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1. 建立良好的网络习惯:避免长时间连续上网,每隔一段时间就要休息一下,做一些眼保健操,活动一下身体。

2. 选择健康的网络内容:避免接触暴力、色情等不良信息,选择对自己有益的网络资源。

3. 建立良好的人际关系:在网络上也要保持良好的人际交往,避免因为网络而忽视了现实生活中的人际交往。

4. 学会自我调节:当感到压力过大或者情绪低落时,可以通过听音乐、看书、运动等方式来调节自己的情绪。

5. 寻求专业帮助:如果感到网络成瘾或者对网络产生依赖,可以寻求专业的心理咨询师的帮助。

6. 增强自我保护意识:不轻易透露个人信息,不随意接受陌生人的好友请求,避免成为网络诈骗的目标。

7. 培养其他兴趣爱好:除了上网,还可以尝试其他的兴趣爱好,如阅读、画画、运动等,这样可以减少对网络的依赖。

8. 学习和实践网络素养教育:了解网络安全知识,提高自我保护能力,避免受到网络欺诈和侵害。


1、问题:低自尊的自我信念不太会通过( )的形式表现出来。






答案: 【当事人言语表达承认】

2、问题:人们会通过补偿或者超补偿的方式来进行调节自卑感,补偿的基本途径有( )






答案: 【觉知到自己的缺陷后,集中力量发展提升其功能。;


3、问题:养成自尊的过程可以包括( )三个过程。






答案: 【认识自己;







答案: 【对】





答案: 【错



还是自己多思考,不会的找同学询问 大家讨论,对自己是有好处的





1、问题:低自尊的自我信念不太会通过( )的形式表现出来。选项:A:躯体动作B:情绪和想法C:身体状态D:当事人言语表达承认答案: 【当事人言语表达承认】2、问题:人们会通过补偿或者超补偿的方式来进行调节自卑感,补偿的基本途径有( )选项:A:觉知到自己的缺陷后,集中力量发展提升其功能。B:发现自己有某方面的不足后,通过幻想的方式满足自己。C:承认自己的某种缺陷,发展自己的其他技能以弥补有缺陷的技能。D:发现自己有某方面的不足后,通过损害别人的方式满足自己。答案: 【觉知到自己的缺陷后,集中力量发展提升其功能。;承认自己的某种缺陷,发展自己的其他技能以弥补有缺陷的技能。】3、问题:养成自尊的过程可以包括( )三个过程。选项:A:认识自己B:接纳自己C:爱上不够完美的自己D:用跟比自己差的人比较增加自信答案: 【认识自己;接纳自己;爱上不够完美的自己】4、问题:阿德勒认为自卑感是人格发展的动力,他认为自卑感起源于个人生活中所有不完全或不完美的感觉。选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】5、问题:在人际关系中,低自尊者常常不会敏感,能够独立的表达自己的观点和需要。选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错


1、问题:低自尊的自我信念不太会通过( )的形式表现出来。






答案: 【当事人言语表达承认】

2、问题:人们会通过补偿或者超补偿的方式来进行调节自卑感,补偿的基本途径有( )






答案: 【觉知到自己的缺陷后,集中力量发展提升其功能。;


3、问题:养成自尊的过程可以包括( )三个过程。






答案: 【认识自己;







答案: 【对】





答案: 【错

七、疫情对学生心理健康的影响与创伤后成长 答案?












