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农家菜文案? 农家菜园文案?英文双语对照


农家菜文案? 农家菜园文案?英文双语对照









1、春天,万物复苏,春风吹到的地方,草绿了,花开了,生机盎然。 家门口的菜园,蓝天衬托出的菜花,蓬勃生机,美极了!

2、开春了,小菜园要丰收咯! 和麦麦一起播种的生菜、茼蒿、还有我们吃剩的西瓜籽,全部都发芽啦!





















1. 准备食材,主要包括肉类、蔬菜、豆制品等。

2. 切好食材,注意刀工要细致,不同的食材切法要求也不同。

3. 加热油锅,根据食材特点选择合适的火力进行煸炒,注意翻炒均匀。

4. 加入适量的盐、酱油等调料,根据口味需求适当调整。

5. 炒好后装盘,可以根据自己的喜好撒上一些葱末、香菜等作为装饰。
























面粉 克

葱 根

姜 片

盐 克

水 克

鸡蛋 个


步骤 1



步骤 2



步骤 3


锅里烧水,水开萝卜丝倒进去焯焯水,塌架捞起放入冷水盆里过冷水。 下一步,没拍照,焯好水的萝卜丝抓一团把水分捏出来(我们家用蒸馍馍的笼布包着一团捏水)。 下一步,将去好水分的萝卜丝剁碎备用

步骤 4



步骤 5



步骤 6



步骤 7



步骤 8


起锅倒油,油热,弄一个丸子放入,这样起泡泡油温就可以了,继续放丸子 手法:我们老家炸丸子手法,抓一把面馅子握拳虎口处漏个圆孔,一抓一挤另一只手揪掉就成了丸子

步骤 9



步骤 10










One, table of farmhouse dish article?

Golden hill children will send, be about to be no good all right each use up wine cup.

2, small hutch restaurant, dish of characteristic the daily life of a family, give you new sense.

3, small hutch waves sweet, sweet wave tangy.

4, domestic feeling comes small hutch, small hutch wait for you 24 hours.

5, of Shu Xin have a meal, happy laugh.

6, taste characteristic eat, to small hutch restaurant.

2, table of article of farmhouse vegetable garden?

1, spring, everythings on earth anabiosises, the place that spring breeze blows, grass green, the flower left, exuberant. The vegetable garden of door mouth, blue sky foils the rape flower that give, flourishingly opportunity of survival, extremely beautiful!

2, beginning of spring, cole garden wants bumper harvest cough up! The lettuce that sows together with Mai Mai, crowndaisy chrysanthemum, watermelon seed that still we take surplus, sprout entirely!

3, the vegetable garden what of door mouth has, set one's mind at contribution is made for the motherland in the home curtilage.

4, blame mom always before to ought not to shovel the garden of the doorway with the meadow made the same score kind of dish, discovery does lane little vegetable garden to become her later everyday the happiest thing, became my rear supply now.

5, cole garden eventually practice, too impatient to wait bought rice and parched rice rice.

6, yesterday right now, the little vegetable garden of door mouth. Plant have green vegetables, spinach, garlic bolt, coriander, still cole of two individual plant is spent.

7, my Mom's whole cole garden, with this during cole garden epidemic situation had not bought costly vegetable basically outside, autarky.

3, farmhouse dish flexible language?

Think fondly of kitchen of that farmhouse earth the faint scent of the meal of made former juice raw ingredient, the smoke from kitchen chimneys that waves in the wind then, in smoke from kitchen chimneys, the breath of impure Chai He, the temperature of dense kitchen fire, infiltration is worn the sweet taste of melon and fruit, wave coming loose the Jiao Xiang of rice crust.

Believe a lot of alleged oppidan that are brought up in the country with me had had such perplexed and alarmed: Not be to did not feed capable person, not be to do not have appetite, also not be to do not have economic capacity, it is we also do not eat to give that again only ages ago once tasted, that once farmhouse flavour disappears at like wind aeriform.

4, farmhouse dish practice?

