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1 如何进入时尚服装行业









唐纳·卡兰(Donna Karan) 是设计师同名品牌,主要经营项目有服装、鞋、配饰、手袋等。品牌根植于纽约特有的生活模式,唐纳·卡兰的设计灵感,也都源于纽约特有的都市气息,现代节奏和纽约的蓬勃活力。


Donna Karan对黑色的钟爱体现在她追求舒适、讲究质感的设计理念上。从黑色毛衣、黑色礼服长裙到黑色茶具,以及一双用于装饰用的乌木筷子,都可以看出她的色彩倾向。这融合了她对于快节奏大都市生活的理解和感悟,也与她塑既朴实无华,又高贵优雅的世界性时装初衷相吻合。在对于黑色的阐释中,1990年和1996年唐纳·卡兰两次成为年度最佳设计师,并且很快冲出纽约,征服美国,打入世界市场。

路易·威登(Louis Vuitton)

著名的奢侈品牌(Louis Vuitton)。路易·威登(Louis Vuitton),他是法国历史上最杰出的皮件设计大师之一,于1854年在巴黎开了以自己名字命名的第一间皮箱店。一个世纪之后,路易·威登成为皮箱与皮件领域数一数二的品牌,并且成为上流社会的一个象征物。如今路易·威登这一品牌已经不仅限于设计和出售高档皮具和箱包,而是成为涉足时装、饰物、皮鞋、箱包、珠宝、手表、 传媒、名酒等领域的巨型潮流指标。从早期的LV衣箱到如今每年巴黎T台上的不断变幻的LV时装秀,LV (路易·威登)之所以能一直屹立于国际时尚行业顶端地位,傲居奢侈品牌之列,在于其自身独特的品牌DNA。


创始人Gabrielle Chanel香奈儿于1913年在法国巴黎创立香奈儿品牌。香奈儿的产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品及其配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。 香奈儿(CHANEL)是一个有80多年经历的著名品牌,香奈儿时装永远有着高雅、简洁、精美的风格,她善于突破传统,时尚女装品牌有哪些?早20世纪40年代就成功地将“五花大绑”的女装推向简单、舒适,这也许就是最早的现代休闲服。


怎样经营,经营什么行业,经营什么品牌,这可谓是生意经里的重点。特别是在当今社会,稍有不慎,机会就有可能稍纵即逝,也有可能赔本赚吆喝。俗话说的好,三百六十行,行行出状元,这也不乏成就了一批行业的佼佼者。就拿服装这个行业来说吧,你看那街头,各种各样的男女老幼服装,琳琅满目,花样繁多,客来客往,一片市场繁荣的景象。究竟在这个行业里需要什么样的经营思路,才能经营有序?为什么有的品牌开张没有多久就转让或清仓处理呢?那些百年老店又是如何经营的呢? 行业分析:把握服装行业的命脉





















1 how to enter fashionable garment industry

The person that loves the United States always likes to be mixed closely as vogue tide, follow popular step closely, be in especially clad and tie-in respect always can the footstep of follow closely tide, give a person fashionable sense, what way can understand so what kind ofly to dress every year in popularity match? It is small below the relevant content that makes up what arrange for you how to enter fashionable garment industry.

Parisian dress week. If want to understand next period of time may the dress with what kind of popularity, so ten million cannot miss Parisian dress week, here you can understand next will the dress with what kind of popularity is tie-in, what design will become popularity, what element can appear on beautiful fashionable dress.

Network. Can match in dress of a few special introductions, the website of popular fashion gets the information of fashionable clothing, a lot of websites still can have forum to perhaps be stuck, often bubble if, the smell that you can change is acute, the dress that knows meeting popularity is next what kind of, and meet go well and truly in fashionable forward position.

Fashionable magazine. Often read a few fashionable magazines, can know fashionable recently clothing not only, and can learn skill of collocation of a few dress, and can learn design appropriate clothing for oneself, wear a different effect to come.

The net is bought oriented. People is preferred now shop on the net, do not go out to be able to browse numerous shop, often the beautiful the top margin of a page that the net buys should know, when picking the clothes, besides design, model, tie-in, fabrics, besides the element such as the price, we often pay close attention to come here the sales volume with paragraph the closest dress, if a dress perhaps says the dress of some design to be sold in the magnanimity inside the closest period of time, so undoubted it is popularity.

Brand shop kimono holds store. Do not like to shop without the woman almost, especially brand shop, clothing store, shoe hat shop, the supermarket, those who appear is them mostly carefree ground form, after had visited a few shop, eyebrow can realize sensitive beauty to be in this year popular what dress, the dress of so much similar pattern appears inside different shop, on model body, is not popular ability strange?

What does brand of 2 vogue female outfit have

Donna. Ka Lan (Donnakaran)

The Tang Dynasty Na Kalan (Donna Karan) is stylist homonymic brand, main management item has dress, shoe, deserve to act the role of, vanity. Brand root establish lives at some of new York spy mode, the Tang Dynasty Na Kalan's design is inspirational, also result from the city flavor with peculiar new York, of contemporary rhythm and new York flourishingly vigor.

Brand root establish lives at some of new York spy mode, the Tang Dynasty Na Kalan's design is inspirational, also result from the city flavor with peculiar new York, of contemporary rhythm and new York flourishingly vigor. What her brand is attracting the contemporary urbanism kind that is a delegate with new York is yearning person, it is one of the most successful hand-me-down brands.

