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数码相机价格走势? 怎样使用三星数码相机?英文双语对照


数码相机价格走势? 怎样使用三星数码相机?英文双语对照















4.SD卡病毒,取SD卡;仍能使用,说明前3项原 123项原,保修期内,建议拿三星维修点免费维修 保修期外,建议找修相机修修,般费用50-80元 问题,没问题!三星相机镜设计缺陷,管型号 机器都容易现问题!















































开启相机 首先,打开相机的开关。有些相机在关机状态下按下拍照键也能开机,但是这种方式不太稳定。因此最好还是按下开关打开相机。有些相机可能需要长按开关才能开启。

选择拍摄模式 一旦相机打开,您需要选择拍摄模式。大多数三星数码相机都提供自动模式和手动模式。自动模式下相机会自动调整曝光、焦距等参数,适合拍摄日常照片。手动模式下,您可以自己调整相机的各种参数,以获得更精细的控制和更高的创意自由度。

调整曝光和焦距 如果您使用的是手动模式,那么您需要自己调整曝光和焦距。曝光控制照片的明暗程度,过曝或者欠曝都会导致照片失真。焦距控制照片的清晰度,不同的焦距适用于不同的拍摄场景。

对焦和拍摄 当您准备好拍摄时,您需要对焦并拍摄照片。对焦是确保照片清晰的关键,通常可以通过半按快门键进行自动对焦,也可以通过手动对焦来控制对焦点。一旦对焦完成,按下快门键即可拍摄照片。

预览和存储照片 拍摄完成后,您可以预览照片并决定是否需要重拍。如果照片满意,您可以将其存储到相机内置存储器或外置存储卡中。为了避免意外删除照片,最好将照片复制到电脑或云存储中进行备份。






One, does digital camera price go situation?

The element that early days rises in price has not been eliminated, at present sheet turns over camera to still wander in higher-priced. Short-term inside the price won't drop. Allegedly camera market get warm again after a cold spell... the chance that hopes this can become camera to depreciate...

2, how to use SamSung number watch for an opportunity?

One, set camera parameter affirms before filming

Most number camera is offerred in setting bill of fare a variety of set are worth. Include the item such as means of picture resolution, focusing, aperture, shutter, among them the most commonly used is picture resolution. A lot of camera offerred a variety of resolution to choose, for example Agfa1280 has 5 kinds of settings, it is 1280 × respectively 960, 1024 × 768Hi, 1024 × 768, 640 × 480Hi and 640 × 480. Most photograph opportunity has default to install, if period of time did not use watch for an opportunity, for example after 30 minutes, when switching on the mobile phone afresh, default setting will be self-executing. Accordingly, before filming every time, change especially after batteries, must check the setting menu of camera afresh, affirm the setting such as resolution, aperture, otherwise, the result that possible short of expects the picture that takes.

2, film with highest resolution as far as possible

The resolution of digital camera is finite -- high-grade watch for an opportunity is such also. And be in in in cheap digital camera, the resolution of the photograph differs to 1024 × 768dpi from 640 × 480dpi, compare with traditional camera photograph, this resolution is very low. In fact, most Web figure is little at 640 × 480dpi. Because of the image that this number camera films, use as only of Web browsing still is appropriate.

Film when digital photo, get high definition is first issue as far as possible. Using what when traditional camera films, basically consider is to should take good view, compose good plan. If digital camera wants to film is the photography work of a model, all basic photography standard are applicable. But if just film a sole boy or girl friend, for example watch, mobile phone, so it is concerned find a view, OK to raise the standard that uses feeling etc need not consider. Should fill the object frame of find a view as far as possible at this moment, the photograph composition of a picture that makes namely is very bad irrespective also, should use the biggest resolution in place to photograph an object to go up.

In other words, if film is the photograph of a person, must include in casing of find a view all round scenery, make person and scenery achieve a balance, follow the principle of composition of a picture of traditional photography. But the number photographs, often film first the picture that includes setting, undertake image is handled again next, drop redundant partial clipping. This means the gold law that need not consider groovy photography, make the image that the plan uses is full of inside casing of find a view as far as possible. For example: Film the photograph of the computer in the home, should make there is computer only in casing of find a view, handle the cut out in software in the picture again next. This can make the resolution of appearance subject computer is achieved the biggest.  

3, maintenance of camera of number of Lu city SamSung?