从那遥远海边 慢慢消失的你

本来模糊的脸 竟然渐渐清晰

想要说些什么 又不知从何说起


茫然走在海边 看那潮来潮去

徒劳无功 想把每朵浪花记清

想要说声爱你 却被吹散在风里

猛然回头 你在那里



如果深情往事 你已不再留恋








茫然走在海边 看那潮来潮去

徒劳无功 想把每朵浪花记清

想要说声爱你 却被吹散在风里

猛然回头 你在那里



如果深情往事 你已不再留恋










如果深情往事 你已不再留恋









1. 思想品德优秀。他/她秉承正确的价值观和道德观,言行端正,严格要求自己,尊重师长,关心同学,能够主动参加社会公益活动,是班级中的楷模。

2. 自律能力强。他/她具有较强的自我管理能力,在生活和学习中能够独立思考、全面规划,并有计划地实现目标。

3. 爱国爱家。他/她热爱祖国,了解国家和民族的历史文化,有强烈的民族自豪感和责任感;同时也珍视家庭和亲情,在日常生活中能够关心家人、尊敬长辈并与同学友好相处。

4. 诚信守正。他/她坚定地站在公正、真实、善良、诚实的立场上,在各种场合为人树立良好的形象,并传递正能量。

5. 服务意识强。他/她关注社会发展,乐于助人,具有为人民服务的意识和精神,主动参加各种志愿服务活动,是精神文明建设的积极推动者。

6. 学习认真努力。他/她珍惜学习机会,认真听课、主动思考、积极参与讨论和实践,钻研学科知识,努力提高学习成绩,是全班中的佼佼者。



One, does network mental health adjust a method?

1.Build good network convention: Avoid to get online for long continuously, every other is about to take a rest for some time, do health care a few times to hold, activity body of one private parts.

2.Choose healthy network content: Avoid to contact the bad news such as violent, pornography, choose beneficial to oneself network resource.

3.Establish good human relationship: Also want to maintain good human contact on the network, avoided to ignore the human association in real life because of the network.

4.Learn ego adjustment: Should feel pressure is too great or when the mood is low, can pass hear music, see the means such as book, motion adjust oneself mood.

5.Seek professional help: If feel the network becomes addiction to perhaps be depended on to network generation, the psychology that can seek major seeks advice from the help of division.

6.Enhance ego to protect consciousness: Do not leak individual information easily, do not accept the good friend plea of stranger at will, avoid to become the target of network bilk.

7.Develop other interest interest: Besides get online, still can try other interest interests, if read, picture picture, motion, can reduce the dependence to the network so.

8.Study and practice network accomplishment teach: Understanding network brings all-knowing knowledge, raise ego to protect ability, avoid to be mixed false by the network enroach on.

2, did mental health meet 2021 course result?

1, problem: ? Appropriate slaughters Lu to mire dizzy lean on? of  of loftying ü of  of the anxiety that pat Fan) formal expression comes out.


A: ?  excusing  ?

B: ? Does Yue Jie pull imperial order?

C: ? Xia quicklying thorn?

D: ? Raw meat or fish of milometer of Xue of miscellaneous file of pen chloric search?

The answer: [party utterance expression admits]

2, problem: ?  of act of サ of hook of  of officer of case of the member that  of Chi of Yang of セ of hook of  of heir antrum loftying ü hooks サ Mu to wring Mi of Gu of instrument of the  that chew a lip with respect to? of officer of hold tight group)


A: ? Chuo  rank make an appointment with Peng of δ of  of Rong of solid of branny ⒄ of α of laborious of  of  of Xi of drought graceful Bi Ying rainwatering in puddles?

B: ? Does swollen heart agreement a river remove ⑾ does Jiao Xian seek Mu of Yun of the first month of  of ü of  of Hui Xi sincering feeling to wring  of bore with a reamer to end make an appointment with body?

C: ? Does raw meat or fish display where agreement drought to hold order to finish coffin of Jin  ⒄ makes an appointment with  of drought natrium Lu to send raw meat or fish of A Chinese-style unlined garment of Kou Yue establish to finish You collect sends Peng?

D: ? Does swollen heart agreement a river remove ⑾ does Jiao Xian seek quail of ferociousing Ρ of  of ü of  of Hui Xi sincering feeling to say Mu wrings  of bore with a reamer to end make an appointment with body?

The answer: [become aware after the limitation that knows oneself, concentrated force measures development to promote its the function. ;

Admit some kind of oneself flaw, the other mastery of a skill or technique that develops oneself in order to make up for defective skill. ]

3, problem: ?  spoon slaughters? ) of  of garden of tip of charcoal of Lu grave  3 processes.


A: ? Does delicacy crouch about?

B: ? Is deep and remote spoon made an appointment with?

C: ? Is  fond of the Zan Lai that return brilliant to mire about?

