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电子游戏的利弊? 电子游戏的种类有多?电子游戏的种类有多少?英文双语对照


电子游戏的利弊? 电子游戏的种类有多?电子游戏的种类有多少?英文双语对照















  主流分类(欧美):动作、冒险、角色扮演、策略、模拟、休闲、体育。  电子游戏,又称电玩游戏,是指人通过电子设备,如电脑、游戏机等,进行游戏的一种娱乐方式。


单机游戏一般可分为: ACT 动作类 动作类

A-RPG 动作角色扮演类 AVG 冒险类 EDU 养成类 ETC 其它类 FPS 第一人称射击类 FTG 格斗类 FREE 完全反射视点类 MUG 音乐类 PUZ 方块类 方块类

RAC 赛车类 RPG 角色扮演类 RTS 即时战略类 SLG 策略模拟类 SRPG 战略角色扮演类 SPT 体育类 STG 射击类 射击类

TAB 桌面类 FLY 模拟飞行 SIM 模拟经营类




1. 我咱谙分,随有亦随无,不妒富,不憎贫,歌酒闲游戏。《蓦山溪·晓来雨霁》年代: 宋 作者: 赵长卿

2. 驱车策驽马,游戏宛与洛。《古诗十九首》年代: 汉 作者: 汉无名氏

3. 寄语澡浴人,且共肉身游戏。《如梦令·自净方能净彼》年代: 宋 作者: 苏轼












自信可以使人在处理问题时心情更放松,往往能超常发挥。 通常情况下自信往往伴随着乐观,使人做事更轻松,思想更豁达、开放。更容易展现自身的特性,从而更容易获得他人的认同和欣赏。



我是住校的 内宿生 我在这里分享我的经验 住校有好处,如:





5.在宿舍可以通过和同学聊天,增长见识,开阔视野 当然,肯定也会有一些缺点的,如: 1.晚上有时同学聊天聊到很晚,难免会影响睡眠,这就要靠大家配合了 2.每天都要准时起床,这对与一些懒惰的同学,是个考验了 3.学校内宿有很多规定,要遵守的 总体上看吧 我还是认为住校利大于弊.. 以上观点可以参考




One, the advantages and disadvantages of electronic game?

One, advantage

1, exercise cerebrum

There is partial game on the market meaning of extremely rich education, besides the stimulation that takes besides game itself place and insecurity, the originality that still can train the child and think. In game, the child is obtained already cheerful, got taking exercise at the same time again, kill two birds with one stone. To old people, the profit of electronic game is bigger, a lot of moment in old people are in dull live, electronic game is their killtime edge tool.

2, alleviate mood

Plant in some say on degree, go appropriately playing game to be able to alleviate nervous mood, the amateur that abounds us lives, but fall in Shuang Renjian's influence, always be fraud is more than benefit. Although play electronic game to adjust to us appropriately,the mood has profit, but the mood that parents does not want a hope to improve adolescent through electronic game. In mental health respect of the child, other factor may act more important role, include stable domesticity, in the human relation of the school, whether poor or devoid education.

3, increase gregarious capacity

Compare at employing the person of electronic game completely for, the person that employs game of a few electrons more be good at interacting with the person. The friendship of people is to build the base that liking jointly normally, as the development of network game, many people can spend many time to play network game, and those people that do not employ game can experience him to get when chatting with them desolate.

2, disadvantage

1, abandon electron game

Electronic game has charm very, absorbing go ceaseless amuse oneself, this is the feature of all game. The student plays electronic game machine enchanted, when attending class not absorption, often consider the scene of electronic game on classroom even, feigned course of study need not heart, the study result that can bring about them drops. Consequently plaything and funeral annals, bedraggled school work, this is the harm with infatuation electron the most general game.

2, the influence is healthy

Play concentration of height of the energy when electronic game, the person's physical strength and energy are used up very big, no matter be adult or minor, the time that play grew affirmative meeting to yield to the body bad influence. Minor is in development growing period, when attending class, they had sat very long, after school if play game of a few hours again, can affect the child's vision badly, bring about eyesight to drop.

2, does the sort of electronic game have many? How many does the sort of electronic game have?

Is the mainstream classified (Euramerican) : ? ⒉ of Qian of Miao of artful  of ⒔ of cut up with a hay cutter of postscript of ⒚ of  a huge legendary turtle thoroughfare  of small ⑻ of Zu of ⑿ of Suan of bath ⒛ D!

3, electronic game format?

