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Hobby - 爱好

Interest - 兴趣

Passion - 热情

Leisure activity - 休闲活动

Pursuit - 追求

Recreation - 娱乐

Enthusiasm - 热忱

Pastime - 消遣

Skill - 技能

Engagement - 参与


Having hobbies and interests plays a crucial role in our lives. They provide a break from daily routines and offer an opportunity for personal growth and relaxation. One of my greatest passions is playing the guitar. I started learning it in my teenage years, and it has since become a significant part of my life. Playing the guitar not only allows me to express my emotions through music but also provides a sense of achievement as I improve my skills over time.

In addition to playing the guitar, I enjoy hiking. Being in nature and exploring new trails offers me both physical exercise and mental rejuvenation. These hobbies help me to manage stress, stay motivated, and connect with others who share similar interests. Overall, having diverse interests enriches my life and contributes to my overall well-being. It is through these activities that I find balance and joy, making them an essential aspect of my daily life.




❶ 你工作之余的兴趣是什么?What are your interests outside work?

同类表达 How do you spend your spare time? 你业余时间做些什么?

❷ 你的业余爱好是什么?What are your hobbies?

同类表达 Do you have a hobby? 你有没有嗜好?

What are your personal interests? 你的个人爱好是什么?

❸ 我跑步、踢足球或是做一些别的类似的运动来保持健康。I run or play football or do something else like that to get some exercises to keep fit.

❹ 我常通过做运动来消遣。I always entertain myself in sports.

同类表达 I entertain myself in doing sports. 我靠做运动来消遣。

❺ 我通常看书,或逛街。I usually read books or go shopping.

同类表达 I spend most of my spare time reading. 我大部分空余时间都用来看书了。

Though I have many interests, reading is what I like most. 虽然我的兴趣很多,但我最喜欢的还是看书。

❻ 我通常听流行音乐来消遣。I usually listen to pop music for recreation.

对话 A: What do you like to do during the holidays? 在假日里你喜欢做什么?

B: I usually listen to pop music for recreation. 我通常听流行音乐来消遣。

❼ 我十分喜欢登山。I'm really fond of mountaineering.

同类表达 My hobbies are hiking, fishing and climbing the mountains. 我的爱好是远足、钓鱼和爬山。

❽ 你有没有抽烟、喝酒的嗜好?Do you have any habits such as smoking or drinking?

这样回答 I rarely smoke. I only drink in social intercourse. 我很少抽烟。我只在应酬的时候喝酒。

❾ 你觉得什么样的爱好促进了你的工作?What kind of hobbies do you think help you to fulfill your job?

这样回答 I'm a crazy football fan and I like the team spirit of football. 我是一个狂热的足球迷,我喜欢足球运动的团队精神。

❿ 你的生活方式均衡吗?Do you have a balanced lifestyle?

这样回答 I get up at six o'clock every morning, and after that I jog a couple of miles. 我每天早上六点起床,然后会去慢跑几英里。