D: ? Does enzymatic  fine and soft make an appointment with young pregnant of Mian of Ran Xian of writing Wan graceful suck?

The answer: [know him;

Admit him;

Fall in love with not quite perfect oneself]

4, problem: ?


A: ? ?

B: ? ?

The answer: [right]

5, problem: ? Does Chen Sai make impossible touchs school  appropriate to slaughter vulture Chi does joyous lazy ⒌ seek Wan of  of school of the 32 Xi that change Yan does Xue an ancient unit of weight make an appointment with drought grave Zhang to sincere feeling the  that hold Ping in the palm?


A: ? ?

B: ? ?

The answer: [wrong

3, does the person mail an institute 2017 spring " is undergraduate mental health taught " examination paper answer?

The solution that seeks particular reference book to go up on the net is very difficult, be to ask those who be less than the answer to breath out on the net

Still be oneself think more, won't look for a classmate to enquire everybody discussion, have profit to oneself

4, what is mental health, the standard of student mental health and requirement?

Mental health points to not only without the disease, without anguish, those who point to is a kind active, the mentation that can make people advances ceaselessly.

Besides the disease character, still should have a few characteristics, can learn continuously for instance, progress continuously, can get used to human relations in society goodly, develop and maintain affinity goodly, can have better ego acknowledge, and can be folded in defeat answer in medium, difficulty, make oneself spend difficulty to follow a setback, what can realise oneself is insufficient, and be in comparative the inadequacy that oneself admit on degree.

5, does wisdom cultivate 2021 mental health to meet course result?

1, problem: ? Appropriate slaughters Lu to mire dizzy lean on? of  of loftying ü of  of the anxiety that pat Fan) formal expression comes out. Option: A: ? : of Zuo of  excusing  ? Does Yue Jie pull: of imperial order –? : of of Xia quicklying thorn? Does raw meat or fish of milometer of Xue of miscellaneous file of pen chloric search wash kite? [does party utterance expression admit] 2, problem: ?  of act of サ of hook of  of officer of case of the member that  of Chi of Yang of セ of hook of  of heir antrum loftying ü hooks サ Mu to wring Mi of Gu of instrument of the  that chew a lip with respect to? of officer of hold tight group) option: A: ? Chuo  rank make an appointment with: of  of Peng of δ of  of Rong of solid of branny ⒄ of α of laborious of  of  of Xi of drought graceful Bi Ying rainwatering in puddles? Does swollen heart agreement a river remove ⑾ does Jiao Xian seek Mu of Yun of the first month of  of ü of  of Hui Xi sincering feeling to wring  of bore with a reamer to end: of  agreement body? Does raw meat or fish display where agreement drought to hold order to finish coffin of Jin  ⒄ makes an appointment with  of drought natrium Lu to send raw meat or fish of A Chinese-style unlined garment of Kou Yue establish to finish You collect sends Peng : ? Swollen heart agreement a river removes ⑾ Jiao Xian seeks quail of ferociousing Ρ of  of ü of  of Hui Xi sincering feeling to say Mu wrings  of bore with a reamer to end make an appointment with body 4 kite? [become aware after the limitation that knows oneself, concentrated force measures development to promote its the function. ; admits some kind of his flaw, the other mastery of a skill or technique that develops oneself in order to make up for defective skill. ] 3, problem: ?  spoon slaughters? ) of  of garden of tip of charcoal of Lu grave  3 processes. Option: A: ? Does delicacy crouch: agreement Ha ? Does deep and remote spoon make an appointment with Ha : ? Is  fond of the Zan Lai that return brilliant to mire: agreement Ha ? Does enzymatic  fine and soft make an appointment with? of kite of glutinous of young pregnant of Mian of Ran Xian of writing Wan graceful suck [know him; to admit him; to fall in love with not quite perfect oneself] 4, problem: ? Channel of ⒄ of dome of bright of live abroad of Xing of case of the member that does ⒌ Lv bastinado hold  mu does Jiao of dispute of case of the member that does  of  Γ  hold  promote Zan of brilliant of ancient name for a kind of scorpion of  of over sixty years of age of  coerce brilliant to bilk ∠ of Q of Mu Xin vinegar from Scandium of shaming Wu loose  farsighted Ha : ? Zuo : ? Source kite? [right] 5, problem: ? Zuo : ? Source kite? [wrong

6, do 2022 wisdom cultivate mental health to meet course result?