Kind problem of the lens like the phenomenon:

1. camera falls, bring about lens damage;

2. camera is wetted bring about lens rust into water

3. dirt is entered, bring about lens adjustable suffocate suffocate

4.SD blocks virus, ; of card extraction SD still can be used, before the specification 3 former 123 former, guarantee period inside, the proposal takes SamSung to maintain bit of free maintenance to guarantee period outside, the proposal looks for long camera to repair, kind charge 50-80 yuan problem, sure! SamSung camera lens designs blemish, tubal model machine shows an issue easily!

4, how does SamSung number camera switch on the mobile phone?

Switch on the mobile phone means has a few kinds:

1, there is an a few smaller than shutter key key on digital camera, it is power source key, press for long, general 9 seconds, digital camera switchs on the mobile phone, camera lens is extended, can take a picture.

2, look at type camera lens to going, if have board obscure camera lens, so this next pushing board perhaps push toward diagonal inclined lower part, lens brainpan is opened at the same time mains switch is opened, can take a picture.

5, how is SamSung number camera used?

Use the friend of SamSung number camera for the first time, can use device according to the following measure, will undertake photo film or the transcribe of film.

1. Install batteries and SD check: After filling cell good report, put batteries into batteries chamfer according to correct electrode, insert memory to block; along right way

2. Initiative setting: If be first time use camera, the setting of language, date and time can appear on indication screen, we need only according to clew, use function key undertakes installing can;

3. The choice films mode: Rotate the mode dial of camera coping, choose what what we need to film mode (include the mode) such as intelligence, night scene, figure, photography, recording. If do not know to should choose which kind of mode, small write a proposal everybody moves his first " automatic mode " .

4. Right anxious: Adjust good focal length, the image clarity; that makes the place on viewfinder shows

5. Film: After mix up focal length, we can press shutter bolts, film the photograph perhaps began to photograph. When film, we also can be used take the function such as button, flashlight oneself. If be to film kinescope, we press in end kinescope OK bolts can.

6, how is SamSung number camera used?

One, set camera parameter affirms before filming

Most number camera is offerred in setting bill of fare a variety of set are worth. Include the item such as means of picture resolution, focusing, aperture, shutter, among them the most commonly used is picture resolution. A lot of camera offerred a variety of resolution to choose, for example Agfa1280 has 5 kinds of settings, it is 1280 × respectively 960, 1024 × 768Hi, 1024 × 768, 640 × 480Hi and 640 × 480. Most photograph opportunity has default to install, if period of time did not use watch for an opportunity, for example after 30 minutes, when switching on the mobile phone afresh, default setting will be self-executing. Accordingly, before filming every time, change especially after batteries, must check the setting menu of camera afresh, affirm the setting such as resolution, aperture, otherwise, the result that possible short of expects the picture that takes.

2, film with highest resolution as far as possible

The resolution of digital camera is finite -- high-grade watch for an opportunity is such also. And be in in in cheap digital camera, the resolution of the photograph differs to 1024 × 768dpi from 640 × 480dpi, compare with traditional camera photograph, this resolution is very low. In fact, most Web figure is little at 640 × 480dpi. Because of the image that this number camera films, use as only of Web browsing still is appropriate.

Film when digital photo, get high definition is first issue as far as possible. Using what when traditional camera films, basically consider is to should take good view, compose good plan. If digital camera wants to film is the photography work of a model, all basic photography standard are applicable. But if just film a sole boy or girl friend, for example watch, mobile phone, so it is concerned find a view, OK to raise the standard that uses feeling etc need not consider. Should fill the object frame of find a view as far as possible at this moment, the photograph composition of a picture that makes namely is very bad irrespective also, should use the biggest resolution in place to photograph an object to go up.

In other words, if film is the photograph of a person, must include in casing of find a view all round scenery, make person and scenery achieve a balance, follow the principle of composition of a picture of traditional photography. But the number photographs, often film first the picture that includes setting, undertake image is handled again next, drop redundant partial clipping. This means the gold law that need not consider groovy photography, make the image that the plan uses is full of inside casing of find a view as far as possible. For example: Film the photograph of the computer in the home, should make there is computer only in casing of find a view, handle the cut out in software in the picture again next. This can make the resolution of appearance subject computer is achieved the biggest.

7, does SamSung number camera shine retreat?

Camera of SamSung mobile phone shines retreating is what reason,

Show the account that withdraw and processing technique

1, cache rubbish is overmuch

In the process that using software at ordinary times, can produce document of a few rubbish, if do not clear for long,can bring about a mobile phone more and more card, also can appear shine remove a condition.