The endearment to black reflects Donna Karan to go after the comfortable, design concept that stresses simple sense to go up in her. From formal attire of black sweater, black long skirt arrives black tea service, and one pair is used at ornamental ebony chopstick, can see her colour trend. This is shirt-sleeve she is metropolitan to fast rhythm understand and comprehend of the life, also with her model already simple and unadorned, the be identical of photograph of original intention of cosmopolitan fashionable dress of high grace. In the illuminate to black, mixed 1990 1996 the Tang Dynasty Na Kalan makes year twice optimal stylist, and develop a new York very quickly, conquer United States, infiltrate world market.

· power ascends Louie (Louis Vuitton)

Well-known extravagant trademark (Louis Vuitton) . · power ascends Louie (Louis Vuitton) , he is the most crackajack skin on French history design one of Great Masters, opened the store of the first leather case that with oneself the name names at was in Paris 1854. After a century, yi Weideng makes the way leather case and skin the brand of domain count as one of the best, and become a brownstone indication. The way is easy nowadays · power ascends this one brand to be confined to is designed and had sold high-grade skin is provided not only wrap with box, what make the field such as wine of bag of sortie fashionable dress, decorations, leather shoes, box, gem, watch, medium, name however is giant tide index. Arrive from inchoate LV suitcase annual nowadays the LV fashionable dress of the constant irregular change on Parisian T stage is beautiful, LV (road Yi Weideng) can all the time stand erect at position of top of international fashion industry, be proud house luxury brand, depend on the brand DNA with its distinctive oneself.

Xianaier (Chanel)

Sweet Nai of father Gabrielle Chanel found at was in French Paris 1913 sweet Nai brand. Sweet Nai line of the products is various, dress, gem act the role ofing is tasted reach its fittings, cosmetic, perfume, product of avery kind of is famed far and near, especially her perfume and fashionable dress. Sweet Nai (CHANEL) is a famous brand that has 80 old experience, sweet Nai fashionable dress is having decorous, concise, elegant color forever, she is good at breaking through a tradition, what does vogue daughter install a brand to have? Early 20 centuries 40 time are successful ground general " 5 flowers are bound greatly " female outfit pushs Xiang Jian odd, comfortable, this perhaps is the earliest contemporary sportswear.

The 3 management that how know garment industry

How to manage, management what industry, management what brand, this it may be said is the key in knack of doing business. Be in especially current society, have a bit inadvertent, the opportunity is possible fleeting, sustain losses in business likely also earn cry out. What common saying says is good, 360, give Number One Scholar all right all right, this also theres is no lack of the person above average that made a batch of trades. Take garment for this industry, you see that street, various men and womens are old young dress, full of beautiful things in eyes, pattern is various, guest guest is gone to, the picture that a market flourishs. Need what kind of management train of thought in this industry after all, is ability managed orderly? Why do some brands open business to without how long be made over or check inventory handle? Is those hundred years old store how manage? Industry analysis: Hold the lifeblood of garment industry

As we have learned, with respect to dress this trade is total for it is OK to still calculate now, basically be fixed position should allow, teenage, middleaged, old people, fashionable low, intermediate, high-grade still be the brand must have located. Although market competition is intense now, compare with other industry posture actually, it is better that garment industry still calculates now do, because dress is running stores. It already became people to use the article that decorates its nowadays, and the function that superseded heat preservation, so dress is used up still is bigger. Relatively other industry is good still do a few.

Especially female outfit advantage is more clear, depending on it is extemporaneous product, woman and man are different, she wants suddenly when shop possibly to buy a favorite clothes, is not when needing, just be bought, and which girl can have a wardrobe, the dress that won't disrelish oneself forever is much. So, sell female outfit or have definite advantage.

Be sure blindly: Be gobbled up by the tide place of tide

Reason one: Do not do an analysis to be entered blindly

A lot of people decide deal, he wants to be begun at a draught, lease field, replenish onr's stock, open business very hurried. Making the best of time is meddlesome, but did not analyse, planning is act blindly. Although the business is small but the painstaking effort that is oneself however, need devoted capital and energy, do some of foundation to analyse before clothing store start business so or very those who be necessary. Most at least should consider these a few issues to be clear about: Where to do? What color to do? What price? Whether does the color that you do, price encircle be identical with place business? What distinguishing feature should you make? Why consumer should choose to buy your clothes? If the answer even these main problems is ambiguous, I think had better be to go first the market looks, the market below understanding also understands next competitors in the future, such ability base oneself upon at garment industry this big market.

Go searching characteristic on the base that should make characteristic must encircle color photograph be identical with whole business, is not search on market of category, target so called " characteristic " with " difference " , can be just the opposite to what one wished in that way.

Reason 2: Do not see the market work forcedly quietly

Now is not seller's market times, not be what you sell metropolis somebody should, whats can sell go out. Although everybody knows this truth but when working, always forget however. A lot of employers that just began to make clothing go to what terminal market replenish onr's stock chooses him to like only, and main to the neither one of kinds or types of goods that oneself should run program, result sales volume is bad to still blame a guest not know all about the goods. The talent that consumer recognizes is good thing, the guest that oneself like does not like certainly, we should study the guest's preference and not be him boss.

The classification of 4 vogue female outfit


The T-shirt, shirt, sweater, sweater, small vest / unlined upper garment of silk of condole belt, bud / snow spins unlined upper garment, coat, dust coat, coat, cotton-padded clothes, eider down to take, fur clothing, waistcoat, Wei Yi, business suit

Skirt outfit

Dress, medium skirt, short skirt, vest skirt, long skirt

Sweater skirt miniskirt

Remove theatrical makeup and costume

Render pants, knickers, medium socks of 7 minutes of pants, trousers, pants, silk.

Install late

The origin that installs late

Pierkadan of famous fashionable dress Great Master once had said: Remember Louie when you 15 dynasties, so the figure of the dress of basket basket style that line has skirt link can emerge it is before, the skirt annulus that places outline to model skirt only perhaps is dress from a signal with concise costly strike.