Stand-alone game can divide commonly for: ACT movement kind movement kind

A-RPG action part acts kind of AVG to take a risk kind of EDU nurturance kind ETC other kind the first person shoots FPS kind of FTG fistfight kind FREE reflexes viewpoint completely kind MUG music kind PUZ diamonds kind diamonds kind

RAC racing bicycle kind RPG part acts kind of RTS instant strategy kind SLG politic imitate kind SRPG strategy part acts kind of SPT sports kind STG shoots kind of fire kind

TAB desktop kind imitate of SIM of FLY imitate flight is managed kind

4, play electronic game?

Peaceful elite, person honor, fight a landlord, noodle person, destroy paper box, regulation talks quite, horrible slippery slide, mechanical animal, the beggar in the toilet, horrible chastity child, underground takes a risk greatly, frog of the person that bear

5, the ancient poetry about electronic game?

1.My our know well is divided, along with have also follow without, not be jealous of is rich, not abhor deficient, game of song wine idle. " Xiao Laiyu of · of suddenly hill brook ceases raining or snowing " time: Author of the Song Dynasty: Zhao Changqing

2.Inferior horse of drive car plan, game Wan Yuluo. " ancient poetry 19 " time: Chinese author: Chinese anonymous person

3.Person of bath of bath sending word, and in all fleshy body game. " if the dream makes · self-purification square can only the other party " time: Author of the Song Dynasty: Su Shi

6, the article table about electronic game?

1. this is the sport that I like, electronic game has only such, ability makes him infatuate be infatuated with, I feel only such ability let him be enjoyed deeply among them!

2. my heart is exceedingly happy, I can play electronic game eventually, let me feel this all everything is the get one's own back that all gets hard!

I can let 3. oneself are a bit cheesier, live more a bit more happily, I can play electronic game eventually, my heart is extremely excited really!

7, the preface about electronic game?

Before 20 centuries, what people plays is to play vitreous ball mostly, play hide-and-seek, bag breaking sand...

To 21 centuries, not unfamiliar, electronic game is the 00 patent after more.

21 centuries are high-tech times, I rectify day to also turn round high-tech product computer of course! The game it may be said on computer is full of beautiful things in eyes: "QQ dazzle dance " , " flying car of steel of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " , " run run calorie of Ding Che " , " annals of the Three Kingdoms " , " corpse of plant big fight " ... these can be electronic game, this is divided even kind. Below electronic game even kind: Webpage game, little game, network game... webpage game has: "Celestial being goes against " , " write true romance " , " block day " ... recreational game has: "7k7k little game " , " rainbow hall little game " , " Ma Erzhuang garden " , " floret celestial being " ... network game has: "Pass through live wire " , " fear elite instead " , " QQ the Three Kingdoms " , " boxing emperor " ... network game is stand-alone game commonly, want download.

Write down so that that I expressed elder sister to buy an Itouch, I and elder brother of Cheng handsome young man are play " extremely " . Have inside " the soup Mu cat that can talk " , " dactylogram conjugate " , " car jolt shakes happy " ... among them " run run calorie of Ding Che " the most amused. I and match of elder brother of Cheng handsome young man, the time that who uses is little who wins, of course, I two playing is neck and neck, I am in " desert market " in play best, and he is " silvan cask " those who play is best. Recently I two touch last difficult

8, self-confident benefit and fraud?

Self-confidence is a Shuang Renjian, it can lead our victory a lot of cross; But, it takes us possibly also into abyss.

The mood when self-confidence can make the person is handling an issue more loosen, often can surpass constant play. Normally the self-confidence below the circumstance often is being accompanied hopeful, make the person works more relaxed, the mind is more open-minded, open. Show the character of oneself more easily, obtain the self-identity of other and appreciation more easily thereby.

Self-confident malpractice is undue self-confidence, people exceeded actual level to the acknowledge of own ability, be in easily decision-making when generation error.

9, the benefit of in residence and fraud?

I am in residence inside the experience in residence that constellation gives birth to me to share me here has profit, be like:

1. life can become have the law

2. study time is met for certain more, advantageous with improve study result

3. can be mixed very easily with the classmate of the dormitory ripe, enhance the friendship between the classmate

4. can take exercise provide for oneself ability

5. can be passed in the dormitory and the classmate chats, increase experience, open eye shot of course, also can have a few drawback for certain, be like: 1. In the evening sometimes the classmate chats to arrive a little very late, hard to avoid can affect Morpheus, this is about to relied on everybody to cooperate 2. Want everyday punctual get up, this is right with a few lazy classmates, it is a test 3. The constellation inside the school has a lot of regulations, should abide by look on the whole I still think in residence benefit is more than fraud. . Above viewpoint is OK and referenced

10, the benefit of barrage and fraud?

Barrage can know the everybody comment to this video, but keep out screen
