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东京是时尚中心吗? 东京残奥会电影?英文双语对照


东京是时尚中心吗? 东京残奥会电影?英文双语对照







时尚女神 (2015) 导演: 徐艺华编剧: 余欣欣主演: 赵圆圆 / 谭歆柔 / 马小茜 / 陶帅 / 彭国斌类型: 剧情语言: 汉语普通话


东京审判 东京沉没 迷失东京 东京家族 东京物语 东京攻略 东京教父 东京塔 东京奏鸣曲 东京狂想曲 东京变奏曲 东京合唱 东京夜曲东京暮色 东京婚约 东京之眼 东京深喉夫人 东京:不死鸟都市的百年春秋







导演: 高群书

编剧: 唐灏 / 张思涛 / 张弛 / 胡坤

主演: 刘松仁 / 朱孝天 / 曾江 / 谢君豪 / 林熙蕾 

类型: 剧情 / 历史 / 战争 / 犯罪

制片国家/地区: 中国大陆

上映日期: 2006-09-01

片长: 111分钟

又名: 远东国际大审判 / The Tokyo Trial






这部片子的英文歌都是Jackie Cho唱的,她的资料很少.




这是一部头于战争历史的影片,片中讲述了1946年1月到1948年11月对在东京对第二次世界大战中日本首要战犯的国际审判过程。为了能够更好地进行这次审判,国际军事法庭组建了由英同、美、苏、法及包括中一在内的11个国家组成的远东国际军事法庭。中国法官代表梅汝博士以一颗赤诚的爱国心和强烈的民族感,运用智慧和能力,顶住外界压力,顺利完成了这次历时两年多折艰难审判。    很高兴,我能够有机会看完这部让人内心震撼的影片,这部影片给我感触很深,片中的真实历史和塑造的一些具有鲜明代表性的人物形象,都给我留下了深刻的印象。其中中国的法官代表梅汝给了我很大的启发和很好的模范作用,我觉得梅汝是一个具有很好思想道德素质和法律观念的人。他能将个人的情感上升到民族情感,对自己对国家和人民的忠诚,敢于维护国家民族的尊严,捍卫国家和广大人民群众的利益,运用自己的智慧,利用法律的武器对违法犯罪分子进行最公正平最正义的审判,让给违法分子损害的死者和人民有最后的一道防线保护自己,还世界一个公正和谐社会。    法西斯侵略主义行为是令人发指的行为,称之为恶魔也不为过。它严重地破坏他国的领土主权,损害人民的利益,残酷,残忍的杀害了无辜的人民,却对自己的行为毫无廉耻之心,我无法想象这是一个怎样的恶魔,世界的美好文明就是受到这样的一个恶魔严重威胁着。今天我们终于能够将这个可怕的恶魔绳之于法,他将对自己所犯下的罪行承爱国际法的严惩,这了保护国家和人民,英、法、中等国家付出了多大的代价?他们应该受到严厉的处罚,唯有死才能告慰那些死去的人。作为一保有自己国国籍的人,我们就要时刻懂得维持自己国家和人民的利益及民族尊严,做一名对社会,对人民有用的人。 希望可以帮助你啊,望采纳啊


松冈锭司。2007年,凭借家庭电影 《东京塔》获得第31届日本电影学院奖最佳导演奖。


Is Tokyo fashionable center?

Japanese Tokyo is resort of hub of the financial center of world-class, shipping, travel not only, also be a fashionable city that leads tide, a lot of newest designs are be born from Tokyo, sweep across Asia and even whole world then. Be in Tokyo, the most fashionable place should count acerbity cereal, with lofty the silver that go up, watch ginseng method is different, acerbity cereal is the block that belongs to a youth, the market that the current people that comes from each country likes to be squeezed in acerbity Gu Yong searchs the new design that can let his shine at the moment, new product on the road.

Tokyo incomplete abstruse meeting film?

" magical boy of mom " it is You Wujun is like supervise the manufacture of, playwrite of Yin sign language and hold guide, mr Wu if, the film that raise of bright of Zhang Jicong, Liang Zhongheng, Feng presents as leading role to act the leading role.

According to incomplete actual person and event adapts Wei of Su Hua of abstruse meeting champion this, told about physical disabilities if Su Hua Wei wheres of mom encourage and body obstacle is overcome below the help, become the old practice of softhearted encourage annals of incomplete Ao Guanjun finally. This are shown on September 4, 2021.

Actor of cinema style goddess?

Fashionable goddess (2015) director: Xuyi China playwrite: Yu Xin glad acts the leading role: Zhao Yuan is round / Tan Xin is soft / Ma Xiaoqian / Tao Shuai / Peng Guobin type: Gut language: Chinese mandarin

Does movie title take the motion picture of Tokyo?

Tokyo rules Tokyo is sunken loss Tokyo Tokyo is familial Tokyo of strategy of Tokyo of Tokyo content language is patristic Tokyo of variations of Tokyo of capriccio of Tokyo of sonata of Tokyo tower Tokyo chorally the eye Tokyo of Tokyo of affiance of Tokyo of dusk of Tokyo nocturne Tokyo is deep larynx madam Tokyo: The hundred years age of city of the secular bird

Does Tokyo rule the film is directed?

