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Farewell – 告别

Goodbye – 再见

Parting – 离别

Departure – 离开

Adieu – 告别(正式或文学用词)

See you later – 回见(非正式)

Bye-bye – 再见(非正式)

Send-off – 送行

Embrace – 拥抱(常用于告别时)

Reminisce – 回忆(常用于告别后的情感)


Farewell is more than just a simple goodbye; it is a significant moment in our lives. It marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. Whether it is leaving a place, parting with friends, or transitioning to a new job, farewells can evoke a mix of emotions. These moments allow us to reflect on past experiences and express gratitude for the journey we have shared with others.

During a farewell, people often exchange heartfelt words and memories. This helps in acknowledging the importance of the relationship and the impact it has had on their lives. Saying goodbye can be bittersweet; it brings a sense of loss but also excitement for what lies ahead.

Moreover, farewells provide an opportunity to celebrate achievements and experiences. They remind us to cherish the moments we have had and to look forward to future adventures. By embracing the emotional aspects of farewells, we allow ourselves to grow and move forward with a positive outlook.

In conclusion, farewells are crucial as they help us to honor the past while welcoming the future. They are a testament to the bonds we form and the changes we experience throughout our lives.






❶ 这是要送给你们的告别礼。This is a farewell present for you.

同类表达 I present this gift as a token of our appreciation for what you've done for us. 这份礼物代表了我们的感激之情,感谢你为我们所做的一切。

❷ 我和你们一家人一起度过了一段快乐的时光。I have a good time with your family.

同类表达 I enjoy being with you. 我喜欢与你们在一起。

❸ 我们相处得很好。We get along very well.

这样回答 Keep in touch! 保持联系!

❹ 希望有机会能再见面。I hope we can meet again.

同类表达 Thank you. You've done so much for me. 谢谢你为我付出了那么多。

I hope we can see each other again. 希望我们还会再见面。

❺ 真的非常感谢你们。I thank you with all my heart.

同类表达 I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 我从心底里感谢你们。

I can't thank you enough for your kindness. 你们的好意我怎么感谢都不够。

❻ 我永远都不会忘记那些快乐的日子。I will never forget these happy days.

同类表达 I had lots of fun playing with you. 我跟你玩得很开心。

对话 A: I will never forget these happy days. 我永远都不会忘记那些快乐的日子。

B: Yeah, me too. 我也是。

❼ 我会很想念你们的。I'm going to miss you a lot.

同类表达 I think of you every day and night. 我日日夜夜都会想到你们。

对话 A: I'm going to miss you a lot. 我会很想念你们的。

B: Welcome to New York again when you have time. 有时间欢迎你再来纽约。

❽ 写信给我好吗?Drop me a line, will you?

同类表达 I'll write to you from China. 我会从中国给你们写信的。

❾ 我很珍惜我在那里所有快乐的回忆。I cherish all the happy memories during my stay over there.

同类表达 I'm truly grateful for the hospitality and friendship your family showed me. 我衷心感谢你们一家对我的款待和友善。

❿ 请代我向简和她的家人问好。Please say hello to Jane and her family.

同类表达 My parents asked me to send you their best regards. 我父母要我代他们向你们致以最诚挚的问候。