Advocate makings: Yellow bone fish one

Complementary makings: Ginger green a few, dry chili right amount, oyster sauce 3 grams, east ancient taste Xian Wuke, soy 29 drop, red oil gourmet powder of essence of two grams, chicken a few of each two grams, pepper

The measure of fish of yellow bone of braise in soy sauce

1, prepare yellow bone fish to be cleaned clean above all, the surface changes a few one word to spend a knife (the eye ground of knife changing a flower is to let later period cooking when easier tasty, give boiler to also can have more at the same time look) , put into water to immerse ten minutes

2, heat up boiler cold oil then (the eye ground of hot pot cold oil is for later period decoct the fish won't stick boiler) , fry in shallow oil of yellow bone fish is entered below (be not touched in the process of decoct with ladle, at that time yellow bone fish breaks very easily)

3, decoct becomes angry slightly to yellow bone fish put ginger onion (the person meets some put ginger onion prematurely, paper ginger green blast so easily, because decoct fish also needs proper time) , wait for nose to smell fragrance puts soy

4, soy is wrapped equably in surface of yellow bone fish, join clear water to begin to move a mouth next, ordinal put the condiment such as gallinaceous essence gourmet powder, oyster sauce (this dish does not need to put salt again, because salinity is contained in each condiment)

5, leave with big baked wheaten cake finally, small fire stews ten minutes slow (when be being stewed, the attention prevents a fish to be able to paper a bottom) , stew soup juice to become little apparently, aquatic pink ticks off reoccupy bit of thin Gorgon euryale (the eye ground that ticks off Gorgon euryale is to make soup juice sticky stiff, taste sapidder) , can give boiler to install dish


5, practice of Yunnan farmhouse dish?

It is the measure of dish of farmhouse of the Yunnan that make and note below.


1.Preparation feeds capable person, basically include the pork kind, vegetable, bean products.

2.Had cut feed capable person, notice knife labour wants meticulous, feed material differently to cut a law to ask to also differ.

3.Heat oily boiler, undertake according to feeding material characteristic to choose appropriate firepower stir-fry before stewing is fried, the attention breaks up fry even.

4.Join the condiment such as right amount salt, soy, adjust appropriately according to taste demand.

5.After been fry, install dish, can scatter powder of on a few onion, caraway to wait according to his be fond of as adornment.


Yunnan farmhouse dish is a kind of traditional dish that Yunnan area circulates in rural folk, the characteristic is flavour delicious, condiment is simple, healthy nutrition.

Feed material to originate as a result of what use local environment, ask to cooking process so taller, the knife is versed in careful, duration holds suitable talent to make the food with good mouthfeel taste.

Content is outspread:

The sort of Yunnan farmhouse dish is various, sapid delicate cold dish, also have the hot food with rich mouthfeel.

Additional, because Yunnan area climate and geographical environment are diversiform, so dish of avery kind of has the his unique kind that make and characteristic.

6, how to make farmhouse vegetable garden?

Measure / means 1

Illicit home vegetable garden with farming room rent transform, collective construction uses the land, what house of the frame house that with village collective collaboration builds, container or small family of light steel compose member is carrier, deserve to be cultivated with the member, recreational experience is given priority to, taste industrial construction in order to blend in one village of local to be complementary vegetable, flowers and plants (the balmy plant that includes to feed medicine to be the same as a source) and plant of economic forest fruit.

Measure / means 2

Illicit home vegetable garden more returning is to choose to have the vegetable that views and admire value and edible value. These vegetable plant are not very tall, but the sloping field that rises through pursueing course, can reveal the happiness of each breed in the round come out: Color is gorgeous, configuration grace, or appearance is peculiar, view and admire a gender strong, view and admire period long breed.  

Measure / means 3

For instance Xie Cai kind view and admire vegetable. Dish of seedling of a variety of Chinese cabbage, celery, crowndaisy chrysanthemum, spinach, lettuce, beans, pearl, time dish of certain herbaceous plants with big flowers of day of apricot, violet back, ginseng, shepherd's purse, Yong Cai, fall certain herbaceous plants with big flowers, cordate houttuynia, these greenery vegetable can view and admire vegetable to grow as greenery actually.

Make full use of the gradient of sloping field, decorate on the landform that rises and fall in on any account " vegetable forest " landscape; Also can decorate " vegetable and labyrinthian " it is OK that landscape; uses conduit type to help advance somebody's career in decorating voidance " landscape a covered corridor or walk " etc.

7, does farmhouse food goods sell a site?

