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长兴岛旅游景点? 大连长兴岛旅游景点攻略?英文双语对照


长兴岛旅游景点? 大连长兴岛旅游景点攻略?英文双语对照


吴淞口外的长兴、横沙二岛可能是上海自然环境最好的地方,她位于崇明岛与浦东新区之间,行政上隶属于宝山区。这里依林傍水,空气清新,绿树成荫,是一个休闲度假的好去处。   长兴岛是三岛中距市区最近的一个,仅需半小时航程。长兴岛素有“橘乡”、“净岛”、“长寿岛”之美称。得天独厚的自然条件和丰富的自然资源使长兴岛的旅游业得到了充分发展。景点主要有上海橘园、蒙古村跑马场、垂珠园、上海特技城、先丰度假村、石沙野生动物园、绿岛芦荡迷宫、星岛度假乡村俱乐部等,每到深秋季节,岛上举办的上海柑橘节丰富多彩,热闹非凡。   横沙岛是上海避暑、休闲、度假的好去处。登岛游览,可见一片片竹林、橘园,一派生气盎然的乡村气息。横沙夏威夷水上乐园在横沙岛的东部海边。这里有水清沙缓、万米平展的铁板沙,还有摩托艇、滑板冲浪、水上降落伞、情侣划艇等娱乐项目。在水上乐园您既可领略渔岛风情,又能品尝海鲜,野炊烧烤,颇具乡村情趣。疗养院、度假村、蒙古包、望海塔、观日亭等各种服务设施齐全,让您充分体验回归大自然的快感。    地址: 崇明岛与浦东新区之间 交通路线: 交通:上海市区乘游5线、51、116、522、728、848、849路到吴淞码头乘船可前往长兴、横沙二岛。 附:吴淞——长兴、横沙二岛船期表吴淞--横沙10.30*、13.00 横沙--吴淞14.00*、16.00 吴淞--长兴(马家港)7.20*、9.30*、12.15*、13.15、15.45* 长兴(马家港)--吴淞8.15*、10.30*、13.15*、15.00、16.30* 吴淞--长兴(马家港)--横沙车客渡7.15、17.15 横沙--长兴(马家港)--吴淞车客渡10.00、6.30 长兴(马家港)--吴淞车客渡11.15、7.30 注:打“*”的船次为飞翼船。






1. 上海橘园:这是一个以柑橘为主题的公园,有各种各样的柑橘品种和花卉。

2. 蒙古村跑马场:这是一个可以骑马的地方,有很多人来这里骑马放松。

3. 垂珠园:这是一个美丽的园林,有很多漂亮的景色和建筑。

4. 上海特技城:这是一个特技表演场所,有很多精彩的表演。

5. 先丰度假村:这是一个度假村,有很多娱乐设施和活动。

6. 石沙野生动物园:这是一个动物园,有很多野生动物和植物。

7. 绿岛芦荡迷宫:这是一个迷宫游戏,很有趣。

8. 星岛度假乡村俱乐部:这是一个度假胜地,有很多休闲娱乐设施。









趵突泉:40.00元 春夏季(4月10日~10月10日) 19:00~22:00,票价20.00元/人秋冬季(10月10日~4月10日) 18:00~21:00,票价20元/人 趵突泉迎春花灯会期间(正月期间)夜场除外。


超然楼:40.00元 联票(含大明湖、超然楼):70.00元。



千佛山:30.00元 兴国禅寺:5.00元 观音园:3.00元 万佛洞:15.00元。













Grow tourist attraction of the travel that promote an island?