Tokyo rules by Gaoqun the book is directed.

Gao Qunshu (1966 - ) , be born in Heibei, be graduated from Heibei university news is, chinese inland male director, supervise the manufacture of, producer.

2000 hold the teleplay that guide " homicide case 13 " be judged to be one of 10 big popular teleplay of year Beijing. 2003 hold guide alarm bandit drama " conquer " , directed black tragedy subsequently " decay " . 2006 hold the historical newsreel that guide " Tokyo tries " obtain commissioner of film festival of Changchun of the 8th China can special award.

Does Tokyo rule to grow when the film?

" Tokyo tries "

Director: &Nbsp; Gao Qunshu

Playwrite: &Nbsp; Tang Hao / Zhang Saitao / Zhang Chi / Hu Kun

Main actor: &Nbsp; Liu Songren / Zhu Xiaotian / Ceng Jiang / thank Jun Hao / Lin Xilei

Type: &Nbsp; gut / the history / war / crime

Production country / area: &Nbsp; chinese mainland

Show date: &Nbsp;2006-09-01

Piece long: &Nbsp;111 minute

Renown: &International of Nbsp; far east tries greatly / The Tokyo Trial

What the film tells is on March 20, 1946, get the commission of Chinese countryman government, the Mei Ru of the Chinese judge that regards far east international as old court (by Liu Songren personate) fly to Tokyo. Mei Ru brings inquisitor Xiang Zhejun (by Ceng Jiang personate) , Ni Zheng Yu (You Yingda personate) the just force that is a delegate, situation should serve gallows Japanese war criminal, to Chinese people one is explained. However judges appear because of the problem of measurement of penalty because of adjudgement difference, mei Ru argues strongly, eventually with 6 than the weak dominant position of 5 will to the south of flower machine (the star is wild shake) 7 war criminal that head execute.

Film still is alternating " big bulletin " reporter Xiao Na (personate of You Zhuxiao day) to court-martial of far east international dog report, and still have Xiao Na and heroine and Tian Fang child (personate of You Linxi bud) , the wild hero of extreme element north that rejects to accept beat (personate of You Xiejun a person of extraordinary powers) the affection dispute between 3 people.

Origianl work of film of Tokyo iron tower?

" Tokyo iron tower " adapt from " sober with enthusiasm between " .

Episode of Tokyo strategy film?

Jackie Cho sings the English song of this film, her data is very few.

Jin Peida's song never has gone CD, the 4 English song in film knows song name, but doing not have which have words of song, calculate so know words of song, be afraid also did not try listen to download resource.

Found only fight of moment thematic, this enthusiastic still also netizen catchs from inside video.

The film " does Tokyo try " film review?

This is a head the film at warlike history, piece in told about arrived to was opposite to be in Tokyo in November 1948 in January 1946 in the Second World War the international of Japanese first war criminal tries a process. To can undertake trying this better, international court-martial was established by flower with, beautiful, revive, law and in including one inside the far east that 11 countries comprise international court-martial. Plum of Chinese judge delegate your doctor is mixed with the patriotic heart of an absolute sincerity violent people feels, use wisdom and capacity, withstand outside pressure, finished this last a period of time smoothly more than two years to lose hard judgement. Very glad, I can have an opportunity to see the movie that this heart letting a person shakes, this film gives me feeling very deep, piece medium true history and fictile a few have bright representative figure figure, left deep impression to me. Among them Chinese judge gave me on behalf of Mei Ru very big inspire and very good model action, I feel Mei Ru is a person that has quality of morality of very good thought and legal idea. He can rise the individual's affection to ethical affection, mix to the country to oneself people's faithfulness, dare to uphold the dignity of national people, the interest of defend country and numerous people, apply oneself wisdom, the weapon that uses law is the justest to violating a criminal to undertake smooth most just adjudgement, the dead that lets be damaged to the law-breaker and people have a last defense line to protect his, return a just and harmonious society of world. Fascist jingo behavior is the behavior of bristle with anger making a person, say also had not been for devil. It destroys the territorial sovereign rights of his country severely, harm people's interest, brutal, killed bloodily innocent people, be without the heart of sense of honor to his behavior however, I am unthinkable this is a what kind of devil, the good civilization of the world is being browbeaten badly namely by a such devil. Today we eventually can this terrible diabolical rope at the law, the crime that he will commit to oneself bear love law of nations punish severely, this protective country and people, flower, did law, medium country pay how old price? They should be punished severely, just can accuse to death only comfort those gone people. As retain him country the person of citizenship, we are about to always know the interest that maintains him country and people and ethical dignity, do to the society, to people's useful person. The hope can help you, hope to adopt

Is Tokyo tower film directed?

Loose ridge ingot manages. 2007, by right of domestic movie " Tokyo tower " win award of institute of film of the 31st Japan optimal director award.