Of farmhouse dish selling a site is fresh of course, natural, green, free from contamination.

It is the special local product that the birds livestock that rural other people breeds with traditional method, cultivated vegetable and local nature grow the cate dish type that cooks for raw material.

Breed according to traditional peasant family and cultivate a habit,

Cultivated vegetable and natural green, mature naturally, without agent of pesticide, accelerate the ripening, last of agent and so on,

The home raises birds cultivate to feed leaf of paddy, food grains other than wheat and rice, dish, green grass to wait only commonly, grow slower, autumn is long, the flesh of reason birds cultivate bears fruit character, amino acid content is high.

The dish taste that feeds material to make with these is full-bodied and distinctive, nutrition is rich, delicious and goluptious, aftertaste continous is long!

8, practice of Suzhou farmhouse dish?

With makings

Flour gram

Green root

Jiang Pian

Saline gram

Water gram


(farmhouse food a round mass of food) practice measure

Measure 1


The turnip that come out gathers up in cellar (carrot is likewise delicious, color it may not be a bad idea looks) , clean clean, think how much scamper uses (along with the heart)

Measure 2


The turnip brushs a filament

Measure 3


Water is heated in boiler, water opens turnip silk to go in scald scald water, collapse frame scoop put water of the super-cooling in cold water basin. Next, did not take a picture, the turnip silk of scald good water catchs posse to hold moisture come out (the basket cloth of steamed bun of steamed bun of evaporate of our family expenses is wrapping posse to hold water) . Next, will go the turnip silk chop of good moisture reserves

Measure 4


Prepare green ginger to break, the turnip is much bit more multi-purpose

Measure 5


Chop mixes in good turnip 13 sweet (or dumpling expects) , go in ready green ginger, scatter go up salt (more or less is the quantity breathed out according to individual taste) , burden need not too rigorous

Measure 6


Pour flour to mix divide evenly, the water that increase a point (remember flour little vegetable is much, a round mass of food is more delicious) can add a few eggs, scamper comes out more crisp is golden

Measure 7


Play the part of such about the same, this did not add an egg

Measure 8


Boiler pours oil since, oil is hot, do an a round mass of food to be put, oil of so bubbly bubble is lukewarm OK, continue to put skill of a round mass of food: Gimmick of croquette of our native place, catch stuffing of a face child place of tiger's mouth-jaws of death of make a fist leaks a round hole, catch squeeze another hand drag to drop became a round mass of food

Measure 9


Break up a few times more in the process, avoid duration inhomogenous, scamper to such surfaces golden fish out accuses oil

Measure 10


The food a round mass of food with delicious crisp is good with respect to scamper

9, table of article of dinner farmhouse dish?

Farmhouse dish, country flavour, green does not have social effects of pollution; Cropland edge greens, plant oneself sweet, all be between one boiler.

Present season, unplug a few Chinese cabbage, the pork of souse of oneself of point of tangency, put bit of bean curd, noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch likes what to eat to be able to put a drop other distribute food, stew one boiler in disorder, the beauty with special flavour.

10, how does farmhouse dish introduce?

Farmhouse dish says simply, it is the special local product that the birds harbour that rural other people breeds with traditional method, cultivated vegetable and local nature grow the cate dish type that cooks for raw material. Breed according to traditional peasant family and cultivate a habit, the home raises birds cultivate to feed leaf of paddy, food grains other than wheat and rice, dish, green grass to wait only commonly, grow slower, autumn is long, the flesh of reason birds cultivate bears fruit character, amino acid content is high.

What farmhouse dish tells is " stupid " and " wild " , namely people place says " green " . "Stupid pig " , " stupid chicken " wait for the flesh kind the product expects as winner of the dish that stew, natural feed is completely in breeding a process, do not use any urging to grow an agent, taste alcohol is sweet distinctive, nutrition is rich. The goods such as pickled Chinese cabbage and noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch is to choose classy fresh vegetable and potato to be made, dawdle is the picked feral hill mushroom in old forest, these goods already were become now beautiful of spruce give sb a present is tightened to taste on the market. Farmhouse dish asks in make total slow fire is stewed slowly, such soup must taste ability is met thicker, fleshy flavour just is met sweeter, having the feeling in the mouth is soft rot again, aftertaste continous is long.