Outside Wu Song mouth long promote, horizontal sand 2 islands likelihood is the place with Shanghai best environment, she is located in between Chong Ming island and Pudong new developed area, the be subordinate to on administration belongs to treasure mountain area. Depend on here forest draw near water, air is fresh, greenery is shady, it is one lies fallow the good place that go vacationing. Long promoting an island is one the urban district is the closest is apart from in 3 islands, need range half hours only. The long element that promote an island has " tangerine countryside " , " clean island " , " macrobian island " good name. Advantaged natural condition and rich rich make grew the tourism that promotes an island to get developing adequately. The tourist attraction basically has turf of village of Shanghai orangery, Mongolia, hang down city of acrobatics of bead garden, Shanghai, first reed of garden of wild animal of abundance holiday village, Shi Sha, green island swings island of labyrinthian, star to go vacationing rustic club, every arrive deep fall red-letter day, the Shanghai orange red-letter day that runs on the island rich and colorful, lively and extraordinary. Horizontal Sha Dao is Shanghai is away for the summer holidays, the recreational, good place that go vacationing. Ascend an island to visit, see Zhu Lin, orangery, one derive enrages abundant rustic breath. The Eden on horizontal sanded Hawaiian water is in the seaside of the eastpart part of horizontal Sha Dao. The iron plate that there are 10 thousand meters of Shui Qingsha delay, open and flats here is sanded, still oarage of the parachute on surf of motorboat, slide, water, sweethearts waits for recreational project. In the Eden on water you can appreciate fishing island amorous feelings already, can sample again seafood, picnic barbecue, have rustic interest quite. Sanatorium, go vacationing all sorts of service facilities such as village, yurt, tower looking at the sea, Guan Riting are all ready, make you sufficient experience the pleasure that returns to nature. Address: Access line crosses between Chong Ming island and Pudong new developed area: Traffic: Shanghai area is multiplied swim 5 lines, 51, 116, 522, 728, 848, to Wu Song dock can be headed for 849 by ship long promote, horizontal sand 2 islands. Add: Wu Song -- long promote, 2 islands sailing date expresses horizontal sand Wu Song- - horizontal sanded 10.30* , 13 horizontal strokes are sanded- - Wu Song 14.00* , 16 Wu Song- - long promote (Ma Jia harbor) 7.20* , 9.30* , 12.15* , 13.15, 15.45* is long promote (Ma Jia harbor)- - Wu Song 8.15* , 10.30* , 13.15* , 15, 16.30* Wu Song- - long promote (Ma Jia harbor)- - settle or live in a strange place of horizontal sanded car is crossed 7.15, 17.15 horizontal strokes are sanded- - long promote (Ma Jia harbor)- - car settle or live in a strange place crosses Wu Song 10, 6.3 long promote (Ma Jia harbor)- - car settle or live in a strange place crosses Wu Song 11.15, 7.3 note: Dozen " * " boat second it is flying ala boat.

Does Dalian grow strategy of tourist attraction of the travel that promote an island?

The other place will be in railway station of tile-roofed house inn to get off directly, no matter be,take a taxi or sit the passenger car arrives long promote an island very convenient. To long after promoting an island, be in charge of appoint can get off, good hotel searchs to decide accommodation position, canal around appoint meeting the east has a lot of it is hotel, good to carry a clean and neat living to wear. There also is fishing home spring pancake around hotel of grand of 100 million guests waits restaurant a moment. Eat to go to the lavatory. The position that returns you to get off next, go on the driveway, that has a lot of rental, take a taxi bathing place 10 money, play enough look for a car to take a taxi again come back very good (it is illicit home car commonly) perhaps be willing go for a walk if, in. Be in charge of appoint it is long that meeting the east goes 78 minutes square of the axis in promoting an island, walking along terminus toward north all the time along square is bathing place. The scenery in road also is very beautiful, fountain, garden...

Railway station of tile-roofed house inn arrives long promote an island to rent spell an objective 30 yuan influence a person, passenger car 15 yuan / person. The word of accommodation, see you live what condition, have 5591 evening cheaply, also be TV of shower of independent toilet hot water, , , the home also is like on the island, if the home was in 100 yuan or so to be able to live

What does Chong Mingchang promote insular travel tourist attraction to have?

Chong Mingchang promotes an islands that the island is Shanghai, have tourist attraction of a lot of travel. It is a few main tourist attractions below:

1.Shanghai orangery: This is a park that gives priority to a problem with orange, have various orange breed and painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style.

2.Mongolia village turf: This is an OK and equestrian place, a lot of people come here equestrian loosen.

3.Hang down bead garden: This is a beautiful gardens, have a lot of pretty pictures and building.

4.Shanghai acrobatics city: This is room of an acrobatics exhibition, have a lot of wonderful shows.