Enter setting – to use a program -- all -- find the applied program that has a problem, clear divisor is occupied or cache. (Note: Cleared data, information of the individual setting that can keep clear of to apply, account. Information of the individual setting that can keep clear of to apply, account..

2, moving program is overmuch

If do not undertake installing, a lot of software meet him to move, and program of mobile phone tiring-room can cause memory to be not worth too much, cause application to shine thereby retreat. Shine like occurrence software retreat, ke Xianqing retries after manage memory try.

3, the mobile phone kills poisonous software

Software of partial mobile phone is existing baleful code, can be killed poisonous software intercept cannot be entered normally consequently, should download platform to perhaps use software shop to download the game with higher safety factor through green.

(Note: 3 reasons can pass above now safe software clears, solve easily. But need attention asks discretion when deleting a few large files. But need attention asks discretion when deleting a few large files..

4, applied version problem

If applied version is inferior, can bring about application software incompatible, cause shine retreat. If be version too old, it is new version newlier can.

If appear,shine like new version retreat, it is applied correcting in still be being debugged originally, need not worry, very can fast rehabilitate.

5, net fast problem

Partial software needs a stable network, those who use is 2G/3G network, cause show the possibility that remove bigger, it is better that the proposal plays below the case that has WiFi.

6, lack data to wrap

A few large game need data to wrap ability to move. Want to install good data to wrap ability to use first so.

7, the system is incompatible

Partial software has particular demand to version, if systematic version is too low, software cannot support, can shine so retreat.

8, resolution is incompatible

Resolution of machine of adversary of a few software has particular demand, if mobile phone resolution is incompatible, partial software appears easily shine retreat or other mistake.

8, is report of bad news of SamSung number camera fast?

Digital camera report of extraordinary waste time, the likelihood is in-house a certain component has a problem, appear from loss. It is batteries outfit is inside camera, although did not switch on the mobile phone to also be in state of bad news report, and this kind is used up often very big.

The digital camera voltage stability demand to batteries is very high, common AA batteries is stabilized not easily because of voltage, show very quickly do not have report, n is very actually enough still.

If you put the batteries on camera,other uses electric equipment to go up to still can work, explain batteries itself does not have a problem. If n is over,total depletion is about to consider the fault of batteries oneself then.

9, how is SamSung number camera used?

Camera of use SamSung number needs the following measure:

Open camera above all, open the switch of camera. Some camera are closing plane position next pressing take a picture key also can switch on the mobile phone, but this kind of pattern is not quite steady. Because this still had better press,switch opens watch for an opportunity. Some camera may need to grow by switch ability open.

The choice films mode once camera is opened, you need to choose to film mode. Camera of most SamSung number offers automatic mode and form of hand movable mould. Automatic mode issues the parameter such as exposure of photograph opportunity self-correcting, focal length, comfortable in harmony photographs daily photograph. Below type of hand movable mould, you oneself can adjust all sorts of parameter of camera, spend in order to gain more careful control and taller originality freedom.

Those who if you are used,adjust exposure and focal length is type of hand movable mould, so you need oneself to adjust exposure and focal length. Exposure controls the rate of light and shade of the photograph, expose to the sun too or owe metropolis exposing to the sun to bring about a photograph lack fidelity. Focal length controls the definition of the photograph, different focal length is applied to film differently setting.

Right anxious and film get ready when you when filming, you need to be opposite anxious film photograph. Right anxious it is the key that ensures the picture is clear, can undertake be been opposite automatically through pressing shutter to bolt partly normally anxious, also can move through the hand right anxious will dominate pair of focuses. Once be opposite anxious finish, press shutter key can film photograph.

Preview and store the photograph films after finishing, whether does you can preview a photograph and the decision need retake. If the photograph is satisfactory, you can store its memory of the buy inside camera or outside in buy memory card. Delete a photograph to prevent an accident, had better duplicate the photograph to undertake backup in computer or cloud memory.

Anyhow, camera of use SamSung number is not complex, want you to be operated according to above measure only, film easily the picture that gives high quality.

10, how does SamSung number camera charge?

Digital camera charges the method asks reference: 1. Camera of nickel hydrogen batteries: Need takes out battery in putting special charger, charge.

2. lithium battery is portable camera: Service data line joins USB interface charges or power source of join of service data line charges (camera of join of data line need) . 3.NX intelligence camera: Need takes out batteries to be put in charger to charge. (NX2000 and NX300 can charge through computer of USB line join) note: Camera clew n is low begin to charge, be full of can, the longest charge time does not exceed 12 hours please, charge for long may make battery loss of life, cause breakdown, fire likely or explode.

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