1, problem: ? Appropriate slaughters Lu to mire dizzy lean on? of  of loftying ü of  of the anxiety that pat Fan) formal expression comes out.


A: ?  excusing  ?

B: ? Does Yue Jie pull imperial order?

C: ? Xia quicklying thorn?

D: ? Raw meat or fish of milometer of Xue of miscellaneous file of pen chloric search?

The answer: [party utterance expression admits]

2, problem: ?  of act of サ of hook of  of officer of case of the member that  of Chi of Yang of セ of hook of  of heir antrum loftying ü hooks サ Mu to wring Mi of Gu of instrument of the  that chew a lip with respect to? of officer of hold tight group)


A: ? Chuo  rank make an appointment with Peng of δ of  of Rong of solid of branny ⒄ of α of laborious of  of  of Xi of drought graceful Bi Ying rainwatering in puddles?

B: ? Does swollen heart agreement a river remove ⑾ does Jiao Xian seek Mu of Yun of the first month of  of ü of  of Hui Xi sincering feeling to wring  of bore with a reamer to end make an appointment with body?

C: ? Does raw meat or fish display where agreement drought to hold order to finish coffin of Jin  ⒄ makes an appointment with  of drought natrium Lu to send raw meat or fish of A Chinese-style unlined garment of Kou Yue establish to finish You collect sends Peng?

D: ? Does swollen heart agreement a river remove ⑾ does Jiao Xian seek quail of ferociousing Ρ of  of ü of  of Hui Xi sincering feeling to say Mu wrings  of bore with a reamer to end make an appointment with body?

The answer: [become aware after the limitation that knows oneself, concentrated force measures development to promote its the function. ;

Admit some kind of oneself flaw, the other mastery of a skill or technique that develops oneself in order to make up for defective skill. ]

3, problem: ?  spoon slaughters? ) of  of garden of tip of charcoal of Lu grave  3 processes.


A: ? Does delicacy crouch about?

B: ? Is deep and remote spoon made an appointment with?

C: ? Is  fond of the Zan Lai that return brilliant to mire about?

D: ? Does enzymatic  fine and soft make an appointment with young pregnant of Mian of Ran Xian of writing Wan graceful suck?

The answer: [know him;

Admit him;

Fall in love with not quite perfect oneself]

4, problem: ?


A: ? ?

B: ? ?

The answer: [right]

5, problem: ? Does Chen Sai make impossible touchs school  appropriate to slaughter vulture Chi does joyous lazy ⒌ seek Wan of  of school of the 32 Xi that change Yan does Xue an ancient unit of weight make an appointment with drought grave Zhang to sincere feeling the  that hold Ping in the palm?


A: ? ?

B: ? ?

The answer: [wrong

7, does epidemic situation grow the answer to the influence of student mental health and traumatic epigenesis?

During epidemic situation, students are forced to leave school yard not only, and originally regular life and study mode, threw into confusion then they originally rhythm and plan, this may bring about their psychology to suffer unwell concussion. During epidemic situation, most student does not get the guiding of other society environment and support, appear generally ego management and communication decrease, affect the student's mental health possibly also, increase blue risk. Additional, appearing not to compare safe feeling also is the another main reason that student mental health suffers an effect, during epidemic situation, suffer gregarious network and media effect, students often can encounter the mood that breaks away from reality or pressure, produce scared move, deepen student psychology crisis. In fact, student group exists crudely, the psychological characteristic such as devoid experience, normally students were experienced suit and setback, can become more successful, master the skill that more grows, increase social resource, dance of substantial organized body understands. However, the impact that if student cross suffers,arrives is too big, perhaps cannot get enough support, the likelihood causes the psychogenic disorder after scar, for example depressed, angst and reactivity are maladjusted wait for a symptom. Accordingly, want attention of as soon as possible and the psychological demand that identify a student, give a student more support and care, after they realize scar, the help grows, accepting active challenge while, raise level of student mental health.

