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格尔木十大特色美食? 单县特色美食排名?英文双语对照


格尔木十大特色美食? 单县特色美食排名?英文双语对照





手抓羊肉是牧区群众款待宾客的美食,也是日常生活中不可缺少的主食之一。初次吃手抓羊肉,会有原始之感,经多次品味,则越吃越馋,使人经久难忘。“手抓”是青海高原上有独特风味的吃法,在全国也颇有声誉。 手抓羊肉和藏族同胞依水草而居的游牧生活是紧密相关的,因吃时一手抓肉,一手拿刀,割、挖、剔片,把羊骨头上的肉吃得净光而得名。























































One, Geermu cate of 10 big characteristic?

1. painted eggshell

Painted eggshell is a kind of adornment arts and crafts that has appreciation value is tasted. The painted eggshell of Qinghai abandons egg " carapace to be raw material with the " of island of Qinghai lake bird more, elaborate draw goes out to all sorts of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail are drawn or chromatic design is made and be become. Every go to island of Qinghai lake bird the summer, be in a few kinds of number such as gull of head of spot head wild goose, palm head wild goose, palm, cormorant migrant is on the island lay eggs, hatch, era is received in passing. Large quantities of fledgling pip, the bird egg that also many hatch won't do is given by get rid of outside mew, become " to abandon egg " . These useless " abandoned egg " to become the superior raw material of the painted eggshell that make.

2. catchs hotpot

The hand catchs the cate that hotpot is guest of entertainment of masses of a pasturing area, also be one of indispensable staple food in daily life. The first time eat a hand to catch hotpot, can have primitive feeling, via flavour of much defective goods, eat greedier more, make person prolonged unforgettable. "The hand is caught " it is Qinghai there is distinctive local color on highland have a way, there also is reputation quite in the whole nation. It is close together and relevant that the hand catchs the nomadism that hotpot and Tibetian brethren depend on aquatic and resides to live, because eat when catch the flesh single-handed, take a knife single-handed, cut, dig, get rid of piece, the flesh that gets on ovine bone eats to get clean light and get a name.

Fruit of 3. assorted ginseng

brake abluent, with lotus seed, the seed of Job's tears an evaporate is ripe, deserve to wait with cake of green plum, Beijing, walnutmeat, lotus seed, the seed of Job's tears, currant, cherry again, cooking starch is added to tick off Gorgon euryale after be being burned can. Xian Chuntian of this food taste, 5 splash Lan, have certain dietotherapy effect.

2, rank of cate of odd county characteristic?

The rank of cate of odd county characteristic, the first is barbecue, the 2nd is a round mass of food, the 3rd is insect arrange.

3, rank of cate of Dong Yang characteristic?

Dong Yang cate of 8 big characteristic: Cupreous tin meal, south crisp cake of horseflesh cake, 1000 auspicious hotpot, Jin Hua, Dong Yang fertile face, on Lu wonton, Dong Yang pulls face, Dongyang by hand boy egg

4, does characteristic cate rank Huang Gang?

The characteristic cate of Huang Gang widely known must be fleshy cake the first, the 2nd it is hammer fish, the 3rd it is piscine a round mass of food

5, does lubricious cate rank Haiante?

Dumpling of the Huaihe River, make the same score bridge bean curd, ripples water binds hoof,

6, rank of cate of Na Chuan characteristic?

Bee of golden Fosan China, square bamboo shoot, rice of Na Chuan tribute, na Chuan chicken, na Chuan the tuber of elevated gastrodia, south plain figwort, yu Cuicha of Buddha of Na Chuan gold, na Chuan cultivates tea greatly

7, rank of cate of distant source characteristic?

Cate of characteristic of distant source city the first, such-and-such mountain villa bakes complete sheep, this is in slope of city of periphery of distant source until famous, those who bake is really delicious, weekday does not grant to make an appointment with Saturday, have a place hardly.

The 2nd, dish of the daily life of a family of such-and-such small deep-fried dough cake, characteristic masses is consumed, dish is tasted admirable, also must grant to order ahead of schedule, the 3rd such-and-such seafood, all sorts of seafood, class is higher, also belong to high spending in distant source. Cate of anyhow distant source is particularly much, most is small barbecue, the welcome comes distant source samples.

8, rank of cate of Li Jiang characteristic?

Characteristic cate of Li Jiang has the following 10 kinds, it is respectively: Confiture, meal of eight treasures pineapple, wrap oar bean curd, dongba grilled fish, soya bean face, rice clyster, the bait that bake piece, gallinaceous beans bean jelly, accept on the west barbecue, beautiful river cake.

1, confiture:

It is characteristic cate of Li Jiang, it is to use all sorts of fruits and honey to mix to develop and be become.