5.First abundance false village: This is one goes vacationing village, have establishment of a lot of recreation and activity.

6.Stone Sha Ye gives birth to the zoo: This is a zoo, have a lot of wild animal and plant.

7.Green island reed swings labyrinthian: This is a labyrinthian game, very interesting.

8.Astral island goes vacationing rustic club: This is a holiday resort, have establishment of a lot of recreational recreation.

Is Changzhou travel tourist attraction opened freely?

Some opening some collecting fees. Hope every travel tourist attraction can be opened freely to common people, or collect fees as far as possible a bit less, can let common people play happily.

Is Zhengzhou travel tourist attraction opened freely?

Hill of long life of native place of 1 million manorial, Du Fu, bamboo forest is in Gong Yikang restore garden execute to the people of the whole country inside a week avoid entrance ticket privilege. Before December 31, area of these 3 scene protects personnel to dismiss entrance ticket to countrywide cure, cure protects worker by hold job seniority card or nurse card and him Id but free of charge enters garden.

Before December 31, to be in the organization of Henan of rush to the rescue and individual free of charge are open during Henan rainstorm calamity 2021 (except of 11 golden weeks) , rescuing organization by relevant proof, oneself come to help card (proof) reach Id but free of charge enters garden

Is tourist attraction of travel of new rural area opened freely?

The travel tourist attraction with new free rural area has: Park of forest of museum of new rural area, phoenix hill, obtain fine Wuwang temple, brightness county on the west channel village, Wu Jiawan, white diameter is ancient reservoir of hillock of tower of path, Huang Weishan, Wei Hui, skin decides channel.

The travel tourist attraction that Jinan opens freely?

Bao dash forward spring: 40 Yuan Chunxia season (on April 10 ~10 month 10 days) 19: 00~22: 00, fare 20 yuan / person autumn winter (on October 10 ~4 month 10 days) 18: 00~21: 00, fare 20 yuan / person Bao dash forward during festive lantern of fontal winter jasmine is met (during the first month of the lunar year) evening show except.

Big bright lake: 30 yuan (do not contain detached building)

Detached building: Ticket of 40 yuan of couplet (contain old bright lake, detached building) : 70 yuan.

5 dragon pool: 5 yuan.

Government office learns Wen Miao (lotus street north head) : Fare is everybody 10 yuan, experience Chinese traditional culture to let citizen close quarters, policy of privilege of executive half price. Free of charge of old person of 60 years old of above, middle and primary school gives birth to free of charge of hold student's identification card. Annual teacher's day is opened freely to the teacher.

1000 Fosan: 30 yuan of Xing Guochan temples: Garden of 5 yuan of avalokitesvara: Hole of 3 yuan of 10 thousand Buddha: 15 yuan.

Jinan city zoological garden (Taurus park) : 25 yuan.

Park of forest of Jinan Yellow River: Garden of involuntary discharge of urine of south Africa of 5 yuan of aid (Oriental god picture) : Park of Mount Hua of 240 yuan of Jinan: 5 yuan of above are Jinan the city zone and the entrance ticket price of around main tourist attraction, besides tourist attraction of the city zone (wait like park of cathedral of spring of 100 beautiful parks, emancipatory cabinet, Hei Huquan, pearl, Hong Lou, forest) it is free.

Is tourist attraction of Beijing each travel open?

Already returned to normal stage by stage open.

As rainwater abate, each tourist attractions of Beijing also are opened afresh subsequently. But need of some tourist attractions makes an appointment on the net excursive, ask tourists to pay close attention to the official website of each great respect area.

Is tourist attraction of travel of phoenix dragon bay open?

Tourist attraction of travel of Da Fenglong bay had been opened! Phoenix dragon bay is beauty spot originally, over there hill Qing Shuixiu, a lot of tourist.

Is tourist attraction of Yi spring travel open?


Optimal travel time of Yi Chun was July to August, and the middle ten days of a month arrived in September at the beginning of January.

Yi Chun is located in Heilongjiang to save hinterland of the small Xing Anling northeast, two flood fasten Heilongjiang, Songhua River between, lie between Jiang Xiangwang with Russia. Yi Chun is the summer resort of summer, however her silver-coated however in the winter, Xue Yubing is clear.