8, do mental health education and psychology seek advice from distinction?

Mental health education and psychology seek advice is two different ideas in psychological domain.

Mental health education is to point to the kind that carries education and conduct propaganda, impart to people the knowledge of concerned mental health and skill, raise the mental health level of people. Its purpose is the importance that helps people understand mental health, the society answers pressure and mood question, increase ego acknowledge and ego management capacity, and promote active psychology to develop.

Psychology seeks advice from the psychology that is a kind of major to serve a form, through with suffer the person that visit to undertake face-to-face or on-line communication, help them solve psychological problem, alleviate psychological worry, improvement mental health state. Psychology seeks advice from division to be able to use all sorts of psychological theory and technology, with suffer the person that visit to establish trustful relationship, listen attentively to their problem and bewilderment, offer appropriate support, guidance and proposal.

As a whole, mental health education notes overweight to popularize mental health knowledge and skill, improve the psychological quality of integral group; And psychology seeks advice criterion more specialization, coach in the light of what individual specific issue undertakes individuation and support.

9, the song that concerns with mental health?

Song name: " the sea "

Sing: Zhang Yu is unripe

Write words: Chen Dali

Compose: Chen Dali, chen Xiunan

Disappear slowly by the side of wherefrom Yao high seas you

The face of original faintness actually gradually clear

Want what to say not to know again from why to speak of

Put it in the bottom of the heart only

Go in the seaside to see that tide come absently tide goes

Make a futile effort wants to write down every spoondrift clear

Want to say sound loves you to be blown to come loose however in wind

Turn round abruptly you are over there

If the sea can be called out,answer once love

Let me await with lifetime

If you already were reluctant to leave affectionate past no longer

Let it wave along with wind far

If the sea can take away me sad

Resemble taking away every river

All injuries that had sufferred

All has shed tears

My love

Take away entirely please

Go in the seaside to see that tide come absently tide goes

Make a futile effort wants to write down every spoondrift clear

Want to say sound loves you to be blown to come loose however in wind

Turn round abruptly you are over there

If the sea can be called out,answer once love

Let me await with lifetime

If you already were reluctant to leave affectionate past no longer

Let it wave along with wind far

If the sea can take away me sad

Resemble taking away every river

All injuries that had sufferred

All has shed tears

My love

Take away entirely please

If the sea can be called out,answer once love

Let me await with lifetime

If you already were reluctant to leave affectionate past no longer

Let it wave along with wind far

If the sea can take away me sad

Resemble taking away every river

All injuries that had sufferred

All has shed tears

My love

Take away entirely please

10, moral character and commment of mental health parent?

1.Thought moral character is outstanding. He / she takes true viewpoint of value and moral view, words and deeds is decorous, strict him requirement, esteem division commander, care a classmate, can enter social commonweal activity actively, it is the model in class.

2.Autonomic capability is strong. He / she has stronger ego government ability, can think independently in the life and study, comprehensive program, and designedly achieves a goal.

3.Patriotic love home. He / she has deep love for the motherland, understand the historical culture of country and nation, have intense ethical sense of pride and sense of responsibility; Also cherish at the same time family and close affection, it is as good as classmate friend that elder member of family of family, respect can care in daily life get along.

4.Sincere abide by. He / on the footing that she stands sturdily in just, true, kind-hearted, honesty, good figure is established in all sorts of circumstance humanness, deliver energy.

5.Service consciousness is strong. He / she pays close attention to social progress, be happy to help a person, have the consciousness that serves for people and mind, enter all sorts of volunteer service activities actively, it is the person be driven actively of cultural and ideological progress.

6.Study tries hard seriously. He / she cherishs study opportunity, think serious attend a lecture, actively, take an active part in discuss and carry out, study course knowledge, improve study result hard, it is the person above average in whole class.

Anyhow, commment of parent of moral character of thought of high school student wants specific and objective justice, clear, language concise, want to stress the child's good point already, the inadequacy that also should point out its exist puts forward to improve measure.

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