2, meal of eight treasures pineapple:

It is dot of name of Li Jiangchuan all, it is evaporate of polished glutinous rice ripe, mix on the burden that candy, oily, sweet-scented osmanthus, red jujube, the seed of Job's tears, lotus seed, longan waits a moment, put the fruit recipient that has dug together in the center, etc irrigate again after evaporate is ripe on candy thick gravy can. Its smell is sweet, it is festival and the beautiful that entertain a guest are tasted.

3, the bean curd that wrap an oar:

It is Yunnan characteristic dish, its appearance looks as about the same as common bean curd, but bean curd is bitten to be able to pour out of shining white size after scamper is ripe, because this gets a bean curd that wrap an oar.

4, Dongba grilled fish:

It is the cate that Li Jiang eats surely, clear the fish first splanchnic, scatter on Chinese prickly ash, salt, with pink of the five spices.

5, soya bean face:

It is Li Jiang well known a cooked wheaten food is fastfood, its mouthfeel acid is hot, soya bean of a few blast was added inside, so mouthfeel is crisp very, taste also very muscle path bright is slippery.

6, rice clyster:

It uses conventional technology to undertake making, local color is very distinctive. It is the blood that use a pig, rice, add all sorts of flavor are made and become, intestines of pig of the rinse that feed capable person inside, on one paragraph is cut when eating, no matter be,use panbroil or evaporate is ripe very delicate.

7, the bait that bake piece:

It is Yunnan characteristic, in Li Jiang also be everywhere is seen. It is those who use the rice meal make it that thoroughly cook is thin piece.

8, gallinaceous beans bean jelly:

It is Li Jiang famous special local product is fastfood, already had history of hundreds of years allegedly. Its mouthfeel bright slips exquisite, already can cool it is OK also to eat heat eats, the spice that acerbity vinegar of chili, Chinese prickly ash, scallion waits a moment is added on bean jelly, it is delicate very.

9, accept on the west barbecue:

It is local characteristic barbecue of Li Jiang, its are made very exquisite, need an oven, it is all round oven pensile iron wire, there is the hook that hangs the flesh on iron wire, and the flesh is it is good to use flavor souse with fresh steaky pork ahead of schedule. When eating fat and not be bored with, crisp Jiao Xiang, it is delicious very.

10, Li Jiang cake:

It is Li Jiang a kind of distinguishing feature that has person energy of life most is fastfood, the tradition that this is Yunnan the Naxi nationality is delicate, its history is long, appearance very resemble oil cake. The flavour of cake of Dan Lijiang cake duplicates without method really, its use wheat flour to make and become, vegetable oil, white sugar, ham was added to wait inside feed capable person, colour and lustre is golden, mouthfeel smell is sweet, crisp a faint fragrance.

9, is Geermute lubricious fastfood rank?

1, dry mix:

Play a side first water is boiled, rejoin matchs dish richly to fry make and become, complementary with edible of beef clear soup, taste distinctive, burden abounds economic material benefit.

2, roasted qingke barley flour:

Fry highland barley insolation ripe, wear fine face, a few crisp tea-oil tree are joined when edible, the agitate that use a hand comes hold a group till, send the mouth and feed.

3, clear soup oxtail:

With prairie delicacy oxtail is main raw material to fan is made and be become, shang Seqing bright, flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, fat and not be bored with, thin and not bavin.

4, Mongolia tea with milk:

Unconscious words says revive stage eggplant, the brick tea that use blueness or black brick tea complementary boil with milk make and become, it is the main method of local complement nutrition.

5, Wu Rimo:

Will bright milk carbonadoes into boiler low baking temperature boil, churn ceaselessly, make moisture evaporates slowly, grandma juice concentrates, the yellow that condenses into the circle in boiler bottom suckles cake, put cool place dry in the shade to be become namely, white, oily be soiled nods pure Huang Ga of skin on boiled milk dot, beehive Sha Kongman cloth, entry cream excessive is sweet, crisp soft not delicious, oily not be bored with, nutrition is rich

6, parched rice:

Receive broom corn millet newly in be being put in boiler after evaporate is ripe, mix fine sanded fierce anger is fried dry, give sand to pour stone chamfer hull with the sieve, become parched rice namely, color is yellow and not anxious, Mi Jian and not hard, pleasant of glittering and translucent and bright, crisp is sweet, add the agitate such as yoghurt, Wu Rimo, white sugar sweet tastily.

10, rank of cate of characteristic of a surname bottom?

Change newly 3 shut boiling water, scoop cake, tian Yu, white brook bean curd...

Shuang Feng always abundant thick chili sauce, jar dish, fermented bean curd
