionable.

5.Tie-in: the shirt that suits on waists-coat collocation, trousers and shoe, make the fashionable style that gives oneself.

Those who need an attention is, when transforming old Western-style clothes, want to ensure the dimension of waists-coat and clipping suit his figure, so that dress is comfortable.

The Western-style clothes of fashionable cultivate one's morality of which brand is good?

A Mani, hugoboss, the edition of Dolce&Gabbana compare cultivate one's moral character, these are brands of excessive act the role ofing, can choose the business suit of body of advanced and custom-built quantity actually, measure a body to make according to the individual's bodily form, very cultivate one's morality

Big business suit how instead small business suit?

Tear open business suit hungry arm come down to seam the side of the dress ravel had been cut according to the dimension of small business suit, seaming on

The distinction of business suit and small business suit?

The distinction of design, the design of traditional business suit can be compared commonly simple, color is a few drabber also, black, blue, ash is a few kinds of main color. And small business suit is on profile clipping is freer tide, color and element are richer also.

2, the distinction of fabrics, traditional business suit fabrics uses chemical fiber mostly, straining feels better, more very straight, knit not easily. And the fabrics of small business suit can use natural fiber commonly, for instance cotton, hemp, wrinkled more easily.

Build inside small business suit what to wear is vogue of good-looking and tie-in dress shown thin?

Shallow purple grows paragraph suit jacket, the colour of pure and fresh quietly elegant, attractive raise a key point. Tie-in white shirt, shallow pink trousers, powdery light touch is dye-in-the-wood, attractive colour was full of sweet smell, it is OK to no matter be,go to work or date comfortable wear. Naked lubricious small business suit, very show temperament to have young woman taste particularly. Dress of element of carve patterns or designs on woodwork of tie-in white hollow out, temperamental and attractive, melting vogue. Deserve to go up chatelaine draws the outline of girth. T-shirt of white of collocation of blue suit jacket and snow spin 100 plait half body skirt, special individualize, take the breath of spell able Leng Yan slightly. Envelope of tie-in particularly popular this year pink is wrapped, temperament is elegant. Jacket of naked lubricious suit, comfortable edition, deserve to go up naked color, in following a gender a few minutes more show feminine flavour. Tie-in white snow spins a dress, chasteness is too busy, exceeding also charming is spruce denounce happy event. Today week of each big fashionable dress rolled out season the dress of printing element, collocation of dress of this black printing is pink suit jacket, recreational and easy, spring printing is big heat really. T-shirt of stripe of collocation of treasure blue small business suit, have administrative levels feeling very much, spell able and elegant. Tie-in naked lubricious knickers, promoted a woman flavour more, glamour, show beautiful leg to show show high thin. This one collocation special dark female wind, particularly pure and fresh on color quietly elegant, pink of light collocation of pink business suit grows skirt, whole looks particularly elegant only beautiful, red envelope bag bag was to illume more integral colour, let a person shine at the moment. Printing small business suit is similar special atmosphere, today season printing element is particularly popular, the T-shirt of collocation of small business suit with a such unique designs and hole knickers, feel special to vogue individualizes. The small business suit with the dress blue-black collocation with qualitative cotton, the feeling is moved move is very, lively and handsome. The style of pure and fresh quietly elegant, deserving to follow a shoe uphill is to highlight perfect body appearance more.

Pink small business suit matchs what color trousers, 3 kinds of fashionable and tie-in laws?

Pink small business suit matchs white trousers, pink small business suit matchs black trousers. White of shoe of white pencil white is worn inside pink small business suit, wear silvery white billycock. Black of step-in of pants of white black bound feet is built inside pink small business suit, white bull-puncher is built to grow skirt Xiaobai shoe inside pink suit.

Ana of small business suit?

It is a few ana about small business suit below:

" small business suit, develop gent disposition choose classically. "

" puts on small business suit, the instant promotes temperament, make the central point of duty field. "

" small business suit, contracted and do not break delicate, it is vogue and savoured perfect union. "

" small business suit, let you send out in any circumstances self-confidence and professional glamour. "

" small business suit, the place of detail is revealed savour, let you become fashionable vane. "

" small business suit, it is style of outfit of a kind of move not only, be a kind of manner and self-confidence more is indicative. "

" puts on small business suit, you are the successful personage with that unhurried, full self-confidence. "

" small business suit, make you on-the-job show in field a major, reliable the figure with leader force. "
